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考点二、科普常识(2010湖北省黄冈市,二,15)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的四个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳选项。More than 3,000 languages are spoken in the world.Of all these languages,English is _46_used.When it is used ,the English language has also _47_many new words from other languages.For example ,Americans borrowed cookbookfrom _48_.They also borrowed tofuand knowtowfrom Chinese. As we know,there are _49_between western culture and Chinese culture.We can learn about those by comparing how certain words are used.For example , you are a lucky dog_50_you are a lucky person. _51_ a person who is ill,they say, sick as a dog.On _52_hand,Chinese people love cats very much .But in western culture, cat is sometimes used to describe a woman _53_is cruel.The rose is _54_a symbol of love in both China and some western countries.People think the rose _55_love,peace ,courage and friendship.China, a country _56_the largest population in the world ,has encouraged more people to learn English._57_the 1990s,English learning has been very _ 58_with Chinese people .Many of them have done well in English and have made great progress in _59_it.Now ,students are required to learn English,and the study of English is regarded as a very important industry in China _60_om the rest of the world .The English language has played an important part in our lives.46.A.more widely B.widely C.the most widely D.wide47.A.taken back B.taken in C.taken off D.taken out48.A.German B.Germany C.Germen D.Germans49.A.difference B.differences C.different D.difficulty50.A.to mean B.meant C.means D.meaning51.A.Describe B.TO describe C.Described D.Description52.Aother B.the other C.another D.the others53.A.which B.whom C.whose D.that54.A.supposed B.supplied C.considered D.regarded55.A.stands for B.stands by C.stood for D.stood up56.A.have B.which has C.that have D.is57.A.In B.For C.By D.Since58.A.interested B.fond C.popular D.tired59.A.spoken B.speak C.speaking D.spoke60.A.as well as B.as well C.also D.so well as 【答案】CBABC BBDCC BDCCA(2010.湖南长沙 第二节 完形填空) 通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从用给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。(共10小题计10分)Sports play an _31_part in our life.All over the world ,people enjoy sports.Wherever you are ,you can _32_ different kinds of sports or games.Some sports or games can go back to thousand of _33_,like running and jumping.Chinese Kung fu,for example,has a very long history._34_basketball and volleyball are new.Neither has a history of a hundred years.People are inventing new sports or games all the time.Sports help people keep healthy and happy and live _35_.Lots of people take part in sports and play games.But some people like to watch _36_do sports.In order to watch the games,some people _37_tickets or turn on their TVs at home.They dont go to bed until the games are _38_.When their player gets the first or their team wins,they often _39_very excited.When the seasons change,sports change will them.In seasons ,people play different games.For example ,swimming is fun in warm weather just like in summer,but skating or skiing (滑雪)is popular in_40_.31.A.different B.important C.strange32.A.watch B.look like C.look at33.A.seconds B.minutes C.years34.A.But B.Or C.So35.A.longer B.harder C.worse36.A.the other B.others C.other37.A.buy B.lend C.show38.A.away B.on C.over 39.A.smell B.get C.taste40.A.spring B.autumn C.winter【答案】BACAA BACBC(2010江苏省扬州市,二,15)阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。I was cute,active,happyuntil that day when I was 15 months old.I had a bad fall.I_16_on a glass rabbit and it cut my eye badly enough to blind it.The doctor said that if the eye was taken out,my face would become out of _17_,so my scarred(有疤痕的),blind and grey eye lived on with me.People often asked uncomfortable questions about my eye or_18_played jokes on me.When the kids played games,I was always the _19_guy.I _20_imagining that everyone looked down on me.Yet every time Mom noticed I was unhappy,she would say to me, Hold your head up high and face the world.It helped me move on in life.As a child ,I thought Mom meant, Be careful or you will fall down or knock into something _21_you are not looking .As a teenager ,I always looked down to hide my shame(自卑),but I found that people _22_me when sometimes I held my head up hign.In high school I was even made monitor,but _23_I still felt like a freak(怪物) ,All I really wanted was to look like _24_.When things got really bad,I would cary to my mom and she _25_look at me with loving eyes and say, Hold your head up high and face the world .Let them see the _26_that is inside.That is _27_Mom taught me pride.Mons love and encouragement gave me the confidence to remove my own doubt._28_I was able to look people in the eye.I learned not only to appreciate(欣赏)myself but to have deep love for others.Hold your head up highhas been _29_many times in my home.Each of my children has felt its _30_.The gift she gave me lives on in my children.16.A.moved B.tried C.appeared D.landed17.A.place B.order C.shape D.sight18.A.still B.even C.almost D.hardly19.A.bad B.good C.kind D.rude20.A.dressed up B.stoop up C.grew up D.brought up21.A.though B.but C.because D.so22.helped B.liked C.enjoyed D.hated23.indoors B.outdoors C.inside D.outside24.A.someone B.everyone C.someone else D.everyone else25.A.would B.should C.could D.might26.A.beauty B.heart C.mind D.love27.A.then B.why C.where D.how28.A.Normally B.Immediately C.Finally D.Suddenly29.A.shouted B.heard C.broadcast D.discussed30.A.power B.promise C.energy D.secret【答案】DBBAD CBDDA DDCBA(2010四川省成都市 六、完形填空。