外研版英语2019-2020学年八年级上册Module 10 The weather单元测试(II )卷.doc

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外研版英语2019-2020学年八年级上册Module 10 The weather单元测试(II )卷一、 听句子,选择最佳应答语。 (共5题;共10分)1. (2分)听句子,选择正确的应答语( ) A . Yes, they do.B . Yes, they were.C . No, they arent.2. (2分)听句子,选出作为恰当反应的最佳选项( ) A . Merry Christmas.B . Please go.C . Have a good time.3. (2分)根据你所听到的句子,选出正确的答语。 A . Sorry to hear thatB . Glad to meet you.C . Not at all.4. (2分)听句子选答语( ) A . Go ahead.B . Youre welcome.C . Sure Id love to.5. (2分)听句子,选出正确答案( ) A . Since last Friday.B . No, you neednt.C . I see.二、 听短对话,选择最佳答案。 (共5题;共10分)6. (2分)Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear. A . For two days.B . For three days.C . For four days.D . For five days.7. (2分)What does Sam want to do-? A . To watch a movie.B . To play a game.C . To read a book.8. (2分)Where did Alice go yesterday afternoon? A . To the museum.B . To the library.C . To the zoo.9. (2分)What language cant the boy speak? A . English.B . Chinese.C . Russian.10. (2分)What did the woman forget? A . A camera.B . A CD player.C . An umbrella.三、 听长对话,选择最佳答案。 (共2题;共10分)11. (4分)听材料,完成问题。 (1)Where is Tom? A . At home.B . In the library.C . In the classroom.(2)What is Jenny doing? A . Using the computer.B . Watching TV.C . Listening to a CD.12. (6分)请听第一段对话,回答问题。 (1)Where does Lily go with her dad? A . To their old house.B . To their new hose.C . To her school.(2)Which room is big? A . The kitchen.B . The living room.C . The bedroom.(3)What colour does Lily like best? A . Pink.B . Yellow.C . Blue.四、 听材料,选择最佳答案。 (共1题;共10分)13. (10分)听独白,回答问题。 (1)Where does Sam come from? A . France.B . America.C . England.(2)When did Sam go to the old village? A . Yesterday morning.B . Yesterday afternoon.C . Yesterday evening.(3)What happened to Sam in the village? A . He was lost.B . He got hurt.C . He lost a bag.(4)Who came to see Sam with the hotel manager? A . A schoolboy.B . A teacher.C . A policeman.(5)Why did Sam write the letter? A . To make an invitation.B . To ask for help.C . To give some advice.五、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)14. (2分)In Nanjing, we stayed at a very nice hotel. But I cant remember _ name of it.A . theB . aC . anD . /15. (2分)My cousin Mary was born _ a singing voice. A . fromB . inC . withD . at16. (2分)they are twins, they dont look the same at all.A . BecauseB . ThoughC . AsD . Since17. (2分)How about going to school by boat, Lilei?Good idea. That must be _than taking a bus.A . much funB . more much funC . a lot more funD . funner18. (2分)Which is boy of the three, Tom, Bob or John? A . tallerB . the tallerC . tallestD . the tallest19. (2分)The songs by TFBOYS sound .Their CDs sell_.A . good; goodB . well ; wellC . good; wellD . well; good20. (2分)Come and _ our soccer club! A . knowB . takeC . joinD . play21. (2分)Do you often make plans your friends?Yes. I do. time with friends is so much fun, I think.A . visiting; To costB . visiting; To spendC . to visit; SpendingD . to visit; Costing22. (2分)Why not _ a walk in the park?A . to takeB . takingC . takeD . took23. (2分)What can trees do _ us ?They can _ harmful gases and produce oxygen .A . helping , take inB . to help , take inC . helping , take outD . to help , take care24. (2分)_ should not be allowed to go out at night.A . Twelve-years-oldB . Twelve-year-oldsC . Twelve year oldD . Twelve years olds25. (2分)He could play the violin when he was five.A . at the age of fiveB . five years laterC . for five yearsD . five years age26. (2分)She got full marks in the math exam. Her parents were _ her.A . satisfied withB . tired ofC . worried about27. (2分)Mom, I spent a whole night preparing for the exam. My God. _dont stay up too late, or youll be tired out.A . You cant put your eggs in one basketB . The grass is always greener on the other sideC . You cant burn the candle at both endsD . Do as Romans do when in Rome28. (2分)Joe had a nosebleed in PE.class. Did someone hit him on the nose?A . How do you like it?B . What happened?C . I cant stand it.D . Its nothing.