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冀教版八年级上学期英语期末考试试卷C卷(3)一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)My sister wants a new dress.She_it at the party. A . wearB . wearingC . woreD . is going to wear2. (2分)I paid ¥10 for this morning.A . 4 bottle milksB . 4 bottles of milkC . 4 bottles of milksD . 4 milk3. (2分)Amanda read the article _, and found something important in it. A . carefully enoughB . enough carefulC . enough carefullyD . careful enough4. (2分)Is this your family? _ A . Yes, it isnt.B . No, it is.C . Yes, it is.D . No, this isnt.5. (2分)Who swept the classroom?I _.A . doB . didC . sweptD . was6. (2分)Where is your father ?He _ the music in the room .A . is listeningB . listens toC . is listening toD . listening to7. (2分)Mom, someone _. Please pick up the phone.A . has calledB . is callingC . will callD . was calling8. (2分)How are you feeling today, boy?Im feeling much , thanks.A . goodB . wellC . betterD . best9. (2分)She doesnt have _ cakes. She has some fish. A . someB . muchC . anyD . little10. (2分)一 Is it difficult to make friends _ people from a different culture? No, as long as (只要) you learn to respect them.A . toB . byC . with11. (2分)What are you _?My keys. I cant find them.A . looking atB . looking forC . looking like12. (2分)There is no bridge _ the two villages and the river runs very quickly. A . onB . overC . between13. (2分)The environment in Nanjing will be _ than it was before if we all keep working for it. A . much betterB . more seriousC . quite badD . even worse14. (2分)As we all know, eating too much junk food _our health. A . do harm toB . Is bad toC . is harmful to15. (2分)Do you know what time Daniel Xuzhou tomorrow? At 2:00 p. m. I will meet him when he at the airport.A . gets to; arrivesB . will get to; will arriveC . will get to; arrivesD . gets to; will arrive二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 Is your food and drink healthy? Do you1the saying(谚语)An apple a day keeps the doctor away? To stay healthy, eat2. Here are some suggestions(建议).Dont eat3meat. Meat is healthy4eating too much is not good.Eat a lot of5. You can eat carrots, tomatoes and so on.Drink juice,6and milk. Water is the best drink. Cola is7. Its bad for you. So dont drink it too much.8every morning. You can have an egg, bread and porridge(粥)for breakfast.Eat9fruit.Remember: eat the right food and be10.(1)A . have B . know C . spell D . buy (2)A . well B . fast C . quickly D . early (3)A . many B . much C . small D . new (4)A . and B . so C . or D . but (5)A . vegetables B . fruit C . noodles D . rice (6)A . cola B . ice C . soda D . water (7)A . good B . nice C . unhealthy D . healthy (8)A . Have breakfast B . Have lunch C . Have class D . Do sports (9)A . many B . a lot C . lots of D . any (10)A . big B . cool C . healthy D . delicious 三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共22分)17. (6分) People in different countries have different ways of doing things. Something that is polite in one country may be quite impolite in another. In Britain, you mustnt lift (举起) your bowl to your mouth when you are having some soup. But its different in China. And in Japan you even neednt worry about making a noise when you have it. It shows that you are enjoying it. Making a noise is considered as (被认为) bad manners (举止,礼仪) in Britain. If you are a visitor in Mongolia, what manners do they wish you to have? They wish you to give a loud “burp”(打嗝) after you finish eating. Burping shows that you like the food.In Britain, you should try not to put your hands on the table when youre having a meal. In Mexico, however, they hope you keep the hands on the table during a meal. But Arabians consider you must be very careful with your hands. You mustnt eat with your left hand. Arabians consider it very bad manners eating with left hands. So, what should you do if you are on a visit in another country? Well, you can ask the local people to help you or just watch carefully and follow them if you are on a visit in another country.(1)It is impolite to lift your bowl to your mouth when you are having some soup in _.A . BritainB . ChinaC . JapanD . Mexico(2)In Mongolia, burping after eating shows that _.A . you are rudeB . you are hungryC . you are hungryD . you like the food(3)Whats the main idea of the passage?A . People in different countries have different ways of doing things.B . British people are very polite.C . You mustnt eat with your left hand.D . Dont worry about making a noise when you have soup.18. (16分)阅读理解ATom is an eight-year-old student in Grade three. He is not interested in his lessons. He spends most of his time playing basketball. At night, he doesnt sleep until very late in order to play. In the morning, he usually gets up late and hurries to school. Sometimes he sleeps in class.Toms father is worried about his poor schoolwork. He tried to make him work harder. One day, his father said to him, My boy, if you get one hundred marks in the exam, Ill buy a new basketball for you. The boy was very happy to hear that.The next day Tom came running home. Oh, Dad, I got one hundred. He shouted, I got forty in English this morning and sixty in Chinese this afternoon!