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牛津版(深圳广州)2019-2020学年初中英语七年级下学期期末模拟复习卷四B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共15分)1. (1分)The boy across the river is our new classmate. A . in front ofB . behindC . on the other side of2. (1分)A good British breakfast always includes sausage and sandwiches. A . hasB . producesC . makes3. (1分)They consider Jims dream can be achieved. A . thinkB . likeC . invite4. (1分)Finally, they arrived at the top of the hill. A . At firstB . At lastC . At once5. (1分)I found out that I wasnt as smart as I thought. A . knewB . discoveredC . thought6. (1分)My little puppy follows me everywhere. A . someplaceB . here and thereC . one place7. (1分)Maybe your brother forgot to turn off the light when he left the room.A . MayB . MightC . PerhapsD . Possibly8. (1分)Dinosaurs died out on Earth. A . died awayB . went awayC . disappeared9. (1分)His cup is yellow. My cup is yellow, _. A . toB . tooC . two10. (1分) _ exciting challenge! And I really like Super Brain, the best program_ encourages people to make good use of the brain.A . How, thatB . What, whichC . How an, whichD . What an, that11. (1分) Is he a good boy? _.A . Yes, it isB . No, it isntC . Yes, he isD . No, she isnt12. (1分)There was _ paper on the table. It _ “Eat your lunch by yourself.” A . a piece; saysB . a piece of; toldC . a; saidD . a piece of; said13. (1分)The boy often _ music. A . looks atB . listens toC . puts onD . plays with14. (1分)One _ of the book is missing, so I cant learn the whole story. A . copyB . pageC . writerD . reader15. (1分) The boys are talking about the football match . Yes. They have so many fun things to share.A . easilyB . happilyC . sadlyD . angrily二、 完形填空 (共1题;共20分)16. (20分)完形填空Do you want to keep1? Exercise often, please. If you usually go to work2bus, from now on, go by bike or3foot. If you4get up late in the morning and only have lunch and dinner every day, I think you should set the clock to5you up earlier. So you can6morning exercises outside. You should breathe(呼吸)the fresh air and eat a balanced diet. Do you like to eat7, for example, potato chips, hamburgers8hot dogs? Im sure theyre delicious. But I think you should eat9fruit and vegetables. Eating too much junk food is not good10your health.(1)A . quiet B . busy C . healthy D . clean (2)A . on B . by C . in D . for (3)A . on B . by C . with D . at (4)A . never B . hardly C . hardly ever D . always (5)A . call B . wake C . look D . stand (6)A . do B . get C . have D . make (7)A . fruit B . vegetables C . junk food D . bread (8)A . but B . and C . so D . or (9)A . many B . a lot C . more D . much (10)A . for B . at C . to D . with 三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共40分)17. (8分)阅读理解 James Cleveland Owens was the son of a farmer and the grandson of black slaves. His family moved to Cleveland when he was 9. There, a school teacher asked the youth his name. J.C., he replied. She thought he had said Jesse, and he had a new name.Owens ran his first race at age 13. After high school, he went to Ohio State University. He had to work part time so as to pay for his education. As a second-year student in the Big Ten games in 1935, he set even more records than he would in the Olympic Games a year later.A week before the Big Ten meet, Owens accidentally fell down a flight of stairs. His back hurt so much that he could not exercise all week, and he had to be helped in and out of the car that drove him to the meet. He refused to listen to the suggestions that he give up and said he would try, event by event. He did try, and the results are in the record book.The stage was set for Owens victory at the Olympic Games in Berlin the next year, and his success would come to be regarded as not only athletic but also political. Hitler did not congratulate any of the African-American winners.It was all right with me, he said years later. I didnt go to Berlin to shake hands with him, anyway. Having returned from Berlin, he received no telephone calls from the president of his own country, either. In fact, he was not honored by the United States until 1976, four years before his death.Owens Olympic victories made little difference to him. He earned his living by looking after a school playground, and accepted money to race against cars, trucks, motorcycles and dogs. Sure, it bothered me, he said later. But at least it was an honest living. I had to eat. In time, however, his gold medals changed his life. They have kept me alive over the years, he once said. Time has stood still for me. That golden