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一 写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式1 work read 2 clean write 3 teach wash 4 guess watch 5 go do 6 study fly 7 cry play 8 have sit works reads cleans writes teaches washes guesses watches goes does studies flies cries plays has sits 二 写出下列动词的现在分词形式work sing play study dance have write take run sit shop swim lie fly speak working singing playing studying dancing having writing taking running sitting shopping swimming lying flying speaking 三 一般现在时和现在进行时练习题 1 Who overtherenow A singingB aresingC issingingD sing2 It seighto clock Thestudents anEnglishclass A haveB havingC ishavingD arehaving3 Listen Thebaby inthenextroom A cryingB criedC iscryingD cries4 Look Thetwins newsweaters A arewearingB wearingC arewearD iswearing5 Don ttalkhere Grandparents A issleepingB aresleepingC sleepingD sleep6 Tomisaworker He inafactory Hissisters inahospital A work workB works workC work works LOGO 7 Who Englishbestinyourclass A speakB speaksC speaking8 MrsRead thewindowseveryday A iscleaningB cleanC cleans9 We musicandoften tomusic A like listenB likes listensC like arelistening10 She upatsixinthemorning A getB getsC getting11 OnSundayhesometimes hisclothesandsometimes someshopping A wash doB iswashing isdoingC washes does12 Thetwinsusually milkandbreadforbreakfast butJim somecoffeeforit A have haveB have hasC has have 13 我正在寻找孩子 A Iamlookingforthebaby B I mlookforthebaby C Ilookforthebaby D Ilookingforthebaby 14 Myfriend akitenow A makes B make C ismaking D ismakeing15 Isthewoman purpleyourteacher A in B puttingon C wearing D having16 Look Thetwins theirmotherdothehousework A arewanting B help C arehelping D arelooking17 arethebirdsdoing Theyaresinginginatree A Who B What C How D Where18 Isshe something A eat B eating C eatting D eats19 你在干什么 A Whatisyoudoing B Whatareyoudo C Whatareyoudoing D Whatdoyoudo 20 Whatareyoulistening A B for C at D to21 我正在听他说话 A Ilisteningtohim B I mlisteningtohim C I mlistentohim D I mlisteninghim 22 Theyare theirclothes A makeing B putting C putaway D puttingon23 Listen She intheclassroom A issinging B sing C tosing D issing24 TodayJim hiswhiteshirtandbrowntrousers A isputtingon B wear C puton D iswearing25 areyoueating I meating meat A What some B Which any C Where not D What a26 They TVintheevening Theydotheirhomework A arewatching B can twatching C don twatch D don twatching 四 用现在进行时完成下列句子 1 What you do 2 I sing anEnglishsong 3 What he write 4 He drive acar 5 you fly akite Yes 6 she sit intheboat 7 you ask questions 8 We play gamesnow are doing amsinging is writing isdriving Are flying am Is sitting Are asking areplaying 五 用括号里所给词的正确形式填空 1 Myfatheralways come backfromworklate 2 Theteacherisbusy He sleep sixhoursaday 3 Listen Joan sing intheclassroom 4 Sheoften sing there 5 yourbrother speak Chinese 6 Where you have luncheveryday 7 Thegirl like wearingaskirt 8 Look She wear aredskirttoday 9 Weoften play footballontheplayground 10 Mike read Englisheveryday 11 What do heusually do afterschool 12 He get upatfiveo clock comes sleeps issinging sings Does speak do have likes wears play Does read does do gets 七 选择填空1 Mymotheroftenoranges AeatB eatsC eating2 Myauntsometimesverywell A singB singsC singing3 Jackusuallygrandpaverymuch A missB missesC missing4 He hishomeworknow A doingB isdoingC does5 Lily thepianonow A playingBplaysCisplaying6 Look Tom intheseanow A swimB swimmingC isswimming7 Listen Thestudents now A cryB arecryingCcries8 Abirdeveryday A fliesB flyC isflying9 Thehorsesoftenfast A runB runsC isrunning10 Sheeverynight A danceB dancesC aredancing B B B B C C B A A B 11 HetochurchonSundays AgoB goesCisgoing12 Mommehernewearringseveryday AshowB showsC isshowing13 SheTVeverynight A watchesB watchCiswatching14 They themountaineveryday AclimbsBclimbCisclimbing15 Don tmakenoises She now AsleepingBissleepingCsleeps16 He thepicturenow ApaintingBpaintsCispainting17 Look He now AdanceBisdancingCdances B B A B B C B 18 Myparentsmetotheparkeveryweek A takeB takesC aretaking19 Thatelephanttwobigears A haveB hasC areDis20 Myuncleclotheseveryevening AwashesB iswashingC wash21 I aletterinthemailboxnowAputtingBamputtingCput22 I ahistorybooknow AreadBamreadingCreads A B A B B 八 连词成句1 wrong is what you with 2 breakfast cereal would you like for some 3 is the picture bed the above 4 the much dumplings for how 5 ride hotel he the a to bike Whatiswrongwithyou Wouldyoulikesomecerealforbreakfast Thepictureisabovethebed Howmuchforthedumplings Heridesabiketothehotel

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