八年级下册Unit 4 Cartoons and comic strips 检测题B卷.doc

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八年级下册Unit 4 Cartoons and comic strips 检测题B卷一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)The red tie matches his shirt very well. A . makesB . takesC . goes with2. (2分)Vic is always trying _ first prize in the sports meeting. A . to getB . to gettingC . gettingD . got3. (2分)Famous actors, musicians and sports players are often referred to as _.A . workersB . starsC . designers4. (2分)Your clothes should _ carefully. A . washB . to washC . be washedD . be washing5. (2分) Tom is always careless with his schoolwork. Could you help him? No problem! I think he to think twice before starting.A . should be toldB . can tellC . should tell6. (2分)She goes out every night to have fun with different people.She appears to have many friends.A . looksB . comesC . seems7. (2分)一 Have a good trip! 一 !A . SorryB . Never mindC . Thank you8. (2分)The flower , lets take some water.A . need to be wateredB . need to waterC . watered9. (2分)The flower _ by my grandpa. A . has wateredB . has been wateredC . watersD . have watered10. (2分)He looks _ today.Yes. He stayed up late last night to study for a test.A . easyB . warmC . tiredD . smart二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)阅读短文,掌握其大意,选择可以填在横线上的最佳选项。 It was a fine spring day with beautiful flowers in the park. A young man arrived early and waited for his 1under a big tree. But he was so short-tempered (性急的) that he wasnt in the mood to 2the scenery.Suddenly, an angel appeared, Here is a button (按钮). If you dont want to 3, just turn the button to the right. You can skip over (跳过) any time period if you want to.The man happily held the button and turned it softly. Oh! How amazing! His girlfriend appeared before him and was gently 4him! How I wish our wedding ceremony could be held now! He turned the button once again. A great wedding 5in front of him. The beautiful bride (新娘) was standing next to him and the band was playing 6music. He lost himself in it deeply.The 7in his heart kept coming out: I also want a big house with a garden in the front. He turned the button. Then he wished for children. All of a sudden, a group of lovely children were playing 8in the huge living room. Again, he jumped at the chance to tum the button to the right.How time flew! Before he could see beautiful flowers in the garden, everything had been covered in deep snow. Looking at himself again, he found his hair totally 9. He had already become so old.He felt so sad. He would rather enjoy life step by step than watch it go by in such a hurry. He quickly turned the button to the 10.Once again, he was waiting for his lovely girlfriend under that big tree.(1)A . angel B . girlfriend C . teacher (2)A . judge B . find C . enjoy (3)A . wait B . move C . work (4)A . quarreling with B . laughing at C . smiling to (5)A . discovered B . found C . appeared (6)A . sad B . cheerful C . serious (7)A . wishes B . questions C . secrets (8)A . rudely B . angrily C . happily (9)A . shinning B . white C . black (10)A . left B . right C . up 三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共16分)12. (8分)阅读理解 McDull is a cartoon pig character that was created in Hong Kong by Alice Mak and Brian Tse. Although McDull made his first appearances as a supporting character in the McMug comics, McDull has become a central character, attracting a huge following in Hong Kong.McDull is a male pig who can be distinguished by a birthmark on his right eye. He has a heart of gold, but he isnt very smart and ordinary in every way; nevertheless, he has many dreams. However, every time he tries, he fails; he is disappointed, but tries again, exploring other dreams. In this way he creates his own colourful world. He lives his life simply and naturally. He is not perfect, but his attitude towards life, namely never giving up, makes him a popular character.The first McDull movie documented his life and the relationship between him and his mother. As in the comics, McDull is a piglet who lives with his mother, Mrs Mak, in Hong Kong. He is a kindergarten student. He has a happy school life with his classmates including geese, tortoises and other pigs. McDull and his mum love each other very much. McDull tries his best to make his mother proud of him and his mother tries hard to give McDull a happy childhood. After realizing his dream, McDull sets himself another target: to become an Olympic champion just like female windsurfer Lee Laishan.(1)Who created McDull? A . Alice Mak.B . Brian Tse.C . Mrs Mak.D . Both A and B.(2)Which of the following statements is RIGHT? A . McDull is a female pig.B . McDull has a heart of gold.C . McDull is very smart.D . McDull isnt ordinary in every way.(3)Whats McDulls attitude towards life? A . He lives his life simply.B . He tries and he fails.C . He never gives up.D . He is not perfect.(4)Which of the following statements is WRONG? A . Mrs Mak loves McDull very much.B . Mrs Mak tries hard to give McDull a happy childhood.C . Mrs Mak lives in Hong Kong.D . Mrs Mak lives with McDull and her husband.13. (8分)阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Every kid wishes to be an adult. Do you remember playing houses as a child and pretending to be a grown-up like your parents? Did you imagine you were a doctor, a soldier or a teacher? At that time, anything seemed more exciting than being young.But now as grown-ups, some adults find they cannot leave childhood behind. They become kidults (kid+adult). Being a kidult has become a lifestyle choice among young people across Asia. Some kidults collect toys they once played with. Hello Kitty, Garfield, and Snoopy have many adult fans around the world. It is usual to see a 20-something woman with a big, Garfield-shaped cushion on her sofa or a Hello Kitty mobile phone accessory (饰物). Other kidults still enjoy childrens stories and fairy tales. For example, even an edition of the Harry Potter novels with an adult cover came out in Britain. That way, no one else on the subway will know that an adult is actually reading a childrens book!Kidults Can be like vitamins to society. Adults who value their childhood and hold on to pure, childlike emotion (情感) may be needed in such a rough and dry society, said a professor in a Korean university. He added that kidult culture might fill the generation gap between adults and kids. It could give children and their parents books, movies, and cartoon shows to enjoy together.Tim Greenhalgh, a professor in London explained that some kidults just refuse to grow up. They cling to (舍不得放弃) childhood because life in a busy and stressful city frightens them. Kidults would like to forget their age and openly show their fear of society and adulthood.So, they look for an escape (逃离) from the increasingly complex and stressful lives that are hard to deal with, Greenhalgh said.(1)We can learn from the passage that kidults are _. A . children who cant wait to grow upB . grown-ups who hold on to childlike emotionC . people who enjoy playing sportsD . children who like collecting toys(2)According to the passage, kidults would like to do the following EXCEPT _. A . buy Hello Kitty mobile phone accessoriesB . read a childrens book on the subwayC . work in a busy and stressful cityD . collect toys they once played with(3)In the opinion of the professor in a Korean university, kidults are _. A . immature (不成熟的) and weakB . necessary to our societyC . looked down uponD . becoming more experienced(4)What does the underlined word complex in the last paragraph mean in Chinese? A . 单纯的B . 有趣的C . 丰富的D . 复杂的四、 填空题 (共1题;共1分)14. (1分)Dont worry. Your package _(keep) here until you come back, so enjoy shopping here.五、 句型转换 (共1题;共5分)15. (5分)The story has been created. (改为一般疑问句) 六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)16. (5分)下面六幅图画描述了父与子的一个有趣的故事。请你根据这些图画及所提供的信息,用英语写一篇80词左右的短文来叙述这个故事。开头已给出,不计入总词数。 提示:晚餐已经准备完毕;父亲找汤姆吃饭;汤姆却躺在地板上看书;后来汤姆来了,父亲却Dinner was ready.第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共16分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、四、 填空题 (共1题;共1分)14-1、五、 句型转换 (共1题;共5分)15-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)16-1、

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