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九年级下学期英语第一次适应性训练考试试卷C卷一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分) Would you like _ us? Yes, Id love to.A . joinB . to joinC . joining2. (2分)_ names Tony. Whats _ name? Frank. A . You; yourB . His; yourC . Your; ID . I; you3. (2分)He has devoted all his life _ children. He does his job very well. A . to educateB . to educatingC . to educationD . for educating4. (2分) Can a plane fly the Atlantic Ocean?Yes, but it needs to go the clouds for hours.A . across; throughB . through; acrossC . across; acrossD . through; through5. (2分)Do you still remember our primary school teacher Mrs. Liu?Yes. She always encouraged us and gave us support we met difficulties.A . wheneverB . whateverC . however6. (2分)Do you like _ ?Yes , I _.A . strawberrys; doB . strawberry; doC . strawberries; dont D . strawberries;do7. (2分) Can I join the English club? Sure. Please show _ your school ID card. A . IB . myC . mineD . me8. (2分) English is very important, so dont _. Thank you. _.A . give it up; I willB . give it up; I wontC . give up it; I willD . give up it; I wont9. (2分)Do you have any plan for the coming holiday?Yes. Ill take a trip to Japan.A . take a flightB . have a lessonC . make a journey10. (2分)I often watch TV Sunday night. A . onB . inC . atD . till二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)11. (15分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。After thirty years in the classroom, I have come to realize that teachers behavior can make a world of difference for a child. This is one such1.While I was attending a party being2at a high school one evening, I looked around and noticed a young girl who looks a little familiar. I thought she had been a3of mine. I tried to remember her name but I couldnt. I didnt feel 4with myself, as I have always been able to5the students that I knew in the past.Her eyes met mine and she threw her 6around me and said, “Mrs. G, its me, Sarah, and Im still writing!” The memories 7 . I felt something different in my heart. You see, Sarah was 8a student in my classroom. Sarahs mother had gone to a big city and had remarried. And her father had 9her. She was sent to live with her grandparents the year I met her. Sarah was 10, often in trouble and often in the office.It was during one of those office visits that I first met her. She was writing. I introduced myself to her and asked her 11she was writing. Sarah shared her story with me. I knew it was a way for her to get away from her pain. So she always put her 12on paper. Every morning before school she would come into my classroom and we would work on her 13skills.Our conversation that evening was filled with hope. She expected to go to college. Driving home, I 14 the influence for both good and bad that teachers have put upon their students. Taking the time to 15with a child has the power to change that childs life. Thats why I teach.(1)A . class B . child C . history D . story (2)A . started B . planned C . held D . kept (3)A . student B . friend C . teacher D . family (4)A . satisfied B . proud C . patient D . strict (5)A . forget B . remember C . miss D . know (6)A . shoulders B . back C . arms D . chest (7)A . broke down B . went by C . stood up D . came back (8)A . already B . still C . just D . never (9)A . passed B . left C . missed D . lost (10)A . nervous B . worried C . shocked D . angry (11)A . how B . what C . why D . who (12)A . decisions B . efforts C . thoughts D . actions (13)A . reading B . writing C . speaking D . listening (14)A . accepted B . received C . suggested D . realized (15)A . connect B . play C . disagree D . compare 三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共36分)12. (8分)阅读理解 Alice in Wonderland Chapter 2Alice was not hurt, so she jumped to her feet in a moment. She looked up, and found the White Rabbit was still in sight. She was close behind it when she turned the comer, but the Rabbit was no longer to be seen. She found herself in a long, low hall.There were doors all around the hall, but they were all locked.Alice walked sadly down the middle, wondering how she was ever to get out again.Suddenly, she came upon a little three-legged table. There was nothing on it but a tiny golden key, and Alices first idea was that this might belong to one of the doors of the hall.But, alas! Either the locks were too large, or the key was too small. However, on the second time round, she came upon a low curtain she had not noticed before and behind it was a little door.She tried the little golden key in the lock, and she was pleased to find it fitted!(1)What did Alice want to do when she got to the hall? A . She wanted to know how to get some foodB . She wanted to know where her sister wasC . She wanted to find out how to get out againD . She wanted to meet the Rabbit(2)Where did Alice find the tiny golden key? A . B . C . D . (3)How did Alice feel when the gold key fitted into a lock? A . Tired.B . Shocked.C . Happy.D . Interested.