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日常诊疗英语听说交流(二)1. Traditional Chinese MedicineAcupuncture(针灸) and Moxibustion(艾灸)Step 1. Dialogue Listen to the model dialogue and choose the best answer to each question. 选择1. What did the patient(病人) complain of(抱怨)?A. She had pain(疼痛) in the lower abdomen(下腹部).B. She felt pain in her neck(脖子).C. Her chest(胸) hurt(疼痛).D. She complained of severe(严重的) low back pain(背部疼痛).2. What kind of pain does she feel in her right foot(右脚)?A. She feels a pricking(刺痛的) sensation(感觉).B. She feels a swelling-like(肿胀的) sensation.C. Its a burning(烧伤) sensation. D. Its a hot(炙热的) sensation.3. How long has she had the pain? A. For several(几个) months. B. For a year.C. For several weeks. D. For two days.4. Aside from(除了) the pain, what other complications(并发症) does she have?A. She is constipated(便秘的).B. She often perspires (出汗;盗汗) while sleeping at night.C. Her menstrual cycle(月经周期) isnt very punctual(准点到来的;有规律的).D. She is very sensitive to(对。敏感) cold(寒冷).5. Which of the statements about acupuncture-moxibustion(针灸-艾灸) therapy(疗法) is true?A. It is painful(疼痛的).B. The needles(针) are disposable(一次性使用的;用完即扔的).C. The needles(针) are as thin(细小的) as a syringe(皮下注射器).D. It carries serious adverse(负面的) effects(作用;影响).Step 2 Listen to the model dialogue again and fill in the blanks with the missing words 填空Doctor: Whats bothering (困扰) you?医生: 你哪里不舒服?Patient: Ive got a _ pain in my lower back(背下部). I feel a swelling-like(肿胀的) sensation(感觉).病人: 我的腰总是疼痛。我觉得是一种胀痛。Doctor: Please point out the exact(确切的;具体的)place of the pain. 医生: 请指一下疼痛的具体部位。Patient: The right area of my lower back.病人: 我右边的腰痛。Doctor: Is the pain _this part?医生: 疼痛仅局限于这个部位吗?Patient: No. The pain seems to _.病人: 不是,疼痛似乎游走不定。Doctor: In what directions does the pain radiate(辐射)?医生: 疼痛向什么部位辐射?Patient: It radiates down to my right foot. My legs (腿)and knees(膝盖) are often sore(酸痛的) and weak(虚弱的), I experience(感受;经历) numbness(麻) and a tingling(刺痛的) sensation (感觉)in my right foot.病人: 疼痛辐射到我的右脚。 我的两腿和膝关节也常常酸软无力。右脚感觉麻木和刺痛。Doctor: When did the pain begin?医生: 疼痛什么时候开始的?Patient: Almost a year ago. It _. I work as a software programmer.(软件爱你程序员) I have to sit for long periods(长时期). These days, the pain becomes more _with the cold weather.病人: 大概一年前。疼痛逐渐加剧。 我是一个软件编程员,长时间坐在电脑前。这些天,随着天气转冷,疼痛开始加剧。Doctor: Are your hands and feet cold?医生: 你的手脚凉吗?patient: Yes, I am very sensitive to (对。敏感的)cold.病人: 对,我十分怕冷。Doctor: Do you often feel thirsty?医生: 你经常感觉口渴吗?Patient: Yes, and I prefer drinking hot water.病人: 对,而且我喜欢喝热水。Doctor: Hows your _?医生: 你的食欲怎么样?Patient: I feel hungry easily, but cant eat much. I enjoy eating greasy(油的) and spicy(辣的) foods.病人: 我经常容易饿,但又吃的不多。我喜欢吃油腻的和辛辣的食物。Doctor: Are you constipated(便秘的)? 医生: 你便秘吗?Patient: No. _every morning. 病人: 不,我每天早晨都排便。Doctor: Is your menstrual cycle (月经周期)regular(有规律的)?医生: 你月经周期有规律吗?Patient: Yes, but I have abdominal pain(腹部疼痛) during my menstrual period(月经周期).病人: 是的,但是月经期肚子会痛。Doctor: How is your sleep?医生: 你的睡眠怎么样?Patient: I cant fall asleep(熟睡) easily at night. Sometimes I have _.病人: 我晚上很难入睡,有时候会失眠。Doctor: Let me see your tongue(舌头). Your tongue is a little pale(淡的;苍白的) and the tongue coating(舌苔) a little greasy(油腻的). Please let me feel your pulse(脉搏).医生: 我来看看你的舌头, 颜色有点淡,舌苔有点腻。让我来测下你的脉搏。Patient: How is my pulse? 病人: 我的脉搏怎么样?Doctor: Its a little _. This indicates(说明) that your kidney(肾脏) Yang is a little weak(虚弱的). Ill give you acupuncture(针灸) and moxibustion(艾灸) to _ and regulate (调节;规范)Yin and Yang.