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吴中区2016一2017学年第一学期期中统一测试 初三英语试卷 2016.11本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。共八大题,满分120分。考试用时100分钟。第卷(四大题,共69分)一、听力选择(共20小题;每小题1分;满分20分) I听对话回答问题 本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有5秒钟的时间从题中所给的A, B, C三个选项中选出最佳选项。1. What was the weather like last Sunday? A B C2. How did the woman go to Beijing? A B C3. Which pen will the boy buy? ¥1.5 ¥2.00 ¥2.70 A B C4. When will the meeting begin? 7:007:308:00 A B C5. When is the man going to leave by plane? A. On June 21st B . On July 22nd C. On June 22nd 6. Whats the man doing ? A. Hes talking to Mike B. Hes telephoning C. Hes having a chat7. What are they talking about? A. The plane and the train B. The bus and the plane C. How the woman came here8. Where did Mike once study? A. At No.1 Middle School B. At No.5 Middle School C. At No.6 Middle School9. Which floor is the girl on now? A. The second floor B. The third floor C. The fourth floor10. Where may the talk happen? A. In a museum B. In a library C. In a bookshopII听对话和短文回答问题听下面一段对话,回答第11至12小题。答题完毕,请等待“嘀”的信号,进入下一篇短文。11.Whats the relationship of the two speakers? A. Strangers B. Teacher and student C. Brother and sister12.Whats the woman going to do next? A. Smoke B. Close the window C. Go to the information desk听第一篇短文,回答13-15小题。Marys familyFathera (an) 13 short and fat with short black hairMothera nurse with long golden haircan 14 wellwear a smile on her faceSister15 years oldWears glasses and likes playing sports13. A. worker B. officer C. teacher14. A. play sports B. sing and dance C. sing and skate15. A. 14B. 16 C. 18 听第二篇短文,回答16-20小题:16. What will the weather be like at noon? A. CloudyB. RainyC. Sunny17. What is the speaker doing? A. Giving a talk B. Making an advertisement C. Giving a weather report18. Whats the water temperature at Long Beach A. 32 degreesB. 28 degreesC. 12 degrees19. Where shall we park if we want to drive to the beach this afternoon? A. At the north end of the beach B. At the west end of the beach C. At the south end of the beach 20. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Long Beach is in Australia B. Long Beach is a good place for swimming and surfing C. At 12 Oclock, the wind is from the west at two miles an hour二、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 21. Do you like _ film Big Hero 6? Yes, it is _ interesting movie. I like it very much. A. a; anB. a; theC. the; aD. the; an22. It seems that Julie is feeling bad about the exam. She needs to _. A “D” is not the end of the world.A. cheer herself upB. calm herself downC. let herself downD. warm herself up23. What _ they are! Now I can both do sports and finish my homework. A. valuable adviceB. valuable suggestionsC. a valuable suggestionD. a valuable advice24. In the UK, a lady usually doesnt like to be asked _. A. whether has she got marriedB. how old is sheC. where she come fromD. how much she weighs25. We were told that we should follow the main road _ we reached the bus station. A. wheneverB. untilC. whileD. as soon as26. You can never imagine the great difficulty I had _ her QQ number. A. to getB. gettingC. gotD. get to27. _ Lily _ Lucy believes what star signs say, but I do.A. Neither; nor B. Either; orC. Both; and D. Not only; but also28. Listen! The TV is _. Who is in the living room? Linda. She is watching his favourite TV play.A. offB. out C. away D. on29. We never doubt _ Millie can deal with the problems by herself. I agree with you. A. ifB. whether C. that D. how 30. Father has had the washing machine _. Now it works very well.A. repairs B. repairingC. repairD. repaired31. Since then China _ the lead in many areas. A. was takingB. took C. takes D. has taken32. Jim _ swimming in the river _ staying at home in summer.A. would rather; thanB. would rather; to C. prefer; toD. prefers; to33. The lady devoted all her time to _ the poor and she is worth _ all the time. A. help; being respectedB. helping; respectingC. helping; being respectedD. help; respecting34. Lisa often gets good marks in English, but she never shows off. I agree. She is very _. A. modest B. generousC. curiousD. energetic35. Its really nice of you to come up with the creative idea for us. _ A. No thanks. B. Never mind. C. It doesnt matter. D. Dont mention it.