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开 题 报 告(2016届)输出假设理论在初中英语口语教学中的应用学 院英语学院专 业英语班 级英语1208班学 号0307120828学生姓名吕银燕指导教师徐华日 期2016年1月2日I. Background and Significance1.1 Background In 1980s, two hypotheses were generated in the second language acquisition field. One is Krashens comprehensible input hypothesis, the other one is the output hypothesis of the Canadian professor swain.Krashens input hypothesis emphasizes that language input is the only way to language acquisition, as long as there is a large number of input learners will naturally be able to master the second language. This claim was questioned by Swain , given her many years of immersion teaching, she found even if students have considerable input, but their language output competence is still not satisfactory. From this, she put forward the well-known output hypothesis theory. Further exploration in the field of second language acquisition.1.2 Significance1.2.1 Theoretical Significance English consists of the most basic four aspects: listening, speaking, reading and writing are indispensable, but the spoken part of it occupies the main position. A significant difference between the input and output hypothesis is whether to put the oral expression ability in a more important position. Input theory is more emphasis on the students ability to accept, as long as the students accept a large number of comprehensible input can naturally have the ability to express. And the output is the need for students to work hard, through constant practice, to correct their own shortcomings, to obtain progress. Obviously, the two theories have their advantages, but it is more meaningful to improve students oral expression ability with the students subjective initiative. In other words, the output hypothesis provides us with a good research direction.1.2.2 Practical Significance With the economic globalization, the deepening of Chinas reform and opening up, China closely link the western countries by the cultural communication, trade cooperation, traveling, academic exchange,etc. Therefore to learn a second language especially English is extremely important. At present, our country vigorously advocate learning English, from primary school to all kinds of colleges and universities, the countrys investment in English gradually deepen.With the total national curriculum,it can give us a global guide.National curriculum standards are to provide a subject nature of the course, course target, content, implementation proposed guidance document for teaching.Compared with the syllabus, it is in the basic concept of curriculum, curriculum goals, course implementation part elaborated more detailed, clear.In simple terms, the curriculum standards is that students should know what and what can be done after learning a period of time , it reflects the state of the students learning outcome expectations.Different subjects have different curriculum standards throughout the whole stage of compulsory education and general education. Here this paper will have an important discussion and research of junior middle school English curriculum standards.Curriculum standards through several times change and the newest curriculum proposed the requests as follows.At the stage of compulsory education English curriculum overall goal is to cultivate students preliminary comprehensive ability of using the language, and the English learning to promote the mental development of the students, improve the students comprehensive cultural literacy. Comprehensive language application ability of language skills, language knowledge, emotion and attitude, learning strategies and cultural awareness and other aspects of the overall development of the above. Language knowledge and language skills is a comprehensive ability to use language; cultural awareness is helpful in correctly understanding of language and the appropriate use of language; positive emotional attitude is conducive to promoting students active learning and sustainable development; effective learning strategies is to improve the learning efficiency and development of autonomous learning ability. These five aspects complement each other, and jointly promote the formation and development of the comprehensive ability of using language.In the stage of compulsory education English curriculum should be able to make the students to learn English and use English, language development using ability and interpersonal skills, form a positive emotional attitude and effective learning strategies; shall be such as to enable students to experience the English rich cultural connotation in the process of learning and using English, especially understanding cultural differences, the formation of cultural awareness and preliminary cross cultural communicative competence of a cross preliminary.Thus, we can see that our country pay more attention to students communicative competence.N.Chomsky believed that no one would be born to speak, and people can communicate with others only by much practice. The Father of Application linguistic in British thought that, to learn English, you need to open your mouth, to read, to say. Linguist Thomas (D. HYMES) said, language refers not only ability of whether one can make grammatical sentence, but also the ability of whether one can apply it properly. He said speech