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鲁教版七年级上学期英语期末考试试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项填空 (共5题;共5分)1. (1分) I hear you have to read English every morning. Right. Its one of the _ in my family.A . plansB . rulesC . ordersD . suggestions2. (1分)Here is my You can give your mother a call A . phoneB . tableC . bookD . chair3. (1分)My mother often plays table tennis _my father doesnt like sports. A . andB . butC . soD . or4. (1分)Jim, can you this word in Chinese? Yes I can a little Chinese. A . speak; sayB . talk; sayC . tell; speakD . say; speak5. (1分)Lets go to the zoo. _A . Good idea!B . SureC . Thats OK.二、 选择适合的答句 (共1题;共5分)6. (5分)根据短文后所给的任务,回答问题。 Dear Emma,Thank you for the photo _your family. Here is my family photo. This is my grandfather. These are my parents. My fathers name is Mike Smith. He is an English teacher. My mother is Linda Miller. She is not a teacher. This girl is my sister. _name is Alice. She is ten. She is in Class Two, Grade Four. And this is me. Im eight. Im in Class One, Grade Two.Bill(1)Thank you for the photo _your family. (2)This girl is my sister. _name is Alice. (3)Whats Bills fathers last name? (4)找出并写下短文的主题句 (5)将文中画线句子译成汉语 三、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)7. (1分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 My dad was a fisherman(渔夫), and he loved the sea. He had a 1, but it was not always 2to make a living on the sea. He stayed out late 3he wanted to catch enough fish for the family. When the weather was 4, my father didnt work, and he drove me to school. Before he left, he would 5me a big kiss(亲吻)on the face and tell me to be a good boy.6for me, it was so embarrassing(尴尬的) . I remembered the day. I was 12 years old. I thought I was too 7for a good-bye kiss. We got to school and came to a stop. He had his usual big smile(微笑) and started to kiss 8before he left, but I put my hand up and said, No, dad. It was the 9time that I talked to him in that way. So he got a(n) 10. I said, Dad, Im too old for a good-bye kiss. Im too old for any kind of kiss. My dad 11me for a long time, and his eyes were filled with tears (眼泪). I 12saw him cry. You are right, he said, You are a big 13. I wont kiss you anymore.It wasnt long after that when my dad went to the sea for fish but he never 14. I was so sad that I wanted one more15from my father. (1)A . boat B . car C . bus D . bike (2)A . fun B . boring C . hard D . easy (3)A . before B . after C . because D . if (4)A . fine B . bad C . cold D . hot (5)A . show B . make C . give D . blow (6)A . And B . But C . Or D . So (7)A . young B . old C . small D . big (8)A . you B . me C . him D . her (9)A . one B . next C . first D . last (10)A . smile B . message C . surprise D . interest (11)A . looked at B . shouted at C . walked to D . ran to (12)A . always B . usually C . sometimes D . never (13)A . baby B . student C . son D . man (14)A . came out B . came back C . came up D . came down (15)A . time B . look C . thing D . kiss 四、 阅读理解 (共3题;共10分)8. (3分)阅读理解 While in Shanghai, please come and take a walk around some of our nice places.Yu GardenThese famous Ming gardens are often full of people. Dont forget to try their delicious snacks. Pay to enter.Open: 8:30 a. m. 5:00 p. m.Lu Xun MuseumThis is a great place for booklovers. There are photographs of the famous writer, some of his books and many letters written by hand. A very interesting place for a few hours. Very cheap.Open: 9:00 a. m. 44:00 p. m. (from Tuesday to Sunday)Shanghai Natural MuseumEverything is about the natural world and science. You can study dinosaurs, hundreds of animals, plants, rocks( 岩石) and more, and see many unusual exhibits (陈列品 ).Very cheap.Open: 9:00 a. m. 5:15 p. m. (not open on Monday)Shanghai MuseumYou must visit this beautifully-designed museum. It is a wonderful place to study Chinese art and history. There are treasures (珍品 ), paintings and wonderful Chinese sculptures(雕塑品 ) from all ages and many other things for you to enjoy. Its free.Open: 9:00 a. m. 5:00 p. m.Power Station of ArtAn interesting building was once used as a race club and library. Drop in and see the latest show. There are shows by painters from all over the country. The museum also encourages research into art. Pay to enter sometimes.Open: 11:00 a. m. 7:00 p. m. (not open on Monday)(1)What makes Yu Garden different from the other places? A . It costs very little to enter.B . It makes people love nature.C . Its good for art research.D . It has something nice to eat.