初中外研(新标准)版八年级英语下册Module 6 Hobbies Unit 3 Language in use同步练习A卷.doc

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初中外研(新标准)版八年级英语下册Module 6 Hobbies Unit 3 Language in use同步练习A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 (共2题;共6分)1. (5分)用所给单词的适当形式填空 (1)Im_(interest)in English very much (2)They are dirtyPlease tidy_(they)up (3)Not only you but also I_(be)working hard at it at the moment (4)What about going_(sail)this weekend? That must be exciting (5)We look forward to_(watch)the new movie by Jackie Chan 2. (1分)The doctor tells him to open his _(嘴) and say Ah. 二、 单项选择。 (共18题;共36分)3. (2分)Mary plays violin wellDoes she want to be a violinist?NoHis dream is to be astronaut.A . the;anB . /;anC . the;aD . /:the4. (2分)I said hello to Mr Wang, but he didnt respond.A . repeatB . replyC . smileD . say5. (2分)We should study the new traffic rules and learn how _ ourselves.A . to protectB . protectC . protectsD . protecting6. (2分)How old is your son?_. We had a special party for his _ birthday yesterday.A . Nine, nineB . Ninth, nineC . Nine, the ninthD . Nine, ninth7. (2分)- Why is Linlin practicing speaking English?- abroad for further study.A . GoB . GoneC . To goD . Goes8. (2分)Is there_ in todays newspaper? Yes. A terrible accident happened in Hubei.A . important somethingB . anything importantC . something importantD . important something9. (2分)When you to something that is done or said, you do or say something yourself as an answer to it. A . respectB . respondC . require10. (2分)Put your books in the drawer, _ they wont get lost. A . orB . andC . butD . so11. (2分)Youre in a hurry. Where are you going?To the playground. Lucy _ for me there.A . waitsB . is waitingC . WaitedD . was waiting12. (2分)The man couldnt move at all _ his partner came to save him. A . althoughB . unlessC . becauseD . until13. (2分)Lily play with the dog. A . is about toB . isC . areD . am14. (2分)This kind of T-shirt looks _ and sells _ in the market.A . nice; goodB . well; wellC . nice; wellD . good; nice15. (2分) What time your class ? At five oclock in the afternoon.A . is, beginB . do, beginC . is, overD . does, over16. (2分)The music sounds _ .I like it very much. A . difficultB . boringC . relaxingD . healthy17. (2分)The old man often watches the white cat the trees.A . to climbB . climbC . playingD . plays18. (2分)_ birds are singing in the tree.A . A lotB . Lots ofC . Many of19. (2分)Kangkang usually _ his homework at 7:00 p. m, but yesterday he started _ it at 8:00 p. m.A . do; doingB . does; doC . does; doingD . do; do20. (2分)I was reading a book _ my sister was watching TV. A . afterB . beforeC . duringD . while三、 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 (共4题;共4分)21. (1分) What is the machine used for? Its used for _(learn) English.22. (1分)We should stop _(throw) rubbish everywhere.23. (1分)He had planned to go _(ski) on his own in March but his wife put her foot down.24. (1分)Can you help me with _ (dance)?四、 根据汉语意思完成句子。 (共1题;共3分)25. (3分)There is something wrong with his _ (精神). He cant _ _ (保持)a normal mood. 五、 补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)26. (5分)根据对话内容从方框中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话,期中有两项多余A: Good morning Gao Shan _B. Im thinking about our life in 50 yearsA: Thats interesting. _B. I think there will be more people and cars.A: I agree with you. _B: There will be less clean water.A: Thats too bad. We must do something to save ourselves and our earth.B: Youre right. _A: Ive no idea. _B: Thats a good idea!A. Anything else?B. I cant believe it!C. Lets ask our teacher.D. But what can we do?E. What are you doing?F. Whats the population of our city?G. What do you think will it be like in 50 years?六、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)27. (15分) “Mum, I want to make you a bet,” I said. “If I go a whole year without TV, will you give me a hundred dollars?”“Well, if you can 1do it, ”“Of course I can,” I replied, trying to convince2.In fact, all this started from my 3of a picture in the newspaper. I couldnt bear to look at that boy. He said that he had 4one year without TV for a hundred dollars, 5 me with mocking eyes. It seemed he was saying, “I did it, 6you cant!”. I glared at the boys face.That year I did a lot of things. For example, my father taught me to 7, which became my favorite sport. 8winter afternoons snowball wars with my neighborsoffered daily drama. I went on bike trips with my friends and swam as much asa fish.It was unbelievable how much 9I had without TV. I learned so many new games. I guess the 10thing I learnt, though, was self-motivation(上进心).I started to do myhomework. I went from a D student to an A student within a couple of 11.Iused to 12reading if there were no13, but now I began to read and enjoy it. I couldarrange off all the pictures just the way I wanted themmy own littleTV, right 14my head!Im surprised what I did. I got a lot more from the15than just the 100 dollars!(1)A . really B . finally C . quickly D . clearly (2)A . herself B . myself C . himself D . ourselves (3)A . belief B . love C . joy D . anger (4)A . become B . gone C . arrived D . reached (5)A . picking up B . laughing at C . talking with D . looking after (6)A . but B . and C . or D . though (7)A . draw B . read C . act D . ski (8)A . Few B . Any C . Several D . Many (9)A . difficulty B . trouble C . fun D . knowledge (10)A . smallest B . biggest C . first D . last (11)A . years B . days C . weeks D . hours (12)A . hate B . enjoy C . interest D . prefer (13)A . stories B . words C . pictures D . plots (14)A . on B . with C . inside D . outside (15)A . TV B . reading C . trip D . experience 第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 (共2题;共6分)1-1、1-2、1-3、1-4、1-5、2-1、二、 单项选择。 (共18题;共36分)3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、三、 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 (共4题;共4分)21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、四、 根据汉语意思完成句子。 (共1题;共3分)25-1、五、 补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)26-1、六、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)27-1、

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