is an important form of language and a significant way in communication.If we want to improve students communicative competence, then the oral teaching is really the most critical part.Only continuous and effective language output can achieve the purpose of communication. But now there are big problems of junior middle school students oral English.Firstly, influenced by the examination-oriented education, most of the teaching methods can not achieve the outline of the standard released by the Ministry of Education.In other words, in order to achieve the teaching objectives, teachers pay more attention to the students reading or writing ability, the students oral expression ability is usually ignored or weakened. Secondly, insufficient emphasis is put on the teaching of pronunciation. Many teachers do not pay attention to the students pronunciation is correct or not, do not focus on the students pronunciation and intonation, what they only care about is what students say.Thirdly, the common level of teachers is not advanced. Schools do not have a dedicated teacher, teacher resources are not strong enough. Fourthly, because of the over class size, fewer opportunities to practice is given the students. Students do not have the time or opportunity to express themselves one by one.Fifthly, lack the necessary language environment.Students oral communication is based on the false context, there is no real desire to communicate. Moreover, the school does not have a good oral environment, the lack of a number of associations or English corners and the like.These problems encourage us to make further exploration on English oral teaching methods of the junior middle school so as to improve the standard of teaching and to enhance students speaking ability.From above ,we can find that speaking is quiet important and combined with the new curriculum standards of our country.In summary, our country is aim to cultivate students oral English. But at present, due to various reasons, there are many shortcomings in the oral English teaching at present. Therefore, combining the output hypothesis theory of Swain on Chinas oral English teaching especially oral English teaching in junior middle school has a very important research significance.II. Main Content and Major Issues to be Solved2.1 Main ContentAfter introduces the research background and the domestic current situation of spoken English, the next step is to launch specific discussion. This paper mainly aims to simply introduces Krashens comprehensible input theory and refers it defects and then in-depth study of Swains output hypothesis especially its three functions.And by follow there will introduce the little part of the foreign and domestic scholars development of the output hypothesis. 2.1.1 Krashens Input theories and its defectsKrashen thinks that the only way to get a language is to accept a large amount of comprehensible input. Peoples attention is focused on the input of the information itself, rather than the form of language.For Krashen, appropriate input is input that contains structures (lexis, morphology, syntax,etc.) just one step beyond the laerners current stage of linguistic development.One of the conditions of acquisition is that learners acquire a higher level of language input than the current level.He refers to this as i+1.According to Krashen (1983),learners can understand these unknown structure by relying on their world knowledge,their previously acquired linguistic knowledge and extra-linguistic contexts such as pictures and other visuals.When learners receive enough input and understand it,acquisition is unavoidable and cannot be prevented(Krashen,1985,P.4).Language acquisition is achieved through listening comprehension. Verbal expression is the result of language acquisition, not its cause. As long as the amount of comprehensible input is sufficient, it will automatically provide the necessary syntax. A language teacher does not need to explain the language structure in a natural order, because a sufficient comprehensible input will automatically provide the learner with the right amount of the next language structure and the opportunity to review the structure.Krashen made a significant contribution to the filed of SLA by understanding the important role of input in language acquisition.However,his views are detestably and unrealistic for application in actual classrooms.We are not be sure that how much comprehensible input is optimal.Students ability is really abstract,and how degree and how much input is concur with students actual ability is quiet hard to say.This is extremely hard to investigate and Krashen remains vague on this point.Furthermore,Enter the required context is also very difficult to achieve, most schools do not have the advanced teaching environment that can meet the theory.Good cities are likely to be achieved, but most of the remote rural schools in rural areas do not have a good foreign language environment, it is conceivable that effective input is very difficult to achieve.Last,Each students level of learning and learning ability is not consistent, a large number of input may be to some extent caused by the disorder of low ability students, not to say that they automatically generate language structure.2.1.2Three functions of Output HypothesisLanguage teaching