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2020年七年级下学期第一次月考英语试题C卷一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Does your school pay much attention to the _ of safety?Yes. We practise how to escape from dangers every term.A . importanceB . developmentC . difference2. (2分)早晨在校门口遇到同学时,应该怎么样打招呼? A . How are you?B . Good morning!C . Good evening!3. (2分)Yesterday an old mans house was _fire. And now he is_ hospital.A . on; onB . in; onC . on; inD . in; in4. (2分)一I think Ive got a bad cold,DoctorShall I take some medicine?一No needYour body itself is able to the virus. Just drink more water and restA . catchB . fightC . loseD . hide5. (2分)Hi. Andy! There are _ floors in this building. Which floor do you live on?I live on the _ floor.A . thirty; twenty-secondB . thirty; twenty-twoC . thirtieth; twenty-two6. (2分)Thats a girl. Her name is _. A . Wang XiaohongB . Wang Xiao HongC . Wang xiaohong7. (2分)The man a doctor. The are nurses.A . is, womanB . are, women C . is, women8. (2分)_ students came to the library, but only _ of them read books.A . Hundreds of; two hundredB . Hundred of; two hundredsC . Hundreds of; two hundredsD . Hundred of; two hundred9. (2分)Sorry, sir. Its _ the working hours. Im afraid you have to come tomorrow. A . duringB . behindC . beyondD . before10. (2分)Look. Here are two apples. Are they for me?Yes. You can have _of them. The other one is for your little brother.A . bothB . allC . either11. (2分)The twin sisters are similar, so I often call either of them by mistake.A . friendlyB . beautifulC . alike12. (2分) do you eat hamburgers, Alice?Sometimes. Mom asks me not to eat them often.A . How oftenB . How farC . How muchD . How long13. (2分)Which of the following sentences is a FACT? A . Life in Jianye is getting better and better.B . I think Jiangye is developing rapidly.C . Nanjing Poly Grand Theater lies in Jianye.D . Nanjing Eye is a wonderful place to go walking.14. (2分)My mother doesnt allow me _outside too late on school nights. A . to stayB . stayC . staying15. (2分)The program the Amazing Race is very popular ._ . We all like watching it .A . Thats all rightB . It doesnt matterC . Thats rightD . You are welcome二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)完形填空 Travel is useful to us in at least three ways:First, by travelling we can enjoy the beautiful scenery of different 1. We can see many places 2our own eyes which can be read about in books, and visit some famous cities.Second, we will 3people with different interests and see strange and different things. We can get to know the4of places, and taste different foods and local flavour if we like. 5this way, we can understand6differently other people live. Third, travel will not only help us to7the knowledge of geography, history and other knowledge 8will also help us keep healthy and make us9narrow-minded.With all these advantages of travel, it is no wonder10travel has now become more popular than ever in China.(1)A . towns B . place C . village D . places (2)A . in B . with C . by D . on (3)A . listen B . watch C . meet D . notice (4)A . customs B . Habits C . clothes D . language (5)A . At B . On C . Of D . In (6)A . what B . how C . whether D . when (7)A . gain B . give C . see D . bring (8)A . or B . so C . and D . but (9)A . wide B . less C . widely D . least (10)A . these B . that C . those D . this 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共39分)17. (23分)阅读短文,根据题目要求完成各小题。Nowadays, camping has been popular among youngpeople. Its a great way to be outside and enjoy the nature. Whether you preferto be in the woods, mountains, or by the river, you are sure to have awonderful experience when you go camping. Here is some advice for camping.Fire may be dangerous, so just use fire only whenyou must.(2) Make sure to put the fire out when you dont use it.When you are talking, keep your voice down. If youtalk loudly, you may disturb (打扰) other people, and you will also miss the chancewild animals outside.It is necessary to put up your tent (帐篷) only in safe areas. If you put up your tent in other areas, you may getinto trouble. Remember to do it for your safety.Dont forget to take your camera so that you wont miss the wonderful natural wonders. Later, youll understand how nice (3) theyare. Make sure your camera has enough power.People often get lost in the forest. Its a good way to take a map that helps you to get the right direction. Now, peopleusually take GPS with them. Maps and GPS can help you find the way easily.(1)Which two things are needed to avoid getting lostin the forest according to the passage?(2)Give a proper title(题目) to the passage.(3)The writer gives us _pieces of advice for camping.(填数字)(4)Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese. _(5)What does “they” in the paragraph 5 refer to(指代)?_(6)Which two things are needed to avoid getting lostin the forest according to the passage?(7)Give a proper title(题目) to the passage.18. (6分)阅读理解 Films in UME Cinema this weekName: Shazam!Director: David F. SandbergMain actor: Zachary Levi, Time: From Monday to Wednesday at 8:00 p.m.雷霆沙赞 Ticket price: RMB 35Name: Captain MarvelDirector: Anna Boden Main actor: Brie Larson, Time: From Wednesday to Friday at 8:00 p. m.惊奇队长 Ticket price: RMB 40Name: Song of Youth Director: Zhang LuanMain actor: Yu QianTime: From Friday to Sunday at 7:30 p. m.Ticket Price: RMB 30老师好 (Half on Sunday for children)Name: Green BookDirector: Peter FarrellyMain actor: Viggo, AliTime: From Tuesday to Thursday at 8:00 p. m.Ticket Price: RMB 45绿皮书(1)How many films are on show(放映) on Wednesday ? A . OneB . TwoC . ThreeD . Four(2)Mr. Green wants to see Song of Youth with her eight-year-old son on Sunday. She should pay _. A . 