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人教版中学2020届九年级下学期英语第二次模拟考试试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)This is story Ive told you about several times.Its great. Ive never heardmore moving one.A . the, aB . the, theC . a, aD . a, the2. (2分)Nine people died in the car _ yesterday.Im sorry to hear that.A . showB . storyC . accident3. (2分)_ my opinion, keeping a pet dog will probably cause a lot of trouble. . A . ToB . InC . ForD . With4. (2分) If people keep catching and killing these animals, they will die out one day. I agree with you. Lets find a way to stop them.A . leaveB . disappearC . appear5. (2分)If you want to be_, you have to eat_ food and take _ exercise. A . thinner; less; moreB . thinner; little; moreC . thin; few; enoughD . thinner; fewer; less6. (2分)David is with Mr. Millers talking. He cant wait for its end. A . boring; boredB . bored; boredC . boring; boringD . bored; boring7. (2分)Lei Feng will _ his spirit of devotion to others without any thought of himself. A . remembered forB . be rememberedC . rememberD . be remembered for8. (2分) Look, Stella is there! That _ be her. She doesnt like singing.A . mustntB . cantC . needntD . wont9. (2分)Havent I told you that the computer needs_?Sorry,I forgot_it fixed.Ill send it for repairs right away.A . repairing;havingB . to repair;to haveC . repairing;to haveD . to be repaired;having10. (2分)-Have you finished your homework _? -Yes, weve done that _. A . already; yetB . yet; alreadyC . before; laterD . later; before11. (2分)Simon doesnt know what_ today.A . wearsB . to wearC . wearingD . to wearing12. (2分)Ive become good friends with several of the students in my school _ I met in the English speech competition last year.A . whoB . whereC . whenD . which13. (2分)Did Mrs Brown leave a message?Yes. She wanted to know_this Sunday.A . that you will go shoppingB . when will you go shopping with herC . if you would go shopping with herD . who you would go shopping14. (2分)_ bad day! Its raining hard. We have to stay at home. A . How aB . What aC . How15. (2分)Hi, Jane, would you like to go hiking with me on Sunday?_. I have too much homework.A . Id love toB . Of course notC . Thats OKD . Sorry, I cant二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分)阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。There was once a millionaire who loved money more than anything else in the world. He didnt know exactly(精确地) how much he had, so he took on a little girl to 1 all his money for him.It 2the little girl six days to count all the money. When she told the millionaire that he had forty-two3dollars, he was 4 with joy and asked, “How much5 do you want?” He thought that 6she was only a child, he could7 her into taking a very small amount of money.The girl said, “Well, I worked for six days, so I think you 8 pay me for six days. Give me two pennies(便士) for the first day. Each day after that, just give me the amount you give me the day before, multiplied by(乘以) itself.”The9thought that in this 10he would only have to give her a 11dollars. What a12little girl! So immediately, he 13his lawyer sign up the contract(契约), fearing(害怕) that she would change her 14.On the first day the millionaire paid her two pennies, and on the second day, two pennies times two pennies, or four pennies.Each day after that, he gave her 15number of pennies he had given her the day before, multiplied by itself. And by the sixth day, the foolish millionaire had to give the clever little girl all his money.(1)A . bring B . count C . send D . hide (2)A . had B . needed C . got D . took (3)A . million B . dozen C . thousand D . hundred (4)A . proud B . wild C . surprised D . moved (5)A . dollars B . number C . time D . pay (6)A . as if B . though C . if D . because (7)A . warn B . advise C . cheat D . set (8)A . could B . would C . should D . might (9)A . girl B . millionaire C . two D . people (10)A . measure B . way C . point D . means (11)A . few B . little C . less D . much (12)A . nice B . clever C . fine D . foolish (13)A . ordered B . asked C . had D . persuaded (14)A . mind B . heart C . word D . plan (15)A . good B . great C . a D . the 三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共18分)17. (8分)阅读理解DIf your mother told you to eat carrots so youd be able to see in the dark, she was right. It turns out that feeding kids carrots is just one of a number of things to keep eyes healthy. Other things include regular eye exams, and sunglasses or hats are also very helpful, experts say.While eye disease is sometimes hereditary(遗传的), some are still preventable(可预防的), said Dr. Ron Weber, an Atlanta-based ophthalmologist. For example, nearsightedness, “not only has a genetic(基因的) component but is also