practice, such as Canadian French immersion program shows that a large number of comprehensible input can help improve learners listening and reading ability, a large number of comprehensible language output is helpful to the learners ability to speak and write. However, in the perspective of communicative competence, the fluency and accuracy of language expression are equally important. So to achieve the purpose of assisting the two language learning, language output must have three main functions: Triggering Function, the hypothesis-test function and meta-linguistic function.Noticing FunctionWhen the learners output the target language, they can not accurately express the meaning which help to realize their language learning problems and then shift to pay attention to the relevant input consciously to solve these problems. The role of this function is reflected in two cognitive steps: 1. learners to recognize their own language problems - can not be expressed or wrong to express 2 rely on their existing knowledge or other ways such as the dictionary to solve problems. Therefore, this function helps to consolidate the existing knowledge of the language, or learn new knowledgeHypothesis-test FunctionIn order to express the needs of learners, it will temporarily generate some vocabulary or syntactic form, which is the language hypothesis, and through the other side of the reaction or feedback to confirm whether the hypothesis is correct. This assumption will actively urge learners to revise their language output, thus better promote the absorption of language.Meta-linguistic FunctionThe learner uses the target language to analyze and reflect on the target language, such as form, structure, etc., which are output by themselves or others. Swain believes that language output is a cognitive tool of human beings, plays the role of the media, On the one hand, the external world is internalized, on the other hand, it will be the inner psychological activities.Learners internal language and social knowledge can only highlight the advantages and defects of the content and form through the output.2.1.3 The development of output hypothesisBoth at home and abroad, the theory hypothesis of Swain has been criticized and inherited. In addition to the three major functions proposed by ,Skehan (1999) added two additional features: 1)develop a personal voice. 2)to develop discourse skills.Sun Yan, Wang Dawei (2003) control study of the input and output on the development of oral English teaching effect, and the input first output secondary point of view. Wen Qiufang (2008) put forward the output driven hypothesis on the basis of the output hypothesis of Swain (1985) to promote the realization of the reform of English major skill courses. Gu Qi (2009) summarized the problems that need to be improved in the research of the input and output, and put forward the research prospects of the input and output. Liu Yan (2010) through the combination of task based teaching method and the significance of the output teaching method, a new type of teaching method: task based output teaching method.2.2 Issues to be Solved On the basis of these theories, this thesis will to explore related issues from the following aspects: Does the output theory has shortcomings and deficiencies? What is the improvement of domestic and foreign scholars on the output theory? What is the essence of the three functions of output in the theory? To put forward some feasible teaching methods how to combine these three functions? What are the tasks of the teachers and the students?These questions are this thesis aims to solve the problem.III. Methodology The thesis mainly uses the literature analysis method.The method of the specific processes are as follows: first access to large amounts of data such as the teaching situation, the characteristics of spoken English in junior middle schools, domestic and foreign scholars on input and output theory introduction and supplement.And then collected the related documents such as some of the core journals published papers, written by foreign writers and original books. For this paper, here are more than 8 foreign literature and dozens of domestic data.Then integrated useful literature together among many literature s, and sorting out the pertinent literature needs.From so many of my data, its necessary to screened out the most important and slightly less important documents.Finally, do analysis and research of their thesis, found the insufficient place, put forward my own views.After consulting and analyzing a large number of input and output theory, this paper will discuss their deficiencies, and put forward new problems to be solved.IV .Work Plan (including time table)(1) Oct. 10 - Nov. 25, 2015: collecting materials and choose a research topic;(2) Nov. 26, 2015- Jan. 4, 2016: writing literature review, translating an article related to the thesis from English into Chinese and writing research proposal;(3) Jan.5, 2014 - Feb 29, 2016: writing a first draft;(4) Mar.1 - Mar.30, 2016: revising the first draft and writing the second draft;(5) Apr.1- Apr.30, 2016: revising the second draft and writing the third draft;(6) May 1, - May 10, 2016: blind review and improvement of the thesis;(7) May 14-31, 2016: thesis defense.V. 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