moment dies hard. (1)Owens got his other name Jesse when _.A . he went to Ohio State UniversityB . his teacher made fun of himC . his teacher took J. C. for JesseD . he won gold medals in the Big Ten meet(2)In the Big Ten meet, Owens _. A . hurt himself in the backB . was weak but decided to winC . tried every sports event but failedD . had to give up some events(3)Owens received no telephone calls from the president because_. A . he was not of the right raceB . he was the son of a poor farmerC . he didnt shake hands with HitlerD . he refused to listen to the suggestions that he should give up(4)Which of the following shows the correct order of James life? a. James worked part time to get the fee for schoolb. He was honored by the USc. He got success at the Olympic Gamesd. James set many records in Big Ten Gamese. He went to Cleveland with his familyf. Owens fell down and hurt his backA . a, e, f, d, b, cB . e, a, d, f, b, cC . a, e, d, f, c, bD . e, a, f, d, c, b(5)What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph probably mean? A . They have made him famous in the US.B . They have been changed for money to help him live on.C . They have encouraged him to overcome difficulties in life.D . They have kept him busy with all kinds of jobs.18. (8分)阅读下列材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。 I remember one day in primary school, there were five of us who wanted to sit together and only one four-seated table. I, sadly, was the last to get my lunch, so I had to eat my food all alone at a table. Watching them laugh and have a good time while I was sitting by myself, I cried hard. Now, I am quite sure I overreacted a little bit that day, but my tears (眼泪) just show what everyone feels when he or she is alone at lunch or even in life.I had another lonely lunch situation in high school. There was not enough room for me at my usual table, so I had to sit with another group of students I had never talked to in my life. Now, I am not saying I heard some wonderful ideas that day, but I did hear quite new ones on life. It was really one of my most interesting lunchtime experiences.The point is, at least I sat with someone that day. I did not have to suffer (忍受)through eating my cold turkey sandwich all alone. No one felt pity for me, and I was not shy about having no friends.This lunch table is the same as life. No one wants to go through life on his or her own whether it is at lunch, class, or work, we all want to be included. So the next time you see one quietly sitting alone, you can invite him to sit with you. You could hear some interesting stories, and you could even possibly find a new great friend.(1)When the writer sat at a table by himself in the primary school, he felt A . lonely and sadB . happy and relaxedC . excited but lonelyD . hungry but excited(2)The underlined word overreacted means _. A . 十分活跃B . 超出预料C . 情绪高涨D . 反应过度(3)After the writer had another lonely lunch in high school, he thought _. A . he found some new great friendsB . he should talk with some strangersC . it was really an interesting experienceD . it was better to sit with students he knew(4)The best title of the passage may be _. A . Sitting Alone Is PleasantB . No One Should Sit AloneC . My Good Friends and MeD . My Wonderful Experience19. (8分)阅读理解 My cousin Bill likes going to the beach on Sunday. There was much sunshine that day. He went there with his brother. They got there at 9:00. There were lots of people there on vacation. Bill and his brother sat down and began to relax. Soon Bill found there were lots of empty water bottles on the beach. He also saw some paper bags on the beach. That made Bill sad. He and his brother began to work. To clean the beach, they worked hard. About two hours later, the beach was clean again. At last they put up a sign, saying, No Littering(乱扔) on the beach. They wanted people to keep the beach clean. After that, they were very hungry. So they went to a restaurant nearby to have lunch. They had two large bowls of beef noodles there, and then went home. (1)Last Sunday the weather was_. A . rainyB . cloudyC . sunnyD . cold(2)Bill saw many_ on the beach. A . moneyB . bottlesC . booksD . signs(3)Bill and his brother spent about_ cleaning the beach. A . one hourB . two hoursC . three hoursD . four hours(4)The underlined phrases put up means _ in Chinese. A . 推荐B . 提供C . 提出D . 