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名词所有格练习题.翻译汤姆(Tom)的书_ 桑迪的班级_ 露西的格尺_ 男孩的书包_ 老师的钢笔_ 儿童节_ 老师门的办公室_ 男厕所_ 教师节_ 母亲节_ 房间的窗户_ 家庭照片_ 桌子的颜色_ 商店的门_ 英语课的时间_ Tom和Sandy的班级_Lili 和我的英语书_爸爸妈妈的房间_ Tom 和苏各自的球_爸爸妈妈各自的朋友_.选择1. This is _ class. A .Sue B. Sues C. Sues D. Sue of2. Today is _ Day. A. teachers B. teachers C. teachers D. teacher3. This is a picture _ my family. A. at B. for C. of D. in4. I can see the _ teeth. A.elephant B.elephants C.elephants 5. What is the colour _ the desk. A.at B.of C.in D. for6. What is the _name? A. girls B. girl C. girls D. girls7. Give me _ book. A. you B. Lily C.Lilys D.Lilys8. This is _ and _ room. A.my father, mother B. my fathers,mother C. my fathers,mothers D. my father,mothers 9. These are _ and_ rooms A.my father,mother B. my fathers,mother C. my father;s,mother;s D.my father,mother10. What is the time _ your English class? A. at B. for C. of D. in.翻译句子1, 这是苏的班级._.2, 他是爸爸的朋友. _.3, 这个女孩的名字是什么?_ ?4, 这是我和姐姐的房间. _.5, 今天是儿童节. _.6, 你的书包是什么颜色的?_?7, Lucy 的头发是什么颜色的?_?.改错1, It is Mr Crisps book. _2, This is my mother coat. _3, That is the teathers pen. _4, Today is Teathers Day. _5, This is mans room. _.用of替换下面的词组1,my fathers friend_2, the teachers pen_3, Lilys rubber_4, my father and my mothers room_5, the girls key_.用s 或 s 替换下面的词组1, the legs of the boy_2, the key of the girl_3, the tail of the cat_4, the toys of the boys _5, the pen of John_

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