influenced by how kids use their eyes during childhood,” he told Reuters Health by phone.He said that extended close work, such as reading, has long been thought to cause nearsightedness. Recent support has come from a study in which people with a higher level of education were more likely to have nearsightedness, because they spend more time reading or working on computers. Another study showed that children who spend more time outdoors are less likely to become nearsighted.But these findings dont mean kids should be stopped from reading or working on the computer. Instead, Weber suggests, make sure a childs environment is bright enough while they are doing close work. Parents should also help kids get into the habit of holding their reading material at the perfect distance about 18 to 22 inches, he said. Finally, taking a break every five minutes or so, to let the eyes relax and focus on an object in the distance, will also help.One of the most important things a parent can do to help head off eye disease and vision problems is to make sure their child gets regular eye exams, beginning early in life. “The majority of vision problems in children are preventable and treatable,” said Dr. Ida Chung.(1)What does the writer want to tell us in the passage? A . It is important to keep your eyes healthy.B . People seldom pay attention to eye health.C . It is necessary to give your kids carrots.D . All the eye disease are hereditary.(2)Which one is good for our eye health according to the third paragraph? A . Spend more reading on computers.B . Spend more time indoors.C . Spend more time doing outdoor activities.D . Spend more time working on computers.(3)The underlined part in the last paragraph means_. A . treatB . stopC . coverD . increase(4)Which can be the BEST title for this passage? A . Eating carrotsB . Eye diseaseC . How to keep eyes healthyD . The importance of eye health.18. (10分)阅读理解Making new friends can be difficult, especially if you are a child in a new neighborhood. It may seem like everyone else has a friend to sit with or to talk to. Dont worry; if youre a nice person, you can make friends too.Step 1. Decide what kind of people you want to play with. Choose (选择) wisely, because youll probably become like them. Pick children that are nice to other people.Step 2. Smile and say something nice to the person you want to be your friend. If you like a persons shoes or think a girl is good at basketball, just say so. Everyone likes compliments.Step 3. Join clubs and teams. If you like sports, try out for some. Put yourself in situations where you are around many children that enjoy the same activities as you. Its easier to develop(发展) friendships when you have the same hobbies.Step 4. Ask questions whenever its appropriate. People love to talk about themselves. Be careful not to ask too personal questions or ask someone too many questions. But asking one or two questions shows youre interested in him or her.(1)The underlined word “wisely” can best be replaced by“ ”. A . cleverlyB . freelyC . clearlyD . quickly(2)he underlined word “compliments” is the closest in meaning to “ ”. A . 恭喜B . 称赞C . 问候D . 道贺(3)What should you do when you make friends with someone? A . Ask how old he or she is.B . Ask him or her too many questions.C . Smile and say something nice to him or her.D . Tell him or her you dont like his or her shoes.(4)Why should we say something nice to someone we want to make friends with? A . Because all people are happy when they are praised.B . Because they like the same sport as we do.C . Because they are interested in us.D . Because they are nice to us.(5)What is mainly talked about in the passage? A . It is difficult to make new friends.B . There are some steps to make new friends.C . Be nice to the people around you.D . Everyone has their hobbies and interests.四、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共10分)19. (5分)任务型阅读,左栏是五个人遇到的状况,右栏是七条解决的措施,请为不同的人找到合适的解决措施。 _When Andrew arrives home, he finds a man in his room. He realizes the man is a thief(贼)._David is swimming with Peter. Suddenly, he finds that Peter goes down below the surface of the water. When Peter is saved out of the water, he cant breathe._The bed shakes suddenly while Li Lei is sleeping. In no time, he realizes an earthquake is happening._Jack hears the fire alarm while he is working in an office building. He is on the fifteenth floor. The fire now is spreading quickly from below._Jim is climbing a high mountain with his friend. Unluckily, he is hurt by a sharp rock on the leg. The wound is bleeding(流血).A. Dont keep your eyes working for a long time. Take a break by looking far into the distance after you have studied an hour or so.B. Cover the wound with a piece