仁爱版牛津译林英语八年级上册 Unit 8 Natural disasters单元测试(一)B卷.doc

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仁爱版牛津译林英语八年级上册 Unit 8 Natural disasters单元测试(一)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 选择题。 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)Will there be schools in the future?No, there_.A . isntB . wont beC . wontD . will be not2. (2分)Mike wants to know if _ a picnic tomorrow. Yes. But if it _, we will visit the museum instead.A . you have; will rainB . you will have; will rainC . you will have; rainsD . will you have; rains3. (2分)Teenagers are sometimes made what they are not . I agree.A . to do;interestedB . to do;interested inC . do;interestedD . do;interested in4. (2分)The man can write with _ hand and draw with _ at the same time.A . one; anotherB . one; the otherC . first; secondD . one; it5. (2分)- Tom _ at 7:00 oclock yesterday morning. Was he late for school?- No. His father drove him _ school.A . slept; forB . slept toC . was sleeping; forD . was sleeping; to6. (2分) _ try some fish? It looks delicious. It smells _. I dont want to eat it.A . Why not; badB . Why dont; goodC . Why not: goodD . Why dont; bad7. (2分)I look forward _ you soon. A . seeB . seeingC . to seeD . to seeing8. (2分)What is the new product _? A . forB . fromC . doD . cost9. (2分)When you are sick, you should a doctor.A . go to seeB . stay withC . come inD . make a visit10. (2分)一Would you like swimming with me?一Sorry,I have much homework to do A . goB . goingC . goesD . to go11. (2分) the help of his teacher, he become good at English. A . WithB . OnC . ForD . Under12. (2分)My mom hopes _ shopping this weekend. A . goB . goesC . goingD . to go13. (2分)He wishes _ under the sea(海洋下) one day. A . liveB . to liveC . livesD . living14. (2分)-Can you tell me _?-Of course. Japan.A . whats his jobB . where does he come fromC . where he is fromD . what language he speaks15. (2分)- Would you like to go to the concert with me?- Id love to. Im afraid I have no time.A . soB . orC . andD . but16. (2分)Every morning Tom sees a lot of people _ bread and cakes from the bakery. A . buyB . buyingC . to buyD . bought17. (2分)Our country is becoming _. Yes. We all love it.A . stronger and strongerB . more and more strongC . the strong; the strongD . strongest and strongest18. (2分)Where is the library, Jane?_A . This way, please.B . I dont know, either.C . Sorry, I cant.D . Of course I do.19. (2分)After working hard for many years, he _ a famous singer. A . getsB . changesC . turnsD . becomes20. (2分)Ill go to visit my aunt in England _ the summer holidays start.A . whileB . sinceC . untilD . as soon as二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)根据短文理解,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。When I was in the third grade, I was picked to be the princess in the school play.For weeks my mother helped me1 my sentences. But once during a performance, every word2 from my head. My teacher asked me to change roles and be the narrator(解说员). Though I didnt tell my mother what had3 that day, she felt my4 and asked if I wanted to take a walk in the yardIt was a lovely spring day. We could see dandelions(蒲公英)coming out through the grass, just like a painter had touched our woods and fields with bits of gold. I watched my mother carelessly bend down(弯腰)5 some flowers. I think I am going to dig up all the wild grass, she said. But I like dandelions; all flowers are beautiful -even dandelions! I said. My mother looked at me seriously. Yes, every flower shines in6 own way. And that is true of people, too, she said. She had guessed my pain. I started to cry and told her the7. You will be a beautiful narrator, she said,8 me of how much I loved to read stories aloud to her.Over the next few weeks, I learned to take9 in the role. The big day finally came. A few minute, before the play, my teacher came over to me. Your mother asked me to give this to you, she said, handing me a10. After the play, I took the flower home, laughing that I was perhaps the only person who would keep such wild grass.