三、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Madison Glinski is young,but she is famous because she often raises 36 and helps many people in need . Last year,Madison made a New Years resolution to help poor childrenShe decided to raise 500 for a childrens hospital 37 did she raise the money? She came up with an 38 She thought she could play the violin very wellSo she planned to raise money by playing the violin. Madison went to the street and began to 39 there. Some people passed by her and asked her why she played the violin thereAfter they knew about her resolution, they 40 some money without hesitationSoon she raised 500 41 Madison wanted to raise 42 money for people in need. She tried some different ways to raise moneyMadison once collected old things from her friends and neighbors,She made some money 43 selling themWith the money. She 44 lots of toys,shoes and clothes for the poor children in AfricaMadison also started a Just Giving page on the InternetShe 45 more people to donate money onlineShe believed that she could help more people. 36Atoys Bclothes Cshoes Dmoney37AWhich BWhen CWhy DHow38Aopinion Bidea Carticle Dexam39Acry Brun Cperform Dstand 40Aput away Bgave away Cran away Dwent away41Aclearly Bsuccessfully C1oudly Dcarefully42. Amore Bless Cbetter Dworse43Afrom Bby Cwith Dthrough44Asold Bbought Cborrowed Dcollected 45.A.encouraged Brefused Cstopped Dregretted四、阅读理解(共12小题;每小题2分;满分24分)A “Whats the name of our neighbour? I cant remember right now.”Have you ever heard your grandparents ask questions like this sometimes? Usually, we think that older peoples memory becomes bad because their brains get weak. But now a team of scientists at the University of Tubingen in Germany has a new idea. “The human brain works slower in old age,” says Michael Ramscar, the lead scientist. “But only because they have stored more information overtime.” The findings are based on a series of computer simulations(模拟) of learning and memory. Scientists let the computers read a certain amount of words and learn new things each day. When the computer reads only so much, its performance on cognitive(认知)tests is similar of a young adult. But if the computer learns the experiences we might encounter over a lifetime, its performance is similar to that of an older adult. Often it is slower, but not because its processing capacity has declined. Rather, increased experience has caused the computers database to grow, giving it more data(数据)to processwhich takes time. This is similar to old people. Imagine a person knows two peoples birthdays. Another person knows the birthdays of 2000 people, but can only match the right person to the right birthday nine times out of 10. Can you say the first person has a better memory than the second person?46. The writer uses a question at the beginning of the passage to .A. invite the readers to answer the question B. attract the readers attention to the topic C. show how weak older peoples brains are D. tell the readers the latest findings about brains47.According to the research, why do old people forget peoples names easily? A. Because they have a very poor memory. B. Because they are too old to remember things. C. Because their brains become weaker than before. D. Becasue they have stored too much information.48.Where would this passage most probably appear?A. In a magazine. B. In a story book.C. In a novel. D. In a guidebook.49.What would be the best title for the passage? A. Do old people have a bad memory? B. Scientists new findings on brains C. Human brains processing capacity D. Which is better, the old or the young?BIf you saw a group of kids hitting and abusing(虐待,伤害)an animal, would you stop them? Would you at least call the police? Again people would walk away. Some people do not believe that animal abuse is a big issue(问题). Every day animals are abused in their homes or on the streets. It seems as if politicians(从政者)do nothing to stop this issue. Everyone is worried about education and global warming. What about animals? We should not forget them just because they cannot talk to us. Animals, like us humans, have rights. Every living being has the right to warm shelter and good food, but most importantly, they have the right to be wanted and loved. They have the right to be a special, much loved member of their own family. There are many organizations that deal with abused animals or animals that have no home like ASPCA, PETA, the Humane Society and many more. There are organizations