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Unit 1Vocabulary Exercise AChoose the appropriate word or phrase from the list to complete the following sentences. ambiguity模棱两可 recuperation恢复 preconception事先形成的观点 prone易于的 connotation含蓄;暗示;储蓄的东西 preferential优先的,优惠的 ethnocentrically种族优越感的 scrutiny监视,细看 deterrent制止 stumbling block绊脚石,障碍1. We have a certain stereotypical _ of a person from a culture and we interpret his/her behaviour according to this preconception, whether or not the reason for the behaviour is what we think it. 2. According to Dr. Helfand, Pakistan built nuclear weapons as a _ against India. India wanted them as a _ against China.3. The European _ Committee assesses the legal and/or political importance of each EU document, decides which EU documents are debated, monitors the activities of UK Ministers in the Council, and keeps legal, procedural and institutional developments in the EU under review. 4. A major _ in handling criticism is that we believe the criticism to be unfair and untrue and that we should defend ourselves against such criticism. 5. Many Americans who are learning Chinese think that the term “Lao Wai” is somehow an insult, and in fact the term “Lao Wai” doesnt have a negative _ in Chinese. 6. China has no plan to change its _ treatment policies for foreign investment in the near future in order toreassure foreign investors who have been worried that China might cancel its _ policies and give foreign investors the same national treatment as their domestic counterparts now that the country is in the WTO. 7. Restorative yoga is especially helpful for anxiety-_ people because it allows the nervous system to rest and heal. 8. Students should develop the ability to weigh evidence without bias, tolerate_, and use ethical principles in their academic and personal lives. 9. Members slated for peacekeeping duties over 180 days are eligible for up to 15 days of rest and _. 10. The norms of our own culture are not necessarily wrongoften they are very goodbut we should learn not to judge other cultures ways of acting and thinking _ only because they differ from our own. Keys: 1. preconception 2. deterrent; deterrent 3. Scrutiny 4. stumbling block 5. connotation6. preferential; preferential 7. prone 8. ambiguity 9. recuperation 10.ethnocentricallyVocabulary Exercise B Fill in the blanks with the best choice. 1. _implies an active choice to cling to something, not passively being carried along out of inability to imagine anything else. A. Tenancy租用 B. Tenacity固执 C. Tendency倾向,趋于D. Tenure占有,任期 2. In Egypt, I saw the pyramids and the damaged face of the Sphinx, smiling a (an)_ smile. An amazing journey! A. inscrutable谜一样的 B. sweet C. incredulous不相信的 D. incurious不关心的 3. The elimination of _ was believed to be a prerequisite for any successful intercultural exchange. A. generalizations一般化 B. judgments判断 C. doubts怀疑 D. stereotypes使陈规 4. The Pentagon was planning to launch a 24-hour satellite television channel based in Baghdad to make it easier to _ the news media “filter” that Bush Administration officials believe is misleading the public by emphasizing bad news about the occupation of Iraq. A. circumnavigate环航 B. circulate循环 C. circumvent回避 D. curriculum总课程 5. This class will provide you as a parent with age appropriate songs and activities to enjoy music at home with toddler that will develop coordination, balance and _ relationship skills as well as communication and cooperation. A. scrutiny B. spacious广阔的,宽敞的 C. stereotype D. spatial空间的 6. It is a _ to say that the women who teach in India must know the language, the religion, superstitions and customs of the women to be taught in India. It ought to be the very same case for England. A. truism老生常谈 B. genuine C. tenacity固执 D. similarity 7. The _ of “white” in Chinese includes something unhappy. At funerals, Chinese pay respect to the dead and express their sorrow by wearing white and writing elegiac couplets in white paper. In the West, however, white is the traditional color for the bride at weddings, and to wear white at funerals would be offensive. A. configuration构造,形状 B. conjunction C. connotation D. connection 8. The just-concluded election in Pakistan is simply a _ for continuing military rule, according to Selig Harrison, a leading US authority on South Asia, Afghanistan and the region. A. inflection B. faade假象,外观,正面 C. ambiguity D. fabrication构造物 9. As television, and to an extent the internet have _further through our society, the effects are perhaps more significant than even we realize. A. perpetuated