9-高中-theme parks逐字稿

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Theme parks1. GreetingClass begins! Good morning, everyone! I am glad to see you again. How are you today? Fine! Im fine, too. 2. Lead inIts a nice day today. Summer is coming. Today, I wear a new T-shirt with the Mickey Mouse on it. Do you like it? Thank you! You are so kind. I bought it in the Disney Land in Tokyo. I like fairy tales, so I like the Disney Land. Its a theme park. Today, lets talk about theme park.3. Pre-readingBoys and girls, lets have a free talk. Would you share some experiences in theme parks? Who want to be the first volunteer? Mark, please! Very funny! Thank you for sharing. Any other volunteers? Lucy, you please! Next time, you can take some photos here, very good.4. While-reading Now, please open your books, and turn to page 11. I will read the passage for you. While you listening, please underline some words which you are unfamiliar with. Here we go. We have finished. Whats the main idea? Together. Yes, the theme park. Mary, can you tell me which words you have underlined? Slowly, I will write them on the blackboard. Athletic,equipment, sneaker. There are 4 groups in our class. Now you will get 5 minutes to learn the three words on the blackboard with your group members. You can have a discussion and refer to dictionaries. Time is up! Which group can tell me the meanings of the words? Group 2 please. Good job! Other group, do you agree with them? Ok. Now, I want some examples, who can? Group 1, please. Excellent! Any other examples? Group 4, please. Absolutely right!Now, you will read the passage carefully, and ready for my detailed questions. 3 minutes for you! The 1st one, whats the purpose of a theme park? Helen. Next one. What will be sold in a sports theme park? Allen.5. Post readingNow, there is a new challenge. You will get 10 minutes to prepare a short speech about theme park. You can express your ideas about any theme park you like. Even, you can say something about your own theme park in the future. Can you follow me? Very good, Im looking forward to seeing it. Time is up. Let me see.Thank you. Lets clap. 6. Summary and homeworkWe only get 5 minutes left. Who can summarize this class? Ruby, please. Excellent! We have trained our reading skill and learn some new words.For homework, write an essay about theme park, and talk with your friends about it.7. Blackboard designTheme parksAthletic, equipment, sneaker3

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