医生: 脉搏有点细沉,这说明你肾阳虚。我用针灸给你疏通经络,调节阴阳。Patient: Is acupuncture-moxibustion(针灸-艾灸) safe and _ it painful? Are there any side effects(副作用)? Is it painful?病人: 针灸安全和卫生吗?有没有副作用?痛吗?Doctor: Acupuncture and moxibustion are totally safe and without harmful(有害的) side effects(副作用). Acupuncture(针灸) needles(针) are much finer(细的) than a syringe(注射器) and there is very little pain involved with(涉及) the insertion(插入) of these needles. All needles are disposable(一次性使用的) therefore it is impossible to _.医生: 针灸绝对安全,没有副作用。针灸的针比注射器的针更细,插入的时候不会很痛。所有的针都是一次性的,不会感染。Patient: How are the treatments(治疗) done?病人: 怎样进行治疗呢?Doctor: Ill insert(插入) needles(针) in the Weizhong acupoint(穴位) and the Ashi acupoint. Then Ill use moxibustion(艾灸) on the Mingmen and Shenshu acupoints.医生: 我会把针刺入委中,和阿是穴,然后再命门和肾俞穴上进行艾灸。Patient: How long will you _ the needle?病人: 需要留针多长时间?Doctor: For over 20 minutes. 20 later, Ill take out(拔出) the needles. 医生:20多分钟。 20分钟后,会起针。Patient: Whats treatment(治疗) frequency(频率)? 病人:治疗需要做多少次?Doctor: For _, regularly(定期地;有规律地) scheduled(预约的) treatments(治疗) over(经过) several months may be required(需要的). You should have acupuncture(针灸) twice(两次) a week.医生: 对于慢性疾病,定期按时治疗可能需要几个月。你应该一星期做两次针灸治疗。Patient: OK. Ill try acupuncture for a month and see if there is any improvement(改善;进步).病人:好的,我先试一个月,看看有没有改善。Doctor: In your daily(日常的) life, for the proper recovery(康复) from back pain(背痛), it is also important to avoid(避免) or minimize(尽量减少) activities that lead to(导致) back injury(背部损伤), and physical(身体的) and _.医生: 在你的日常生活中,避免导致腰损伤的活动,减少身体和精神上的压力,才能更快地康复。Useful Expressions 常用表达Inquiring about the Disease 询问病情I. What is the nature of the pain? 是什么性质的疼痛?2. Does the pain stay(停留) in the same place? 疼痛部位还是固定不变的吗?3. Is there any relation between the pain and the weather? 疼痛和天气变化有关吗?4. Has your mouth felt dry recently? 你来你口干吗?5. Do you drink a lot of liquids? 你水喝得多吗?6. Do you often eat raw(生的,未加工过的), cold foods? 你经常吃生冷食物吗?7. Do you have any taste in your mouth? 你嘴里有什么味吗?8 . Do you easily defecate(排便)? 大便通畅吗?9. Have you perspired(出汗) a lot? 出汗多吗?Diagnosing and Treating 诊断治疗1. Your tongue coating is whitish(白的), moist(湿的,滑的) and glossy(有光泽的;亮的). Your pulse(脉搏) is floating (漂的)and tight(紧的). 你的舌苔白滑,脉浮紧。2. You have a pale(淡色的) tongue with a thin white coating(苔) and a deep, slow pulse. 你的舌淡,苔薄白,脉沉迟。3. You have a red tongue with yellow, dry coating(苔) and a slow, full pulse. 你的舌红,苔黄燥,脉滑实。4. Acupuncture(针灸) is the most effective(有效的) treatment for this kind of backache(腰痛). 针灸治疗这种腰痛最有效。5 I suggest you have a course(疗程) of acupuncture. 我建议你接受一个疗程的针灸。Giving Prescription and Advice 开处方和提建议1. Acupuncture may have effect(效果), but a prolonged(长期的) treatment is needed. 针灸会有效果,但需要长期治疗。 2. According to your case(病例;病情), you had better(最好) have a few more treatments(治疗) to consolidate(巩固) the results(结果;效果). 根据你的情况,再做几次治疗巩固效果更好。 3. You need to return(返回) for several treatments to stabilize(稳定) your condition(情况). 你还得要来治疗几次,巩固疗效。背景介绍: Dialogue: 中医知识的基础介绍Doctor: Hello, Mr. Stanly. How are you feeling today?医生: 你好,斯坦利先生。今天感觉如何?Patient: Much better, thank you! I can sit straight today. The acupuncture is really great.病人:好多了,谢谢!今天我可以坐直了。针灸的确很棒。Doctor: Yes, Chinese Traditional Medicine (TCM) has a history of more than 5,000 years. It has a complete theory about the occurrence, development and treatment of diseases. Acupuncture is only one of the most effective ways to treat diseases such as your pleurapophysis.