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冀教版2019-2020学年九年级下学期英语第一次月考试卷C卷一、 单项填空。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)_ indoor roller coaster is too old. Dont you think it is _ useless one? A . A;theB . An; theC . The ;aD . The; an2. (2分) would you like? Strawberry and banana ice cream.A . What kind of dessertB . What size bowl of dessertC . What kind of noodlesD . What size bowl of soup3. (2分)Here is the menu of Yunlai restaurant. Tom usually orders a fish, a cake, a cup of coffee and vegetable soup for lunch here. Today is a special day, these four only cost $24. So he will save _ of the normal priceMain DishDumplings $18Fish $15Pizza $16SoupBeef Soup $5Vegetable Soup $5Chicken Soup $5DrinkTea $3Coffee $4Coke $3DessertCake $6Pie $5Ice Cream $4A . 6B . 20C . 254. (2分)She _ to go to school earlier, but she forgot to get up. A . plansB . plannedC . had plannedD . has planned5. (2分)Andy _ others from time to time, so he has few friends. A . cheer upB . laughs atC . takes notice ofD . shows off6. (2分)Today is September 10th.Its Day, lets say Thank you to our teachers. A . TeachersB . the TeachersC . TeachersD . Teachers7. (2分)Have you ever been to Wang Lihongs concert?Yes, and I saw him _ the piano as he sang.A . playB . playsC . playedD . to play8. (2分)Mike studies harder than before, but his study is still _ his classmates. So he feels quite sad. A . away fromB . far behindC . in front ofD . next to9. (2分)Wish you good luck in this English exam. A . Youre welcome.B . Thank you.C . Congratulations!10. (2分)_R-U-L-E-R.A . Its a ruler.B . Spell it,please.C . Whats this in English?二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)完形填空Could we look back some day and say that Warren Buffetts greatest genius(天才) was finding two talented people to replace(代替)him? These two people are Ted Weschler, aged 56,and Todd Combs,aged 46,who have been chosen by Buffett as money managers to begin to1the key investment(投资)operations of Berkshire Hathaway.But how did Ted and Todd catch Buffetts2? These are the only two persons I could find, who read as 3as I did, Buffett says with a laugh. Actually hes not really kidding. Both Ted and Todd spend lots of time 4.Ted spends half a day reading many materials like5and trade periodicals(期刊). In a recent interview,Ted 6that to become a successful investor, one needs to be hungry, curious and read all the time. Different kinds of reading will allow you to 7things that might give you an insight(洞察力)to where a business is going in five years.And Todd describes himself as a book with legs. He gets up at around 7 or 8 a.m. and reads 8about 7 or 8 p.m. . After dinner; he also leads for 9hour or two in bed.Whats the secret for financial success? It seems that 10a habit of reading really matters. (1)A . take off B . take over C . take in D . take down (2)A . leg B . hand C . eye D . breath (3)A . many B . little C . few D . much (4)A . working B . reading C . sleeping D . thinking (5)A . newspapers B . films C . TV series D . cartoons (6)A . turned out B . pointed to C . pointed out D . turned to (7)A . connect B . contact C . communicate D . complete (8)A . at B . for C . until D . during (9)A . the other B . another C . other D . the others (10)A . developing B . growing C . raising D . planting 三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共36分)12. (10分) Many people like spring, because they can go out and do many kinds of activities. We made a survey about the activities that people like to do in spring. Here are the results.Scott:In spring, I often visit my uncle and I like fishing with him. I also like boating and enjoy the beach. Last spring my uncle and I went boating. The dolphins came so close to us. It was very amazing. I hope that I can go there again soon.Linda:My favorite spring activity is gardening (园艺). I think it is relaxing to work in the garden. I grow many flowers in my garden every year. They are so beautiful.Nancy:I love spring. I love going to the beach and spending a whole day there. It is so relaxing to lie on the beach. I also like surfing in the sea.James:I am twelve years old. My favorite spring activity is swimming. I started to learn swimming when I was seven years old. I always have a good time with my friends in the river. (1)Scott likes to go fishing with his _.A . fatherB . motherC . uncleD . aunt(2)Linda grows many _ in her garden.A . grassesB . flowersC . treesD . vegetables(3)Both _ and _ enjoy the beach.A . Scott; LindaB . Nancy; JamesC . Scott; NancyD . Linda; James(4)James has been swimming for _ years.A . fiveB . sixC . sevenD . eight(5)The passage is mainly about _.A . favorite seasonsB . free time activitiesC . favorite places to goD . favorite spring activities13. (10分)阅读理解LibrariesPublic LibrariesMost towns in Britain have a public library.A library usually has a large selection of books and other resources,which library members can use and borrow for free.Britains First Public LibraryThe first public library in Britain opened in Manchester in 1852.Its first librarian was a man called Edward Edwards.Edwards attended the librarys opening ceremony and two famous writers called Charles Dickens and William Thackeray were there too.How to Join a LibraryTo join a library,go to your local library and fill in a form.Youll receive a library card which is needed when using library services.Library ServicesModem public libraries have something for everyone.Most of them have audio books,CDs,newspapers and DVDs as well as books to borrow.Mobile LibrariesNot everyone can get to a library.Some people live far away from towns and cities.Other people find it difficult to go out because they have an illness or a disability.Thanks to mobile libraries,these people can still borrow books.Unlike most libraries,which store books in buildings,mobile libraries usually keep their books in a mini-bus.The back of the mini-bus has shelves for the books,and it is big enough for borrowers to step inside and look around.A driver take the mini-bus to a certain place at a certain time,so people know when to expect it.They can return their books and borrow some more.All Aboard the Library!A school in London didnt have space for a library inside the building.However,everybody agreed that it was still important to have a school library.So,the head of the school,Graham Blake,decided to park an old bus on the school car park and change it into a library.Pupils helped to paint the bus,and after eight months,the new library was ready.(1)Who was the first librarian of the first public library in Britain? A . Charles Dickens.B . William Thackeray.C . Edward Edwards.D . Graham Blake.(2)Who can use public library services? A . CD or DVD sellers.B . Anyone living in Britain.C . A person with a library card.D . Newspaper or book writers.(3)What is special about the mobile library? A . Keeping books in buildings.B . Returning books to readers.C . Offering special services to pupils.D . Going to a certain place at a certain time.(4)Why did the school in London build its library on an old bus? A . Because parents offered the school an old bus.B . Because pupils thought it was fun to read on a bus.C . Because the school didnt have enough money to buy books.D . Because the school didnt have enough space inside the building.(5)What can we learn from the passage? A . Schools in London like mobile libraries.B . Public library services in the UK are free.C . People living far away cant use libraries.D . Many famous British writers lived in Manchester.14. (10分) In one way, it may be thought that failure(失败)is a part of life. In another, failure may be regarded as a step towards success.The spider-story is often told as an example of this. Robert Bruce, leader of the Scots in the 13th century, was hiding in a hole on a hill from the English. He watched a spider(蜘蛛) making a web. Bruce is said to have got confidence from this and to have gone on to beat the English. Edison, too, the inventor of the light bulb(电灯泡) , made hundreds of models that failed before he found the right way to make one.So what? First, always think about your failure. What caused it? Were you in high spirit then? What can you change so that things will go right the next time?Second, is the goal(目标) you are trying to reach the right one? Try to do some thinking about what your real goals may be. Think about this question: If I am successful in this, where will it get me? This may help to prevent failure in the things you shouldnt be doing anyway.The third thing to remember about failure is that its a part of life. Learn to live with yourself” even though you may have failed. Remember, You cant win them all. “(1)Robert Bruce was mentioned in the passage to show that .A . people who fail are not lonelyB . animals can help people sometimesC . nature will help us if we are hard-workingD . confidence is important for one to be successful(2)Edisons example shows us that .A . he liked to do other kinds of workB . he invented many kinds of light bulbsC . failure may be a way towards successD . he was a man of many important inventions(3)If you are not sure about what success will get you, youd better .A . change your goalB . go on with your goalC . not care for thatD . work even harder on your goal(4)It can be learned from the passage that .A . one should try not to failB . ones failure is anothers successC . one should take failures seriouslyD . one should learn lessons from failures(5)This passage is mainly about .A . two great menB . two sides of failureC . ways to keep away from failureD . the right attitude(态度) towards failure15. (6分)阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D选项中选出最佳选项。