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Unit110/19What does Talia选最长According to Probaly sometime next yearWhat isHe likes the ideaJack hasNick sits on a park11/19Fromwants Nick to agreeNicksTheseWhensurprisedAfterrealizes1A/5friendship?Happyfamily?She feelsnow?They e-mailtogether?.or just talkShe firstelementaryfirst time?There were on1B/5 in a show my age get to went away meet up together sort of like hung outhate talking back and forth keep this friendship going a long way away2A/5Nick wasOneWe arrangedWe setNick isHeWe talkedWe didI cantIts all2B/5看见下面单词选之independent,insane,unlikely,illegal,irregular,unsuitable3/5thinking ,have we ,have been working ,had ,shouldnt ,are going to have ,isnt4/5noc cre mer a or5A/5Whats. To. As. By.5B/5A:Whats up J:ByUnit 23/19Nicks voice was.Dean is jealous.Nick was.8/19What doessome assistanceWhen Taliavery eagerTony thinksDean wantsWhen TonyconfidentWhen is TonyTomorrowTonys mainwont be10/19(更多答案尽在驰觉网www.chijue.com)DeanHes a member ofPatty suggestShe doesntWhats Amy goingTry toWhat isShe wants to get11/19When Amy findsexcitedPatty tellshelp AmyAmy winks atmake PattyAmy doestntdoesnt want12/19get iced tea Coming right up a little get hold of told used to stopped coming Too bad brother works out Id rather complicated acting catch up acting tip likewise1A/5How speaker feelawkwardWhat kindvery niceHow you boss feel选最长Whats wrongmean to kindsWhat happened at last选最短What boss&workerquarrel1B/5 major falling out awkward kind of mean complaining to sort of hyper weird with ruining so bad conflicts right in the middle quit pretty much coming back to2A/5He wasHe was trickedHe most importantThe bottomThis storyI dontHe is He reseatsWhats newcan you2B/5read between the linesShes just dropping a lineAlong the same linebut thebottom linelay it on the linevacation,drop me a linetaking a hard line3/5(更多答案尽在驰觉网www.chijue.com)by spoke examineda lot of(money) many(commercials)a lot of(members) was editedmany (soccer)4/5ec mo se ri in5A/5is something wrong Im really stressed out heres an idea Hmmmthat might work5B/5Are you OK? rightUnit 33/19What Talia askTo talk toAmy learnThat she has beenWhenin about to8/19When Talia says最长What do you know最短What are Amy最长Why does AmyJackieAmy talkmakeJackie saysHe has taughtAt the endangry10/19What did DeanTo introduceWhat doesTo look atWhom didAn agentWhat are Dean最长11/19During this She wants JackieJackie最长Jackie doesnt最长Jackie probably最短12/19(更多答案尽在驰觉网www.chijue.com)by the way real stage an agent As a matter of fact incredible surprised do seems film director wait adore celebration celebrating Nothing really ever eaten ate exciting the right places booked perfect people-wating impressed plan ahead1A/5Whats the best最长How does sheShe usesWhat does she最长What has sheMaking hand-madeWhen of最短1B/5 hand-made funniest usually do cut around the edges favorite a bunch of cut out creativity no limits2/5an unplannedimprovingto researchdo yourexcellentfabulousto getfind outencourageinspiring3/5ve called Have you being doing have you taken ve had ve been watchingve eaten4/5inspiring,improvisation,fabulous,drama,semester5/5The actor wereHow was your meetingShes absolutelyWhat do you think of hisHes really(更多答案尽在驰觉网www.chijue.com)What do you think of itUnit 4 3/19 go to class ; works in journalism ; Walking around the university 8/19 To remind her ; She needs to talk with Jackie a little more ; He teaches Jackies acting class ; She wants to find a way to be introduced ; she wants her to think theyve met before ; Gower Building ; Their majors are different 9/19 Nick and Talia ; excited ; To make a dinner reservation ; She acts as11/19 threatening Jackie ; angry ; modest ; apologizing ;12 /19 shoe company serious quite serious Ive got must be talking to find out booked Great work Piece of cake reservation was planning being understand anything else a lot two hours1A/5 movie ;Mondays ,Thursday and Saturdays;20 ; e-mail ;Somewhere in the city 1B/5 have got to go by in between your schedule good for