B. pervasive无处不在 C. permanent D. permeated弥散,透入 10. Theres this new girl coming to my school, and I like her a lot. I want to _ our friendship before I start a serious relationship. A. cement 巩固,水泥 B. lime石灰 C. clay用粘土处理 D. concrete凝结,使凝固Keys: 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C. 5. D 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. D 10.A Unit Three Vocabulary Check AChoose the appropriate word or phrase from the list to complete the following sentences.Sabotage妨碍,伤害 pester使烦恼,纠缠 standoffish冷淡的,冷漠的 casserole砂锅 delectable美味的backfire爆炸,发生意外duress强迫,监禁 siblings同科 therapy治疗,疗法 smoothie善于讨好,举止优雅,奶昔1. China is the first market for KFC to launch its new product. Targeting trendy young people, KFC D&D features new flavors like the _ series, crushed ice of different tastes and hot drinks like Hong Kong-style milk tea. Its a wider choice of drinks and desserts than those on the regular KFC menu. 2. My sister Ellie, who recently lost 20 pounds, has been pressuring me to lose weight too. And when I asked for a second helping of the low-fat _she served for dinner the other night, she totally went off on me. 3. Most little children want a dog or a cat, and they continually _ their mothers and fathers until they get one. It is only when the sweet little thing has been brought home that the parents realize how much time and money must be spent on “Rover” or “Bonze”.4. Nigerian President Obasanjo said Sunday that he is not excluding _ as the cause of last Sundays bomb explosions at the Military Cantonment in Lagos, which led to the death of more than 1,100 people. 5. An obviously biased judge made derisive decisions throughout the trial. The strain of the trial also placed Barries marriage under_, which ultimately led to his wife divorcing him, and led to Barries children being derided and physically attacked by their classmates.6. The G.O.P. hopes to gain votes by attacking her as a radical feminist who prefers the boardroom to the kitchen. But the ploy could _by alienating working women.7. Both Luo and Guang admit their drugs, while effective in combating AIDS and alleviating its syndromes, may not be the final answer to solving the AIDS crisis. Rather, they believe, combined _ is the likely ultimate answer. Luo said his drugs, when combined with Western medicine, such as the AZT, have shown double the effectiveness for treating AIDS patients.8. This _ TV programme is suitable for those half-educated people.9. “John has no_. So when his parents passed away, he inherited everything from the familyproperties, bank savings, stocks and a big house. Hes really living on easy street.”10. Anthropologist Dr. Edward T. Hall points out that, for two unacquainted adult male North Americans, the comfortable distance to stand for private conversation is from arms length to about four feet apart. For as the South American moves in, the North American feels hes being pushy; and as the North American backs off the South American thinks hes being _.Vocabulary Check BFill in the blanks with the best choice.1. There was so much pain there, _ caused by both sides over the years. I didnt want to hurt them, nor they me, but the harm had been done and it was irreversible.A. inappreciably B. inadvertently非故意地,漫不经心地 C. inarticulately口齿不清的,笨嘴笨舌的 D. invisibly2. Strengthening regional economic cooperation is a top priority for many Asian countries. Interdependence among these different countries is becoming stronger - thanks to the adoption of a more open economic model. And now, Asian countries are making efforts to promote regional_, and in turn realize common prosperity.A. integration结合,整合,一体化 B. diversity多样化 C. competition比赛 D. integral 3. When people cant explain a new phenomenon using their knowledge, they will firstly try to understand the new phenomena using the logic reference of_.A. comparison比较 B. analysis分析 C. counterpart D. analogy类推4. If you mess up, its not your parents fault, so dont _about your mistakes, learn from them.A. wonder惊奇 B. worried焦虑 C. whine发牢骚,哀诉 D. pester纠缠 5. The system was redesigned to embrace the network and eventually _ it in a profitable direction. A. adapt改编,使适应 B. control C. install D. steer控制,驾驶,引导6. The introduction of gunpowder gradually made the bow and arrow _, particularly in western Europe. A. obscure模糊,晦涩,遮掩 B. obsolete废弃 C. optional可选择的 D. overlapping重叠7. From busy homemakers to professional people, many Americans enjoy the convenience of prepackaged meals that can be ready to serve in 10 minutes or less. On the other hand, many Americans recognize the value