仁爱版牛津译林英语八年级上册 Unit 8 Natural disasters单元测试(一)C卷.doc

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仁爱版牛津译林英语八年级上册 Unit 8 Natural disasters单元测试(一)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 选择题。 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)There _ a meeting tomorrow afternoon. A . will be going toB . will going to beC . is going to be2. (2分)Shall we go for a hiking this weekend?All right, it rains.A . ifB . unlessC . until3. (2分)All the Chinese people must work hard China Dream.A . to realizeB . realizeC . realizingD . realized4. (2分)How can I improve my Chinese? read some interesting stories every night?A . Why dontB . Why not youC . Why not readingD . Why dont you5. (2分)After the 2 days sick leave, Han Feng returns to our class. Today there are 64 students _ him. A . expectB . besidesC . exceptD . beside6. (2分)一Can I go to the reading room this Sunday?一No. It only from Monday to Friday.A . is openingB . is openC . openD . is opened7. (2分)It is good _ by_ the Internet. A . relax, usingB . to relax, useC . relax, useD . to relax, using8. (2分)The bank is _ the bookstore and the post office.A . at the front ofB . among C . between9. (2分)I am going to have a job interview tomorrow morning.Well, _A . Have a good time!B . Im happy to hear that.C . Good luck!D . Congratulations!10. (2分)In order for the meeting, my sister made herself get up early this morning.A . not to be lateB . not being lateC . to be lateD . being late11. (2分)It was in the police office that the thief admitted_the purse from the old lady A . stealB . stealingC . stolenD . to steal12. (2分)I have lots of work to do now. I dont have time _ you.A . listen toB . to listenC . to listen toD . listen13. (2分)Thank you for _me with my homework. A . helpB . helpsC . helpingD . to help14. (2分)“Excuse me, could you tell me _?” “OK, Its on Main Street.”A . where was the supermarketB . where is the supermarketC . where the supermarket is15. (2分)My sister doesnt like fish, _ I like fish very much. A . andB . orC . butD . so16. (2分)My mother used to the song “Wheres time going?” Now she is used to to it A . hating; listenB . hated; listened toC . hate; listening toD . hating; listening17. (2分)Pollution is getting _ in some big cities. A . serious and seriousB . more serious and seriousC . more and more seriousD . seriouser and seriouser18. (2分)_ your sister know Lucy?No, she _.A . Do; dontB . Does; doesntC . Does; dontD . Do; doesnt19. (2分)I Helen is a nice girl. Yes, she is.A . callB . helpC . think20. (2分)I am very excited _ I hear the news that the high-speed rail will be built from Hefei to Wuhu. A . beforeB . whenC . untilD . While二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)完形填空Once upon a time,there was a large lion.He felt ashamed because,as1a large lion,he was scared of2.Some animals knew the lion was afraid of chickens.They didnt help the lion.They3him,instead.The lion was4when the other animals did that.He knew that an elephant,Ernest,was a wise animal.So he decided to go and have a5with Ernest.He wanted to ask Ernest for advice.The lion met the elephant in a big yard.6he was talking to the elephant,He found him kept flapping(拍)his great7.“Whats the matter with you,Ernest?”asked the lion.“Im sorry,”said Ernest.“But I get so worried when some mosquitoes(蚊子)8around my ears.They often bite me.I cant9them because they fly fast.Im really afraid of them.”When the lion knew the elephant were afraid of mosquitoes,he felt much10.Because he was not the only large animal that was afraid of small ones.(1)A . very B . too C . so D . such (2)A . mice B . birds C . chickens D . ducks (3)A . looked at B . laughed at C . looked for D . cut down (4)A . happy B . sad C . excited D . relaxed (5)A . look B . fight C . talk D . try (6)A . Until B . If C . Although D . While (7)A . eyes B . ears C . legs D . arms (8)A . walk B . run C . fly D . jump (9)A . touch B . catch C . eat D . throw (10)A . better B . worse C . best D . worst 三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共50分)22. (20分)Tornadoes(龙卷风) are one of the worst weather events on earth. Each year, tornadoes kill many people. The storms often carry homes, cars and trees from one place to another. And they can also destroy anything when they pass by.A tornado comes from a thunderstorm(雷雨) in the sky down to the ground. It is big at the top and small at the bottom.A tornado appears when winds in different directions meet in the cloud and begin to turn