really good otherwise ever good for close by quite a bit coming out 2/5 cakeeasy ; charmedpleased ; holdwait ; Oopsyou say 3/5 feel ; mustwriter ; mightknow Jackie ; might notbe married ; must notsuspect ; mustcolor ; Couldstage name ; cant beinnocent 4/5 charmed ; hold ; familiar ; run 5/5 take upnice talking to you ; great seeing you ; Catch you later ; got to rungetting lateSection test A题目顺序随机,根据答案自己找合适的题 Listening 1231 232 332 4she believes it is famous 51 nick tells 2 Nick mentions 3 nick talks 621(题目:1.where does Jackie think talia has seen her before 721(题目:1.how does nick respond to the commercial idea 81 army tells 2 talia 3 army asks Vocabulary 1213121 2attractive sane 3down the line lay it on the line smart cookie piece of cake 4agent stunt person Grammar 1to ask cant you much is completed 2have been working have decided 3must yourself(更多答案尽在驰觉网www.chijue.com) 4a little going to going 5331 6must have can each other 7if we can get where the restaurant is excited Pronunciation 1might have was 222(题目:1.is there anthing elseyouwant me to do) 332 4and an 5question statement 631are 721(he was tricked no,it just sounds that way) Speaking 1213 2321(题目:1.talia:its getting late. I should get goingUnit 58/19 hes tryingshe doesntnick looks gooda wigtalia leftto help save nick10/19 yes,.notice(更多答案尽在驰觉网www.chijue.com)talia plantshe watchesshe asked11/19a greatpotimisticdean almostare too concerned12/19as I was saying feelingas soon asconversation plant their tableBrilliant researcher their table watch for plant the mike cough or something warn Hurry up close the menu order though really hungry Neither am I here comes1A/5 preparingthat the awardher familyto show modesty(更多答案尽在驰觉网www.chijue.com)2A/5BY the wayonwatches forprofessionwore itabouthalloween career to put onmessage cared abouttake out on a dateforgot whats going onmissyou look nice in that costumehaving conversationBY the way1B/5 wonderful award even though deserve earned audience Teacher of the Year sounds sort of appreciate throughout the years an honor to be chosen honestly support of principal superintendent grateful opportunity bestowed on me2A/5 234122132B/5 Halloween career to put on message cared about take out on a date forgot whats going on miss you look nice in that costume so do you having conversation by the way3A/5 clean has they to work neither did3B/5 go let change neither do I so do I4/5 122225/5 2312122Unit 63/16 3428/19she wantshe doesnt want to attractdeanbecause she didnt bringtwo(更多答案尽在驰觉网www.chijue.com)because he hasamys friends10/19about helping hershe pretendedboth nick and jackieno,.from the beginning11/19proud of herjackies partbyron walters cant helpshe will try to do somthingcalm down worried get intophony tape posed as Big dealsuperb get suspendedactress Speaking of which introduce film directora star patient ridiculousquit the business(更多答案尽在驰觉网www.chijue.com)my big break at alltricked stand for1A/5 need a lot of .govermentcloning a whole person.parents whoshe felt it scaryno,.living situation1B/5 really curious opinion cloning kind of crimpy science fiction personality something like that clone organs genetic material getting completely out of hand nature versus nurture debate upbringing grieving government control draw the line2a/5 keep theirkeep backkeep me postedkeep everyone guessingkeep quiet2B/5 show up superb so phony slight pose as what if get into ridiculous break calm down suspended big deal trick stand for keep your voice down3/5 big deal that gets him to calm down didnt know is whos involved making make4/5 222215/5 butI dontthats nonsenseoh,wellexcusei see yourbig dealUnit 73/19 pleasedto stay in8/19she made himshe figuredshe wants to getshe wants to makehave a tape ofshe should just10/19(更多答案尽在驰觉网www.chijue.com)because.girlfriendthat he had a crush.lovers11/19curious.the clss because.availableaskconfession confessionwas overas in remember took togetherwell studying togetherexam ask you outwhy didnt youId heard boyfriendsplit up semester In