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动词时态 各种时态一览表 dodoes did willdoshall shouldwould amisdoingare wasdoingwere shallwill shouldbedoingwould havedonehas haddone shallhavedonewill shouldhavewoulddone havebeendoinghas hadbeendoing shallwill havebeendoing havebeendoing shouldwould bedoing do 一般现在时do does 一 表示现阶段经常性的动作 状态 特征 Thedirector be athome Ourschool have abigplayground BillyCrystaloften host theAcademyAward She like stand upcomedyverymuch 二 表示客观真理 书报的标题 小说 戏剧 图 文等的介绍 Scientiststoldustheearth move aroundthesun Thescene change backtothepark Laughter be goodforyourhealth is has hosts likes moves changes is 三 用于计划 决定 时刻表 句中常有时间状语 但仅用于少数几个表示 移动 的动词 come go arrive begin leave return start stop open close等 可表示将要发生的动作 1 Theplane leave forParisateightthisevening 2 Themeeting begin athalfpasttwotomorrowafternoon 3 Whattimetheshops open 四 在时间 条件状语从句中 用一般现在时表示将要发生的动作 1 Whenhe be 18yearsold hewilljointhearmy 2 Takeanumbrellaincaseit rain tomorrow 3 Iwon tgotohispartyunlessshe send aninvitation leaves begins doopen is rains sends 现在进行时am is aredoing 一 表示现在或现阶段正在进行的动作 常与now atpresent等连用 1 We have anEnglishclassnow 2 thebaby sleep nextdoor 3 Atpresenttheenvironment pollute seriously 二 少数动词如come go arrive begin leave return start stay等 可以用进行时 也可以用一般现在时 表示按计划即将发生的动作 I leave forBejingtomorrow Sally stay inheraunt shomewhensheisinBritain arehaving Issleeping isbeingpolluted amleaving isstaying 三 常与always连用 表示不满或赞扬 1 Shealways ask suchsillyquestions 2 Theyalways help others 但是并不是有always就总是用进行时 请看 Peoplealways enjoy laughing andtherealways be humour WhenCrystalisthehostofAcademyAward healways keep atoothbrushinhispocketsforgoodluck isasking arehelping haveenjoyed hasbeen keeps 表示感觉 情感 心理状态的动词如smell taste sound look feel needhear like love hate know want wish forget等及be表示 是 have表示 有 时 不能用于进行时 不能说 1 Wearewantingtotakepartinthelecture 2 Thefoodistastingnice 3 Kateisknowingtheanswers 注意 现在完成时have hasdone 一 表示过去发生的动作对现在产生的影响或结果 句中没有具体时间 常与already never ever yet just recently sofar等连用 1 Shealready come here 2 Wenever be inapalace 3 He go toFuzhou 去了还没回来 4 He be toFuzhou 去过已经回来了 二 在时间 条件状语从句中 表示将来某时以完成的动作 IwillgowithyouwhenI wash theclothes hascome havebeen hasgone hasbeen havewashed 三 表示过去开始的动作持续到现在 也许还继续持续下去 常和since for表示一段时间的状语 或sofar now recently lately等词连用 1 Sofar Crystal host theshoweighttimes 2 We study Englishforsevenyears since1999 3 NowI finish myhomework havestudied havefinished hashosted 注意 短暂性动词 如 come go return die join marry buy leave get begin catch end finish等 可以用于完成时 但不能与for since构成的短语连用 如 不能说 Shehascomeherefortwohours 只能说 Shehasbeenherefortwohours 或者说 Shecameheretwohoursago 注意 since引导的从只能用一般过去时 主句要用现在完成时 如 We be friendseversincewe meet atschool 注意 havebeen met It sthefirst secondtimethatIhavebeentoaforeigncountry 这个句型常用现在完成时 你会翻译吗 It salongtimesincehejoinedthearmy 2 It salongtimesincehewasinthearmy 3 It sfouryearssincemyfatherworkedinthatfactory 4 It sfouryearssincemyfatherstartedworkinthatfactory 