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沪教版2020年英语中考模拟冲刺(五)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳 (共8题;共16分)1. (2分)Dad, Ill be in the final singing competition tomorrow.Be careful not to get a sore throat and your voice.A . loseB . raiseC . dropD . break2. (2分)- Do you like the food?- Yes, it really delicious.A . feelsB . tastesC . drinksD . eats3. (2分)_do you like to read history books? Because I want to _peoples lives in the past. That is very interesting for me.A . What; look upB . How; think aboutC . Why; learn about4. (2分)How great Sun Yat-sen is!Yeah, he has _ the Qing dynasty.A . brought downB . put downC . broken intoD . broken out5. (2分)- Are you afraid of_ out at night?- No, but Im afraid _ the strangers at night.A . going; to seeB . to go; seeingC . to go; to seeD . going; seeing6. (2分) Do you often shop online? Yes. I have spent over 10 thousand yuan on Taobao and Suning .A . in the past few monthsB . last monthC . in the following monthD . next few months7. (2分)Dont bring food to the party. If you do, the teacher will _. A . take them awayB . take it offC . take it awayD . take away it8. (2分)_, you can work out the problem easily.I understand, Thank you.A . On the wayB . In this wayC . By the wayD . In a way二、 根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词 (共7题;共14分)9. (2分)I would recommend this software to my friends.A . introduceB . explainC . show10. (2分)The Great Wall is one of the man-made _ of the world. A . wondersB . sightC . viewD . wonder11. (2分) How does Jack usually go to work? He _ drive a car, but now he _ there to lose weight.A . used to; is used to walkB . was used to; is used to walkingC . was used to; is used to walkD . used to; is used to walking12. (2分) I cant find my name on the list. Can I talk to your manager? Sorry, but my duty. Ill contact her secretary.A . its go up toB . it goes awayC . it beyondsD . it goes beyond13. (2分)How do you like the talk show? I think its _, but some people think its so _. A . wonderful enough; boredB . enough wonderful; boringC . wonderful enough; boringD . enough wonderful; bored14. (2分)The population of the world in 20 century became very much _than that in 19 century. A . biggerB . largerC . greaterD . more15. (2分) ?Yes,please. Id like half a kilo of meat.A . Would you like some meat or fishB . What about something to eatC . How do you like thisD . Can I help you三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 Today is Sunday and its Tree Planting Day. We have no 1. Our head teacher, Mr Wang 2us to plant trees. We plant a lot of trees at the foot of the hill behind our school. It is spring now, but it is a little 3because it is cloudy. Each of us plants three trees. Wang Hong, Zhang Jun and I are in the 4group. I dig nine holes. Wang Hong puts the young trees into the 5and then puts the earth back into the holes. He 6the earth down hard with his feet several times. After that, Zhang Jun 7nine long sticks into the earth next to the young trees and ties the young trees to the top of the sticks to 8them straight. After planting the trees, all of us are tired. But we feel 9. We shall plant more trees to make our country more 10.(1)A . meetings B . jobs C . classes (2)A . imagines B . leads C . tests (3)A . hot B . warm C . cold (4)A . same B . new C . different (5)A . rooms B . boxes C . holes (6)A . takes B . pushes C . puts (7)A . knocks B . turns C . fills (8)A . keep B . see C . become (9)A . happy B . hungry C . sleepy (10)A . interesting B . beautiful C . convenient 四、 阅读理解 (共5题;共60分)17. (10分) A bus stops at a small bus stop. A man is hungry and he wants to buy some cakes. Its raining(下雨) hard, he doesnt want to go out in the rain. He sees a boy. “Come here, boy!” he cries. “Do you know how much the cakes are?” The boy says yes. The man gives the boy four dollars(美元) and asks him to buy two cakes. “One is for you and one is for me.” Three minutes later, the boy comes back. Hes eating a cake. He gives the man two dollars and says: “Sorry, there is only one cake left.”(1)Where is the man?A . Hes near the bus.B . He is at home.C . Hes in the bus.D . He is in the car.