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Adverbs Outline 1 副词的构成2 副词的分类3 副词的功能4 副词的位置5 副词的排列顺序6 副词的比较等级7 易混淆副词8 练习题9 Homework 副词的构成 一 大部分副词由相应的形容词加后缀 ly构成 但注意有变化 happy happilysubtle subtlytrue trulyloose looselydemocratic democraticallypublic publiclydull dully 副词的构成 二 有些副词是由介词或地点名词加后缀 ward s 构成的 意为 向 例如 forward s downward s northward s leftward s onward s sunward s inward s 副词的构成 三 某些以名词 ly构成的词和其他结构的词 既可作副词 也可作形容词 例如 hourly weekly yearly leisurelydailypapervs publishdailyquarterlyreviewvs meetquarterly 副词的构成 四 有些副词是由名词加后缀 wise 构成的 表示位置 方向 状态 有关等意义 例如 sidewiseclockwisecrabwisecoastwise 副词的构成 五 有些副词是加a here there where 构成 例如 awayashoreafootafarhereinherebythereafterwhereonwhereby 副词的分类 参考课本第405 418页 时间副词 now lately sofar地点副词 here there out方式副词 hard well fast slowly程度副词 very quite almost badly频率副词 usually constantly rarely疑问副词 how where when why连接副词 however therefore why关系副词 where when why句子副词 anyway naturally please 副词的分类 DowningStreethassofarrefusedtocommentonthesereports Thereportsshewasgettingwerehighlysatisfactory I llneverforgethissurprisewhenwetoldhim Sheisconstantlychanginghermind 时间副词 程度副词 连接副词 频率副词 副词的分类 Theweatherwascold Therefore Thus westayedhome That swhyIcried Butmypride unfortunately wasthekindthatgoesbeforeafall 连接副词 连接副词 句子副词 副词的功能 1 作状语 修饰动词 形容词 副词 介词 短语 限定词 代词或副词 或整个句子 Theycompletelyignoredmyviews Hefeelskindoftired Hedrivesextremelycarefully Shefailedentirelythroughherownfault Weneedapproximatelyfivestudentshere Hopefullywecangetthisdonebeforedark 修饰动词 修饰形容词 修饰副词 修饰介词 修饰句子 修饰数词 副词的功能 2 Hewasuplatelastnight Oneofthetyresisdown 作表语 说明主语的状态或特征 3 Thebuildingsaroundareofmodernstyle Onlyshecouldcome 作定语 常放在名词之后 代词之前 副词的功能 Youcanleavethegoodsanywherebuthere 介词宾语 Itwasaquietnight withthemoonhighupinthesky 宾语补足语 Iwenttoherroomonlytofindherout Ididn tknowheruntilquiterecently 副词的位置 频率副词 1 Ioftenseeherwalkinthepark Youshouldconstantlyreviewyourlessons Conclusion 频率副词置于行为动词之前 系动词 情态动词及助动词之后 副词的位置 程度副词 Icanhardlybelievewhathesaid Henearlygotrunoverbyacar Itisdreadfullycoldthatday 程度副词置于行为动词及其它所修饰词之前 系动词 情态动词及助动词之后 Exercisesanddifficultpoints Iquitedon tunderstandhim Idon tquiteunderstandhim 我完全不了解他 我不十分了解他 副词的位置 方式副词 方式副词一般放在动词后 但要注意在SVO句型中 若宾语较长 常把副词置于动词之前 以免造成歧义 例如 Theysecretlydecidedtoleavethetown Theydecidedtoleavethetownsecretly 副词的位置 地点副词和时间副词 地点和时间副词通常置于句首或句尾 几个地点状语连用时 大地方放在最后 Shewasalwayssittingbythestatueatthecenteroftheparkinthecity 副词的排列次序 1 地点副词 时间副词方式副词 时间副词方式副词 地点副词 时间副词 有时 时间副词亦可放在句首 e g ShesangbeautifullyinthehalllastFriday 方式地点时间 副词的排列顺序 2 具体的 笼统的小的 大的Isawtheprogramatteno clockyesterdayevening 确切时间具体时间TheyateinaChineserestaurantinLondon 小地点大地点但 Wehearditlastnight atabout11o clock 补充 副词的排列次序 练习题1 A B SodidI A