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译林版小升初英语试题专项复习:完型填空一、完形填空(共5分)Shanghai is a big 1 . Many people want to visit it in this summer. Mary is an 2 York 3 . From the Internet, she knows its sunny and 4 in summer in Shanghai. So Mary will take some T-shirts and skirts. She also wants to find a Chinese friend to be her guide(导游), because her 5 is not very good. She thinks she will have a good time in China. ( ) 1. A. countryB. countrysideC. city( ) 2. A. AmericanB. JapaneseC. Chinese( ) 3. A. by bikeB. by planeC. on foot( ) 4. A. coldB. coolC. hot( ) 5. EnglishB. ChineseC. French二、完型填空。(10%) Peter gets up very early in the morningHe dresses(穿衣服), 1 ,and 2 out to run in the open airEvery clay he goes to school 3 4 four classes in the morning 5 class he reads some books 6 is at twelveAfter lunch he 7 a short rest(休息)In the afternoon he has two classesThen he has an hour 8 sportsHe plays ping-pong 9 footballIn the evening he does his 10 in his homeHe goes to bed at 10:30 ( )1Acleans Bwashes Cplays Djumps ( )2Ago B Cgoes D ( )3Aby bike Bon bike Cby his bike Dtake his bike ( )4AHave BHas CThere isDThere are ( )5AAt BAfter CBefore DFor ( )6ALunch BBreakfast CMeal DSupper ( )7Acatches Bis taking Chas Dtake ( )8Ain Bon Cto Dfor ( )9Aand Bor Cbut Dso ( )10Aworks Bhousework Chomework Dhomeworks1B 2C 3A 4D 5A 6A 7C 8D 9A 10C三、完型填空。(共10分。每小题1分)Tom is an 1 boy.Hes twelve 2 .Hes two years 3 than his brother,Jim.Tom is 150 cm an Jim is 160 kilos and Tom is 60 kilos.Tom wants 4 lose some weight(减肥),so he tries not to eat too much food.He also 5 more exercise than before. Every morning he 6 earlier than Jim and he goes jogging for thirty minutes,He usually goes skating after school.After dinner.Tom often 7 , and Jim likes 8 at home.Now Tom is much stronger than Jim.Jim thinks he needs more 9 now. He and Tom will do ercise 10 . ( ) 1. A.Japanese B. England C.American( ) 2. A.year old B.years old C.years older ( ) 3. A.old B.young C.younger ( ) 4. A.to B.for C.with ( ) 5. A.did B.does C.do( ) 6. A.goes to bed B.goes to school. C.gets up( ) 7. A.goes to bed B.eats lots of food C.goes for a walk ( ) 8. A. skiing B.swimming C.watching TV ( ) 9. A.homework B.exercise C.rest ( ) 10. A.together B. too C.also 2 / 2

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