B计 10分)In some countries in Europe,such as France,Spain and Britain,the countryside is changing._56_has become different for many villages,and some villages are even_57_.There are many reasons for this.Firstly,young people _58_villages come to live in big _59_and they dont return.Secondly,people move to big cities to_60_,because there are very few jobs in the countryside.Some villages still_61_because people from big cities have bought a second housein the _62_,where they come and stay at weekends.The price of the houses in the villages_63_and the local people cant afford to buy a house there.Another problem is t hat its more and more _64_for farmers to live in the countryside.So they sell their _65_and find another job.56.A.Life B.Weather C.Everything57.A.the same B.richer C.disappearing58.A.around B.from C.to59.A.houses B.cities C.countries60.A.find jobs B.spend holidays C.relax themselves61.A.remain B.increase C.disappear62.A.towns B.cities C.villages63.A.goes up B.goes down C.stops rising 64.A.interesting B.common C.difficult65.A.products B.land C.furniture【答案】ACABA ACACB(2010山西省,.,15)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。The students in Shanghai No.3 Girls High School have a flower-arrangement (插花)lesson every week. The course is the 31 of its kind among middle schools inShanghai. Its a new start. It helps the students to enjoy the 32 of flowers better. Thats 33 the course has become very popular among the students.The teachers of the course are all 34 trained. They are good at this art and work hard at passing on the skill 35 students.So far ,many stuendts in the school 36 a lot of prizes in this field. In order to further 37 the stuents skill , the teachers usually play 35while stuents are arraging flowers .Stuendts 38 the music ,then they 39 more good ideas for flower-arrangement. Besids ,the teachers 40 teach the stuents other skills at the same time ,for example ,they ask the students 41 compositions about flower . In the way , students not only get art education but also improve 42 writing skills . Several months ago , some foreigners 43 visited the school .When they saw common flowers become more 44 and meaningful ,they got amazed and intereted. They made 45 and would play them for their own studentd after they returned home.( ) 31. A . first B second C. last.( ) 32 . A. color B .beauty C. smell( ) 33. A how B . when C. why( ) 34 . A .clearly B .specially C. politely( ) 35. A. with B .for C. to( ) 36 . A. win B . won C. have won( ) 37 . A .drop B .decide C. develop( ) 38 . A. music B .games C jokes( ) 39 . A. are angry with B . are pleased with C. are afraid of( ) 40. A. come up with B . run out of C. hold on to( ) 41 . A. always B .never C. hardly( ) 42 . A .write B . writing C. to write ( ) 43. A .their B .your C. our( ) 44 . A. ugly B .lively C. lonely( ) 45. A. plans B . notes C. videos【答案】ABCBC CCABA ACABC(2010 .河北省卷,.完形填空 ,计 10 分) Homesick is a compound (复合的) word made up of HOME and SICK. You know what each 46 means on its own, of course. But do you know the meaning 47 they are used together? The definition (定义) of homesick is SICK FOR HOME. It means you miss your home.Now think for a minute 48 SEASICK. If you change the word HOME in the definitionto the word SEA, would the definition 49 SEASICK? Does seasick mean SICK FOR SEA?It means something quite 50 . Seasick means SICK BY THE MOVEMENT ON THE SEA. When you are 51 , the only place you want to be is at home. When you are seasick, 52 you want to be is at sea.Have you ever 53 a person being heartsick? Heartsick doesnt mean that something is wrong with a persons heart. People are heartsick when they are 54 deep inside as if (好像) their hearts are broken.And we also have other compound words, such as handshake and 55 . Perhaps you may write definitions for them. It must be helpful to know something like this in your English study.46. A. word B. phrase C. sentence D. passage47. A. how B. why C. when D. where48. A. for B. from C. about D. like49. A. get B. fit C. read D. have50. A. right B. wrong C. same D. different 51. A. homesick B. heartsick C. seasick D. carsick52. A. the first place B. the last place C. the only place D. the safe place53. A. thought over B. thought out C. heard from D. heard of54. A. hurt B. hit C. loved D. moved55. A. hobby B. height C. heaven D. handbag【答案】46-50 ABCBD 51-55ACDDD(2010.