六、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)29. (10分)根据短文理解,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。Manners are important to happy relations(关系)among people. No one1 a person with bad manners. A2 with good manners never laughs at people when they are in trouble. Instead, he3 to help them. When he asks for something, he says 4. And when he receives something, he5 says Thank you. He does not interrupt(打扰)6 people when they are talking. He does not talk loudly or laugh loudly7 public. When he sneezes or spits(吐痰), he uses a8. If you are late, you 9 make an apology (道歉)to the teacher either at the time10 after class.(1)A . thinks B . likes C . hates D . love (2)A . boy B . man C . person D . give (3)A . tries B . want C . has D . enjoy (4)A . Give me B . Please C . Yes D . Hello (5)A . never B . sometime C . usually D . still (6)A . every B . some C . his D . other (7)A . on B . at C . of D . in (8)A . book B . cup C . handkerchief(手帕) D . hand (9)A . should B . will C . could D . may (10)A . or B . nor C . and D . but 七、 阅读理解 (共2题;共50分)30. (40分)阅读下面短文,按要求完成各小题。Nick and his friends were talking about things that can bring them luck. “I have a lucky red pen,” said Andy. “I have a lucky coin,” said Peter. “Every time I take a test, I carry my lucky coin.” Nick thought for a moment, and said, “My blue socks.” “Blue socks?” the boys were surprised and asked together. Nick said that every time he wore his blue socks to school before a test, he got a good mark.The next day Nick had a Chinese test. He was sad because he couldnt find his blue socks. “Mom!” shouted Nick. “Where are my blue socks? I have a Chinese test today, and I need to wear them.”“Dont be silly,” Nicks mom said.“They need to be washed.” “When I wear them, I get a good grade.” Nick said.“Did you prepare for your test?” asked Mom.“Yes.”“Then dont worry about it. Just do your best.” Mom encouraged.A few days later, Nicks teacher told him that he got 95 in his test. Nick was so excited that he couldnt wait to tell Mom he did well in his test. Mom said, “It wasnt the blue sock s that made you success. In fact, it was made by yourself.”(1)Who could get luck from a red pen?(根据短文内容回答问题)(2)Who could get luck from a red pen?(根据短文内容回答问题)(3)Why was Nick sad the next day?(根据短文内容回答问题)(4)Why was Nick sad the next day?(根据短文内容回答问题)(5)Was Nicks good mark made by the blue socks or by himself?(根据短文内容回答问题)(6)Was Nicks good mark made by the blue socks or by himself?(根据短文内容回答问题)(7)从文中找出与下面句子中画线部分意思最接近的短语。Nickwas so excited that he couldnt wait to tell Mom he did well in his test.(8)从文中找出与下面句子中画线部分意思最接近的短语。Nickwas so excited that he couldnt wait to tell Mom he did well in his test.31. (10分) Whats your favorite cartoon? It may be difficult for you to decide. But for pianist Lang Lang, Tom and Jerry is the best one. When Lang was two years old, he saw Tom play the piano. This was his first time to enjoy western music and this experience encouraged him to learn to play the piano.His talent at the keyboard has taken him from Shenyang to the world. Lang became a good piano student at three. Ever since, the boy has been doing better and better. In 1997, the 15-year-old boy studied at a famous American music college.Langs performances are energetic. He is well-known for making facial (面部的)expressions and moving around while playing the piano.The road to success has never been easy. Langs father stopped his job to look after him, while his mother stayed in Shenyang to make money. But Lang thinks himself lucky and believes he should give something back. He has helped the children in poor areas a lot. (1)What made Langlang first enjoy western music?A . When he played the piano at three.B . When he saw Tom play the piano at two.C . When he listened to the western music on the radio.D . When his father taught him to read music.(2)How old was Langlang when he became a student of a famous American music college?A . twoB . threeC . fiveD . fifteen(3)What is Langlang famous for?A . He is famous for playing the guitar.B . He is famous for singing.C . He is famous for writing music.D . He is famous for making facial (面部的)expressions and moving around while playing the piano.