贴出(5)Which of the following is TRUE? A . Bill is very lazyB . Bill stayed on the beach all day.C . The restaurant is near the beach.D . Bills brother had a small bowl of noodles for lunch.20. (8分)阅读理解 Fiona likes to listen to music. She likes to listen to classical music. Now she is listening to Beethovens Symphony (交响曲) No. 5. The music is about fate knocking on the door. Fate is the unseen power of life. Fate changes our lives. Fate designs our lives. Fiona likes this music. She feels the power of music.Suddenly, somebody knocks on her door. She goes to the door and opens it. There is a man at the door. The man is old. He has grey hair and a grey beard (胡须). She doesnt know who the person is. The man says he is her father. She closes the door in front of the man. She stays at the door and thinks. She has a father. But he is dead. She doesnt know the man at the door. She doesnt understand why he says he is her father. She wants to call the police. Just then she can see a photo under the door. The man is giving her a photo. She looks at the photo. She can see herself with a man she doesnt know. It is her because she took many photos when she was a young girl. Is the man who is standing in front of her door her father? She must find the answer.She opens the door. She asks the man whether he is lying or not. The man tells her he is telling the truth. She invites him for a cup of coffee. They sit down and drink coffee. They start talking about life. He tells her everything that he knows. She listens. Sometimes she is surprised. Sometimes she cries. Sometimes she laughs. They are listening to Beethoven. This time it is not fate, but her father who is knocking on the door.(1)What kind of music does Fiona like? A . Folk music.B . Pop music.C . Rock and roll.D . Classical music.(2)Why does Fiona open the door again? A . Because the man gives her a photo of her and her father.B . Because she realizes the man standing outside is her father.C . Because she wants to know whether the man is her father.D . Because she wants to listen to the mans stories.(3)How does Fiona feel during the talk with the man? A . Surprised.B . Sad.C . Happy.D . A, B&C(4)Where can you find this passage? A . In a music book.B . In a storybook.C . In a sports book.D . In a science book.21. (8分) How do you remember the way to your house? Where do dreams come from? It is your brain(大脑) that does these things. A British scientist showed that “sleep can improve ones memory.”Its not a dream for students to study when they sleep. In fact, your brains is working day and night. If you learn words before bed, a certain part of the brain may help you to remember the words while you sleep. Whats more, another scientist in the USA found that there was a “talent button(天才按钮)” in the human brain. It might make a person more talented.There are more interesting things about the brain. Your brain uses less energy than a fridge light. Just two bananas can give the brain enough energy to work for a whole day. According to some scientists, yawning(打哈欠) keeps our brains “cool”, which makes us think quicker.Here are some pieces of advice to keep a good brain:Eat healthy food.Get a lot of playtime or exercise.Dont drink or smoke.Use your brain a lot.(1)A British scientist found out that _ could improve our memories.A . applesB . dreamsC . sleepD . bananas(2)According to the passage, if we want to have a good brain, we should _.A . use our brains moreB . sleep fewer hoursC . work longer hoursD . remember fewer things(3)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A . Our brains only work in the daytime.B . Our brains need much energy every day.C . Smoking can keep our brains healthy.D . Getting exercise is good for our brains.四、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)22. (10分)Mike used to_(go)to school on foot. 五、 书面表达 (共1题;共15分)23. (15分)危险无处不在,我们学生应该处处注意安全,远离危险。请你根据下面表格所提供的信息,写一篇题为“Always Be Careful”的英语短文。在家看完电视后,及时关机。独自在家时,不要让陌生人进屋。不邀请网友来家。在学校不要在教室里互相追逐。做体育运动时,注意保护自己。在路上遵守交通规则,过马路时,注意交通指示灯。(请自拟一点内容)注意: 1内容应包括表格中的所有信息,可适当发挥,但不要逐词翻译;2文中不得出现真实的人名、校名以及其他真实的个人信息;3词数:90词左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。Always Be CarefulAs a middle school student, we should try to stay away from danger as the problem of safety is becoming more and more serious.If all these are kept in mind, you are sure to enjoy a much safer life.第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共15分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共20分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共40分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、21-1、21-2、21-3、四、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)22-1、五、 书面表达 (共1题;共15分)23-1、

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