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Therebe句型专题 Therebe句型表示 存在 有 其中be动词有时态和单复数变化 Therebe 主语 人或物名词 地点 单数is复数are不可数的用is 2 结构 a Thereis 单数可数名词 不可数名词 Thereisabookonthedesk 桌子上有一本书 Thereissomewaterinthebottle 瓶子里有些水 b Thereare 复数名词 Therearesomepicturesonthewall 墙上有些图画 Therearetwoapplesinthebasket 篮子里有两个苹果 看名词 There adollinthetoybox A isB are There somebreadontheplate A isB are There alotofgreentreesinthePark A isB are Thereisacatunderthetree Therearetwodogsunderthetree Thereisacatandtwodogsunderthetree Therearetwodogsandacatunderthetree there there是个近视眼 There adeskandfifty fivechairsintheclassroom A areB is There fifty fivechairsandadeskintheclassroom A areB is 在therebe句型中主语是单数 be动词用is 主语是复数 be动词用are 若句子中有几个并列主语时 be动词的形式要与离其最近的一个主语在人称和数上保持一致 例 1 Thereisagirlandtwoboysunderthetree 2 Therearetwoboysandagirlunderthetree There somewaterinthebottle A isB areC haveD be Thereis A apencilB twobooksC fiveapplesD awater There apencil caseandmanypencilsinTom sschoolbag A isB areC haveD be Therearealotof inthefridge A meatB chickenC eggsD milk Therebe句型的否定句和一般疑问句 否定句 在be动词后加not 如果句中有some 一般要变成any Therearetwobooksonthedesk Therearen ttwobooksonthedesk Thereissomebreadintheplate Thereisn tanybreadintheplate 一般疑问句 be动词 is are 要提到句首 some变any 其他都不变 Thereisamouseinthehouse 变成一般疑问句 Isthereamouseinthehouse Therearesomeflowersinthegarden 变成一般疑问句 Arethereanyflowersinthegarden 对Therebe结构中的主语提问的特殊疑问句的基本结构 What s 介词短语 介词 地点名词 中间通常不用there Thereisabikeunderthetree What sunderthetree Therearemanybooksonthetable What sonthetable Therebe有特点 主语放在be后面 单数主语用is 复数主语要用are 变否定很简单 be后要把not添 变疑问也不难 把be提到there前 否定疑问any换 就近原则多多练 Therebe口诀 Thereisanappleonthechair 请使用Therebe 描述下图 Thereisaballinthebasket Therearetwoapplesonthechair Thereisapencilinthepencil box Therearethreebooksonthedesk 用be动词is are填空 1 Thereapencilinthepencilbox 2 Theresomeflowersonthedesk 3 Therefourpeopleinmyfamily 4 Thereapictureandtwomapsonthewall 5 A thereacatunderthetree B Yes there is are are is Is is 1 There aclockonthetable A isB are2 therearadioonyourdesk A areB is3 thereamaponthewall Yes there A are isB is areC is isD are are4 There somestudentsintheclassroom A areB is5 There apencil abookandtwopensonthetable A isB are 语法大练兵 A C A A B 6 There twoapples oneorangeandonebananaonthetable A isB are7 Arethere picturesonthewall No therearen t A any anyB some anyC some someD any some8 Thereisn tabookinhishand Thereis bookinhishand A noB not9 Thereisatree theplayground A atB near10 Arethere shopsnearhere No thereare shopsnearhere A some notB some anyC any notD any no 语法大练兵 B A B A C 教室里有很多桌子和凳子 Therearesomedesksandchairsintheclassroom 书架上有很多书 Therearesomebooksontheshelf 椅子下有个足球 Thereisafootballunderthechair 树上有两个风筝和一只鸟 Therearetwokitesandabirdonthetree Thereisabirdandtwokitesonthetree 房子附近有三棵树 Therearethreetreesnearthehouse 语法大练兵 1 Thereisamouseintheroom 改写为一般疑问句 并作肯定否定回答 Isthereamouseintheroom Yes thereis No thereisnot 2 Thereisafishinthebowl 改写成否定句 Thereisnotafishinthebowl 3 Therearesomedolphinsintheocean 改写为一般疑问句 Arethereanydolphinsintheocean 4 Therearesomebooksinhisbag 改写为否定句 Therearenotanybooksinhisbag 语法大练兵 翻译 在桌子上有3支钢笔 Therearethreepensonthetable 在树上有一些苹果 Therearesomeapplesonthetree 在椅子上有一只兔子 Thereisarabbitonthechair 在铅笔盒里有一块橡皮 Thereisaneraserinthepencil box Homework Therearethreepensonthetable Therearenotthreepensonthetable Aretherethreepensonthetable Yes thereare No therearen t Therearesomeapplesonthetree Therearenotanyapplesonthetree Arethereanyapplesonthetree Yes thereare No therearen t Thereisaneraserinthepencil box Thereisnotaneraserinthepencil box IsThereaneraserinthepencil box Yes thereis No thereisn t 变否定句和疑问句 并做回答 针对数量提问的特殊疑问句的基本结构是 1 Howmany 名词复数 arethere 介词短语 Therearetwocomputersonthedesk Howmanycomputersarethereonthedesk 2 Howmuch 不可数名词 isthere 介词短语 Thereissomemilkintheglass Howmuchmilkisthereintheglass Howmanyapplesarethereonthetree Therearetwentyapplesonthetree Howmanyapplesarethereonthetreenow Therearethirteenapplesonthetreenow have has 第三人称单数 He She It Lilyhas 第一人称 Ihave 第二人称 Youhave 复数 They Thegirls Theboys Thechildren BenandJanethave have与has的用法 Ihaveabook Youhaveabook Theyhavetwobooks He Shehasabook 两者的区别 Therebe和have has 都表示 有 的含义 Therebe表示 某处存在某物或某人 此时不强调物归谁有 例 Thereisaboxonthedesk 桌子上有一个盒子 have has 表示 某人拥有某物 某人 此时强调所有 拥有关系 例 Wehavetwobasketballs 我们有两个篮球 强调篮球为我们拥有 some和any在therebe句型中的运用 some用于肯定句 any用于否定句或疑问句 and和or在therebe句型中的运用 and用于肯定句 or用于否定句或疑问句

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