(4)Why did Langlangs mother stay in Shenyang?A . Because she liked Shenyang, she didnt want to leave.B . Because she had to look after Langlangs grandparents.C . Because she had to make money to pay for Langlangs education.D . Because she didnt love her son.(5)From the passage, we can say it _ Langlang and his parents a lot of time to get success.A . spentB . paidC . tookD . cost八、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)32. (5分)根据材料内容从方框中选择合适的句子填入材料空缺处,使材料内容完整、正确,其中有一个句子是多余的。When the first Ice Age film came out in 2002a group of cute animals became well-known in the worldNow Time For Kids(TFK)talks with actress and singer Keke PalmerKeke Palmer voices(给配音)a mammoth called Peaches in Ice Age:Collision Course,the fifth Ice Age film(P=Palmer)TFK:_P:In this Ice AgePeaches is getting ready to get marriedBut her dad cant accept the fact that she will leave himSo Peaches tries to make her dad believe that change is coming and he has to accept this new kind of their relationship(关系)TFK:_P:To tell the truth,I have a lot in common with herShes very close with her mum,and Im close with mumAnd like her,I also try my best to be independent(独立的)TFK:_P:Fun but educationalYou know,Ice Age has always been so popular because it conveys(传递)deep messages but still finds a way to keep it fun for kidsTFK:_P:I think kids will see that change is a good thingits the opening of new doors in their lifeTFK:_P:Its different for everyoneIn fact,if you love acting you can do it anywhereYou can start your own acting club,have fun with friends,or create a scenario(电影脚本)on the InternetJust find creative ways to do what you loveAWhat do you think of this film?BWhat message do you think kids will get?CDo you have anything in common with Peaches?DCould you tell us something about your character?EWhat was it like to work with other people in this film?FWhat advice do you have for kids who want to be actors or actresses?九、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)33. (10分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Do you know something about the moon? You can _ (seeing) it at night. Sometimes it looks round and _ (brightly). It also looks quite near. _ the moon is very far from the earth. If you take _ spaceship, you will get there in more than three days. The spaceship _ (go) very fast, at 11 kilometers a second. In 1969 two _ (American) got on the moon by spaceship.There are no living things on the moon _ there is no air or water there. Thats why people cant _ (liveness) there. But you may know you can jump much higher there than _ the earth. Its full, isnt it?I hope some day we Chinese _ (get) to the moon, too.十、 词汇运用:根据语境及所给汉语或语言提示写出所缺单词 (共5题;共34分)34. (1分)What time do you_(回家)?At 5:00 in the afternoon35. (17分)根据汉语、英文释义或句意写出相应的单词。(1)Its time lo have a rest. Lets go out for a _(呼吸) of fresh air.(2)Many countries speak _(高度地)of Chinas high-speed railway technologies.(3)He was (give sth. to sb. especially at an important event) with a lot of awards because of his achievements.(4)They have little in (not special) with each other though they are brothers.(5)As we all know, jazz was first created by Americans.36. (1分)The _ tastes really good.37. (5分)单词拼写。请背诵词汇表, 并默写单词。名 词:w_重量;分量s_肩;肩膀g_球门;射门;目标c_教练;私人教师t_同队队员;队友38. (10分)根据汉语提示在空白处写出单词的正确形式,每空一词。 Tom had busy school days, and he _ (几乎不) ever did sports. In _ (事实),he had no time for sports. He hoped to do something different. As a _ (孩子),it was better to enjoy outdoor activities. So he and his father decided to climb a _ (相当) famous mountain. As they _ (尝试) hard, they were successful- they reached the _ (顶部) of the mountain. His father gave him a pen as his _ (奖励). How _ (新鲜的) the air was! He could _ (清楚地) hear the birds singing beautifully. He was so excited that he couldnt _ (等待) to keep it in a diary. What a wonderful experience it was!