of _ art. A. cookie B. culinary烹饪的 【固定搭配】 C. cuisine D. cook8. The chairman of the board _ on me the unpleasant job of dismissing good workers the firm can no longer afford to employ. A. compelled迫使 B. posed 主张,装模作样 C. pressed D. tempted诱惑9. I am not _ with my roommate but I have to share the room with her, because I have nowhere else to live. A. concerned 担心 B. compatible相容的 C. considerate体贴的 D. complied答应,遵守,顺从10.A good education should train students to think for themselves. However, most of them are trained in the technique of examination under _. A. duly充分地,按时地 B. duty责任 C. duress 囚禁 D. obligation责任义务Vocabulary Check A1. smoothie casserole pester sabotage duress backfire therapy delectable siblings standoffish2. Vocabulary Check B1. B 2. A3. D4. C.5. D 6. B 7. B8. C9. B10.C Unit Four Vocabulary Check A Choose the appropriate word or phrase from the list to complete the following sentences. Remember to change the form if necessary. thwart optimize infrastructure vestige warrant entail offset symptomatic aggregate retard 1.More studies on rigorous data are _. 2.The progress of studies comes from hard work and is_by frivolities.3.Unforfunately, what the farmers had gained in the autumn harvest was _by the heavy losses caused by a snowstorm in the winter.4. The renewing of the _ needs greater fiscal investments from the government.5.The _of plan economy is being erased step by step. 6.The newcomer has gradually learned what is_in the position as a qualified salesperson.7. The disagreements in the nuclear negotiation are _of the tensions between America and Iran.8.The policy by EU that imposes serious constraints on textile imports from China will definitly_the bilateral trade in other areas.9.The Labour Party under Tony Blair won a(n) _ number of 356 seats in the presidential election.10.Policy makers and economists shoulder the responsibility of_the use of resources.Vocabulary Check B Choose the appropriate word from the list to complete the following paragraph. Remember to change the form if necessary. evaluate eliminate return harness warrant expenditure foster maximize presume limitThe true rate of (1)_ to education in China may be as high as 30% or 40%. Our knowledge of true return to education is currently very (2)_ as is our knowledge of the true rate of return to physical capital. More studies on rigorous data are (3)_. A more factually informed knowledge base will improve government decision making. If governments (4)_ projects, whether they are human capital projects, or investment projects for dams, road, bridges or factories, they will make better investment decisions. Project evaluations play an important role in keeping good investments and promoting good projects and (5)_ the bad. The value of factually informed cost-benefit econometrics is extraordinarily high. Cost-benefit studies produce value for local governments, provincial government and central government. Research that creates and collects much richer data sets on the returns to all kinds of human and physical capital to guide policy formation will improve policy making. Creating incentives and developing capital markets would promote investment in human capital. It is not necessary to use funds from the center or (6)_ that education and skill formation should be governmentally supplied. Free up the labor market and the market for education would (7)_ the forces that promote acquisition of skills by (8)_ the training of individual workers by firm, or encourage individuals to train themselves in the workplace to be better farmers, better factory workers and better managers. Otherwise, educational (9)_ should be increased and equalized across regions to (10)_ the return on human capital investment.Vocabulary Check A1. warranted 2. retarded 3.offset 4.infrastructure 5.vestige6.entailed 7.symptomatic 8.thwart 9.aggregate 10.optimizingVocabulary Check B 1.return 2. limited 3warranted 4. evaluate 5.eliminating6.presume 7.harness 8.fostering 9.expenditures 10. maximizeUnit FiveVocabulary Check AChoose the appropriate word or phrase from the list to complete the following sentences.abortion earmark cassava cyclone incinerationcollateral anecdotal impropriety fetus afforestation1. Even the increase proposed will put pressure on Congress to hold down other spending or dip into funds for Social Security.2. Since Pain was paying no attention to him, he decided that he might without _ ignore Pain.3. The choice of household and industrail waste disposal is between tipping and _.4. Operation Rescue was an organization notorious