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PEP小学英语六年级下册U1习题(一)A Lets learn一、写出下列形容词的比较级:1. small 2. big 3. short 4. tall 5. long 6. strong 7. thin 8. fat 9. heavy 10. nice 11. young 12. old 二、根据中文提示,填写上适当的词,每空一词1. I _ taller than _(他) 2. She _younger than _(我)3. They _stronger than _(她)4. We _bigger than _(他们)5. You _ older than _(他)6. Amy and Kate _ thinner than_(我们)三、情景写话: 1、当别人想知道你的身高时,你应说: 2、你想知道别人的身高是多少,你应问: 3、你要告诉别人,你比你哥哥高一些,你应说: 4、你要告诉别人,你妹妹比你更矮一些,你应说: 5、你要告诉别人,Tom比Mike更强壮一些,你应说: 四、根据题意完成句子: 1. - are you?- 155 . 2. - is Tom? - 160 . 3. - is Amy?- 150 . 4. - is your father?- 170 .5.- is your mother?- 162 .6. Im (比更高一些) my brother.7. Zhang Peng 比Mike更强壮一些。Zhang Peng Mike. 8. Amy 比Tom更矮一些。 . 9. Line up (从矮到高). 10. are (你比我更年轻).五、根据图片或中文提示填空: 1. Tom Mike. Mike Tom. 2. Peter Titer. Titer Peter. 3. Chen Jie Mike. Mike Chen Jie.A Lets talk一、根据题意完成句子: 1.- ?-Im 160 . 2. - Amy?- 150 .3. - your brother?- 164 .4. - your mother?- 158 .5. - ?-Im 13 years old.6. - Tom?- 12 .7. - your sister?- 10 .8. - ?-Im 35kg.9. - your dog?- 10kg.10. - Mike?- 40kg.二、照样子写话:例:Sarah is 15 years old. Amy is 14 years old.Sarah is one year older than Amy. Amy is one year younger than Sarah.1. John is 159 cm tall. Mike is 162 cm tall. 2. Liu Yun is 12 years old. Chen Jie is 14 years old. 3. Zhang Peng is 53kg. Wu Yifan is 45kg. 三、根据中文意思完成句子,并写出其同义句:1、我比我妹妹老年。 2、Amy比Lucy高5cm. 3、我的哥哥比我重6公斤。 4、Zhang Peng比Mike更高更强壮。 5、我的英语书比你的更新一些。 四、情景写话: 1、你想知道别人的年龄,你应问: 2、你想知道别人的身高,你应问: 3、你想知道蝇的姓名,你应问: 4、你要告诉别人,你比你哥哥更强壮,你应说: 5、你要告诉别人,你比你妹妹大2年,你应说: 6、你要告诉别人,你叔叔比你爸爸矮2厘米,你应该说: 7、你要告诉别人,你比你弟弟重5公斤,你应说: 8、我的书包比你的书包更大一些。 五、根据上下文选词填空: is likes old tall has this be older taller art _ is my friend. She is 14 years _. Shes 1 year _ than me. She _ long hair and big eyes. She _ 160 cm _. She is 3 cm _ than me. She _ drawing pictures. She is going to _ an _ teacher one day.六、 写出问句或答句:1. A: _? B: I am 156 cm tall.2. A: How old are you? B: _.3. A: _?B: Amy is 41 kg.A Lets read一、根据P6的内容,回答下列问题:1. Which monkey does Ben like? 2. Is the yellow monkey taller than the brown one? 3. Which monkey is strong? 4. How tall is the little monkey? 5. How long is the little monkeys tail? 二、 阅读选择:Dad: Which dog do you like?John: I like the black dog. Its taller than the white one.Dad: Do you like the shorter brown one?John: I think I like the taller dog. It is stronger.Dad: I like the white dog. Its younger. Its tail is 6 cm long.John: The black dog is only 20 cm tall.John: Can I get a new dog? Im older now.Dad: No, you have two dogs already!( ) 1. Which dog does John like? A. He likes the black dog. B. He likes the white dog. C. He likes the brown dog.( ) 2. Which dog is taller? A. The black is taller. B. The white dog is taller. C. The brown dog is taller.( ) 3. Is the brown dog stronger than the black dog? A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. Yes, it isnt.( ) 4. Which dog is younger? A. The white dog is younger. B. The brown dog is younger. C. The black dog is younger.( ) 5. Can John get a new dog? A. Yes, he can. B. No, he cant. C. Its doesnt say.根据以上对话内容回答问题:1. Why does John like the black dog? 2. Does Johns Dad like the black dog, too? 3. How tall is the black dog? 4. How long is the white dogs tails? 5. Why cant John get a new dog? 三、 按要求完成以下各题:1. one(序数词) 2. tall(比较级) 3.young(比较级) 4. its(同音词) 5. long(反义词) 6. funny(比较级) 7. taller(反义词) 8. is(复数) 9. big(反义词) 四、按要求完成句子:1. The yellow monkey is taller than the brown one.(同义句) 2. Im older the you.(同义句) 3. How old are you?(按实际情况回答) 4. How tall are you?( 按实际情况回答) 5. How heavy are you?( 按实际情况回答) 6. Are you taller than your good friend?( 按实际情况回答) 7. think, little, is, 40cm, I, the , monkey , tall, only(连词成句) 8. two, is, older, me, years, she, me(连词成句) 五、 根据句意填空:1. The Chang River is than the Yellow River.2. Shanghai is than Beijing.3. Line up from younger to .4. Im 45 kg. Youre 40kg. Im than you. You are than me.5. The monkeys tail is than the rabbits.6. The deer is than the giraffe.5 / 5

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