十一、 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限。 (共5题;共46分)39. (8分)请仔细阅读教材,补充完整下列句子。(1)但是在这些事情背后存在着圣诞节的真正意义:与周围的人分享和给予爱与快乐的重要性。But behind all these things _ the true meaning of Christmas: the importance of sharing and giving love and joy to people around us.(2)圣诞欢歌是一部查尔斯狄更斯写的著名短篇小说。A Christmas Carol is a famous short novel _ _ Charles Dickens.(3)他十分吝啬,只想着自己。他对待他人也不友善。He is _ and only thinks about himself. He doesnt _ others nicely.(4)他现在对待每一个人和蔼可亲,所到之处传播着他的爱和快乐。He now treats everyone with _ and _, _ love and joy everywhere he goes.40. (6分)根据汉语意思完成句子。 (1)当学生们去爬山的时候, 他们总是玩得很开心。Students always _when they go climbing mountains.(2)读英文报会帮你更好地学英语。Reading an English newspaper will help you _English _.(3)盒子里面有些特别的东西。There is _in the box.41. (2分)这条河比那条宽得多。This river is_than that one42. (5分)在夏天,我更喜欢吃冰淇淋。(prefer to) 43. (25分)句子翻译(1)王老师是我们学校最受欢迎的老师之一。(2)我们总是在公园玩的很高兴。(3)她上个月自学了怎样制作主页。(4)由于过多的看电视,我哥哥的视力很差(5)Lily对于参观这些名胜古迹很感兴趣。十二、 阅读表达 (共1题;共4分)44. (4分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Would you like to explore (开发) the oceans?Do you want to find more life than we imagine there?For Jacques Cousteau, the answer was yes. His career was a life-long dream, and he is probably the most famous ocean scientist in recent times.Cousteau was born in France in 1910. Even as a child, he loved water. Cousteau was bright, but he got bored with school and began to cause trouble. _. There, Cousteau finally felt challenged. He studied hard and did well in all his courses. In 1933, he served as a general officer in the French Navy. _. He worked on a breathing machine to stay under water longer. It was finished in 1943.In 1948, Cousteau became a captain, and he had new duties. Even so, he continued to explore the oceans. Two years later, he became the president of the French Oceanographic Campaigns. He also bought a ship to help with his dives. _. To do that, he produced many films and published(出版)a number of books. His films include The Silent World (1956), World without Sun(1966). One of his books is The Living Sea (1963)._. Its work was to further oceanic research and to encourage people to help protect the oceans and the life within them.Cousteau won many honors for his work, including the Medal of Freedom and membership in the French Academy in 1989.A. Cousteau was interested in fishingB. In 1974, he founded the Cousteau SocietyC. But he needed a way to get money for his tripsD. His parents sent him to a strict boarding schoolE. He also began to explore the life under the water十三、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)45. (5分)书面表达。近几年,越来越多的中国人出国旅游,他们中的一些不文明行为引起了人们的极大关注。调查显示,中国游客列世界第二不受欢迎的人。为此,请你根据以下要点,给校报英语专栏写一篇短文,并提出你的建议,呼吁人们文明出行。1. 不高声喧哗;2. 排队候车或就餐;3. 不随地吐痰或乱扔垃圾;4. 不乱涂乱画。注意:1. 词数:80 词左右;开头已给出,不计入总词数;2. 应覆盖所有要点;可适当增加细节,使行文连贯;3. 参考词汇:spit v. 吐痰;behavior n. 行为。With more and more Chinese people traveling abroad, their bad behaviors have become a hottopic. A recent US survey showed Chinese were the second worst tourists. How can we be a goodtourist? Here are some tips for you.第 21 页 共 21 页参考答案一、 听句子,选择最佳应答语。 (共5题;共10分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、 听短对话,选择最佳答案。 (共5题;共10分)6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、三、 听长对话,选择最佳答案。 (共2题;共10分)11-1、11-2、12-1、12-2、12-3、四、 听材料,选择最佳答案。 (共1题;共10分)13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、五、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、六、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)29-1、七、 阅读理解 (共2题;共50分)30-1、30-2、30-3、30-4、30-5、30-6、30-7、30-8、31-1、31-2、31-3、31-4、31-5、八、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)32-1、九、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)33-1、十、 词汇运用:根据语境及所给汉语或语言提示写出所缺单词 (共5题;共34分)34-1、35-1、35-2、35-3、35-4、35-5、36-1、37-1、38-1、十一、 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限。 (共5题;共46分)39-1、39-2、39-3、39-4、40-1、40-2、40-3、41-1、42-1、43-1、43-2、43-3、43-4、43-5、十二、 阅读表达 (共1题;共4分)44-1、十三、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)45-1、


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