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浙江金华市2016中考英语完形填空二轮演练(一)及答案【基础能力测试】中考完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C或者D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Until last year, the saddest thing of my life was that my wife Alice and I couldnt t have any children. So we always 1 all the children in our street to our house for Christmas breakfast. Last year, Alice died. I was very 2 and decided not to invite the children for Christmas breakfast. But Kathy and Peter, my next door neighbors, asked me to 3 them for dinner onChristmas Eve. As soon as I arrived, Kathy asked me, “Do you have any milk at your house?” “Yes,” I replied. “ 4 you need some, Ill go and get it right away.” “Oh, thats all right. Come and sit down. Just give Peter your 5 and let him do it.” After a happy dinner with them, I went home. When I opened my door, I found my house had been decorated by Peter! It was just as 6 as each Christmas before. At that moment, I wished that I could still 7 the Christmas breakfast, but I had madeno preparations. Early the next morning, a little boy with a bag of candies 8 my bell. Before I could ask him what was 9 , he was joining by two of his friends. Within fifteen minutes, my house was full of 10 , and I had all the food I needed. I had a happy breakfast with the children again.1. A. took B. invited C. sent D. led2. A. happy B. lazy C. sad D. poor3. A. help B. join C. pay D. meet4. A. Unless B. As C. Since D. If5. A. money B. milk C. keys D. things6. A. beautiful B. dirty C. colorless D. empty7. A. buy B. enjoy C. sell D. serve8. A. rang B. answered C. required D. painted9. A. boiling B. ending C. singing D. happening10. A. gifts B. children C. flowers D. candies参考答案110、BCBDC ADADB【实战训练】 A 中考完形填空【2】阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C或者D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 IMAGINE a life without arms or legs! You cant hold anyone in your _1_. You cant walk anywhere with your feet. How would you last a day like that? Would you _2_ at yourself in the mirror like Nick Vujicic, the 29yearold Australian?Nick was born without limbs(四肢), so life was not _3_ for him. At school many students played jokes on him _4_ he looked different from everyone else. He was refused to be _5_ friends, so he always felt _6_. However, he faced that bravely. He _7_ to type and write with two toes(脚趾)at the age of six, and he could _8_ surf and play golf. In college, he achieved great success and was among the _9_ students in the studies. And he decided on _10_ to do later in his lifeto encourage others to work hard for their dreams.Now Nick is one of the most popular _11_ in the world. He travels to many countries and gives speeches about his story _12_ difficulties. “Living life fully is about looking at what you _13_, not what you dont have.” he said. His _14_ encourages millions of people.“I tell people to keep on getting up when they _15_ and to always love themselves,” he said. “If I can encourage just one person, then my job in this life is done.”(2011嘉兴、舟山)( )1. A. arms B. ears C. eyes D. teeth( )2. A. laugh B. cry C. smile D. shout( )3. A. old B. easy C. modern D. difficult( )4. A. because B. if C. until D. although( )5. A. his B. my C. their D. our( )6. A. happy B. relaxed C. lonely D. surprised( )7. A. failed B. forgot C. helped D. learned( )8. A. even B. ever C. never D. hardly( )9. A. tall B. lazy C. sleepy D. excellent( )10. A. how B. who C. what D. where( )11. A. doctors B. speakers C. scientists D. managers( )12. A. at B. for C. into D. against( )13. A. make B. have C. lose D. want( )14. A. story B. sadness C. friend D. family( )15. A. fall B. play C. listen D. exercise语篇解读:本篇短文讲述没有四肢的澳大利亚人Nick Vujicic如何自强不息,和困难作斗争,以及他用自己的故事鼓励了更多的人的故事。1. A。本句句意:你不能拥抱任何人;hold sb. in ones arms符合句意。2. C。本句句意:你会像29岁的澳大利亚人Nick Vujicic一样对着镜子中的自己笑吗?smile at sb.意为“对某人笑”,符合句意;注意:laugh at sb.意为“嘲笑某人”。3. B。没有四肢的人生活自然不容易(not easy)。4. A。句意为:在学校,很多学生开他的玩笑,因为他看起来与其他每一个人不同。此处前后句之间是因果关系,应该用because连接句子。5. C。根据上句可推出本句句意:他被拒绝成为他们的朋友;应该用their friends。6. C。由前句可知“他没有朋友”,所以总是感到寂寞(lonely)。7. D。fail to do sth.意为“干某事失败”,forget to do sth.意为“忘记做某事”,help to do sth.意为“帮助做某事”,learn to do sth.意为“学会做某事”。此处表达的是“学会打字”,应该用learn to type。8. A。本句句意为:他甚至会冲浪和打高尔夫球。even意为“甚至”,ever意为“曾经”,never意为“从不”,hardly意为“几乎不”,应该用even。9. D。由之前“achieved great success”可推出“在学习方面,他属于最优秀的学生之中”,用excellent(优秀的)符合句意。10. C。由后句“to encourage others to work hard for their dreams”可推出:他决定了余生该做什么事,用what to do。11. B。由其后的“gives speeches”及他所说的话可推出他是speaker(演讲家)。12. D。“和困难作斗争”用against difficulties。13. B。由后句“not what you dont have”可推出是what you have。14. A。前面已经提及“his story against difficulties”,所以此处应该用story,本句意为:他的故事鼓励了成千上万的人。15. A。该句句意为“我告诉人们当他们跌倒的时候要继续爬起来。”与“keep on getting up”相对应的是fall(跌倒)。