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7B Unit 4 Amazing things一词组翻译(20分)1, 花费某人时间/金钱做某事 _2, 从地球到月球 _3, 在非洲 _4, 保持他们的眼睛闭着 _5, 同时 _6, 用脚尖走路 _7, 植物生命 _8, 50米长 9, 想要做某事 _ 15,像往常一样 _10, 转身 _ 16, 不寻常的事 _11,跑开,逃跑 _ 17, 仔细听 _12,碰见,遇见 _ 18,在某人去某地的路上 _13仔细搜查 _ 19, 自言自语 _14,照顾 _ 20,不再 _二、补全对话(每小题1分,共10分)W: Excuse me. Do you have any books about a 1 ? M: Let me s 2 . Oil, here they are. W: What are they a 3 ? M: Giraffes. A 4 things about them. It s 5 that a giraffe has only seven b 6 in its long neck. W: Great. How 1 7 can I keep it? M: F 8 two weeks. W: OK. Ill g 9 it back in two weeks. Bye. M: S 10 you.三 把下列句子改成感叹句子(10分)1 She is a tall girl . _! 2 They are very clever . _!3 He works very hard . _!4 The bread is rather delicious. _!5 The weather is quite warm today . _四、选择题(15分)1( ).There is a river in my hometown. It is about _ long. A. 5 hundreds kilometers B. 5 hundred kilometers C. 5 hundreds kilometer D. 5 hundred kilometer2. ( ) -Is this _ dictionary?-No. It isnt _. Its _.A. his, his, her B. hes, his, hers C. his, his, hers D. his, hes, hers3. ( ) Its very cold outside. Most of the families keep their windows _.A. open B. opened C. close D. closed4( ). In spring, you will _ the whisper of the breeze(清风),if you _ carefully. A. hear, listen B. listen, hear C. hear, listen to D. listen to, hear5. ( )Jane _ Jay Chou. She buys every album(专辑) of him and goes to every concert(演唱会) by him. A. is crazy about B. likes C. dislikes D. hates 6( )._ great fun the children have playing in the park!A. What B. How C. What a D. How a7. ( ) The students are _ to know that elephants can walk quietly on tiptoe.A. surprising B. surprised C. frightening D. frightened 8. ( )In spring, it is good for you to sleep _ your windows open. A. for B. and C. with D. but9. ( )Some of the frogs have _ to kill about 2,200 people. A. poisonous enough B. enough poisonous C. enough poison D. poison enough10. ( )- How do you like this DVD?- _. I enjoy it very much. A. Its like a book. B. Its not interesting at all. C. Its about animals. D. Its very funny. 11. ( )It is terrible. The cat miaowed a lot at night recently. It _ a baby crying. A. sound B. sounds C. sound like D. sounds like12. ( )It was _ late when we got home. The children are sleeping, so we walked into the house _A. quiet, quitely B. quite, quitely C. quite, quietly D. quiet, quietly13. ( )The machine is making so much _ . How _ it is!A. noisy, noise B. noise, noisy C. noise, noisily D. noise, noise14. ( )_ you afraid of _ late for school?A. Are, be B. Do, be C. Are, being D. Do, being15. ( )It is a little bit _ to know that the most dangerous animal is mosquitoes.A. funny B. wonderful C. strange D. great五、Millie正在做家庭作业她有几个单词不会写,你来帮助她一把吧!(20分)1. The world is so interesting. It is full of _(令人惊奇的) things. 2. Without _(闪电), there would be no plant life in the world. 3. Do you think _ (大象) are the largest animals on land? 4. When the little girl saw the big dog, she was _(害怕的). 5. My brother is too young to look after _(他自己).A. Mille不知道该用什么形式的词来填空,你来帮他一把吧!1. Air is so important for us. We cant live _(with) it. 2. They can hear the whisper, but they cant find anything _(usual). 3. Our teacher _ (take) us to the museum yesterday morning. 4. She often makes a lot of mistakes. She is not _(care) at all. 5. It takes me two hours _(do) my homework every day. 6. A monkey can use _(it) tail to hang down from the tree. 7. Millie was _(surprise)to hear the bad news. 8. The books are not Millies. They are those _(child). 9. My father told me a _(fun) story and I laughed a lot. 10. Pandas are so _(love). I love watching them eat bamboos. B. 请你帮助Millie,选用所给词组的适当形式填空。 (10分)take turns, as well as, as usual, at the same time, belong to, sound like1. Simon is often late for school. Today he is late _.2. Jimmy is very good at singing. Daniel sings _ Jimmy. 