他参军已经很久了 他还在部队 他不在部队已经很久了 我爸爸不在那工厂工作有四年了 我爸爸在那家工厂工作有四年了 注意 since从句中的短暂性动词可翻译为 自从做某事以来已经多久了 但延续性动词则应译为 不做某多久了 现在完成进行时have hasbeendoing 表示动作从过去某一时间开始 一直延续到现在 而且很可能还要延续下去 它与现在完成时的区别在于 它强调动作的延续性 在没有时间状语时 它表示动作 延续性动词 仍在进行 而现在完成时则表示动作已经结束 Lookout Jim paint thedoor 强调油漆未干 Jim paint thedoor 油漆可能已干了 I wait forhimforanhourbuthestillhasn tcome Thereheis I wait forhimforanhour Theyaretired they work inthefield hasbeenpainting haspainted havebeenwaiting havewaited havebeenworking Exercises 1 A AretheBrownsstillinAustralia B It syearssincetheylivedthere A YesB NoC I mnotsure D Ofcourse Whentomorrow Iwillserveteatohim A hewillcomeB doeshecomeC hecomesD willhecome 3 Thepolicesearchingourneighbor shouse Whatdoyousuppose A are hashappenedB is ishappeningC is wouldhappenD were didhappen 4 Ifyouhim pleasegotohishomeearly A willhelpB helpsC helpD don thelp 5 Whytired Ithehousethewholemorning A areyou havecleanedB doyou wascleaningC doyoulook havebeencleaningD areyoulooking amcleaning B C A A C 一般过去时did didn tdo 或were weren t was wasn t 记住常用的动词过去式和过去分词 一 只表示动作发生在过去 或过去常发生 与现在无关 常与yesterday lastweek twomonths yearsago等连用 而现在完成时则强调过去发生的事情对现在产生的结果或影响 I watch thecomedybefore I watch thecomedylastyear havewatched watched 二 用when where how提出的疑问句及其答语要用一般过去时 A Wow Whatabigbag Whatyou buy B I buy alotofbooksandfood A Whenyou buy them B I buy themyesterdaymorning A Whereyou buy them B I buy theminasupermarket ButI notbuy anyclothesinit Theyaretooexpensive SoI anyclothes A Howyou go B I take amotorbike havebought havebought didbuy bought didbuy bought didgo took didn tbuy haven tbought 三 一般过去时在虚拟语气中的应用 用过去式表示对现在事情的假设 固定句型 It s high about time that sb didsth 表示 早就 到了该做某事的时候了 IfI have time Iwouldattendthelecture Iwishit be springalltheyearround Helooksasifhe be anartist Ifit be notfortherain thecropswoulddie It s high timewe that leave 2 It s about timehe that fetch hissonfromschool had were were were left fetched 用正确时态填空 1 a Ican tfindmyglasses you see them b Yes You leave theminthecaryesterday 2 Thetaperecorder be outoforderlastweek We have itrepairedthedaybeforeyesterday It be ingoodconditioneversince 3 a How you be sinceI see youlast b Verywell thankyou Andyou 4 It be tenyearssincewe part Have seen was had hasbeen havebeen saw is hasbeen parted left 5 a We notsee youforages Where you be b I be toScotland 6 Ican tlockthedoor I lose mykey I lose itwhileI be out 7 We know eachothersincewe be boys You notdo whatyou promise todo haven tseen havebeen havebeen havelost lostwas haveknown haven tdone promised were 过去进行时was weredoing 一 表示过去某一时刻或某一阶段正在进行的动作 Whatshe do thistimeyesterday She practise gym In2000they study inauniversity 二 用于故事中情节 场面的描写 Onemorning ahunter walk throughaforestwhenhemetabear Allthestudentswerebusythisafternoon Some sweep thefloor Some carry water Others clean thedesksandthedoors wasdoing waspractising werestudying waswalking weresweeping werecleaning werecarrying 三 有些表示 移动 的动词 go come leave