in circles. People can see tornadoes almost everywhere in the world. But most happen from late winter to middle summer. There is a second high season in November. During spring, warm air moves north and mixes with the cold air left from winter. In November, the opposite happens. Cold air moves south and mixes with the warm air left from summer.Tornadoes always come suddenly. Weather scientists have done something to predict(预测) tornadoes. But the storms often move too fast for people to protect themselves. Last year, tornadoes killed more than one hundred people in United States.Scientists say the best place to be in is a small room, without windows, in the middle the lowest part of a building when tornadoes come.(1)According to the passage, we know the shape of the tornadoes may be like _.A . B . C . D . (2)According to the passage, we know the shape of the tornadoes may be like _.A . B . C . D . (3)In the United States, most tornadoes happen _.A . from late summer to middle summerB . from late autumn to middle winterC . from late autumn to middle springD . from late winter to middle summer(4)In the United States, most tornadoes happen _.A . from late summer to middle summerB . from late autumn to middle winterC . from late autumn to middle springD . from late winter to middle summer(5)According to Paragraph 4, tornadoes appear when _.A . warm air and cold air mixB . cold air and cold air mixC . warm air and warm air mixD . warm water and cold water mix(6)According to Paragraph 4, tornadoes appear when _.A . warm air and cold air mixB . cold air and cold air mixC . warm air and warm air mixD . warm water and cold water mix(7)Whats the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “destroy”?A . 保护B . 珍惜C . 毁灭D . 惩罚(8)Whats the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “destroy”?A . 保护B . 珍惜C . 毁灭D . 惩罚(9)From the passage, we know that _.A . the United States has very few tornadoesB . tornadoes are one of the worst weather events in the worldC . people should stay in big rooms with windows when tornadoes comeD . more than one thousand people were killed by tornadoes in the USA last year(10)From the passage, we know that _.A . the United States has very few tornadoesB . tornadoes are one of the worst weather events in the worldC . people should stay in big rooms with windows when tornadoes comeD . more than one thousand people were killed by tornadoes in the USA last year23. (10分)阅读理解You may have noticed that the worlds population is not evenly distributed (分散式的) around our planet. There are some countries where people seem to be living nearly on top of each other because conditions are overcrowded. Then there are others where it seems that hardly anybody lives. What influences this unequal distribution of people? There are specific advantages and disadvantages of living in a certain area.The two main factors that influence peoples choice of location are climate and resources. Climate is the usual weather conditions in a region. Areas that have bad weather are generally less deal as places to live in. The north and south poles at the top and bottom of the world may be beautiful in their rugged, natural way, but the disadvantage of the bitterly cold and windy conditions usually keeps people away. When it comes to climate, warm conditions and a normal amount of rainfall are advantage that attract people.Natural resources are things that we get from nature and that help us survive. Each region offers different resources, and therefore attracts different groups of people. People who enjoy the beach can make their living by catching and selling the oceans many fish and other sea creatures. Those who prefer farming can take advantage of rich soil (土壤) in valleys near rivers. Some people are willing to accept the disadvantages of the terrible conditions of deserts or mountains in order to take advantage of the resources like oil or woods. (1)The underlined part on top of in the first paragraph most likely means _. A . very close toB . on the highest part ofC . in control ofD . on the surface of(2)What are the main factors that influence the distribution of people? A . Resources and oceans.B . Climate and rivers.C . Climate and resources.D . Warm conditions and rainfall.