3. Hey you cant draw lines in that dictionary. It _ the library.4. At the bus stop, we should _ to get on the bus. 5. Both Millie and Kitty are clever. They worked out the problem _ yesterday. 六 句子大变形,试试看你一定能行的!(20分)1. Snakes do not have ears. (同义句) Snakes _ _ ears.2. My sister likes watching Hollywood films.(否定句)My sister _ watching Hollywood films.3. Will you please give my tennis racket back to me tomorrow? (同义句) Will you please _ my tennis racket _ me tomorrow? 4. Some fish sleep in the daytime. (对划线部分提问)_ _ some fish sleep?5. Sandy likes music . (同义句) Sandy _ _ _ music. 6. I spent 30 minutes playing volleyball after school yesterday. (同义句) It _ _ 30 minutes _ _ volleyball after school yesterday. 7. Mr. Smith has a big house in the country. (同义句) The big house in the countryside _ _ Mr. Smith. 8. Animal Center will look after animals well. (同义句) Animal Center will _ _ _ _ animals. 七 、根据中文完成句子。(10分)1 我女儿出生时有3500克。 My daughter was 3500 grams _ _.2 我的笔坏了。我能用你的吗?_ pen is broken . Can _ use _ ?3 有些乌龟能活到200 岁。Some tortoises can _ _ _ 200 years .4. 我们转过头来,但没有发现什么异常。We _ _ but saw _ _ .八、 阅读理解。(10分)When the plane was waiting at the airport a big snake climbed up the steps and into the plane. It went to sleep under the pilots(飞行员) seat. Nobody noticed. Soon the passengers(乘客) get on the plane and it took off. A little girl called Mary took out a whistle(哨子) and began playing. But none of the passengers liked the music. They got the stewardess(女乘务员)to ask the girl to stop.The sound of the planes engines(发动机) woke up the snake. It put its head out and looked around the captains(机长的) room. When the captain saw the snake, he was so frightened that he could hardly breath. He was so afraid that he could not control(控制) the plane. The plane began to swing(摇晃)from side to side. The stewardess told the passengers what was happening and ask them to calm down. Mary was not afraid. She ran to the captains room with her whistle and began to play the slow tune(曲子). At once the snake followed her. The girl returned to her seat and the snake lay on the floor beside her. Dancing to the music.When the plane landed the airport the snake was taken in a net to a zoo near Marys house. She often went to visit the snake.( )1._ saw the snake climb into the plane.A. SomebodyB. NobodyC. AnybodyD. Everybody( )2.Mary_ playing her whistle after the stewardess asked her to stop.A. didnt stopB. went onC. was stillD. stopped( )3.The plane was in danger because_.A. there was trouble in one of the enginesB. the pilot suddenly fell ill C. the capital was so frightened by the snake that he could not control the plane D. the snake killed the pilot( )4.The snake_ the music Mary was playing.A. likedB. didnt enjoy C. was frightened by D. became afraid of( )5.It was_ who saved all the peoples lives in the plane.A. a brave man B. stewardesses C. Mary D. the captain九 .完形填空(每小题1分,共10分) Mosquitoes are all over the world. Fortunately(幸运的是), 1 mosquitoes are interested in animals, birds, and even other insects(昆虫). Only certain kinds of mosquitoes bite(咬) people. However, if a mosquito is fond of your blood(血), she 2 you several times, or she may pick several people 3 .She can store 15 4 20 bites, which 5 together equal(等于) one drop(滴) of water. Although(虽然) mosquitoes are no longer a serious 6 in 7 ,they really make troubles. If you have a mosquito problem, 8 that they reproduce(再生) in water. Be sure to get rid of(除掉) these spots in and around your home. The smallest a mount of 9 in an empty can, a flower vase, or an old tire(轮胎) can produce 10 mosquitoes.( )1.A. every of B. lot ofC. most D. all about( )2.A. attackedB. would have attackedC. will be to attack D. may bite( )3.A. to be bitten B. to biteC. biting D. to bite( )4.A. ofB. toC. from D. among( )5.A. allB. at C. them D. the( )6.A. healthy problem B. health questionsC. healthy questionsD. health problem( )7.A. more countries B. most countries C. the most country D. another country( )8.A. forget B. rememberC. say D. mind( )9.A. mosquitoesB. them C. blood D. water( )10 .A. hundred B. hundred of C. hundreds D. hundreds of 十、书面表达 (共10分)请根据下面六幅图,以“A Thankful(感激的)Bird”为题,用英语以第三人称的形式写一篇约80个单词的短文。 _Union is strength! 团结就是力量。牛津初中英语7B Unit4 单元测验一 单项选择( )1. _. Which is the way to Hill Building?A. Sorry B. Hello C. Excuse me D. Thank you( )2. The van stopped _ the traffic lights.A. on B. at C. in D. along( )3. We saw Hobo jumping into the room _ window.A. across B. through C. cross D. by( )4. Could you tell me _ Sunnyside Shopping Mall?A. the way of B. the way to C. how to D. how go to( )5. _ Millie take her dog to school _her?A. Shall, and B. Shall, with C. Will, with D. Will, and( )6. I found _ interesting to watch animals.A. that B. this C. it is D. it( )7. He turned off the lights and then _ the clasroom.A. leaves B. will leave C. is leaving D. left( )8. He _ some money in his bag and went away.A. puts B. putted C. put D. putting( )9. He arrived _ Shanghai _ 6:00 _ the morning of June 2nd.A. at, at, in B. in, at, on C. in, at, in D. at, in, on( )10 . I think it _ us at least two hours to finish the work.A. will spend B. spend C. take D. will take( )11. Do you often play games_ this?A. like B. in C. for D. of( )12. _ will he be back? In three weeks.A. How often B. How long C. How soon D. How far( )13. _ good news our headmaster(校长) _ us!A. What a; bought B. How; took C. How a; brought D. What; brought( )14. That is not _. It is _. I bought it _.A. yours, mine, myselfB. yourself, my, meC. your, mine, myself D. yours, her, myself( )15. Mother told her son _ in the sun. Its bad for his eyes.A. not read B. to read C. dont read D. not to read( )16. The telephone kept _ until I answered.A. ringing B, ring C, to ring D. rang( )17. The street is _ people.A. full with B. filled of C. full of D. fall of( )18. There is _ ink(墨水) in the bottle. Would you please get me some?A. few B. a little C. a few D. little( )19. This farm _his.A. is belong to B. belongs C. belongs to D.is belonging to.( )20. We found _ to join in the Christmas party.A. it is exciting B. it excited C. it exciting D. that exciting二 词语正确形式填空1. The students took their_ (walkman) with them when they went to the park.2. Miss Li will teach_ (we) English next term.3. One of the_ (waiter) is his son.4Everyone should keep_(quietly) in the library.5. Take the second _(turn) on the right.6. Yesterday, she _ (wear) a pair of glasses.7. He stopped _(talk) when the teacher came in.8. Our teacher taught us that the earth _(move) around the sun yesterday.9. Did Andy often go to school without _(have) breakfast this morning?10Tom and Mary _ (come) to China last month.11Mike _(not go) to bed until 12 oclock last night.12Mary _ (read) English yesterday morning.13There _ (be) no one here a moment ago.14I _ (call) Mike this morning.15Tom _ (begin) to learn Chinese last year.16Last week we _ (pick) many apples on the farm.17My mother _ (not do) housework yesterday.18. What _ (make) him cry (哭) just now?19. Last year the teacher _ (tell) us that the earth moves around the sun.20. There _ ( be not)any hospitals (医院) in my hometown (家乡) in 1940.21. Lilei _ ( move)to Japan last week.22. Did she _ (have) supper at home?23. How many people _ (be) there in your class last term?24. It _ (be) hot yesterday and most children _ (be) outside.25. There _ (be) a football match on TV yesterday evening, but I _ (have) no time to watch it.三、改错 下列划线部分有一处错误,把它的序号填在括号内,把正确的写在横线上( ) _ 1.This is not your book. Your is on the desk.A B C D( ) _2.How a lovely animal !A B C D( ) _3. A man in Africa is 2.0 m long .A B C D( ) _4.How careful they are listening !A B C D ( ) _5.He didnt find a football, so he kicks a stone.A B C D( ) _6.The woman never cuts her hair. Hers hair is 4.23 m long.A B C D( )_ 7. Some animals are very big and heavy, but they can move quiet.A B C D( ) _8. Anna is interesting in old stories, so she has many storybooks.A B C D( ) _ 9. Each of the students in our class have a new dictionary.A B C D( ) _10. He left the room without say goodbye.A B C D四 完成句子1. 