江苏省盐城市,二、完形填空 计15分)阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Red is the color of China.Among all the _16_,red id most easily seen.The color red is fresh and pure,_17_in China we call it China Red.Chinese people are attracted by the color red not only because it makes people excited,but also because it has _18_meaning in Chinese culture and history.No country in the world has ever _19_a color in such a way as China.Here,red is a symbol.It gives color to the soul(灵魂)of the nation.In the past,red represented dignity(尊严)and mystery.Even now .Chinese people _2_the color much more than we do.It can be said that China Red is an everlasting theme for China,and an_21_color for the Chinese people China Red has _22_ a very popular word,attracting the worlds attention.Finding red-colored things in China is very _23_,as you can see the color everywhere.All traditional red things have been playing special_24_in China,the walls of ancient palaces,the _25_flag,Chinese knots,lanterns,traditional paper -cuts,and even red tauhulu.Red is the color of the _26_,health,harmony,happiness,peace,richness and so on.Only real things and events can fully-27_and explain its beauty.The color can be-28_and meaningful only when its connected with people.In China,red is more than just a color.It carries the ancient history and -29_of the Chinese nation.China Red is _30_with mysterious charm beyond description and it is right here in China waiting for you to feel,to discover!16.A.colors B.news C.papers D.paints17.A.but B.or C.and D.while18.A.poor B.rich C.simple D.correct19.A.used B.shared C.drawn D.affected20.A.need B.dislike C.hate D.love 21.A.interesting B.expensive C.easy-going D.important22.A.spoken B.said C.become D.got23.A.hard B.easy C.sudden D.warm24.A.roles B.games C.cards D.places25.A.national B.international C.local D.foreign26.A.rainbow B.fear C.worry D.luck27.A.believe B.show C.talk D.write28.Alarge B.quiet C.alive D.peaceful29.A.art B.culture C.business D.ability30.A.pleased B.crowded C.filled D.satisfied【答案】1620ACBAD 2125DCBAA 2630DBCBC(2010.四川省自贡市 第二节 完形填空B,满分 10分)Traveling is fun because you can see how people in other parts of the world live.One thing travelers dont often think about before _46_is how other cultures bathe.And bathrooms in many countries may be _47_from the kind you are used to.In the United States,most people take a_48_once a day in the morning.The showerhead is usually mounted (镶嵌)on the _49_and cannot be moved.The bather slimpy_50_under the water,gets wet,scrubs (擦洗)with soap and often w washcloth,and then rinses(冲洗)off._51_often take a bath each night and enjoy playing with small toys such as boats and rubber ducks.Many adults,especially women,enjoy a soothing(让人宽心的)bath_52_rid of stress at the end of the day._53_is important to remember that when you take a shower or bath in the United States,you should be careful to keep the water inside the bathtub or shower.Unlike bathrooms in many countries,there is no drain(排水管)in the floor. _54_water gets on the floor,it cannot go anywhere and must be _55_up with a towel or mop(拖把).It can also cause problems for the floor.So be careful.46.A.to travel B.traveling C.traveled47.A.different B.same C.similar48.A.shower B.rest C.sleep49.A.floor B.bath C.wall 50.A.runs B.stands C.lies51.A.Adults B.Old people C.Children52.gets B.to get C.getting53.A.It B.This C.That54.A.Since B.If C.While55.A.cleaned B.to clean C.cleaning【答案】46-50 BAACB 51-55CBABA(2010江苏省南京市,二、完形填空 ,满分10分)If we take a close look at successful language learners ,we may discover a few techniques (技巧)which make language learning easier for them._16_,successful language learners are independent learners.They do not depend on (依赖)books or teachers;they _17_their own way to learn the language.They try to find the patterns and the reles for themselves -18_waiting for the teacher to explain everything .They are good guessers who look for clues and form their _19_conclusions which are very different from others.Successful language learning is _20_learning .Therefore.successful learners do not wait for a chance to use the language;they _21_such a chance.They find people who speak the language and ask these people to correct them _22_they make mistakes.They will try anything to communicate.When communication is difficult,they can_23_ information that is incompleate (不完整的)It is more important for them to learn to _24_in the language than to know the meaning of every word.Finally,successful language learners are learners with a _25_in order to communicate with these people and learn from them.They want to learn a language because they are interested in the language and the people who speak it.It is necessary for them to learn the language.16.A.As usual B.First of all C.By the way D.So far17.A.explain B.make C.discover D.change18.A.instead of B.after C.because of D.from19.A.correct B.own C.only D.main20.A.ideal B.informal C.early D.active21.A.look for B.care about C.work out D.write down22.A.until B.whether C.before D.when23.A.break B.check C.download D.accept24.A.agree B.ask C.think D.read25.A.purpose B.certificate C.guide D.question【答案】16-20 BCABD 21-25 ADDCA(2010山东省潍坊市 三、完形填空 ,满分10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从ABCD四个选项中选出最佳选项。A 14-year-old boy from the USA was described as a hero yesterday after he saved the life of a woman in another country.Dean Bluey from Dallas,Texas,was a school boy who has much _31_in computer.One day ,he_32_an email to a friend on the Internet.Suddenly he received a message saying Help! Pain!Help The message was from Finland._33_kilometers away from America. I didnt know _34_I should do,Dean said to a reporter afterwards. It was really difficult to tell if the message was real.So Dean did nothing at first._35_the message kept coming.By then it was easy to see that someone was in trouble,Dean explained.He _36_and discovered that the sender was a student called Tarja,who was alone in a university library.She was ill.What was _37_,there

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