that deal with this issue, but that does not mean that we still shouldnt help. The biggest saying that bothers me is, I am only one person. I cant make a difference. If everyone thought like that, we wouldnt have the organizations and loving people who help the world every day. By helping one animal, you are making a difference. There are many things you can do right now to help animals around your neighbourhood. You can volunteer at your local animal shelter, raise money for animal shelters, inform your community about animal abuse or you can write to your representatives(代表)and tell them that animal abuse needs to be taken seriously. As you walk down the street, try to help any animal you see walking around. You can easily buy a cheap box of dry cat or dog food to feed the animals. If we do not help our animals now, we may never have animals again. Always remember that with every step you take, you help save an animals life and isnt that worth fighting for?50. Some people wont stop kids from abusing animals because . A. they are too busy to worry about the animals B. they dont take animal abuse seriously C. they just leave it to the police D. they are afraid of being laughed at51. We can learn from the text that ASPCA . A. is another name for the Humane Society B. provides shelter for both animals and humans C. deals with such issues as education and global warming D. aims at protecting animals from being abused52. Which of the following statements will the writer agree with? A. Dogs have the right to be treated kindly B. One person cannot possibly make a difference C. More attention should be paid to education and global warning than animal abuse D. It is the politicians duty to stop animal abuse53. The main purpose of the text is to . A. hate those who abuse animals B. advise people to slap animal abuse C. show how animals are abused D. explain why people abuse animalsCIll never forget that summer day in 1965 when my mother suddenly died of an unexplained illness at the age of 36. Later that afternoon, a police officer stopped by to ask my father if the hospital could use Mothers corneas(角膜). I was shocked. “The doctors want to dissect Mum and give her away to other people!” I thought as I ran into the house in tears.“How can you let them do that to her?” I screamed at my father. “My mum came into this world in one piece and that is how she should go out.”“Linda,” Father said quietly, putting his arm around me, “the greatest gift you can give is a part of yourself. Your mother and I decided long ago that if we can make a difference in just one persons life after we die, our death will have meaning.” He went on to explain they had both decided to donate their organs(器官).The lesson my father taught me that day became one of the most important in my life.Years passed. I married and had a family of my own. In 1980, my father became seriously ill and moved in with us. He cheerfully told me that when he died, he wanted me to donate his eyes. “Sight is one of the greatest gifts a person can give,” he said.I told Wendy what her grandpa had said, and with tears in her eyes, she went into her grandpas room and gave him a big hug. She was only fourteen years old-the same age at which I was introduced to such a thing. What a difference!My father died on April 11,1986, and we donated his eyes as he had wanted. Three days later, Wendy said, “Mum, Im so proud of you for what did for Grandpa.”At that moment, I realized that my father gave much more than his eyes.54.How was it for the writer to agree the hospitals use of her mothers corneas? A. EasyB. PossibleC. SimpleD. Difficult55. According to the passage, the underlined word “dissect” may be best replaced by_. A. cut upB. search for C. move awayD.burn away56.Why did the writer finally agree on her mothers donation? A.Because she was afraid of her father B. Because she didnt care about it any more C. Because she was too young to stop it. D. Because her father explained to her57.What did Wendy think of her grandpas donation? A. At first she couldnt accept it, but she agreed in the end. B. She begged her mother not to donate her grandpas eyes. C. She felt proud of her grandpas donation D. She thought it normal and didnt car about it much.第卷(四大题,共51分)五、词汇检测(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释或通过上下文,在答题卡上标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空只写一词。