(3)The writer thinks many people dont live near the north or south pole because _. A . they cant get enough food thereB . they natural sights there dont attract peopleC . the unpleasant weather keeps them awayD . the length of nighttime is too short or too long(4)Why do people go and live in valleys near rivers? A . The temperature isnt too low in winter.B . the resources like oil can bring them much money.C . People can make their living by catching and selling fish.D . Its easier for people to grow plants or keep animals.(5)The purpose of the example in the last paragraph is to tell us _. A . people cannot survive in cold conditionsB . different resource attract different groups of peopleC . People usually prefer living at the seaside to living in mountainsD . a normal amount of rainfall is necessary for people to live in the desert24. (10分)阅读理解 Everybody dreams. But only some people remember their dreams. Our dreams often include all the senses - smells, sounds, sights, tastes and things we touch .Sometimes we dream the same dream over and over again.Early in the twentieth century, two famous scientists developed their personal ideas about dreams. Austrian psychiatrist (奥地利心理学家) Sigmund Freud wrote a book called The Interpretation (诠释) of Dreams in 1900. Freud believed people often dream about things they want but cant have. Swiss (瑞士) psychiatrist Carl Jung worked closely with Freud for several years, but he believed dreams provide solutions to problems we face when we are awake. Other researchers are studying how dreaming helps our bodies work with problems and very sad emotions (感情). Robert Stickgold is a professor of psychiatry (心理学教授) at Harvard University in Massachusetts. He says that when we dream, the brain is trying to make sense of the world. He does not agree with Sigmund Freud that dreaming is the way we express our hidden feelings and wishes.Scientists believe it is important to keep researching dreams. Doctor Stickgold says its more than one hundred years since Sigmund Freud wrote his important book about dreaming. Yet there is still no agreement on exactly how the brain works when we are dreaming or why we dream. (1)From the passage we know _. A . dreams are remembered by everyoneB . dreams express all that we think in our mindC . dreams include all the senses and things we touchD . how the brain works while dreaming(2)A book on dreaming was written by . A . Carl JungB . Sigmund FreudC . Robert StickgoldD . the writer(3)The underlined word solutions probably means _ in Chinese. A . 解决的方法B . 分析的过程C . 面临的形势D . 坚持的立场(4)In the passage, all the psychiatrists _. A . believe dreams can help people understand all the problems that they faceB . believe when we dream, the brain is trying to make sense of the worldC . study dreams and dreaming and have their own ideasD . have the same idea that people often dream about things they want(5)Which would be the best title for the passage? A . The Fact of DreamsB . The Ways of DreamsC . The Advice on DreamsD . The Mystery(奥秘) of Dreams and Dreaming25. (10分)阅读下面的短文后, 将正确答案的序号填在题前括号内。There was a fire in the factory at about 1: 40 last night. A reporter interviewed some people about it this morning.Reporter: What were you doing when the fire broke out? I was preparing a report when I got the phone call from Jim. I quickly drove to the factory. The firefighters(消防员) were putting out the fire when I got there. They arrived several minutes before me.TomThe manager(经理) of the factory I was on duty last night. I smelled(闻到) something burning. When I got up, I saw smoke coming from the window of the workshop(车间). I called 911 and our manager at once. And they both arrived quickly.JimA worker We drove to the factory as soon as we got the phone call at 1: 47 am. We arrived at about 1: 55 am and soon put it out. No one died or got hurt in the fire. Its dry these days. We think all the families and factories should be more careful.JeffA firefighter(1)What was Tom doing when he got the phone call? A . Sleeping.B . Watching TV.C . Hanging out with friends.D . Preparing a report.(2)Who discovered(发现)the fire first? A . The manager.B . A worker.C . A firefighter.D . The reporter.(3)When did the firefighters get the phone call? A . At 1: 40 am.B . At 1: 47 am.C . At 1: 55 am.D . At 2: 07 am.(4)Which of the following is TRUE? A . Tom arrived at the factory first.B . The reporter was working when the fire broke out.C . Jeff said it was dry these days.D . Jim helped the firefighters put out the fire.(5)What dont we know about the fire? A . The cause.B . The place.C . The time.D . The casualty figures(伤亡人数).四、 词汇运用。 (共1题;共1分)26. (1分)Today there are lots of_(特色菜)at Park Restaurant五、 根据句意, 用所给词的适当形式填空。 (共15题;共33分)27. (2分)用适当的代词填空。Her parents are _workers. Her classmates are _from peasants families.28. (1分)If you are _ (stress) out, you should try to relax.29. (1分)She thought she was the _(ugly) among the girls.30. (1分) Whats your _ (fly) to Beijing? No. 5358.31. (1分)I _ (be sure) my friends will come to the party tomorrow.32. (2分)Lei Feng _ (die) for many years, but his spirit is still _ (live).33. (1分)He usually goes _ (swim) in his free time.34. (15分)_If you answer the questions _(correct), you will get the present._The fans could not hide their _(excite) when they saw their favourite singer._The _(wife) of the policemen usually do most of the housework because their husbands are too busy._People _(clap) their hands and shouting in the TV room now._The Changjiang Bridge _(build) in the 1950s._Some birds fly to the (south) part of China in autumn._The goal of Project Hope is _(help) students and schools in poor areas._ _ your father _(fly) abroad recently?Yes, he has been in Singapore for a week._ The vegetables _(grow) in the backyard by my mother every spring._“Can I win the English speech contest?” I kept asking _(I)._My aunt (buy) the car two days ago._English is _ (wide) used in many kinds of fields._There (be) much rain in my hometown since the beginning of this month._What our life will be like if we have no computers in our_(day) life?_They are celebrating their daughters _(twenty-one) birthday in the Garden Hotel.35. (1分)It is a _ (please) for me to stay with you.36. (1分)They have four hours tennis _(train) every afternoon.37. (1分)My sister usually _ (brush) her teeth first in the morning.38. (1分)I think this is a wrong _ (decide), so dont plan to do it.39. (1分)A true friend can help you get out of _ (sad) when youre unhappy.40. (1分)We are all sure that Nanjing has the ability to hold the second YOG _ (successful).41. (3分)They _things_planes,on trains,on buses and _taxis他们把东西落在飞机、火车、公交车和出租车上。六、 根据汉语意思完成句子。 (共1题;共2分)42. (2分)现在,他的妈妈身患重病。Now, his mother is _ _ a serious illness.七、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)43. (5分)How do you talk with people when meeting them if you want to leave a good impression? Here a some tips for you/Tip 1 You have to show up, which can be a challenge for many of us. You can show up as an observer(旁观者)of other interesting people and let that be a learning experience for you. Before you start talking, its important to just listen, even if you think you are a wise storyteller. If you are close to a group of people who are discussing a topic, watch their body language and see if they will let you join in their conversation.Tip 2 Youd better go in the conversation with a couple of topics to keep it going, or questions to ask if there is a short stop. Simple things like How do you know the host?”and How did you get here?” are always good conversation starters to a certain extent(在一定程度上).Tip 3 Dont fear silences. Awkward(令人尴尬的)silences are common part of talking with people, just rush to fill them. If you dont want to go on with the conversation, just say you are going to get another drink or something to eat, and find another group to talk with.Tip 4 Relax. If you cannot keep a conversation going, or you dont know what you should say next, give yourself a little time to clear your head. Relax, and then turn back into the discussion.阅读以上信息,用恰当的词完成下面的短文,每空一词。When you meet new people, you always want to leave a good impression. But do you know how to be a good speaker? Here is some advice for you.The first advice is that you have to show up and observe or listen to others even if you can tell stories _ . If you go near a group of people, watch their body language to see if they will offer you a _ to talk with them. The second advice for you is that some topics should be _before the conversation. Next, you dont need to be _ of silences. You can rush to fill them or leave for another group. The last is relaxing. If you cant keep a conversation going or you _what you should say next, take a break and clear your head, then return to the discussion.八、 首字母填空,根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词. (共1题;共6分)44. (6分)用短文中所给动词的适当形式填空Sarah and Katie both work in a supermarket. They are best friends and they enjoy_(work) together. Sarah and Katie are young and always happy. They like telling jokes and watching comedy programmes on TV.However, they dont like their bo

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