of clean cloth and press it hard for at least five minutes to stop losing blood. Then go to see a doctor at once.C. Lay him on his back on the ground. Give him mouth-to-mouth breathing right away. At the same time, call 120 as soon as possible.D. Be calm and quiet. Call the police for help, The most important thing is to protect yourself well before the police arrive.E. Move to a safe place in the room quickly such as under a strong table. Stay away from windows, large mirrors, heavy furniture and so on.F. Drink more water every day. Wear sunglasses whenever you go out in the sun. These will keep the skin(皮肤) around your eyes away ,from wrinkles(皱纹).G. Cover your nose and mouth with wet cloth. Escape from a fire exit(出口). Dont use the lift. Dont open a hot door. And stay close to the floor when you escape.20. (5分)下面文章中有五处(题)需要添加小标题。请从AF 选项中选出符合各段意思的小标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。A. Never be afraid to give.B. Plan ahead as much as possible.C. Work out your priorities (优先考虑的事).D. Be disciplined (有纪律) at all times.E. Make sure everything has its place.F. Stick to a schedule.Being Well-Organized And Getting Things DoneBeing well-organized and getting things done and what we have done is tried to make them as easy to follow as possible to allow you to implement them immediately. There is no doubt that being organized does make a difference._It is something that you should do every single day and the best way to approach this is to place things in order of importance. Watching that movie may sound like a good idea, but put that at the bottom of the list and focus on things that influence your work, health, or anything else that is key to your survival (生存)._Next, you should consider trying to plan ahead, so if you know that there is an appointment at a certain location for a certain time, then plan your day around that appointment._Knowing where everything is really will allow you to get more things done as you will waste less time hunting for that object that you require to complete your task. Too much time is wasted hunting for keys or that piece of paper and it also just stresses you out and can upset your pace._Giving tasks to others will always lead to you getting more done, but it is not just a case of picking anybody to do a task. Instead, you need to make sure that they are capable of doing it without running into any problems and that they do have the correct tools to complete the job._Having a schedule will help to force you into completing tasks on time and actually getting more done in the process. The only problem here is that you need to be sensible when working out how long something takes or you will put undue pressure on yourself and this is where mistakes can occur and you will actually then start to get less done.五、 完成短文 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)阅读下列短文,根据文章大意用所给单词的适当形式填空(未提供单词的,限填一词),使文章意思完整、正确。 Ten years ago, when Mr Ted was sixty, he retired (退休). He left the city and returned to his home village. There he _ (buy) a small field and planted a lot of orange trees in it. He took good care _ them and that year they had a lot of fruit. The old man was very happy.But at the same time Mr Ted was _ (worry). Nearly every night someone broke into his garden and took away lots of his oranges. _ he decided to try his best to catch the thief himself. Last night, when it was dark, Mr Ted hid _ (he) in a corner of his garden and carefully watched _ would come and steal his oranges. At midnight Mr Ted was so tired that he went to sleep. Suddenly some noise woke him up. The noise came from _ big tree. He went there quietly and saw a boy standing under the tree, with a bag full of oranges. At once he recognized (认出) it was Tom, one of his _ (neighbour) boys.How dare you do that, Tom? the old man couldnt help _ (call) out. Ill tell your father about it!But the little boy wasnt frightened. He looked up and shouted, Come down quickly, Dad. Mr Ted has something _ (tell) you.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)22. (5分)在我们的生活中,友谊是非常重要的,那么我们该如何去维系我们的友谊呢? 请以How to keep friendship为题,根据以下提示写一段短文。内容提示: Always help each other.Be honest to each other.Be kind to each other.Share things with each other.Treasure friendship.要求:1)字迹工整,书写规范,包含全部要点,适当发挥;2)文中不得出现真实的学校、班级名称;3)80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数;4)请将书面表达内容写在答题卡上相应的位置。For us, friendship is very important.第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共18分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、四、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共10分)19-1、20-1、五、 完成短文 (共1题;共10分)21-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)22-1、

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