arrive setout takeoff等 的过去进行式常表示过去将来时 1 Johntoldusthey leave forLondonthenextweekandthatthey come tosaygoodbyethatevening 四 比较一般过去时和过去进行时 1 Hewaswritingaletteryesterdayevening 2 Hewrotealetteryesterdayevening 你知道这两句的意思有什么区别吗 1 他昨晚一直在写信 可能还没写完 2 他昨晚写了一封信 写完了 wereleaving werecoming Exercises 1 A Look whereareyougoing Youarewalkinginthewrongdirection B Oh I A didn tnoticeB wasn tnoticingC haven tnoticedD amnotnoticing 2 A Youneedn thavepaidforit B Youareright Nobodythetickets A wascollecting B collectedC hadcollectedD willcollect 3 A Ouch Youarestandingonmyfoot B I msorry butItoA don tmeanB haven tmeanC amnotmeaningD didn tmean 用正确时态填空 1 Hewent go towardsthefire whichstillwass smoke 2 Whilemyfatherwaslooking look throughtheeveningpaper hesuddenlylet let outacryofsurprise 3 WhenIentered enter theroom hedidn tsee notsee me Forhewasreading read somethingwithgreatinterest 4 Whenwearrived arrive atthevillage itwasgetting get dark andthewindwasblowing blow hard 5 Ididn tknow notknow youwerewaiting wait formehere went wassmoking waslooking let entered didn tsee wasreading arrived wasgetting wasblowing didn tknow werewaiting 过去完成时haddone 一 表示过去某一时刻或某一事件之前已经发生或完成的动作 状态 即 过去的过去 可译成 在那之前已经做了某事 常用by before when等引起的时间状语 Bytheendoflastweekwe study fivebooks I reach thestationbeforesixo clock You be inthisschoolforayearsbefore whenIcamehere hadstudied hadreached hadbeen 二 hope wish expect think intend mean suppose等的过去完成时的含义是指 过去没有实现的愿望 打算 计划 也表示 失望 或 惋惜 等情绪 后面常有but引起的句子作补充说明 1 We hope thatyouwouldbeabletovisitus butyoudidn t 2 She think ofadoptinganorphan butwaspreventedfromdoingso 3 They mean toseeusoffattheairport buttheygottheretoolate hadhoped hadthought hadmeant Ifyou come yesterday youwouldhavemethim Wewishwe arrive theretwohoursearlier HespeaksEnglishsofluentlyasifhe study EnglishinEnglandbefore OnlyifI take hisadvice 三 在虚拟语气中haddone表示对过去事情的假设 四 在nosooner than 和hardly scarcely rarely when句型中表示 刚 就 主句的谓语动词用haddone 过去完成时 从句中用did 一般过去时 Ihardly enter theroomwhenI hear aloudnoise Wenosooner reach homethanit begin torain hadcome hadarrived hadstudied hadtaken hadentered heard hadreached began 用一般过去时态或过去完成时态填空 1 Theboy die inthefight Abullet pass throughhischest 2 Thetask be muchharderthanwe expect 3 He notfeel sowell ashe catch abadcold 4 She begiven agoldmedalforwhatshe do forthecountry 5 Father cannotgo outthatnight forhe promise towaitforMaYingathome 6 We notknow you be sobusythepasttwoyears 7 He hardly reach homewhenit begin torain died hadpassed was hadexpected didn tfeel hadcaught wasgiven haddone couldn tgo hadpromised didn tknow hadbeen hadreached began 一般将来时 六种表现形式 一 will shalldo willbe 表示将要发生的动作或情况 Whenyou be abletogiveusananswer I think itover We notbe freetomorrow Theagreement come intoforcenextspring Themeeting notlast long justhavealittlepatience whenI make thecopy willthink shall willnotbe willcome won tlast shallmake 二 begoingtodo 表示打算 准备做的事 Howyou spend yourholidays He be ahostafterhegraduates