(2)You can study when you visit Shanghai Natural Museum. A . rubbersB . bamboo(竹子)C . lettersD . money(3)If someone likes silver pots of the Tang Dynasty very much, he or she can go to .A . Shanghai MuseumB . Power Station of ArtC . Lu Xun MuseumD . Shanghai Natural Museum(4)Which place is open for the shortest time every day? A . Shanghai Museum.B . Lu Xun Museum.C . Power Station of Art.D . Yu Garden.9. (3分)阅读理解 Grandfather always tells Jane stories before she goes to bed at night. Soon, her love for reading grows. She starts borrowing books from the school library. One day, Grandfather told Jane, Here, my dear, your birthday is coming. This is a very special book and I want you to have it as your birthday present. I am sure that you will enjoy reading it. Jane was excited to get the book. She put down all the other books she had and started reading it day and night. The more she read the book, the more she liked it. Soon, she finished the book. She thought it was a great book so she asked Grandfather who the writer was. I wrote the book, my dear, Grandfather said with a smile. This is really a great present! Jane thought. I will take good care of it and show it to Baby John when he grows up. (1)What makes Janes love for reading grow? A . Her hobby.B . The school library.C . Her birthday party.D . Her grandfathers stories.(2)Jane gets _ for her birthday. A . a special bookB . a postcardC . a schoolbagD . a birthday cake(3)How did Jane feel when she got the present? A . Sad.B . Worried.C . Excited.D . Bored.(4)After Jane finished reading the book, she wanted to _. A . write her own bookB . have another bookC . know who the writer wasD . borrow some more books(5)The best title for the passage is _. A . The writer of a bookB . A great presentC . Janes grandfatherD . Janes great birthday10. (4分)阅读理解 It has been forty years since Chinas Reform and Opening-up(改革开放). Lets see how China has changed through the years.19781988: New LookIn a 1978 Japanese documentary(记录片) Chinas New Look, there was a scene showing Chinese people life back then. In front of an old-fashioned TV set, some Shanghainese gathered around to watch a TV show. In 1981, only one out of every 170 city families in China had a color TV.19881998: In October 1990, the first McDonalds on the Chinese mainland opened for business in Shenzhen. It quickly became the hottest tourist spot(旅游景点). Many Chinese customers waited in line and shouted to the shop assistant, I want 10 Big Macs, recalled a waiter at McDonald s at that time.19982008: Here Comes WTOFor many Chinese, the year 2001 was very unforgettable. It marked the start of a new millennium(一千年) and led to a whole new era(时代) as China joined the World Trade Organization(WTO). From 2001 to 2017, Chinas average(平均) growth of the import(进口) of goods and services was more than twice the worlds average. 20082018:New BeginningShanghai, a city of long-time business culture, is always a step ahead in Chinas foreign trade. With the successful hosting of Chinas first import expo(展览会) in November 2018, the city went on to develop Chinas import business. The expo will be remembered as a new beginning for Chinas import history.(1)Which picture shows the scene of Chinas New Look? A . B . C . D . (2)Which of the following can be put in ? A . West Meets EastB . New Way of LivingC . All Over the WorldD . Never Forget Old Times(3)How did Chinese people feel when the first McDonalds appeared in China? A . InterestedB . UnhappyC . StrangeD . Worried(4)What can we learn after China joined the WTO? A . Chinese people began to travel abroad.B . China grew very fast in its imports.C . China became more and more popular.D . Foreigners bought a lot of products from China.