新目标(Go for it)版初中英语七年级上册期末复习(题型专练):单项选择(一)C卷.doc

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新目标(Go for it)版初中英语七年级上册期末复习(题型专练):单项选择(一)C卷.doc_第1页
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新目标(Go for it)版初中英语七年级上册期末复习(题型专练):单项选择(一)C卷.doc_第2页
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新目标(Go for it)版初中英语七年级上册期末复习(题型专练):单项选择(一)C卷.doc_第3页
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新目标(Go for it)版初中英语七年级上册期末复习(题型专练):单项选择(一)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共30题;共60分)1. (2分)I want to be engineer when I grow up.A . aB . anC . the2. (2分)Whats your mothers favorite_? Animal World.A . musicB . programC . sportsD . subject3. (2分)April 15 was a sad day for France. A large fire _at the Cathedral of Notre-Dame. A . broke outB . carried outC . gave outD . ran out4. (2分)Its raining. The children have to stay at home and they are_. A . excitingB . excitedC . boringD . bored5. (2分)Mum, is my friend. name is Tony. A . he; HisB . this; HesC . this; HisD . he; His6. (2分)_ Its August 30thA . Whats the date today?B . What day is it?C . Whats the time?7. (2分)Mr. Zhang has gone to Mexico, so the man _ be him. A . mustB . mightC . cant8. (2分)The number of the students in our school is about eight _._ of them are boys.A . hundred; Two thirdsB . hundred; Two thirdC . hundreds; Two thirdsD . hundreds; Two third9. (2分)I have a bad headache. I want to take some medicine. Oh, please read the _on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine.A . explanationB . instructionC . descriptionD . introduction10. (2分)_, Jenny? I cut my finger.A . Whats the wrongB . What matterC . Whats the matterD . What wrong11. (2分)Can you tell me the of the bag? Sorry, I havent it. A . weight; weightB . weight; weighedC . weighed; weighedD . weighed; weight12. (2分)The student asked his teacher for help because he couldnt solve the problem by_. A . herselfB . himselfC . yourselfD . themselves13. (2分)_ is a girl, and _ name is Jane. A . Her; shesB . She; hersC . She; herD . He; his14. (2分)The Browns _all at home on Sundays. A . amB . isC . areD . be15. (2分) You look worried, Helen. _? Thats a good idea.A . Whats the matterB . Why not going out for a walkC . How about go to have a walkD . Why dont you have a walk outside16. (2分)_she have a volleyball? A . DoesB . IsC . AreD . Do17. (2分)Its _ today. I need these gloves. A . warmB . fineC . coldD . beautiful18. (2分)Cathy is a teacher. She to Africa to teach English every summer. A . goesB . wentC . is goingD . will go19. (2分)The little girl is _ to cross the road. A . scaredB . scareC . scaryD . scream20. (2分) all his pocket money. Tom bought a present for is mother on Mothers Day. A . ByB . WithC . LikeD . From21. (2分)You and Kevin became friends twelve years ago, right? Yes. And now we _ friends.A . meetB . findC . remain22. (2分)If you want to be great, you should get knowledge.Youre right. I _ start right now.A . little;shouldB . few;mayC . a lot of;should23. (2分) do you go home? I often go home by train.A . WhereB . WhenC . HowD . Why24. (2分)There is smile her face.A . /; inB . a; onC . /; onD . /; at25. (2分)The villagers cant believe _ eyes. The scientist changed the desert into farmland. A . hisB . herC . ourD . their26. (2分)Was a car invented _ March 4, 1876? A . onB . inC . atD . of27. (2分) _ is your school from your home? Twenty minutes ride.A . How farB . How longC . How oftenD . How soon28. (2分)Have you ever been to _ Asian country? Yes, Ive been to _ Singapore.A . a;theB . the;aC . an;/D . the;the29. (2分)In China, we celebrate_ Day on June 1st and _ Day on October 1st. A . Childrens; NationalB . Children; NationalsC . Childrens; NationalsD . Children; Nationals30. (2分)The girl is _. Today is her _ birthday. A . twelfth; twelfthB . twelve; twelfthC . twelfth; twelveD . twelve; twelve第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共30题;共60分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、

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