for its confrontational tactics and its implacable opposition to under all circumstances.5. Since then we have had , wars, floods, so many things to add and subtract.6. Coconuts are being scraped and the juice is squeezed on pounded taro or for puddings.7. The psychological advantages or disadvantages on woman and must be addressed and researched so that informed decisions can still be made.8. Not all cultural practices are as extreme and the character of the ground flora will also depend on the land-use prior to .9. The firm pledges its inventory as for a short-term loan, but the lender has no physical control over the inventory.10. There is no apparent conclusive scientific study, but the _ evidence is strong that the herb is useful. Vocabulary Check B1. The decision to opt for composting was made largely in order to reduce the need for water for flushing the toilet.A. sewB. sewerage C. sewage D. sewn2. The end product of such a course of evolution is an obligate that is inextricably linked to a particular host.A. paradise B. parasitic C. parasite D. parasite3. The situation for teachers without varies according to the circumstances surrounding the dismissal.A. tenure B. tent C. tendencyD. tenured 4. Garth doesnt work; he just lives off his .A. inheritor B. inherent C. inheritD. inheritance5. It causes many complications, including small placenta size, and low birth weight.A. stillbornB. stillbirth C. stilllifeD. stillwater6. The market will goods that yield social benefits in excess of private benefits and will consequently produce too few of these goods.A. undervalueB. devalue C. underweightD. value7. The alert library media specialist will have recognized at once that is, after all, a kind of integration.A. majorityB. maintenance C. mainstreamingD. mainframe8. The new decoder uses an amplitude locked-in combination with a phase locked _ to achieve this breakthrough.A. looseB. loophole C. loomD. loop9. Geometrically, the inner product of two can be considered a measure of their similarity.A. carriersB. vectors C. agentsD. mediums10. They include a new way of controlling diseases, and of administering drugs to people with chronic diseases.A. waterborneB. water-sick C. waterbedD. water cure Vocabulary Check A1.earmark6.cassava2.impropriety7.fetus3.incineration8.afforesation4.abortion9.collateral5.cyclone10.anecdotalVocabulary Check B1. C6. A2. D7. C3. A8. D4. D9. B5. B 10. AUnit SevenVocabulary Check AChoose the appropriate word from the list to complete the following sentences.indentations encroach tarnish impervious vanquish obliterate deprecation valances torso remit1. The distance was not great enough to details, it only made them little, and mellow, and dainty, like landscapes and towns seen through the wrong end of a spy-glass.2. The water, however, will little by little on the shore, the island becoming lower and smaller, and the space between the inner edge of the reef and the beach proportionately broader.3. To the punishment of such crimes was, he said, to encourage them.4. Elizabeth also wept and was unhappy, but hers also was the misery of innocence, which, like a cloud that passes over the fair moon, for a while hides but cannot its brightness.5. When Ajax saw his mark he knew it and was glad; he threw it to the ground and said, My friends, the lot is mine, and I rejoice, for I shall_ Hector.6. “Now, it is of no use, Peak,” said Sir John, raising his hand in _ of his delivering any message; “I am not at home.”7. In submarine works, the workman, clad in an _ dress, with his head in a metal helmet, receives air from above by means of forcing pumps and regulators.8. Large _of silk, embroidered with flowers of gay colors, which were rather faded, fell from the wide windows; the fittings of the room were simple, but in excellent taste9. Perhaps had one been there to point them out to us, we might have noted _ in the mud, but they were countless, one overlapping another into a confusion that would have been entirely meaningless to us.10. Their arms were rather longer and their legs shorter in proportion to the _ than in man, and later I noticed that their great toes protruded at right angles from their feetbecause of their arboreal habits, I presume.Vocabulary Check BFill in the blanks with the best choice.1. The sea laughed and flashed and preened and allured, like a beautiful, _woman.A. coquettish B. vulnerable C. weird D. shrewd2. He has done me no harm, poor wrench, but he is an _ to me now, for he is Driscoll, the youn

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