(5)When and where was Chinas first import expo held? A . In Shanghai, in November, 2001.B . In Shenzhen, in November, 2001.C . In Shanghai, in November, 2018.D . In Shenzhen, in November, 2018.五、 根据内容和所给汉语提示,写出句子空白处各单词的正确形式。每空 (共5题;共5分)11. (1分)Tom is a l_boyHe never helps his mother with the housework12. (1分)He will _(很可能) come to see you this afternoon. 13. (1分)People in the past suffered from hunger and i_. 14. (1分)Look! My father is _(打扫)the floor. 15. (1分)Two and eleven is t_. 六、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)16. (5分)综合填空。用方框中单词或短语的适当形式完成下面的短文。strong, make, and, why, stand, of, take part in, wish,symbol, fromDo you know Fu Niu Lele? It is the mascot (吉祥物) _the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games (残奥会). _can it be the mascot? Because in Chinese culture,cattle (牛) are hardworking, _and brave(勇敢的). The mascot of cattle is a _of Chinese people. It also _for the harmony (和谐) between people and the environment. _the mascot shows disabled (残疾的) players are very strong. It also sends Chinese peoples best _to all disabled people around the world.Beijing successfully (成功地) held the Paralympics _September 6th to 17th in 2008. Many players from all over the world _the games. There were 20 different kinds of sports for them. Our country tried its best _the Paralympics best.七、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)17. (1分)How many _ (student) are there in your class?Are they from _(Chinese)?八、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)任务型阅读 Jan Mela isnt like most kids .Two years ago , he lost an arm and a leg .But that didnt stop him.On Saturday ,the 15year-old boy from Poland(波兰)walked to the North Pole(北极)without any help.“If I can do it, other people can do great things, too,” Mela said before he went.Polish newspapers said Mela is the youngest person and the first handicapped(残疾的)person to walk to the North Pole.How did Mela lose an arm and a leg? He had an electrical(电的)accident .Now, he walks with the help of a 62,000-yuan man-made leg.After the accident, Mela felt sad for himself. But he didnt lose hope .One day, he met Marek Kaminski, a Polish explorer. Eight years ago, Kaminski went to the North Pole and the South Pole in the same year. Mela wanted to see the North Pole, too. So Mela asked Kaminski if they could go together next time .Kaminski said yes!It took Mela 21 days to get to the North Pole .The last three or four days were really hard because of bad weather .But Mela kept going.“I didnt think we would make it,” he said, “Then, things got better.”(1)What happened to Mela two years ago? (2)Why did Polish newspapers report the travel to the North Pole? (3)How does Mela walk after the accident? (4)Where did Kaminski go eight years ago? (5)Why did Mela make the travel? 九、 填空 (共3题;共3分)19. (1分)写出下列字母的左邻右舍(大小写与所给的字母一致)。 (1)_B_(2)_C_(3)_E_(4)_f_(5)_g_20. (1分)随着经济的发展,人们的生活水平越来越好,但我们周围的环境变得越来越糟糕。假如你是来自903班的学生Tom,你校要进行“我能为保护环境做什么?”的专题演讲比赛,请根据以下要求写一篇演讲稿。 要求:演讲稿内容须包括至少3条你的环保措施;语言连贯,结构清晰;词数80-100词,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:recycle 循环使用;save energy节约能源Dear teachers and schoolmates, Im Tom from Class Three, Grade Nine. Today my topic is what we students should do to protect our environment. Thats all. Thanks.21. (1分)用正确的大小写,将下面的句子抄写到四线格上,并补全标点符号。 hello! this is my teacher im standing on the great Wall of china now. does betty play chess on sunday evening_第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 单项填空 (共5题;共5分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、 选择适合的答句 (共1题;共5分)6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、6-5、三、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)7-1、四、 阅读理解 (共3题;共10分)8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、9-1、9-2、9-3、9-4、9-5、10-1、10-2、10-3、10-4、10-5、五、 根据内容和所给汉语提示,写出句子空白处各单词的正确形式。每空 (共5题;共5分)11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、六、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)16-1、七、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)17-1、八、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、九、 填空 (共3题;共3分)19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、21-1、

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