上海版2020年中考英语语法专练(五):介词(II )卷.doc

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上海版2020年中考英语语法专练(五):介词(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)There will not be enough space to the earth in the future.A . live onB . live inC . live on inD . live in on2. (2分)My grandfather is over 90 years old,_hes in excellent condition A . soB . ifC . butD . or3. (2分) Do you know _ girl _ two big eyes? Yes. She is my cousin.A . the, haveB . a, haveC . a, withD . the, with4. (2分)The tourists can see those rocks _ different shapes clearly _ sunny days. A . in; inB . in; onC . on; forD . on; in5. (2分)I think the shop will be closed _ 22: 00.A . onB . inC . at6. (2分)We will play football _Class 4 tomorrow. Good luck.A . overB . againstC . toD . for7. (2分)He wants to buy a new house a big living room. A . takesB . withC . hasD . of8. (2分)Nora opened the box. To her surprise, _ was a gold watch. A . outsideB . insideC . besideD . behind9. (2分)We cant do it _ your help. A . withB . ofC . underD . without10. (2分)Thank you for _ me. I cant finish the work so early _ your help.A . help; withB . helping; withC . helping; withoutD . help; without11. (2分)Shanghai is a big city _ the east of China. A . toB . atC . onD . in12. (2分)She _ the bus and took a seat. A . got inB . got out ofC . got onD . got off13. (2分)_you can work out the Maths problem easily. A . In this wayB . On the wayC . In the way14. (2分)Be careful _ knives. Many people cut themselves in the kitchen. A . onB . withC . ofD . to15. (2分) I _ football with my friends after school. But now Im always busy with my study. So am I. I _ much homework after school every day.A . used to play; am used to doingB . used to play; am used to doC . am used to playing; used to do16. (2分)My dad is going to Cuba _. He will stay there for a week.A . on showB . on businessC . on sale17. (2分)After a long hiking, the boy was _ tired to walk. A . tooB . toC . soD . very18. (2分) How do you go to work? I usually go to work _. A . by a carB . in a carC . on a carD . by cars19. (2分)Foreigners like to learn Chinese language_its culture. A . as well asB . instead ofC . such asD . except for20. (2分)Her father _ a doctor.And she wants to be a doctor like her father when she grows up.A . looks likeB . works asC . dreams of二、 语法填空 (共20题;共22分)21. (1分)You cant go _ (cross) the street when the traffic lights turn red. 22. (1分)The meeting will be put off because_the heavy rain. (填介词) 23. (1分)We should do something to protect the animals_danger. (填介词) 24. (1分)Sometimes we have lunch _ eleven_ twelve. (填介词) 25. (1分)I used to live in France, _fact, not far from where you live. (填介词) 26. (2分)Tibet is _the west of China. (填介词) 27. (1分)Bamboo is often used _(make) many kinds of things. 28. (1分)Lets _(have) some Western food for dinner tonight. 29. (2分)The sign on the door warns people _ (not enter) the room with food and drinks. 30. (1分)He invited her _(dance)for me. 31. (1分)There were a lot of people at the party_us. (填介词) 32. (1分)Mr. Wang asks us _ (not play)on the busy street. 33. (1分)They have a basketball game _ March 10th. (填介词) 34. (1分)Japanese devoted much time to _(develop) the game Travel Frog and it is very popular with female players. 35. (1分)I exercise to keep healthy by_(run)every morning. 36. (1分)The hospital is in front _ the supermarket.(填介词) 37. (1分)Mrs Green doesnt seem _ (like) the idea. 38. (1分)The water drop falls_rain again. (填介词或副词) 39. (1分)Whenever I try to read this book, I feel _ (sleep). 40. (1分)John has studied Chinese in this school _ the year of 2015. (填介词) 第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 语法填空 (共20题;共22分)21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、


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