(1)A . write B . listen C . practice D . teach (2)A . disappeared B . spread C . forgot D . left (3)A . done B . happened C . gone D . made (4)A . illness B . fearlessness C . kindness D . unhappiness (5)A . by B . for C . with D . at (6)A . it B . its C . its D . it is (7)A . memory B . discovery C . truth D . accident (8)A . reminding B . thinking C . reminded D . thought (9)A . action B . turns C . risks D . pride (10)A . note B . dandelion C . sunflower D . dictionary 三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共31分)22. (10分) Nowadays, computer games are becoming more and more popular in many cities and towns.A lot of small shops along busy streets have been made into small game houses in order to get more money. These places are always crowded with people, especially young boys.In the computer game houses, people spend a lot of money competing(较量) with the machines. Itshardfor one to win the computer, but one can make progress after trying again and again. People have a kind of gambling psychology(赌博心理)when they play computer games. The more theylose, the more they want to win. When class is over, the school boys run to the nearby computer game houses. Little by little(渐渐地), they forget all about their lessons and fall far behind others. Some of them can get enough money from their parents. But some of them are notlucky enough to get the money. They begin to take away other students money and become thieves.(1)Who always go to the computer game houses?A . Young girls.B . Young children.C . Young students.D . Young boys.(2)People made small shops into small game houses in order to _.A . make computer games more popularB . get more moneyC . help people to learn computer betterD . make people happy(3)What do we need to play games in the game houses?A . Tickets.B . Paper.C . Cards.D . Money.(4)What will happen to the boys if they keep going to the game houses?A . They will win a lot of money.B . They will make a lot of good friends there.C . They will fail in their study and even break laws.D . They will live a happy life in the future.(5)What is the passage mainly about?A . Game houses have a bad effect(影响)on young boys.B . More and more small shops have been made into game houses.C . Young boys spend a lot of money playing computer games.D . People play games better after trying again and again.23. (8分)阅读理解 The monarch is one of the most beautiful butterflies. It is famous for its yearly migration(迁徙)from the northern part of North America to Mexico, There, millions of monarchs spend the winter together in one small area. This migration is one of the greatest wonders of nature. Yet this behavior has now put the monarch at risk.Every September, millions of monarchs from the United States fly to Mexico. After about two months of flying time, they reach their sanctuary(庇护所)in central Mexico. Then, in the warm climate of private and quiet valleys, far from most human activity, the butterflies create one of natures great scenes. They cover every tree with bright color. The show lasts until spring, when the butterflies return north.While they are all crowded together, the monarchs are highly weak. If the environment in those valleys was disturbed, the whole species could be hurt or even die out. That is why for many years scientists who knew about the monarchs winter sanctuary kept the location a secret.In recent years, however, the monarchs secret has been discovered. Today, the butterflies winter sanctuary is crowded with tourists, who disturb the environment. Worse still, local farmers who need more land to farm have begun to take up the area. They are cutting down trees, making it difficult for the butterflies to survive. They should not farm in the monarchs sanctuary.People should act immediately to protect the species winter sanctuary. Local farmers must be helped so that they no longer need to take land from the butterflies. Tourist visits to the butterflies hidden valleys must also be limited. Unless these steps are taken soon, in a few years the monarch butterfly of North America may be just a beautiful memory.(1)What do we know about monarch butterflies? A . They fly to the US in autumn.B . They spend the winter together.C . They are the most beautiful butterflies.D . They have been known to human beings until recent years.(2)What is Paragraph 2 mainly about? A . The monarchs diet.B . The monarchs colors.C . The monarchs life cycle.D . The monarchs migration.(3)Why did scientists keep the monarchs winter sanctuary a secret? A . To keep the valleys from being destroyed.B . To stop farmers from cutting down trees.C . To do their research secretlyD . To protect the monarchs.(4)What is the purpose of the text? A . To tell about a great place to watch monarch butterflies.B . To provide information about monarch butterflies.C . To ask people to protect monarch butterflies.D . To call on people to save the environment.24. (8分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。