【实战训练】 B 2016中考英语完形填空分类练习及答案新闻报道类Clothes are important in our life. Different people wear different clothes. Now lets listen to some peoples . My name is Tina. I started working this year, so Im able to get clothes more often than before.there are different people in my working place every day, I want them to think I am very beautiful. I like to wear bright colors and always when I go to parties. I buy all kinds of clothes and I try to the latest way of dressing. I am David. I dont have much to say about clothes. Shopping for clothes isnt really the way of life Im in. Since Im still at college, I dont really mind I wear . I have two jackets and I often wear them. I know about the way of dressing. My name is Maria. Id like to say that my clothes have to be and make me feel easy as soon as I put them on. Sometimes I buy clothes in some small markets they are less there.【小题1】AplansBideasChabitsDways【小题2】AnewBniceColdDugly【小题3】AThoughBBecauseCIfDUntil【小题4】Adress upBcarry outCput onDcalm down【小题5】AhateBfollowCunderstandDnotice【小题6】AstrictBtiredCworriedDinterested【小题7】AwhatBwhereChowDwhich【小题8】AmuchBfewClittleDmany【小题9】AterribleBbeautifulCsmoothDcomfortable【小题10】AcheapBexpensiveCimportantDnecessary【实战训练】 C中考完形填空(1) 【2014中考英语贵州省遵义市模拟考试】完形填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,计15分)。请阅读短文,根据其内容,从A、B、C中选出最佳答案,并用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。Why do I want to go to college? No one has ever asked me 41 a question. But many times I have asked myself. I have 42 a whole variety of reasons. 43 important reason is that I want to be a better man. Many things make human beings different 44 or better than or even superior to animals. One of the most important things is 45 . If I fail to receive higher education, my education 46 。 As I want to be a fully 47 man, I must get a well-rounded education, which good colleges and universities are supposed to 48 . I know one can get educated in many ways, but colleges and universities are 49 the best places to teach me how to educate myself. Only when I am well-educated, will I be a better human being and 50 fit into society.( )41. A. quite B. so C. such( )42. A. come up with B. agreed with C. been fed up with( )43. A. Most B. The most C. More( )44. A. to B. around C. from( )45. A. education B. weather C. Temperature( )46. A. finished B. dont finish C. will not finish( )47. A. develop B. developed C. developing( )48. A. improve B. graduate C. provide( )49. A. between B. among C. inside( )50. A. can good B. may better C. be able to better完形填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,计15分)。本文主要围绕“我为什么要上大学?”这一话题展开讨论,首先介绍了教育对人发展的重要性,然后说明大学在教育中的地位,从而层次分明地解释了上大学的原因。答案简析41. C。such常用在不定冠词或名词前修饰可数名词或不可数名词,表示“此类的”、“这种的”,故such为正确选项。42. A。come up with意为“提出、找出”;agree with意为“同意”;be fed up with意为“对厌倦”。根据文意A为正确选项。43. B。上文讲到我曾找到过各种各样的原因,其中最重要的原因应当是,因此这里应用important的最高级,故选the most。44. C。固定结构be different from 表示“不同于”。45. A。本段着重说明了教育在人的发展中的作用,以及大学在教育中的地位。作为总括句,本空应填education。46. C。这是一个含有条件状语从句的复合句,意为“如果我不能受到更高等的教育,我就无法完成我的学业”,故选will not finish为正确选择。47. B。这里只能选可作定语的选项。过去分词developed表示“成熟的”,为正确选项。48. C。大学应是提供高等教育的地方, provide符合文意为正确选项。49. B。介词among可表示”包括在内”为正确选项。50. C。与前半句相对应,这里仍应用比较级,而may better意思不对,因此be able to better为正确选项。中考完形填空(2)【2014中考英语广西玉林市试题 (1)】完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Tina Lin was not like many of her classmates. She didnt listen to popular music. She didnt watch many movies, and she wasnt interested in nice clothes.When she got 41 with her friends at a party, Tina found her friends preferred rock and pop music. When Tina 42_ if they would like to try classical music(古典乐), they all looked at her strangely.“43_ music is for old people,” one of her friends said.Tina was 44_ that something was wrong with her. She decided to 45_ her father. As she entered his study, he could feel something was wrong. “Dad, am I strange?” she asked her 46_.“Of course not,” he answered, “Why do you ask that?”“Because I dont 47_ the same things as my classmates. They want to listen to pop music. I like classical music.”“I think I understand. Dont worry , Tina. Its all right to be your own person. You dont have to copy what other people do. Everybody 48_ different tastes . Some of them are popular, but 49_ arent.”After Tina spoke with her father, she felt _50 about herself. She realized that being different made her special. It was an important lesson for her to learn. ( ) 41. A. upB. annoyedC. together D. happy( ) 42. A. said B. foundC. noticed D. asked ( ) 43. A. PopB. RockC. Classical D. Country( ) 44. A. proudB. worriedC. glad D. happy( ) 45. A. talk toB. look forC. write to D. argue with( ) 46. A. friendB. fatherC. classmate D. teacher( ) 47. A. haveB. knowC. hate D. like( ) 48. A. haveB. hasC. had D. is( ) 49. A. the other B. othersC. other D. the others( ) 50. A. worried B. angry C. better D. worse【参考答案】4150、CDCBA BDBBC

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