警察搜查了房子找匪徒,发现了一些异常事物。The police _ the house _ the _, and _ _ _.2. Andy 在回家的路上偶遇了他的一个老朋友。Andy _ _ an old friend _ his way _.3. 我为芭蕾狂!看到人们用足尖跳舞,真令人吃惊!I am _ _ ballet. It is _ to see people dance _ _.4.乌龟可以活到150岁A _ can _ _ _ 150 years old.五、句型转换1. How dangerous the snake(蛇) is! (改为同义句)_2. The little dog made a sound. The sound is like a baby. (合并成一句)_3. He went out, but he didnt say a word(话). (改为同义句)_4. I lived in this town two years ago.(划线部分提问)六 完型填空I have a good friend. His name is Tom. He is a nice boy, but he eatstoo 1 and doesnt like sports.He has a big 2 every morning. He has four eggs, 3 of bread and butter(黄油) and 4 big glass of milk for it. 5 lunch, he eats two hamburgers, a lot of French bread 6 chicken. He drinks a lot of cola or soda, too. For dinner, he likes beef and salad.He 7 eats beef, chicken, hamburgers, and eggs. He likes ice cream, cola and soda, 8 .Too much food is not 9 for health. So Tom is very 10 .1、A、many B、much C、some D、any2、A、breakfast B、lunch C、dinner D、supper3、A、much B、many C、lots D、lot4、A、a B、an C、some D、any5、A、For B、On C、For D、Of6、A、for B、and C、of D、but7、A、often B、never C、seldom D、not8、A、and B、but C、too D、also9、A、bad B、good C、important D、hungry10、A、healthy B、fit C、thin D、fat七 阅读理解The elephant is the largest of all animals that live on land. An elephants trunk(象鼻) is rather like an arm and a hand. It is used to pick up(拣起) and pull things in its mouth .It is also used to pull up trees when the elephant wants to make path(道路)through the forests.The African(非洲) elephant is usually larger than the Indian(印度) elephant. It often stands 10 or 11 feet high, and weighs over 6 tons(吨). Both males and females grow trunks. But only male Indian elephants have tusks(象牙).The elephant lives mostly on grass , leaves and fruits . It has been easy for men to train(训练) elephants. They are used to carry heavy things. Elephants can live for about fifty years or more .( )41. Elephants are _.A. not found in the forests B. only found in AfricaC. larger than any other animal on land D. the largest animal in the word( )42. Elephants use their_.A. trunks to do things as men use their hands toB. trunks to pull up trees only when they want to make paths through the woodsC. tusks to do what men use their hands toD. tusks to eat up trees( )43. Which of the following is NOT right?A. Female Indian elephants have tusks.B. All African elephants have trunks.C. The Indian elephant is usually smaller than the African elephant.D. The African elephant usually weighs more than 6,000 kilograms.( )44. The food for the elephant is _.A. grass B. leaves C. fruits D. all of the above( )45. From the text we know _.A. an elephant is very clever and a good friend of mensB. we can hunt elephants as we likeC. we should not train the elephantD. there are elephants everywhere in the world7B unit4基础练习一 用适当的介词填空.1. The word is full _ amazing things. 2. It takes about three days to travel _Earth _ the moon _spaceship.3. Fish sleep _their eyes open.4. You cannot sneeze and keep you eyes open _ the same time.5. Elephants walk _ tiptoe.6. There is no plant life _ lightning.7. It made a sound _ a whisper.8. Dont be afraid _ the ghost. There isnt a ghost _the word.9. What happened _ you? he asked.10. _ their way _ school, they saw a strange thing.11. Andy said _ himself. you are right.12. You must take good care _ yourself .13. Millie is talking _ her friend _ the phone.14. A man _ the USA was 2.72 metres tall.15. _ usual, they go to school _ foot.16. Sandy is fond _

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