(2)The man doesnt want to go out because_.A . he is tiredB . he doesnt like rainC . he is hungryD . its raining hard(3)How many cakes does the boy get?A . OneB . TwoC . ThreeD . Four(4)How much are they if we buy five cakes?A . Five dollarsB . Four dollarsC . Ten dollarsD . Fifteen dollars(5)Whats the result (结果)?A . The man eats the cake.B . The boy eats the cake.C . The boy doesnt eat the cake.D . The boy and the man both eat the cakes.18. (10分) The story is about a young studentShe worked very hard at her lessonsShe worked so hard that she became illShe couldnt go to sleep at nightBut when she got up the next morning, she felt very tiredSo she went to see a doctorHearing the students words, the doctor said, You are too stressed outYou must eat more yin foods like vegetables and tofu Besides(此外), you can try to count numbers when you are lying in bedBy the time you count one thousand, you will be asleep(入睡)Im sure of itThe next day, the student came to see the doctor againWell, said the doctor, How are you feeling today? The student still looked tiredNot very well, she said I tried to count one , two, three, four, up to one thousandBut when I counted five hundred and sixty, I felt sleepyI had to get up and drink some coffee so that(以便)I could go on counting up to one thousandBut then I still couldnt be asleep(1)Why couldnt the young student go to sleep?A . She was worried about her lessonsB . She always couldnt finish her homeworkC . She worked too hard and became illD . Her bed was too small(2)What did the doctor ask the young student to do?A . To eat more yin foods and count numbers when she was lying in bed in the eveningB . To exercise more in the morningC . To do more readingD . To take some medicine(3)What did the young student do after she felt sleepy?A . She fell asleepB . She got up to have some coffeeC . She listened to some musicD . She got up to do some homework(4)What made the girl unable(不能) be asleep during the night after she went to see the doctor?A . The doctors adviceB . The students lessonC . The students illnessD . The coffee(5)If you are a doctor, what will you ask the girl to do?A . I will ask the girl to do more homework every dayB . I will ask her to go to bed earlierC . I will ask her not to do so much homeworkD . Both B and C19. (10分)阅读理解(B)At the age of 16,Julia left school and worked at a restaurant. For many years, she was only interested in making money. Then one day she had a serious car accident which changed her life.“I had a terrible car accident in August 1996.It took me 10 months to recover (康复) from the accident. During that time,I realized I wanted to find a more meaningful reason for being here in this world,”said Julia.As soon as she recovered,Julia gave up working at the restaurant and traveled to California. One day she found a big company wanted to cut down part of a forest. In the forest there were lots of redwood trees. One of the trees was more than 1,000 years old.Then Julia learned a group called Our Earth was trying to save the redwood forest from the company. They decided to find someone to live in a redwood tree and hoped this would stop the company from cutting the trees down. Julia volunteered.Julia lived in the tree for over two years without ever going down. It was cold and wet in a redwood tree. There were even very serious winter storms while Julia was in the tree.Finally the company decided to protect the tree Julia lived in. They agreed never to cut down the big redwood tree or the trees around it. When Julia put her feet on the earth,she began to cry. But she continued to do other things to protect the environment.(1)Making money was the only thing Julia took an interest in when she worked at a restaurant. (2)After Julia recovered,she went to protect the environment at once. (3)Julias living in the redwood tree stopped the company from cutting the trees down. (4)The life in the tree for Julia was comfortable and enjoyable. (5)Julia understood there were more meaningful things to do from her experiences. 20. (10分)阅读下面节选自学校国际文化周活动中的海报,根据其内容回答下列各个小题。The golden rule: Watch the other people. Do as they do!(1)What time do western people usually have dinner? A . About midday.B . At 5:00 in the afternoon.C . Around 7 p.m. or even later.D . Before 7:00 in the afternoon.(2)Most food in the West is eaten with _. A . spoonsB . chopsticksC . fingersD . knives and forks(3)What will a host probably say to a guest at the start of a meal? A . “Can I help you?”B . “Eat slowly!”C . “Help yourself!”D . “Could you serve me?”(4)When might people want to say, “Im sorry, I cant eat this.”? A . If theyve been given something they dont like.B . If they are full.C . If the hosts keep offering a lot of food to them.D . If they are not hungry.(5)Which of the following is helpful when youre in the West according to the poster? A . You can leave as soon as youve finished eating.B . If you dont know what to do, just watch the others and do as they do.C . You cant eat chicken legs with your fingers.D . The fork is held in your right hand and the knife in your left.21. (20分)ways of spending free time. Sometimes they just want to have a rest, but they try to do something more pleasant most of the time. They have many different hobbies, which help them to get away from their everyday problems and spend their free time happily.Many Polish people like traveling. They look for new places that they have never been to and add new and exciting experiences to their journey. Some of them like to climb mountains,. others like to go to the sea or a lake to swim, because theses