AEvery evening at six oclock an old man goes to a restaurant near his house. He eats dinner. After dinner, he drinks coffee and talks to the people at the restaurant.The old mans name is Bill. Bill eats at the restaurant every evening because he is lonely. His wife died and he has no children.Every evening the same waitress brings Bill to his dinner. Her name is Cara. She is 17 years old. Cara is kind to Bill. She knows he is lonely, so she talks to the old man. If Bill is late for dinner, she calls him on the telephone. Are you OK? she asks him.One evening Bill doesnt come to the restaurant. Cara calls him, but he doesnt answer the phone. Cara calls the police. Please go to Bills house. Cara tells the police. Later the police call Cara at the restaurant. Bill died in his sleep, the police tell her. Bill was 82 years old.A week later, a man with glasses comes to the restaurant. I have something for Cara, the man says. The man gives Cara a check(支票) for $ 500,000. The money is from Bill.This money is for me? From Bill? Cara asks the man.Yes, the man answers.Butwhy? Cara asks the man.Bill liked you, the man says. You were kind to him(1)Why does Cara often talk to Bill?A . Because she has no friends.B . Because shes kind and knows Bill is lonely.C . Because she has nothing to do.D . Because she knows Bill is very rich.(2)What does Cara do if Bill is late for dinner?A . She calls him on the telephone.B . She calls the police on the phone.C . She brings dinner to Bills house.D . She waits for him at the door.(3)Why doesnt Bill come to the restaurant that evening? Because _.A . Cara isnt kind to himB . he died in his sleepC . he is too tiredD . he stays at home for dinner四、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共5分)16. (5分)阅读下面的材料, 然后根据材料内容回答所提问题。Im Simon from America. I am twelve and Im at Wllize junior School(初中). This month We have two school events(事件). One is an English party and one is a school trip. Next month, there will be five events.Here is a list. DateEventMay12School DayMay15-17English speechContest 3:00pm-4:30pmMay18Volleyball game 2:00-3:30pmMay19Art Festival 19:00am-5:00pmMay24Music party 6:00-9:00pmIm in the school volleyball club. 1 also like singing. 1 want to play in the volleyball game and sing at the music party. 1m very happy.(1)How old is Simon? _(2)How many(多少)school events does Simon have in April? _(3)Does Simon have a volleyball game in May? _(4)When is the Art Festival? _(5)Does Simon have a music party at 10: 00 pm? _五、 词汇运用。 (共2题;共6分)17. (1分)There _ some juice and hamburgers on the table. (is/are) 18. (5分)根据下列句子及所给首字母,写出各单词的完全形式(每空限填一词。(1)The policeman asked the young man to stand a_ the wall.(2)Jack works the h _of all the students in the class. So he always gets good grades.(3)He was t_ as an engineer for about five months, and then worked in a big company.(4)Beckham took a great i_ in soccer when he was a little boy.(5)Many of the young girls like to write t_ secrets in the diaries.六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)请你根据以下提示提取所需的信息写一篇短文,来简单介绍一下著名演员卓别林。可适当发挥。NameCharlie ChaplinBirth Time1889Birth PlaceLondon, BritainFamilyDad died and mum got seriously ill when he was younglived a poor lifeJobA comic actor and film director(导演)CharacterA sense of humourCreative and hard-workingWorksOne of his most famous films: Modern Times (摩登时代)AchievementsWas considered as a geniusWon Oscar Prize twiceReceived the applause from all over the worldThe greatest star of the silent film era (无声电影年代)注意:1.表达中必须包含所给要点,可以适当发挥。2.词数90左右。3.表达中请勿提及真实校名和姓名。第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单项填空。从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)11-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共36分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、15-1、15-2、15-3、四、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共5分)16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、五、 词汇运用。 (共2题;共6分)17-1、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)19-1、

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