factsplit up by mid-semesterYoure kidding guessthough all right getCappuccino1A/5 she .readywonderfulthe girl was(更多答案尽在驰觉网www.chijue.com)jessie was not readya person .cant1B/5 pretty amazing the third date funny person positive sort of a wind chaser put it settle down regret the relationship2A/5 seeing somebody a serious relationship split up fixed her up played the field a crush on the rebound a blind date played hard to get asked her out2B/5 on confession clear up admitted fantastic its all over relieved catch3/5 to do hadnt got hadnt changed would have starved hadnt given up hadnt thought suggested hired hadnt taken to get offered had studied4/5 121225/5what a nightmarethat was a lot of funof coursedo you recall thati guess i should haveoh! dont remind mei should have studied moreUnit 8(更多答案尽在驰觉网www.chijue.com)3/19 .excitedto wait till he heardhes eager to listen8/19trusted.pleasedimpatientsurprisethe eveningshe helpedlisten to the tape10/19that.planning.record button.rewind the tape11/19ive ruinedshe .experienceamy.how to(更多答案尽在驰觉网www.chijue.com)12/19get reinstated onJust a minuterewound going onIts been workinghad it deanedsee ifwas so about tocheck recording light ongoing onpress I thought I diddesasterlearned a lesson the hard way1A/5 the first .receivebecause.maintenancethe .new$57(更多答案尽在驰觉网www.chijue.com)its .server1B/5 the support people this whole story makes sense to my server fix Anyway program download into run through reboot plug the Internet Wouldnt you whole my server this program a brand-new computer come for free work get it No problem with that2A/5 darnunbelievablelearned.unpleasantto broadcast the storygive jacks2B/5 get out of here check hearing is believing pressed disaster reinstated learned a lesson the hard way sure3/5 was just repaired found was going to go get it checked that he were going have it done was my hair cut 4/5 11225A/5 acting up again yes lets66.75B/5 maybe you shouldthat never crossedthe TVs messed upyes,but somethings wrong.Section test B题目顺序随机,根据答案自己找合适的题Listening1talia explains nick complimets talia tells2nick says he nick says that talia impliesshe got information fromthey dont want to get caughtshe pretended to be a businesshe lied about talkingwill tell the truthhelp outin the city ofinvolves manyreplyshe finds the newsshe .information thatdidnt have electricityover 300 peoplewhile on vacation432(题目:1.selena grew up)523(更多答案尽在驰觉网www.chijue.com)631(1.why is talia happy that tony hasnt aired the story)7she pretended he lied will tell08213Vocabularycaughtrelieveclearedkeep it downfakeline of business2kinky keep out of clear his name3bald keep going clear my head4be on the rebound play the fieldGrammar1get had it cut told was going2were talking neither so do heard3told to write who4make me do help him write let her miss the class next week5was going to difficult to catch had planned for us to get together6dont show up ll call(更多答案尽在驰觉网www.chijue.com)Pronunciation11212211(1.do you hear final or non-final intonation)412521(1.they admitted)Speaking1this is a disaster is acting up no,I guss I should do that2what oh DoUnit 93/16 she didnt recordupsetshe pressed the wrong buttons8/19(更多答案尽在驰觉网www.chijue.com)he doesntyou .so angrydoubtsshe left him.afternoonshe wishes.messed uphe seems sympatheticto show.conversationto celebrate with10/19she says Newslinethe truth will.it isthey cant do anythingits a natural part of11/19angrythe situationshe has disappointedcalm down a little12/19do it overTake it from mewhats done is donecoveringstay so positiveoptimisticquit my jobtake my placeoverreactinglet you downwin out1A/5to stop borrowing(更多答案尽在驰觉网www.chijue.com)it is a ladys shirtshe always borrowsshe is good at sewing stuffit is gone after Cindyher roommate borrowed1B/5 10 6 9 1 4 3 5 7 2 8 112/5 positivedo it overtaking my placequittedoverreactedwon outcoveringtake it from mekick myself(更多答案尽在驰觉网www.chijue.com)3A/5 were hadmt asked would return could give knew3B/5 had been would have gotten could have recorded had pushed