(4)Which is TRUE according to the passage? A . Alice had never seen the White Rabbit before she got to the hall.B . Some of the doors around the hall were locked.C . Alice noticed the little door as soon as she entered the hall.D . The passage is from Alice in Wonderland.13. (8分) After a hard campaign, Barack Obama won the US president election on November 4. He will become the 44th President of the United States-the first African-American in the countrys history.On the election eve, Obamas grandmother died-only a few days before seeing her grandsons victory. Tears ran down the face of Obama as he spoke about his grandmother. “She taught me about hard work.She was the one who put off buying a new car or a new dress for herself so that I could have a better life. She poured everything she had into me.”In his first speech as the president, Obama declared to tens of thousands of cheering supporters, “The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year, or even one term, but America-I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there. I promise you: We as a people will get there” The crowd broke out into the same chant(咏唱,吟诵), “Yes, we can!”Those three short words have become the defining phrase of Obamas campaign.Forty-five years ago, Martin Luther King had a dream of an America where men and women would be judged not by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character. Today the dream has come true. (1)When will Obama begin to work as a president?A . On November 4B . Before November 4C . After November 4D . On the day he won the election.(2)What happened to Obama before the election eve?A . His grandmother passed away.B . His grandmother was killed.C . His grandmother gave him a lesson.D . His grandmother was kidnapped.(3)What does the underlined word “campaign” mean in Chinese?A . 公关B . 竞选活动C . 辩论D . 比赛(4)Which of the following is NOT true?A . Obama makes Martin Luther Kings dream come trueB . Americans believe Obama will change everything of America.C . Obamas grandmother had a great effect on him.D . Many people support Obama to become the president of America.14. (10分)(2012.吉林)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。Blue Ocean Aquarium is a great place for families to take a holiday. Children love to see the sea animals and watch movies about sharks in it.Last Saturday morning, Mr Jackson took his wife and two little sons to the aquarium. At the ticket office, he asked, How much shall I pay to get in? The woman at the ticket office answered, The price is 20 dollars for each adult or any kid older than five. We let kids in free(免费) if they are five or younger. How old are your kids? Mr Jackson said, The older one is six and the younger one is thee. I think I must buy three tickets. The woman was surprised. She said, Sir, dont you want to save 20 dollars? If you tell me your older son is five, I wont know the difference. Mr Jackson said with a smile, Yes, that sounds right,but my kids will know the difference. From Mr Jackson s story, we know honesty is very important in the modem society. We should tell the truth to the people around us, especially to the kids.(1)There arepeople in this story.A . 3B . 5C . 4D . 6(2)Mr Jackson paid for their tickets to the aquarium at last.A . 20 dollarsB . 40 dollarsC . 60 dollarsD . 80 dollars(3)Children can see_ in Blue Ocean Aquarium.A . dolphinsB . pandasC . koalasD . tigers(4)The underlined word honesty means_A . 激情B . 友谊C . 乐观D . 诚实(5)What can we learn from the passage?A . Mr Jackson was very rich,B . Mr Jackson wasted to save some money.C . Mr Jackson paid for his two sons tickets in the endD . Mr Jackson thought honesty was more important than money.15. (5分)下面文章中有五处添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。A. Take every meal.B. Get moving.C. Drink plenty of water.D. Cut down on the salt.E. Write it down.F. Snack smart.Make Changes to Lose WeightMaking these easy changes realty can help you lose weight._You can help prevent overeating by eating something about every three hours. Getting too hungry will get in your way to eat healthily. Make sure you know how many calories should come from snacks, and then aim for a healthy snack, such as an apple._One of the worst ways to lose weight is meal skipping. Many people think skipping meals is a great way to cut calories, but in the end, they fail to lose weight. Youll be more likely to overeat if you do not eat regular meals._Water helps you lose weight in several ways. Drinking water rather than other kinds of drinks can cut hundreds of calories. Dont wait until youre feeling thirsty to drink water; thirst can be mistaken for hunger, causing you to overeat._It is impossible to lose weight and keep it off without exercising. Start out today by taking a walk or learn how to bike to lose weight. Work your way up from 10 minutes to 30-40 minutes a day, most days a week._Keep a food diary. All you have to do is to put down what, when, and how much you eat in a notebook. A food diary will give you a clear picture of your eating habits so you can know the change you need to make to lose weight.16. (5分)根据短文内容,选出能填入文中空白处的最佳选项。