新目标版(Go for it)2019-2020学年初中英语七年级上册Unit 6 Do you like bananas_ 单元练习D卷.doc

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新目标版(Go for it)2019-2020学年初中英语七年级上册Unit 6 Do you like bananas_ 单元练习D卷一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Did your brother _ 100 yuan this morning? No, he never _ money.A . lost; lostB . lose; loseC . lost; losesD . lose; loses2. (2分)Its clever_ her _ the math problem easily. A . of ,to solveB . for, to solveC . of, solving3. (2分)Look at the two _ over there. They are teaching the girls to play the guitar. A . women teachersB . woman teachersC . woman teacher4. (2分)How much did you pay for the new car?It _ me more than60, 000.A . costB . spentC . madeD . took5. (2分)There _four _ in a year. A . is; seasonsB . are,seasonC . are;seasonsD . are; season6. (2分)Peter and I _ classmates. A . amB . isC . areD . /7. (2分)Are these your books?Yes, A . it isB . they areC . these areD . thesere8. (2分) _ the model plane?Its under the bed.A . Who hasB . What isC . Where is9. (2分) What in the kitchen? On the table there two cartons of milk.A . are; isB . are; hasC . is; haveD . is; are10. (2分) Did you stay at home or travel to the other city? _.A . I stayed at homeB . Yes, I didC . No, I didnt11. (2分)I refused Amys birthday invitation because I have to prepare for my exam.Oh, she must be very upset.A . receivedB . rejectedC . accepted12. (2分)(2015四川凉山)Whenever you have difficulties, be sure to call me. _.A . I have no troubleB . I am sorry to hear that.C . I will. Thank you very much.D . I will think it over.13. (2分)Dont make your sister cry any more, Dick!Sorry, Mom, _.A . I willB . I wontC . I doD . I dont14. (2分)I always finish my homework on time. I leave it for tomorrow. A . alwaysB . sometimesC . oftenD . never15. (2分)If you read a lot, your life will be full _ pleasure. A . byB . ofC . withD . for二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分) Some people think only school children do not agree with their parents, however, it is not true. 1is a problem for parents and children of all ages. If its hard for you to communicate with your 2, dont worry about it. Here is some advice for you to bridge the generation gap (代沟).Dont argue with your parents. Dont get to your parents when you are 3. Your parents probably wont 4your ideas if you are shouting at them. And you cant express yourself 5if you are angry. Go someplace to cool off. Make sure you understand why you are unhappy. Then think about what you want to 6to your parents. If you dont think you can speak to them at the moment, 7writing a letter.Try to reach an agreement. Sometimes you and your parents 8on something. You can keep your disagreement and try your best to 9each other. Michaels mother didnt agree with him about buying a motorcycle. They 10over it. But they finally came to an agreement. Michael bought the motorcycle, but only 11it on certain days.Of course, your parents might refuse to agree on something. In these 12, it is especially 13to show love and respect to them. Showing respect will keep your relationship with your parents strong.Talk about your 14. The values of your parents are probably different from those of your own. Tell your parents what you 15about, and why. Understanding your values might help them see your purposes in life.A good relationship with your parents can make you a better and happier person. It is worth having a try! (1)A . Education B . Communication C . Presentation D . Examination (2)A . friends B . teachers C . parents D . students (3)A . surprised B . excited C . happy D . angry (4)A . consider B . describe C . cause D . require (5)A . loudly B . clearly C . excitedly D . heavily (6)A . speak B . talk C . tell D . say (7)A . keep B . stop C . try D . finish (8)A . disagree B . agree C . insist D . work (9)A . love B . help C . refuse D . accept (10)A . looked B . turned C . fought D . argued (11)A . drove B . bought C . borrowed D . lent (12)A . ways B . places C . situations D . times (13)A . interesting B . surprising C . difficult D . important (14)A . hobbies B . interests C . values D . feelings (15)A . know B . care C . learn D . hear 三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共16分)17. (6分) Mr. Smith has two cats. One is big and the other is small. He likes them very much. One day his good friend Mr. White comes to see him. He is very surprised(惊奇的).He finds there are two holes(洞) in the door, a big hole and a small hole. He says, “My dear friend, why are there two holes in your door?” “To let them in and out.” Mr. Black answers. “But why are there two holes?” his friend asks, “How can the big cat go through the small hole?