hadnt heard wouldnt have known3C/5 could go back hadnt worked would not have lost supposed4/5 112125/5dont worry about itwhat an idiot I ami cant believe youstop beating yourselftake it easycalm down.i should have been moreUnit 103/19amy tells hernick promises notto go to talk to(更多答案尽在驰觉网www.chijue.com)8/19 he doesnt knowshell become famoushe knows they need moreshocked to seeis still angrywants talia and nick tohow she looksto tell.framedthat she recorded the11/19 she hopes itshe is talking toshe wants to beshe shouldnt have trusted12/19 worn a different outfitspaceget national exposureforward schemed to frameposed phonyCute name met him therediscuss an spacelobby space the tapebig shot(更多答案尽在驰觉网www.chijue.com)lying the whole timegone along withknown better1A/5 anatomy is dealingthe students have tothe study is too demanding1B/5 massage therapy interested in all the time get basically go to pay for it Exactly energy healing college credit sort of meditate focus our point meditating meditating some classes like take anatomy memorize terminology2A/5 big shotsrejoindoctoredknow betteroutfitschemed(更多答案尽在驰觉网www.chijue.com)2B/5acrossupoutbyforwarddown tothroughbetweenaboutdown with3A/5 would go were were should have asked should have gone3B/5 moved had been working decided had been watching had been throwing reported became had been covering3C/5 shouldve didnt had been should were4/5 1212215/5 im kind ofim not too thrilledi cant waiti know what you meanim really lookingim not reallyUnit 113/16 2228/16 32111229/16 14121A/5 312141B/5 5 1 7 3 10 6 9 8 4 22/5 32132123A/5 will be reporting who know that is3B/5 cant be allowed can be learned must be limited can be measured may use has to be kept have to respect3C/5 that talia made will not been playing cant be allowed can learn4/5 12121125/5 131213Unit 12(更多答案尽在驰觉网www.chijue.com)(更多答案尽在驰觉网www.chijue.com)3/16 1418/16 414323439/16 231421A/5 2133421B/5 2 4 10 6 1 9 3 7 5 82/5 2342112413A/5 did does should am will3B/5 whom when do ran into her take her out4/5 112115/5 132132Section test C题目顺序随机,根据答案自己找合适的题Listening1talia tells talia says shell nick describes23133324223(1. nick says,”dean,that the smartest thing ive ever heard you say)5patty reminds nick complains that patty advises6talking to guests on her show the first phase of an interview7celebrate their success worrying about the tape8lost he runs ahead through the forestVocabulary1213232came across oversee come by3broke the news overestimating break the habit4warm tired jokesGrammar1did that shouldnt be ll be talking shouldnt have2were had been playing am supposed to could have should have been turn out wouldnt have3d been trying ll be leaving4were which might have5hadnt gone out do wherePronunciation(都是选折题!单词是答案中的)122(更多答案尽在驰觉网www.chijue.com)2would you will3could have shouldnt have43115yourself explain stirSpeaking1this is getting you cant2Ive been do let me Level testListening1.12312.1313(1.how did talia know Jackie would talk to dean about nick)3.2213(1.jackies cell phone is_)4.1225.236.122317.212(1.which statement is true about our memory)8.jackie met dean and Jackie took dean the tape9.response car horn referees10.you leave the sun you see you walk11.1321(1.what does amy ask for in addition to her iced tea)Vocabulary1.straigh rotten apple clear the air seeing him2.ask go out keep are out of line3.illegal take a hard line agent4.overheard coming by come about Broke her promise hot temperGrammar1.dont you been was to talk2.lie who taken so have3.yourself might have could4.was to admit can to tell made5.were told playing had6.hadnt do who have7.supposed to be planning had of out have8.2329.to put much been surprised suprising doPronunciation1.21212.unstressed un s un3.1214. UP SO YOU EVERYTHINGSpeaking1.how thats its(更多答案尽在驰觉网www.chijue.com)2.2133.are you ok I would keep me4.no youre oh 以下版本内容部分有误(很少):第一单元 3/16 BBB 8/16 CABAC 9/16 ABA 1211 take a break why not some other time party available li

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