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1.接连发生的酒后驾驶、飙车肇事致死案,引发了社会高度关注。8月15日起,全国行动,重拳整治“酒驾”,各地出台措施,狠扎酒驾痛穴。请你根据以下内容,以Treasure Our Lives为题在你个人博客上发文,奉劝司机朋友珍爱生命,切莫酒后驾车。案例15月7日,杭州市中心飙车案,过路浙大毕业生身亡。26月30日,南京司机醉驾肇事,5死4伤。呼吁1. 关爱生命,关爱社会,关爱家人。2. 履行公民职责,拒绝酒后驾车。3. 路人自我防范,避免交通事故。参考词汇:飙车 drag-race;醉驾drunk driving;路人pedestrian。词数120左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。Treasure Our LivesWith the number of cars increasing in cities, traffic accidents occur frequently, calling serious attention across the globe and becoming a major concern in our society today.Frightening news never stops shocking people. May 7th witnessed a terrible accident due to drag-racing in the city center of Hangzhou,causing immediate death of a Zhejiang University graduate, who was then crossing the road. On June 30th, drunk driving in Nanjing resulted in five deaths and four injuries.Painful lessons quite set the alarm bells ringing. Harmonious society calls for people who treasure their lives as well as their family and the society itself. Drivers should always put their responsibilities on top of everything and say “no” strongly to drunk driving. For the sake of safety, pedestrians are never too careful while crossing streets. Only when everybody obeys traffic rules can we enjoy a happier life.2.假设最近某校就同学们的习惯养成问题展开了广泛的讨论。请你根据下表所提示的信息,用英语写一篇题为 A good habit, a successful life的短文,发表在该校的网站上。 良好的学习习惯1及时预习;2认真听课;3独立作业;良好的生活习惯1健康饮食;2经常锻炼;3珍惜时间; 为何要养成良好习惯(请考生结合自身认识,给出一至两点) 如何改掉不良习惯(请考生结合自身感受,给出一至两点)注意:1对所给要点逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。2词数150左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。3作文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。A good habit, a successful lifeA habit is something that you do often or regularly almost without thinking, especially something that is hard to stop doing.Good habits of learning, such as previewing what you will study, listening to teachers attentively in class, completing given assignments by yourself and reviewing what youve learned in time, will help you acquire more knowledge and improve your skills. Meanwhile, good habits of living will make you develop soundly, both physically and mentally. Therefore you must attach importance to healthy food, constant exercise, reasonable schedules and eyesight protection.Good habits contribute to our success. Once a good habit is formed, it will give us power to control ourselves. While we are making efforts to form good habits, we should try to kick bad habits. Though bad habits are hard to get rid of, yet we all know where there is a will, there is a way. If we insist on behaving ourselves properly, we are sure to remove them.Do remember good habits will give us a successful life.3.请根据下面提供的漫画所反应的现象和问题,写一篇题为 “The faster, the better?”的短文你的短文应该包含:1. 漫画描述和反映的问题是什么?2. 面对这样的问题,你有什么样的想法?3. 在我们的学习生活中应该怎样正确地解决这样的问题?The faster, the better?As we can see in the picture, two men are competing against each other in building walls. One man has built up an obviously higher but twisted wall, while the others work is completely vertical, strong and solid though lower.The picture implies a very important rule of doing things that we always need a balance between speed and quality. In our daily life, “The faster, the better” has become a motto for us due to the fiercely competitive environment of our society. However, our work has no value at all if we overlook the quality of it just like the man in the picture. As students, with the heavy burdens of our studies, we are required to do things at high speed. Meanwhile, we should always bear it in mind that no matter how fast we need to achieve something, quality may never be ignored. After all, it is our test results rather than the speed that counts. 4. You are supposed to write a composition on the topic Making Friends Selectively or Extensively? You should write about 120 words and base your writing on the outline given below:1. 有些人认为应该有选择地交朋友2. 另一些人认为应该广泛地交朋友3. 你的看法Making Friends Selectively or Extensively? When it comes to whether we should make friends selectively or extensively, there is no complete agreement among people. Some people take it for granted that we should make friends selectively and carefully. However, others maintain that making friends extensively should be regarded as the better choice. Those people who hold the first opinion believe that its sensible to look for friends who have similar ideal and outlook on life as well as temperament. In addition, they neednt waste time dealing with the people they dont like and prevent themselves from being affected by those people. However, still others think differently. In their opinions, the more friends we make, the easier our life will be. Besides, they argue that we can absorb and learn from the advantages of different people.Weighing up these two arguments, I prefer the former one. For one thing, not all friends are suitable for us and easy to get along with. For another, friends with similar goals will help us sweep off difficulties. Considering these, we may reasonably conclude that making friends selectively can bring us a true friend.

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