(1)Mr. Smith has _.A . two small catsB . two big catsC . a big cat and a small oneD . a cat and a bird(2)Mr. White comes to see_.A . Mr. SmithB . Mrs. BlackC . the catsD . the holes(3)According to this passage. _ is not necessary(必要的).A . The big holeB . The small holeC . The big door.D . The small door.18. (10分) Ive been working in a school for more than twenty years. Many parents often ask me, “How can you teach your child good study skills? How can he or she get the homework done as quickly as possible?” Here are some tips: 1. If the child is as young as nine or ten, ask him or her to prepare a small notebook to write down the homework given by his or her teachers. By developing this habit, he or she will learn to be much more responsible (负责的).2. Find a good place to study. This should be a quiet place that is free from everything but study things. No games, radios, or televisions. Once you have decided on a place to study, this should be the only place where your child does his or her homework and studies. There should also be a very specific time for homework to be done. Usually, homework should be done as soon as the child gets home from school. This also goes for the kids who take part in after-school activities. Of course, it is a good idea to allow the child to have a healthy snack before the work begins.3. Also remember that it is the childs duty to do his or her homework. Some children give up easily and go to Mom and Dad for help when they have a problem. Try to let them solve it first. By doing this, they will get a sense of success from overcoming problems. In this way we help them to help themselves.(1)Asking the kids to keep a notebook to remember their homework will make them _.A . remember moreB . learn moreC . more responsibleD . more interested in studying(2)The place where the children study must _.A . be free for everythingB . have a TV set and a computerC . be quiet, bright and free from things for entertainmentD . be big, clean and tidy(3)What does the underlined word “overcoming” mean in the passage?A . Forgetting.B . Leaving.C . Realizing.D . Beating.(4)According to the passage, the children should _ when they have trouble with their homework.A . ask their parents for helpB . try to solve the problems by themselvesC . wait for their teachers helpD . put it away and have a snack(5)This passage is written _.A . for parents to help their children study wellB . for the children who want to improve their workC . for teachers to teach their studentsD . for housewives to make their kids happy四、 翻译 (共5题;共21分)19. (6分)参加教育交流是一次极好的体验。 _a fantastic experience _ _ _ _ an educational exchange.20. (2分)那时谁在教室里?_in the classroom at that time?21. (8分)短文翻译。 提供帮助_ 处理好关系_向解释_ 与争吵_担心_ 在某人看来_等公共汽车 _ 醒来 _22. (4分)他们将什么时候回中国? _ _they come_ _China? 23. (1分)我害怕她,但同时也确实喜欢她I was afraid of her,but_I really liked her五、 单词拼写 (共6题;共6分)24. (1分)Today is Sunday and y _was Saturday. 25. (1分)Before you start writing a story, think about the _(人物)and what they do. 26. (1分)She has a very good pronunciation when she reads _ (出声地). 27. (1分)Its _ (差不多) ten oclock. 28. (1分)His public image is very different from the r_person 29. (1分)Good studying _(习惯) help me get good grades. 六、 语法填空 (共4题;共8分)30. (1分)The pretty girl is much better at _(choose) clothes than her sister. 31. (1分)At last, he decided _ (not leave) the room. 32. (5分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填一个适当的单词或用括号内单词的正确形式填空 Mr. Jones argued (争论) with his wife. He was very angry with his wife, and Mrs. Jones was angry with her husband (丈夫). For a few days they didnt talk to each other.One evening, Mr. Jones was very tired after he came back _work. So he went to bed soon after dinner. Of course he didnt say anything to Mrs. Jones before he went upstairs (上楼). Mrs. Jones _(wash) the dinner dishes and then did some sewing (缝纫). She went to bed much_(late) than her husband. She found a piece of paper on the small table near her bed. On it were the words, Please wake me up at 7 a.m. Jones. When Mr. Jones _(wake) up in the morning, it was nearly 9 a.m. and on the table near his bed, he also found a piece of paper. It wrote, Please wake up, it is 7 a.m. He was _angry to say a word.33. (1分)My mother often encourages me _ (form) good habits. 七、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)34. (10分)选择适当的词(组)并用适当形式完成短文。每个词(组)只使用一次,其中有两个词(组)是多余的。speak sheep it say others danger tells move make mean strange anotherAnimals languageWe see animals, like rabbits, bees, dogs, birds,_, but do you know how these animals _things? First, lets see a rabbit. When a rabbit sees something_ , it runs away at once. When it runs, its tail _up and down. When others see this, they run away, too.Many other animals use this kind of way. When a bee finds some food, it goes back to _home. It cant tell the _bees where the food is by speaking to them, but it does a little dance in the air. This may _ other bees where the food is.Some animals say things by _ sounds like a man does. For example, a dog barks when a _comes near.Some birds can make several different sounds, each with its own _ . In a word, every animal has its own language.八、 句型转换 (共5题;共11分)35. (1分)Good students never go to school late. (改为同义句) Good students are never _school.36. (2分)I think goldfish are expensive. (改为否定句)I_think goldfish_expensive.37. (2分)Amy does the shopping with her sister once a week.(改成否定句) Amy _ _ the shopping with her sister once a week.38. (2分)There is some furniture in the office. (改为否定句)There _ _ furniture in the office39. (4分)We did something interesting in the park.(改为一般疑问句)_you_in the park?第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共16分)17-1、17-2、17-3、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、四、 翻译 (共5题;共21分)19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、五、 单词拼写 (共6题;共6分)24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、六、 语法填空 (共4题;共8分)30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、七、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)34-1、八、 句型转换 (共5题;共11分)35-1、答案:略36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、

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