45 yuanB . 40 yuanC . 35 yuanD . 30 yuan(3)Which film doesnt have any Western actors? A . Shazam!B . Captain MarvelC . Song of YouthD . Green Book19. (10分)uA LITTLE PRINCESSAuthor: Frances Hodgson Burnett¥18.3 (online)Motherless Sara Crewe was sent home from India to school at Miss Minchins. Her father was very rich and she lived a rich and comfortable life. Then her father died and Sara lost everything. She had to learn to do with her changed life. Her strong character made her able to fight successfully against her poverty(贫穷) and the scorn(嘲笑) of her fellows(伙伴). Its an excellent book with 4 tapes(磁带) for children.uPETER PANAuthor: J.M Barrie¥15 (in bookstores) ¥12 (online)It is a childrens story full of imagination and adventures(冒险), which is about Wendy, John, and Michael Darlings adventures in Never-Never Land with Peter Pan, the boy who would not grow up. The children are happy and lovely. (with 2 tapes)uUNCLE TOMS CABIN(小屋)Author: Harriet Beecher Stowe¥20 (in bookstores)The most famous novel in American history, Uncle Toms Cabin talked about the struggle between free states and slave(奴隶) states during the American Civil War(美国内战) and is as powerful today as when it first came out 150 years ago.uTHE SECRET GARDENAuthor: Frances Hodgson Burnett¥35 (in bookstores)¥30 (online)Mary Lennox, a sickly orphan(孤儿), finds herself in her uncles dark house. Why are so many rooms locked? Why is one of the gardens locked? And what is that crying she hears at night? Through the power of hope, friendship, and the magic of nature, the brave girl brings the house and a long-lost garden back to life.uGONE WITH THE WIND(乱世佳人)Author: Margaret Mitchell¥25 (in bookstores) ¥18 (online)Gone With the Wind is a best-seller, which tells a story that happened in the American Civil War. Scarlett OHara is a woman in the story who is full of energy. She is strong and saves her family but is very selfish at the same time.根据短文内容,选最佳择答案, 并在答题卡上按要求作答。(1)All of the following books have children as their main characters except _.A . PETER PANB . GONE WITH THE WINDC . A LITTLE PRINCESSD . THE SECRET GARDEN(2)We can know from the passage that _.A . two of the above books are written by Frances Hodgson BurnettB . we can buy 5 kinds of the above books in bookstoresC . there are only three books with tapesD . THE SECRET GARDEN is ¥5 cheaper in bookstores than online(3)If you buy THE SECRET GARDEN and PETER PAN online, you have to pay _.A . ¥30B . ¥12C . ¥50D . ¥42(4)Mary brings the house and a long-lost garden back to life with the help of _.a. the power of hope b. friendship c. her uncle d. natures magicA . a, b, cB . a, c, dC . a, b, dD . all of the above(5)How many stories happened in the American Civil War?A . OneB . TwoC . ThreeD . Four四、 词汇 (共2题;共11分)20. (1分)If you dont study hard, I am afraid you will f_the exam again.21. (10分)根据短文内容和首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整。(每空一词)Today, an increasing number of people are always looking at their mobile phones with their heads down. These people are called the “Heads-down Tribe(低头族)”. Are you a heads-down tribe m_? Heads-down tribe members now can be seen everywhere.More and more traffic accidents are h_because more drivers use mobile phones when they are driving. In order to make drivers pay more attention to driving, some new traffic rules have been made. For example, people who use mobile phones while driving in Taiwan are fined(罚款).As we can see above, u_mobile phones may cause accidents and even cost a lot of money. Also, more and more interesting and strange facts happen to the “Heads-down Tribe”. Lets have a look at an interesting TV r_. A man in America k_using his mobile phone on his way home. As a result, he knocked into a big lost bear. When he lifted his eyes from the phone, he was so a_that he turned around and ran away quickly. Another fact is that we can often see people in the restaurant eating face to face but looking at their o_mobile phones. Its strange that they dont talk to the ones who sit opposite to them d_the meal. Some of them even have fun communicating with o_on the phone.Mobile phones are helpful and necessary tools for modern life. Are mobile phones good or bad? It depends on h_people use them. Lets be “healthy” users and try to be the “Heads-up Tribe.”五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)22. (5分)书面表达,同学们,在刚才的阅读中我们了解到一些有关西方饮食文化的有趣知识。现在某国外旅游杂志向你约稿,请你以 When in China, do as the Chinese do!为题写一篇文章,向西方读者介绍我们中国的饮食文化。以下是此杂志社发来的稿件要求,请仔细阅读,完成写作。Length (词数) : About 80 words.Content (内容):Please try to answer at least 4 of these questions from our readers.Are meals in China the same as meals in the West?What time are lunch and dinner served in China?How to eat food?How to behave politely while eating with the old?How do we know that a meal is over in China?Is it a good idea to talk about food during a meal?Will there be just three courses or more in China?要求:内容合理;要点齐全;句子及篇章结构准确、连贯;书写规范。第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共39分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、17-6、17-7、18-1、18-2、18-3、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、四、 词汇 (共2题;共11分)20-1、21-1、五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)22-1、

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