LookatthecIouds Ithinkit rain soon Watchout Thebasinofflowers fall Ifeelterrible I throw up There be alotoftroubleaboutthis aregoingtospend isgoingtobe isgoingtorain amgoingtothrow isgoingtofall 表示现在已有迹象表明即将发生 肯定要发生的事 isgoingtobe 愿意 begoingto与will的区别 两者经常可以换用 但begoingto比较口语化 will多用于书面语 Whatwill isgoingtohappennow 如果是事先经过考虑的就用begoingto 否则就用will She make youadress Shehasboughtsomecloth she make youadress begoingto可用以条件分句 表示将来时 而will则不能 但will作情态动词表示 愿意 时除外 Ifyou call atMr William soffice pleasesendamessage 如果你要到威廉姆先生的办公室去的话 请你给他捎个信 2 Ifhe listen tome Iwillgivehimsomeadvice 如果他愿意听的话 我将给他提几条忠告 willmake isgoingtomake aregoingtocall willlisten 三 bedoing表示将来时 主要表示按计划 安排将要发生的动作或事 请看前面第 张 现在进行时 四 一般现在时表示将来 仅限于某些动词 表示按计划安排要发生的事 请看前面第 张 一般现在时 五 betodo表示按计划安排要发生的事或用来征求对方意见 也常用于宣传官方的计划或决定 以及禁止 命令等 1 We produce moreelectricitythisyear I go onwiththework ShallIgoonwiththework 3 Whenthey hand intheirplan 4 Thepark notopen tothepublicaftersixo clock 5 TeamOne get somewater TeamTwo dig holesandTeamThree plant theyoungtrees 6 Theletter hand tohiminperson aretoproduce Amtogo aretohand isnottoopen aretoget aretodig aretoplant istobehanded betodo还可以表示 一 想要做的事 二 后来将 注定 要发生的事 He regret thisdecision 这决定他将来是会后悔的 Theworststill come 最糟糕的情况还在后头 Inthenexttenyearsthey work togetherinthesameunit 以后十年他们将在一个单位一道工作 ImustcontinuetolearnifI make furtherprogress Ifwe succeed wemustrelyonthemasses amtomake aretosucceed istoregret istocome aretowork 六 beaboutto表示即将发生某事 因为它本身带有 即将 之意 所以不能与表示将来的时间状语连用 但常与when引起的时间状语连用 表示 即将做某事时突然另一事发生了 它也不带有说话人的主观打算 He retire We leave whenthetelephonerang 3 Autumnharvest start 不能说 1 Thetrainisabouttoleaveat5 20 2 Sheisabouttoattendthemeetingthisafternoon 可以说 1 Thetrainisabouttoleave 2 Sheisabouttoattendthemeeting isabouttoretire wereabouttoleave isabouttostart 将来进行时willbedoing 表示将来某一时间正在进行的动作 一般不表示意愿 常表示已安排好之事 给人一种期待之感 1 Whatyou do thistimetomorrow 2 We live inLondonnextyear 3 Therocket leave inasecond 4 I wait foryouthen Willbedoing Willbeliving Willbeleaving Willbewaiting 将来完成时will shallhavedone 表示到将来某个时候已经完成的动作或已有的结果 I finish readingthebookbytheendofthisweek Beforelong he forget allaboutthismatter they do withtheirtalking 他们的谈话还有完没有 WhenIhavedonethat I do allwassupposedtodo Ifyoucomeat6o clock we notreturn fromwork shallhavefinished willhaveforgot Willhavedone shallhavedone willhavenotreturned 时态综合比较填空 1 You feel betterwhenyou take themedicine 2 Shesaidwe maykeep thebooksaslongaswe like 3 PleasewakemeupifI still sheep whenyou come 4 Mysister learn Englishsinceshe be achild She speak Englishfluentlynow 5 Myuncle come toseeus He arrive hereafewdaysago 6 He start forSydneytomorrowmorning 7 He break hisglasseswhenhe inafootballmatch 8 Pleasecometomorrowafternoon I have ameetingtomorrowmorning willfeel havetaken mightkeep liked amsleeping come hasbeenlearning was speaks hascome arrived willstart isstarting broke wasplaying willbehaving Goodbye

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