(有一项多余) My hometown is different from what it looked like before. To be honest, it is more beautiful than before. _ Ten years ago, it used to be a poor village. There was only one mountain path (小路) to go there. _ People lived in low strawthatched cottages (破草房). Now my hometown has changed a lot since our government helped us. _ So its convenient to go in and out of our hometown. Also, we have built some schools so that the children can receive a good education. As people have made more money by working in the cities, or planting more economic crops (经济作物). _ All the villagers are living in new houses, some even in large buildings. There is a beautiful park in our town. _Every day, after dinner people would like to go to the park to enjoy themselves. We are living a happy life now. A. We have built a new highway. B. It has been there for 3 years. C. Great changes have already taken place here in the past ten years. D. Would you like to visit my hometown?E. Only one or two families had bikes or radios. F. Most families have had a car or a truck. 四、 用单词的正确形式完成短文 (共1题;共5分)17. (5分)用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空,每空限用一次。mean, crowd, interest, improve, miss(1)I think its a good way for students _their writing skills(技巧). (2)The children are very _ in the movie The Chef, The Actor, The Scoundrel(厨子戏子痞子). (3)If you go too late, you will _the bus. (4)The street is _in the evening. (5)Both of us dont know the _of the word. 五、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共17分)18. (7分)根据材料内容选择最佳答案。One day,Eddy,the frog(青蛙),meets his two friends:Tom,the squirrel(松鼠),and Mary,the birdEddy,can you climb trees?asks TomNo,I cant,says EddyTom laughs(笑)and climbs up into a treeEddy,can you sing?asks MaryNo,I cant,says EddyMary laughs and sings a beautiful songLookEddy saysI can swimHe jumps into the water and swimsThats nothingsay Tom and MaryEddy is sad and he goes awayHe meets a monkey and he learns to juggle(玩杂耍)from himThen Eddy goes back to his friends and juggles for themBut they dont like itEddy is sad againAt that time they hear a baby bird crying in the water,Help!Help!ary and Tom cant swim,So they cant help the baby birdEddy jumps into the water and helps the baby bird outThank you,Eddy!says the baby birdYou are great,Eddy,say Mary and TomEddy is very happy now根据材料内容完成下列任务。(1)据文章内容将下列句子排序。AEddy saves a baby bird from the waterBEddy is sad that he cant climb the tree or singCEddy meets a monkey and learns to juggle_(2)Tom can climb trees and Mary can sing beautiful songs(3)Eddy is happy at last because his friends want to learn how to swim from him19. (10分)任务型阅读Let me tell you about my hometown. I live in Kinsale. It may be one of the smallest towns in Southern Ireland, but it is also the most famous one.The fish restaurants are very wonderful and there are many good cooks here. They cook the best fish for the visitors. The food is expensive but people enjoy it very much. So you can see many people from different countries in every restaurant.My town is very beautiful because it is by the sea. In summer it is very cool and you can go swimming in the sea. There are three small shops and you can buy your friends many presents there. They are not expensive and you can pay a little money for them.The people in my town are friendly. They can make friends with you. If you feel ill, there is a clinic (诊所)with a doctor and a nurse. Im Andy. You can ask me for help when you have some trouble(困难,麻烦). I think you will enjoy the holiday.A brief introduction(介绍) about the townThe hometown is_Kinsale.Perhaps ,it is one of the smallest towns in_Ireland.The town is_the sea.Things to doThere are many_fish restaurants.People can go_in the sea in summer.And you can also buy a lot of presents_your friends, because the presents are_.People therePeople who live in the town are very_. They would like to _friends with you.If you are in trouble, you can ask Andy to _you.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)20. (5分)假如你是王鹏,你的笔友Tom对中国的名胜古迹很感兴趣,并来信询问中国长城的有关情况。请根据下列提示,用英语给Tom写一封回信。提示:1.长城是世界上最长的建筑(structure);2.长城位于(be located in )中国北部;3.每年有很多人参观长城。要求:1.词数不少于70词;2.短文中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名。第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共36分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、15-1、16-1、四、 用单词的正确形式完成短文 (共1题;共5分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、五、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共17分)18-1、18-2、18-3、19-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)20-1、

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