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高考维“升”素10航天科技(时间:30分钟 分值:56分)维A 阅读理解(每题2分,满分8分)(2012辽宁卷)Astronauts on shorter shuttle missions (使命) often work very long days.Tasks are scheduled so tightly that break times are often used to finish the days work.This type of schedule is far too demanding for long missions on the International Space Station (ISS)ISS crewmembers usually live in space for at least a quarter of a year.They work five days on and two days off to mimic the normal way they do things on Earth as much as possible.Weekends give the crew valuable time to rest and do a few hours of housework.They can communicate with family and friends by email,Internet phone and through private video conferences.While astronauts cannot go to a baseball game or a movie in orbit,there are many familiar activities that they can still enjoy.Before a mission,the family and friends of each ISS crewmember put together a collection of family photos, messages,videos and reading material for the astronauts to look at when they will be floating 370 kilometers above the Earth.During their mission,the crew also receives care packages with CDs,books,magazines,photos and letters.And as from early 2010,the Internet became available on the ISS,giving astronauts the chance to do some “Web surfing(冲浪)” in their personal time.Besides relaxing with these more common entertainments,astronauts can simply enjoy the experience of living in space.Many astronauts say that one of the most relaxing things to do in space is to look out of the window and stare at the universe and the Earth.Both the shuttle and the ISS circle the planet several times each day,and every moment offers a new view of the Earths vast land mass and oceans.【语篇解读】 宇航员每年一般会在太空待上至少三个月的时间。他们在太空的工作也是五天制,每工作五天就休息两天。那么,在茫茫太空,他们是如何度过这两天的呢?本文向我们介绍宇航员在太空的“周末”生活。1What does the word “mimic” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?AFind. BCopy. CChange. DLose.答案B考查词义猜测。第一段提到宇航员工作五天,休息两天,再根据画线词后的部分可知,太空中的宇航员在尽可能地“模仿”在地球上的正常生活方式,因此B正确。2Which of the following best describes the families of the astronauts on the ISS?AThey are caring and thoughtful.BThey are worried and upset.CThey are impatient and annoyed.DThey are excited and curious.答案A考查推理判断。第二段提到在宇航员执行任务之前,宇航员的家人和朋友就会给他们准备物品,而在宇航员执行任务期间,他们还会收到包裹,由此可知,这些宇航员的家人关心他们,为他们考虑得很周到,因此选A。3In the last paragraph,the author shows that astronauts _.Aget more pleasure in space than on the EarthBfind living in space a bit boring and tiringCregard space life as commonDlove to see the Earth from space答案D考查推理判断。最后一段提到很多宇航员认为在太空最惬意的事就是透过窗户看宇宙和地球,每个瞬间他们看到的地球的陆地与海洋的景色都不同。由此推断他们喜欢从太空看地球。4The passage mainly discusses how astronauts _.Awork for longer missions in spaceBconnect with people on the EarthCobserve the Earth from spaceDspend their free time in space答案D考查主旨大意。全文介绍宇航员在太空中是如何度过他们的休闲时光的,因此选D。维B 完形填空(每题1.5分,满分30分)选材网站:http:/www.timeforkids.com高考曾用材料:2010安徽卷D篇选材相似度:设题相似度:难度系数: “Thats one small step for man,one giant leap for mankind.” On July 20,1969,millions of Americans turned on their televisions to see American astronaut Neil Armstrong,who spoke these words from the surface of the moon.For 19 minutes,Armstrong stood _1_ where no human had ever stood before.Then crewmember Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin _2_ him on the gray,dusty soil.Though the blackandwhite television _3_ were jerky and blurred,ecstatic earthlings _4_ as if they,too,had flew above the world.In the 1950s and 60s,two countries _5_ to get to the moon first: the US.and the Soviet Union (a large nation of republics,including Russia,that _6_ until 1991)Unmanned Soviet rockets got to the moon _7_,but the Apollo program made _8_.Three astronauts manned the Apollo 11 mission:Armstrong,Aldrin and Michael Collins.The _9_ from Earth to the moon _10_ four days.A special lunar module,nicknamed Eagle,carried Armstrong and Aldrin _11_ the moon while Collins remained in lunar orbit.The landing was _12_.It took Armstrong longer than _13_ to find a level place to land.The lunar module had _14_ 40 seconds of fuel remaining when it safely _15_.“The Eagle has landed,” Armstrong _16_.“You got a bunch of guys about to turn _17_,” responded Charles Duke,at NASAs headquarters in Houston,Texas.“Were _18_ again.”Armstrong and Aldrin spoke to President Richard Nixon by radio telephone.They set up scientific experiments,_19_ soil samples and planted an American flag on the surface of the moon.They also _20_ a plaque that reads:“We came in peace for all mankind.” Though the flag was blown over when the lunar module took off,the footprints left by the astronauts are still there.Notes:blurred adj.模糊不清的ecstatic earthlings狂喜的人们module n登月舱plaque n板;片【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。全文讲述了美国第一次载人航天飞机登月球的情况。文章着重讲述了登月前美国与苏联的竞争,以及登月过程中令人揪心的一幕。1A.alone Blonely Chappily Dexcited答案A联系下文的“Then crewmember Edwin BuzzAldrin_2_ him on the gray,dusty soil.”可知,先是阿姆斯特朗独自一人登上月球。其他选项表达他的感受,显然与空后所描述的相冲突。2A.welcomed Bgreeted Cparted Djoined答案D联系上下文可知,阿姆斯特朗第一个登上月球,接下来是艾德林,因此说艾德林与他会合。3A.sets Bimages Cbroadcasts Dcurrents答案B我们可以推断当时的电视直播了他们登月的画面,但是当时的黑白电视图像是不稳定与模糊的。current的意思是“电流”,可以排除。4A.acted Bfelt Cthought Dspoke答案B看到两个人登上月球,狂喜的人们感觉就像自己也登上月球一样。5A.tried Braced Cfailed Dmanaged答案B联系空后的“to get to the moon first”可知,这两个国家竞争,看谁第一个登上月球。race在这里的意思是“比赛;竞争”。6A.existed Bseparated Cunited Dstood答案A括号内是对苏联的解释。显然,until 1991是指苏联存在的时间。B有一定的干扰性,separated的时间是1991年后,因此可以排除。7A.second Blast Cfirst Dfinally答案C联系空前的“Unmanned Soviet rockets”以及空后的“but”可知,苏联的无人飞船先到达月球。8A.discoveries Bjourneys Ctravels Dhistory答案D联系上文可知,美国的载人飞船最先到达月球,因此说阿波罗计划创造了历史。9A.trip Bheight Cdifference Dtime答案A结合空后的“from Earth to the moon _10_ four days”可知,整个旅行花费了四天。10A.showed Btook Cindicated Dchanged答案B从空后的four days可以得此答案。11A.to and from Bfrom and to Cback to Dback from答案A根据登月的过程,显然是先到达,然后回来。12A.easy Blong Cshort Dtense答案D联系“It took Armstrong longer than _13_ (expected)to find a level place to land.”可知,着陆是非常紧张的,再结合下文的“You got a bunch of guys about to turn _17_”也可以得此答案。13A.imagined Bsupposed Cexpected Dguessed答案C联系下文提到的燃料剩得很少可知,登陆的时间比预期的要长。imagine是“想象”;suppose是“假定”;guess是“猜测”。14A.less than Bmore than Cat least Danother答案A“less than 40 seconds of fuel remaining”说明着陆的时间比预期的要长。more than与at least都表现“多”,而another意思是“另一个”,可排除。15A.flew off Btouched down Clay down Dslowed down答案Btouched down在这里等于landed。16A.reported Bsigned Cresponded Dreplied答案A显然这是阿姆斯特朗向地面指挥中心的汇报。其他选项可以依据情景和常识排除。17A.glad Bexcited Canxious Dblue答案Dblue在这里的意思是“忧郁;难过”。18A.speaking Bbreathing Cwalking Dworking答案B“Were breathing again”说明当时人们的担心。19A.created Bphotographed Ccollected Ddropped答案C联系空后的“soil samples”可知,他们在月球上收集了土壤样本。20A.took away Bleft behind Cset up Dsent away答案B联系空后的板上的字可知,他们把板留在月球上。