According to a new scientific research, we are rapidly going close to major climate change and the effects on the environment could be quite serious. Geographers predict that climate zones could completely disappear within the next eighty years. Where will crops be grown if this happens? When the climate changes a lot, polar regions will get colder and tropical regions will get even hotter. As a result, where will animals be forced to move on the earth?Climate changes like these could lead to the spread of diseases. Tropical storms and hurricanes(飓风) will not only increase but may also become stronger. If the changes come too quickly, animals and plants may not be able to adapt(适应) right away and could disappear from the earth.According to Science Daily, a new study predicts that, by the year 2100, many of todays familiar climates will be taken place by climate unknown in todays world. It is urgent that we reduce the risks of far-reaching results for the whole world. The planet itself has been showing signs of change. In 2004, a huge tsunami created by a major earthquake killed thousands in Sumatra and in 2008, thousands more died in China in another big earthquake. Egypt was hit in 2009 with a major earthquake and Haiti was destroyed seriously and became ruins in 2010 by another big earthquake.Not long ago, scientists discovered ice melting(融化) in west Antarctica(南极洲). This is very worrying because temperatures in this area have remained rather constant(不断的) and actually even lower at time. Melting occurs when temperatures increase and since temperatures have remained, the ice should not be melting. However, satellite data(数据) shows melting around west Antarctica.Within just the last few months, new reports from around the world have been coming in and most agree that our climate situation is much worse than previously expected. At this point, it doesnt matter what is causing it, but rather, what can be done about it. On the other hand, our world is getting more and more unstable(不稳定) every year. Natural disasters(灾难) are becoming more frequent(频繁的) and serious.However, other planets are experiencing global warming as well as our own and some scientists believe there may be some connections between these. No one knows anything for sure at this point because there is simply not enough data.(1)Whats the writers attitude toward the climate changes?A . We should observe the great changes of the climate carefully.B . We must connect with other planets to prevent the climate changes.C . We should try our best to do something against the climate changes.D . We need to discover what causes the climate changes first of all.(2)What does the underlined word “tropical” mean?A . cold and dryB . cool and wetC . hot and wetD . warm and dry(3)What can be inferred from the passage?A . Collecting more data will help us to solve the problem.B . The climate will be much better than we have expected.C . Earthquakes can be avoided in a few years time.D . The ice in west Antarctica will stop melting in the future.(4)Whats the passage mainly about?A . It tells us how to protect the environment of the earth.B . It talks about the bad effects of the climate changes.C . It shows us how to prevent diseases from spreading.D . It describes what we should do with the earthquakes.25. (5分)阅读短文,按要求完成短文后的各项任务。Smog is a big problem in many Chinese cities. But it seems that besides wearing a mask, few of us know what has caused the smog and what to do to beat it. In fact, burning too much coal and oil are the main causes of PM2.5 and smog (雾霾).To solve the problem, we should clean our coal and oil or replace them with cleaner energy such as natural gas. We ordinary people can do something to help control smog, too.What can we do to help beat the smog?Choose to take public transportation. Though many people have their own cars, they had better take public transportation, such as the subway or buses. If the destination (目的地) is not far away, you can also walk _ ride a bike.Call the hotline 12369. You can call the number for complaints and questions about environmental issues. It is run by Chinas Ministry of Environmental Protection. If you call the number, some officers can come and try to solve the issues, so please remember it.Report and resist pollutant source. If you find any pollutant source, take a picture of it and post it on your social media accounts. Remember to add “local environmental departments” on weibo. Payattention to factories that pollute the environment and dont buy products from them.Our environment will become better if everyone is concerned (关注) with the environment. This is what we need in the future. So everyone can do something to beat smog.(1)What are the main causes of PM2.5 andsmog according to the passage?_(2)根据文章内容补全句子:If you have environmental issues, youcan _(3)将句中横线处空缺的一个单词填出使句意完整。If the destination is not far away, you can also walk _ ride a bike.(4)从文中找出与下面句子意义相近的句子If all of us keep an eye on the environment,the world will become more beautiful._(5)将文中画线句子译成汉语:_四、 词汇运用。 (共1题;共5分)26. (5分)根据句意及汉语写单词。(1)Look at the sign. It says “ No _(乱丢垃圾)”.(2)We will be_(处罚) if we dont finish the work on time.(3)Please queue for your_(次序), dont push past others.(4)Jim Peter failed the English exam again because of his_(粗心).(5)The old man lives alone but he never feels_(孤独的)because we often visit him.五、 根据句意, 用所给词的适当形式填空。 (共15题;共27分)27. (1分)He is a successful businessman. But he is so cruel that he has made a lot of _ (敌人).28. (1分)You should keep much _ (health) if you take more exercise.29. (1分)Tom often_ (offer) to help me when I had problems in the past.30. (1分)Lang Lang has been a famous _(piano) at the age of thirteen.31. (5分)根据句意,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空,每空不限一词。The police believe these footprints are one of the _(thief).The man in his _ (forty) is the person who saved that boy.The old man said that he_(lie) in bed from eight to ten last nightNo country _(make) such great progress as China in the past thirty years.All the students_ (divide) into four groups and then they went on hiking with four teachers.32. (1分)The _ (story) in the book are very interesting.33. (1分) Did he hurt _ (him) in the accident? No, not at all.34. (1分)Cindy _ likes hamburgers. (real)35. (1分)It causes the surface of the soil to be _ (easy) destroyed by rain.36. (8分)用所给词的适当形式填空.The bridge is famous . It_ (build) thousands of years agoE-mail English is a kind of _(write) English, not spoken English ._you ever_3_ (sing) a song in front of other people?Yes , I _3_ one last term .Danny writes _ (careful) of all the boys.He studies science very hard because he wants to be a_ (science).Swimming makes me _ (health) than before.Its your turn_(take) out the trash.Tina is looking forward to _(spend) holidays with her family in Paris .37. (1分)Too many _ (rule) make Molly feel terrible.38. (1分)Would you like to join in the _ (dance) show?39. (1分)In autumn, there are many yellow _ (leaf) in the yard.40. (1分)Why not _(join)an English club to practice your English?Good idea!41. (2分)不要用手指指着别人。Dont _others with your fingers六、 根据汉语意思完成句子。 (共1题;共1分)42. (1分)Two years ago, the singer_(受欢迎) young people. 七、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)43. (5分)任务型阅读Question: Im 15 and Ive been having trouble sleeping at night. It usually takes me 2 to 4 hours to get to sleep._I cant focus on my lessons at school. Please help me!Answer: If you are a person who doesnt regularly get a good nights sleep, you are not alone._Here are some tips for helping you get a good nights sleep.Keep regular hoursBy keeping regular hours your body and mind know what is coming up and can start to prepare for you to sleep._If you cant go to bed at a regular time, then make sure you get up at a regular time. So after a late night you wake up tired, and it forces you to go to bed earlier._I know, you hear this about everything from heart health to losing weight, but exercise really does do you a world of good. However, dont do it too close to going to sleep. It is better to do it about an hour after dinner.Relax before going to bed _In fact, when you lie down to go to sleep, your mind is going to be thinking about the programs you have been watching. Instead, take just 20 or 30 minutes before bed to read or sit, anything that gets you to slow down and gives your mind a rest!A. Take some exercise.B. And I usually get about 4 or 5 hours sleep in a day.C. It also means you can get in regular number of hours each night.D. Many people suffer from sleep problems.E. You may think that watching TV before you go to bed is a good way to relax.八、 首字母填空,根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词. (共1题;共10分)44. (10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式(最多限填3个单词)。Long long ago, there was a small village in the Middle East. In the village there was _old man called Sthira. He lived by himself. His only son had gone far away to study. Sthiras friends _(wonder) whether his son would return, _Sthira always said, Whatever happens, happens for good.”One day the old mans son returned and the villagers were very happy for Sthira. He thanked the villagers and said _(polite),Whatever happens, happens for good.” However, later, Sthiras son broke his _. Once again the villagers came to visit him and once again the old man thanked _(they) and said, Whatever happens, happens for good. Some of the villagers were surprised _(hear) this. Why? What was good? His sons leg got badly hurt!After a few days, the army came to the village and forced all the young men to _the army. When they found his

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