医生: 不错。 中医有五千年的历史。它对疾病的发生,发展和治疗都有着完整的理论体系。针灸只不过是治疗你的椎骨侧突疾病的一种最有效的方式。Patient: All the same(依然,还是), many of my colleagues(同事) feel much puzzled(困惑的) about TCM. Would you please tell me more about it?病人: 尽管如此,我的许多同事对中医还是有些不了解。你能否多给我介绍一下?Doctor: Sure. According to TCM theory, the occurrence of diseases is the in-coordination between Yin and Yang and the treatment of diseases is the re-establishment of the equilibrium(=balance平衡) between them.医生: 没问题,根据中医理论,疾病的发生是阴阳失调所致。而疾病的治疗就是阴阳的重新平衡。Patient: Oh, what is Yin and Yang?病人: 嗯,什么是阴阳?Doctor: They are the two concepts(概念) from ancient(古代的) Chinese philosophy(哲学) and they represent(代表) the two contradictions(相互矛盾) in everything. In TCM theory, Yin and Yang are used to explain (生理的)and pathological(病理的) phenomena(现象) of the body(身体). They are also the principles(原则) of diagnosing(诊断) and (治疗)diseases.医生:它们是中国古代哲学的两个概念,代表着一切事物的两个对立面。中医学运用阴阳理论来解释人体的生理和病理现象。同时,阴阳也是诊断和治疗疾病的法则。Patient: Then how do you Chinese doctors treat your patients by using this theory?病人:那么你们中国医生是怎样用这一理论来给病人治病的呢?Doctor: General to say, there are two common(常见的;普通的) ways of TCM (治疗)diseases: drug(药物) therary and non-drug(非药物) therapy(疗法).医生:总的来说,中医有两种常见的治疗方式:药物治疗和非药物治疗。Patient: Thats very interesting. What drugs do you often apply(使用;运用)?病人:真有趣。你们通常都用什么药?Doctor: As for (关于)drug therapy, traditional medicines are used such as herbs(草药), mineral(矿物质), animals(动物), etc.医生:至于药物治疗,中医常用:草药,矿物质,动物药等。Patient: And how about non-drug therapy?病人:那非药物治疗呢?Doctor: As for non-drug therapy, there are acupuncture(针灸)and moxibustion(艾灸), massage(按摩), cupping(拔火罐).医生:非药物治疗包括针灸,按摩,拔火罐等。Patient: I know a little about acupuncture and massage. Whats cupping?病人:对于针灸和按摩,我略知一二。什么是拔火罐?Doctor: It is a congested(充血的) treatment(治疗) using a vacuum(真空的) cup(杯子) sucked(吸入) firmly on the skin(皮肤). Usually, the doctor fires(点燃) an alcohol(酒精) sponge(海绵) and puts it inside the cup for a short while to make the cup a vacuum one, then he places(放) the vacuum cup instantly(立即) over the selected(选定的) spot(地方;位置) of the skin.医生:拔火罐就是把一个真空的杯子放在皮肤上引起局部充血的一种治疗方法。通常医生吧一个点燃的酒精棉球放在杯子里一会儿,以排出里面的空气,使它成为一个真空杯,接着快速地把空杯子放在选定的皮肤上。Patient: Is it effective?病人:这有效吗?Doctor: Just as effective as acupuncture which we are using to treat you. But cupping therapy is especially good for pains.医生:就像我们治疗你的病,和针灸一样有效。但是拔火罐特别适合痛症。Patient: Thats really fantastic.病人:这太神奇了。Doctor: To tell the truth(说实话), according to statistics(统计数字), Traditional Chinese Medicine is better for the treatment of diseases of viral infections(病毒感染), immune system(免疫系统), cardio-cerebrovascular(心脑血管的) system and nervous system(神经系统) without causing any side effects(副作用) compared with western medicine.医生:说实话,根据资料统计,与西医相比,中医更擅长于病毒感染性疾病,免疫系统疾病,心脑血管疾病和神经系统疾病的治疗,而且不会有任何副作用。Patient: Thank you very much! Doctor. Ive got a better understanding of TCM now.病人:非常感谢!医生。 我现在对中医的理解要更多一些了。Key for Reference:Step 1 选择1. D 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. BStep 2 填空1. nagging (挥之不去的;总是存在的) 2. confined to(=be limited to局限于)3. move around(活动;移动)4. develops gradually5. intense/serious/severe (加剧的;严重的)6. appetite(食欲)7. defecate(排便)8. insomnia/sleeplessness(失眠)9. deep and thready((脉搏)微弱的)10. dredge(疏通) the meridian (经络)11. hygienic(卫生的)12. get infection(感染)13. retain(=keep保留;保持)14. chronic conditions(=chronic diseases慢性病)15. emotional(精神的;情绪的) stress(压力;紧张)

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