维C 阅读理解(每题2分,满分8分)选材网站:www.airliners.net/aircraftdata/stats高考曾用材料:2009福建卷C篇选材相似度:设题相似度:难度系数:The worlds largest aircraft made its public debut last week at Europes biggest factory,a purpose built assembly line in Toulouse,southern France.The Airbus A380 will have 50 percent more floor space than American rival Boeings 747 Jumbo,with room for dutyfree shops,restaurants and even a sauna.This new arrival is expected to change the face of air travel.The A380 will enter service early next year with Singapore Airlines.Airbus claims the A380 will burn less fuel,make less noise,create less pollution and cost 17 percent less per seat than the 747.It will also reduce traffic problems in the skies.The aircraft,which cost between 140 million (US $250m) and 157 million (US $280m ) each compared with 84 million (US $150m) for Boeings new Dreamliner jet,is being built at 16 factories in Germany,France,Spain and the UK.But activists have warned of more noise and pollution from the Superjumbo,while Boeing believes huge aircraft will not be in great demand over the next decade.As a result,it is putting faith in the much smaller 747 Dreamliner.But Airbus is pinning its hopes on the “big is beautiful” theory,gambling on size being the key factor in the USEuropean battle for the skies.Airbus said it was in talks with half a dozen global airlines about buying the A380.China Eastern Airlines,already an Airbus customer,is said to be targeted,while executives made it plain that they wanted to fight for the Japanese market,which had traditionally been controlled by Boeing.Over the next 20 years,Airbus hopes to sell 750 of the new planes into a market worth 185 billion (US $330bil)The company already has 129 firm orders for the A380,with 52 options.【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。全文讲述了“空中巴士A380”的情况。1According to Airbus,which of the following is NOT the advantage of A380 compared to Boeing 747?AMaking less noise,causing less traffic problems.BUsing less fuel,costing less money.CCreating less pollution,having less weight.DHaving more floor space,creating less pollution.答案C细节理解题。根据第三段的内容可以看出,C选项的“have less weight”不是A380的优点。2From the passage,we can NOT infer that _.AAirbus is aiming at the Japanese marketBBoeing is a rival of AirbusCA380 hasnt been used yetDBoeing is better than Airbus答案D推理判断题。从倒数第二段“while executives made it plain that they wanted to fight for the Japanese market”可以推断出A选项,Airbus正准备进军日本市场。从第一段的“The Airbus A380 will have 50 percent more floor space than American rival Boeings 747 Jumbo”可以推断出B选项,Boeing是Airbus的竞争对手。从第二段“The A380 will enter service early next year with Singapore Airlines.”可知,A380 还没有投入使用。3In the Airbus A380,passengers cannot find _.Adutyfree shops Brestaurants Cbanks Da sauna答案C细节理解题。第一段第二句提到“空中巴士A380比它的竞争对手Boeing747 有更多的空间有免税商店、饭店及桑拿浴室”,但没提到银行。4According to the news,the prospect of A380 may be _.Anot so good Bcheerful Cundesirable Dgloomy答案B推理判断题。通过文章对“空中巴士A380”的描述,我们可以推知:其前景是相当乐观的。维D 单词拼写(每小题1分,满分10分)根据下列各句句意和空白之后的汉语提示词,在横线上写出对应单词的正确、完整形式,每空只写一词。1Some students have promised never to smoke again in the _(将来)2The Smiths went swimming in the lake and had a _(野餐) there.3Lucy was _(接受) as a volunteer for the Olympics.4The brave cowboys sped _(穿过) the stream on horseback.5_(同时),my parents are very concerned about my school life and safety.6Faced with _(困难),all the pupils know how to deal with them.7We must restrain ourselves from _(吐痰) in public places.8A new theory was needed to _(解释) these discoveries.9_(事实上),each language has its own spelling and expression.10Do you know we will build more _(地铁) in Xian city?答案1.future2.picnic3.accepted4.across5Meanwhile/Meantime6.difficulties7.spitting8explain9.Actually10.subways/undergrounds版权所有:高考试题库(www.学优高考网.com)版权所有:高考试题库(www.学优高考网.com)

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