IsawherlastSundayatthepartyB IsawheratthepartylastSundayC AtthepartyIsawherlastSundayD AtthepartylastSundayIsawher B 副词的排列顺序 练习题2 Afterthefuneral theresidentsoftheapartmentbuilding A sentfaithfullyflowerseachweektothecemetery B senttothecemeteryeachweekflowersfaithfully C sentflowersfaithfullytothecemeteryeachweek D senteachweekfaithfullytothecemeteryflowers C 副词的比较等级构成 单音节和个别双音节副词通过加后 er est构成比较级和最高级 highhigherhighestfastfasterfastest绝大多数副词借助more most构成比较级和最高级clearlymoreclearlymostclearlyeasilymoreeasilymosteasilyslowlymoreslowlymostslowly 副词的比较等级构成 少数副词的比较等级的变化是不规则的far 远 farther较远farthest 最远的 further 进一步 furthest 最远的 late 迟 later 较迟 latest最近 时间 latter 后者 last最近 顺序 副词的原级句型 A 动词 实义动词 as 副词的原级 asB Shelovestheschoolasmuchasherownhome Ican tspeakso as fastasyou 注意 as as结构后要直接跟表示时间 距离等的名词 不可加入介词 例如 Thepoemwaswrittenasearlyasinthe15thcentury 误Thepoemwaswrittenasearlyasthe15thcentury 正 副词的比较级句型 1 A 动词 实义动词 副词的比较级 than B Igotupearlierthanmymotherthismorning Shedrivesmorecarefullythanherhusband 2 在下面句子中的than可以看作关系代词 有时相当于thanwhat Hemeantmorethanwassaid Themedicineismoreeffectivethanisexpected Translation 他现在拥有的房子比以前的更好 Hehasnowabetterhousethan what belongedtohimbefore 副词的最高级句型 A 动词 实义动词 the 副词的最高级 of in 注意 副词的最高级前面可以不加定冠词the 所有副词最高级前面的the都可以省略 Tomcanrun the fastestinmyschool Shecandance the bestofall 好 Ijumped the farthestinmyclass 2 alternately alternativelyalternately指两者交替或轮流 alternatively指两者或两者以上中选择其一 Themanageris kindandsevere Youmay saylightedorlitoralight alternately alternatively Exercises 1 IarrivedattheairportsolatethatI missedtheplane A onlyB quiteC narrowlyD seldom2 Maryis thanAlice A moreexperiencedateacherB amoreexperiencedteacherC moreanexperiencedteacherD moreexperiencedteacher C B 3 Sherememberedseveraloccasionsinthepast shehadexperiencedasimilarfeeling A whichB beforeC thatD when4 Itisnotsomuchthelanguage theculturalbackgroundthatmakesthebookdifficulttounderstand A butB norC asD like D C 5 Thereoughttobelessanxietyovertheperceivedriskofmountainclimbingthan inthepublicmindtoday A existsB existC existingD toexist6 Theexperimentrequiresmoremoneythan A havebeenputinB beingputinC hasbeenputinD tobeputin A C 5 Theveteransspentayearinthehospital Aconsequentlytheyemergedwellentirely BCD D D B A A A B B A C D C B B A C A nolessB nomoreC notlessD noso18 Sherememberedseveraloccasionsinthepastshehadexperiencedasimilarfeeling A WhichB beforeC thatD when19 Languagebelongstoeachmemberofthesociety tothecleanertotheprofessor A asfarasB thesameasC asmuchasD aslongas26 DoyouknowTim sbrother HeisthanTim A muchmoresportsmanB moreofasportsmanC moreofsportsmanD moreasportsman D C B C A C Homework Dotheexercisesonthereferencebook

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