根据短文内容判断正误。(1)Toms father tries to make him work harder. (2)Tom got one hundred marks in the English exam. (3)Tom spends most of his time playing basketball. (4)Tom got a new basketball from his father. (5)Tom sometimes sleeps in class. (6)Toms father tries to make him work harder. (7)Tom got one hundred marks in the English exam. (8)Tom got a new basketball from his father. 四、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)选词补全对话。healthy, want, like, think, habitA:Good morning, JacobB:Good morning, Polly. What do you _ for breakfast?A:Apples and breadB:Well, they are _foodDo you like burgers for breakfast?A:No, I dont. I have a good eating _What about you? What do you like for breakfast?B:I like hamburgers, ice-cream and coffeeA:I dont _they are good for youB:Yes, and I must learnt from(向学习)you. Im so fat and I _to be healthyA:I think I can help you. We can eat together(一起)B:Thats great. Thank you五、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)20. (5分)选词补全对话。A:Hi, Jane! Where did you go yesterday?B:I went to LondonA:_B:It was very goodA:Really?_B:My parents.A:_B:We visited Big Ben and went shopping.A:_B:It was sunny and warm.A:_B:SureAWho went there with you?BHow long did it take?CHow was your trip to London?DDid you have a good time there?EWhat did you do there?FWhy did you go there?GHow was the weather there yesterday?六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)配对阅读: 左栏是五个人物的简介,右栏是七个新款科技产品广告。请将这五个人与他们感兴趣的产品配对。_George is a boss. He often flies to different cities for business. He always asks others, “Where is the nearest post office?” “Wheres the nearest hotel?” etc._Terry is a bank clerk. He is single and quite lazy. He doesnt like washing clothes at all, and he hate ironing._Dale is a middle school student. He likes listening to music. He dreams to have a pen which can play music while doing homework._Alice is a housewife who has two children. She likes to take photos of something her kids are doing, whenever she wants to._Kate is a university student. She loves all kinds of toys, especially robots. She hopes to have a robot which can do something for her.A. Le PenLe Pen, with a music player planted inside, plays music while you write on paper and stop when you stop writing.B. Android WearGoogle is developing a smart watch called Android Wear. The watch uses a touch screen and a voice control. Simply say “OK, Google” to ask whatever you want to know.C. One WheelIn the near future you may find a new way to escape traffic: a self-balancing skateboard called One Wheel. It can go as fast as 19 km an hour.D. MipMip is a playful robot. It stands 19cm tall. You can control it simply with your gesture(手势) or a smart phone. Mip can run, balance and dance on two wheels. It can also bring you a bottle of water.E. Google GlassGoogle Glass is a pair of glasses with a battery(电池) inside with a camera and screen. You can take hands-free photos or videos of anything people are doing.F. A New Kind of ShirtHate washing? Youre going to love this kind of shirt made by an American clothing company. This shirt can be worn for 100 straight days without washing. It never needs ironing(烫衣).G. A Tablet Computer(平板电脑)A tablet computer is a complete mobile computer, larger than a mobile phone. It has a flat touch screen and you can operate it by touching the screen.七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)22. (5分)根据中文和英文提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于60词的短文,所给英文提示词语仅供选用,请不要写出你的真实校名和姓名。生活中每个人都有过与他人分享的体验,如分享一本有趣的书、一段难忘的经历、一个闪光的想法现在,某英文报纸就分享(Sharing)话题征文,请你投稿。描述一次你与他人分享的经历,并谈谈你的感受。提示词语:sharewith;experience; interest; learn; change; encourage; enjoy; happiness; confident第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共22分)17-1、17-2、17-3、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、18-6、18-7、18-8、四、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)19-1、五、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)20-1、六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)21-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)22-1、

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