58. Im sorry that your work is not up to the (标准) .59. Messi (得分) a winning goal in the second half of the match.60. They voted (反对) the plan of turning the farmland into an airport.61. The umbrella can protect you from strong light and (热) in hot weather.62. What usually (给留下印象) me most is the boys good behaviour.63.In (古代的) times, there were usually walls around towns.64. Do you think that Chinese parents are (严格)with their children than American parents? 65. Did the accident happen simply because of the mans careless driving? In fact, the main of it remains unknown.66. Why did Mr Wu praise Sally yesterday? Because she spelled all the English new words .67. Jane looks so pretty her pink dress. Yes. No wonder people say pink is a girls colour.六、句子翻译(共5 小题;每小题3分,满分15分) 将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在答题卡上标有题号的横线上。68. 你能给我提供一些有关如何取得学业和爱好之间平衡的建议吗?69. 自上个月以来,我已经在化学方面取得了巨大进步。70. 为什么不尽可能经常复习你所学习的呢?71. 玛丽一看见她老师就躲进了教室 。72. 令他惊讶的是,我们很佩服这些孩子们的勇气。七、阅读表达 (共3小题,73题1分,74题2分,75题3分,满分6分) 阅读下面的短文并用英语回答问题,并将答案写在答题卷上标有题号的横线上。We might love to tell others about our unusual experiences. For example, we climbed a high mountain, tasted a rare food, or ran into a superstar on the street. But new research suggests that sharing these unusual experiences may not be welcomed in conversation. We all like unusual experiences, and always cant wait to share them with our friends. Some people even thought that having an unusual experience would make them the star of the conversation. However, it was wrong. To be unusual means to be different from other people. And if you do not share similarities with the people around you, they will not welcome you in the conversation. Besides, conversations always seem to go well on more usual topics. To find out, psychologists(心理学家)invited 68 participants(参与者)to come to the lab in groups of four. In each group, one watched a wonderful video of a magic performance, while the other three watched a cartoon video. After watching the videos, the participants sat around a table and had a short conversation. The participants who watched the magic performance said they felt worse after the conversation than those who watched the cartoon video. That was because they felt left out during the conversation. This finding suggests that we might want to give more thought in choosing which experiences to share with others. If an experience turns you into someone who has nothing in common with others, then no matter how good it was, it will not make you happy.73. What kind of topic can make conversations go well? 74. Why did psychologists do such an experiment(实验)? 75. Would you like to share your unusual experiences with your friends? Why or why not? 八、书面表达(共1题;满分20分) 越来越多的中学生选择出国留学,上周你们班就“Should students study abroad or not?”这一话题进行了讨论。请根据下表所给的提示,将讨论结果用英语写一篇短文,并发表你的看法。一些学生认同出国留学与人交流,利于语言学习了解文化,增进彼此理解一些学生反对出国留学年龄太小,不能照顾自己花费较大,父母很难承担你的观点考生自拟(至少1点)注意:1.词数90左右。短文的开头己为你写好,不计入总词数; 2.短文须包括所有要点,不要逐词翻译,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、通顺; 3.短文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。 Should students study abroad or not?In recent years, more and more students go abroad for further study after graduating from middle school. Last week our class had a discussion on whether students should go abroad at that early age._2016-2017学年第一学期初三期中考试参考答案听力原稿I1.A:I hear you visited the summer palace last Sunday. B: Yes, we did. The cloudy weather was suitable for the trip.2. A: Did you go to Beijing by bus last week. B: No, I went there by train. It made me feel comfortable. 3. A: What can I do for you ? B: I d like a pen. I want the cheapest one .4. A: Hurry up! The meeting is about to begin . B: oh, its 7:30 now. the meeting will begin in half an hour. Lets go.5.A: Excuse me . But whats the date today? Im thinking of booking a ticket. Ill leave tomorrow. B: oh ,today is Jun 21.6. A: Hello, May I speak to Mike? B: Sorry ,there is no Mike here. 7. A: How did you come here all the way? B: First by plane then by train, and at last by bus. I was in such a hurry.8. A: Do you study at No.1 Middle School, Mike? B: Yes, I do. But I studied at No5 Middle School last year.9. A: Excuse me. where can I buy a volleyball? B: The balls are all on the third floor. On the right of the lift. You have to go one floor up.10. A: Excuse me. Do you have any books o

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