can make them get exercise and are good for their health.Many Polish people also like to do sports in their free time. They are usually crazy about football, and football is regarded as the Polish national sport. Many football fans may support a certain team ,so they go to watch every match of the team they support, and they buy many things that have any relation with the team. Watching sport and doing it are both good ways to relaxIn addition, doctors say that doing sports is very good for the health. Many people in town, especially young men, often go to the gym to attend the exercise classes to keep fit.Besides these ways, Polish people have many other ways to spend their free time . And they really enjoy their free time.(1)Polish people have many different hobbies in order to .A . solvetheir daily problemsB . finish all their workC . make some friendsD . relax themselves in their spare time(2)Polish people have many different hobbies in order to .A . solvetheir daily problemsB . finish all their workC . make some friendsD . relax themselves in their spare time(3)Why do some Polish people like climbing mountains?A . Because they hate traveling.B . Because they can get exercise from it.C . Because they can find a new place.D . Because it is comfortable and funny.(4)Why do some Polish people like climbing mountains?A . Because they hate traveling.B . Because they can get exercise from it.C . Because they can find a new place.D . Because it is comfortable and funny.(5)Which of the following sports is NOT mentioned in the passage?A . Playing sports.B . Climbing mountains.C . Skating.D . Swimming.(6)Which of the following sports is NOT mentioned in the passage?A . Playing sports.B . Climbing mountains.C . Skating.D . Swimming.(7)What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?A . Football is many Polish peoples favorite sport.B . Young Polish people often go to the gym.C . All the Polish people do sports in their spare time.D . Most Polish people like watching sport.(8)What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?A . Football is many Polish peoples favorite sport.B . Young Polish people often go to the gym.C . All the Polish people do sports in their spare time.D . Most Polish people like watching sport.(9)What can we learn from the passage?A . Polish culture is colorful.B . We can have many ways of spending our free time.C . A doctor can give you good advice.D . It is no need doing sport activities.(10)What can we learn from the passage?A . Polish culture is colorful.B . We can have many ways of spending our free time.C . A doctor can give you good advice.D . It is no need doing sport activities.五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)22. (10分)根据短文内容和所给单词提示,写出空白处各单词的正确形式。(每空一词)。Every society has _ (it) special words, expressions and ways of saying things. One of the popular expressions in the United States is Hitting the books. It _ (mean) studying a subject with great effort(努力).One of the great challenges for students _ (be) taking tests. Students spend long hours _ (prepare) for a test. They read all their books carefully, and then read them _ second time and a third time. They prepare for every possible question. They study every night. They are hitting the books.In the United States, most children go to school _ they are five years old. Public education is free and most children go to schools near their homes. School in these early years is fun. Children learn _ (read) and write, but they also play games and go on trips. There is no reason at such an early age for them to hit the books.This situation changes as children become older. The subjects become _ (difficult). Students must learn _ world history, algebra(代数) and life sciences. Tests become more common.Pressure is growing to hit the books, study hard, and advance(升级). _, most students only really begin hitting the books for long hours when they reach high school.Knowledge is a prize that is not easy to gain.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)如果你有很多钱,你怎样使用这些钱?请根据所给的提示词, 以 If I have a lot of money, I will 为题写一篇不少于70词的短文,可适当发挥。提示词:1). a big house, parents, a happy life2). build a Hope School, help poor children, go to school, get an education3). give, old peoples home, make their life better4). travel, around the world, with family or friendsIf I have a lot of money, I will第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳 (共8题;共16分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、二、 根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词 (共7题;共14分)9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、四、 阅读理解 (共5题;共60分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、21-6、21-7、21-8、21-9、21-10、五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)22-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23-1、

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