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牛津版(深圳广州)2019-2020学年初中英语八年级下学期期末模拟复习卷五B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共16分)1. (1分)The girl was late for class. She walked into the classroom from the back door with no noise. A . suddenlyB . happilyC . quietly2. (1分) Do you know the boy in blue? Of course. He is my classmate. His name is Ted.A . WellB . SorryC . Sure3. (2分) The sun is important to all living things. Do you think so? Yes. The sun provides us with light and heat.A . helpsB . givesC . shows.4. (1分)Our village is holding a meeting to raise money for building the new hall. A . createB . hideC . collect5. (1分)My father wears a black coat today. A . puts onB . withC . has on6. (1分)It got colder in the evening and we stayed at home. A . becameB . wentC . kept7. (1分)She was taking all of her daughters to basketball practice every day. A . classB . matchC . training8. (1分)I doubt his words, because he lied to me in the past. A . feel sure ofB . believeC . am not sure of9. (1分)Where is Mary flying? She is flying to France soon. She will arrive Paris the morning of July 2.A . to; onB . at; onC . in; on10. (1分)My mother is ill _ hospital. I have to look after her _ hospital. A . in; in theB . in; in aC . in the; inD . at the; at11. (1分)I havent seen my grandparents for long. Im too busy them these days. A . visitsB . to visitC . visiting12. (1分)Alice is a _ girl and I know her _. A . well; goodB . well; wellC . good; wellD . good; good13. (1分) Lets go to the cinema after school. _A . Thank you.B . Yes, of course.C . Good idea!D . No, I dont.14. (1分)选出不同类的单词 A . schoolB . afternoonC . blueD . sock15. (1分)In some areas is it still difficult for the poor people to _? I dont think so. They have a better life now.A . make a noiseB . make a mistakeC . make a living二、 完形填空 (共1题;共20分)16. (20分)完形填空 When you are invited to a meal in Thailand(泰国), the words of the invitation mean come and eat rice. In fact, nearly all Thai dishes are1with rice, which grows there very easily2the climate is warm and there is much rain.The food that is served is3cut into pieces, so there is no need to use knives or forks, but instead, special spoons and forks are used. The Thais4to eat with their hands and now there are still some people who eat this way. There is a special 5of doing it. First they wash their6hands in a bowl of water they only eat with their right hands. They are careful not to let the food 7the palms of their hands. After the meal, the 8are again carefully washed.The meal usually has several different dishes. They are all hot. They are served in bowls which everyone shares,9each person has their own bowl of 10. As Thailand has a long coastline, it is not surprising that fish and shellfish play an important part in Thai cooking.(1)A . eaten B . used C . smelled D . tasted (2)A . when B . if C . because D . so (3)A . never B . perhaps C . hardly D . always (4)A . went B . had C . wanted D . used (5)A . reason B . way C . idea D . result (6)A . dirty B . right C . left D . big (7)A . touch B . catch C . feel D . drop (8)A . forks B . spoons C . hands D . bowls (9)A . because B . though C . since D . until (10)A . fish B . rice C . water D . shell fish 三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共40分)17. (8分)阅读理解 Mothers Day is a celebration in memory of mothers. It celebrates the importance of mothers in society. It is celebrated on different days in many parts of the world, mostly in March, April or May. Lets see how different people celebrate their Mothers Day.Mexico(May 10)Children make gifts and give them to their mums on Mothers Eve (May 9).On the morning of May 10,families make a special trip to church and cat tamales(玉米饼),sometimes filled with meat, cheese or vegetables.South Africa(Second Sunday of May) Besides giving mums Mothers Day cards, people show their thanks for their mothers by wearing red and pink flowers called carnations. If their mothers have passed away, they wear white carnations.United Kingdom(Fourth Sunday of Lent(大斋期)Mothers Day is a traditional day for people to visit their hometown and attend their home churches. People also bake(烘焙)special fruitcakes to give to their mums.Indonesia(December22)People throw big parties for their mums, filled with fun activities-such as cooking competitions and kebaya-wearing competitions!(A kebaya is a traditional blouse and skirt.)(1)Why do people celebrate Mothers Day according to the passage? A . To bake fruitcakes for their mums.B . To wear red and pink carnations.C . To take part in wearing competitions.D . To celebrate the importance of mums.(2)Celebrating Mothers Day has something to do with food in the following countries EXCEPT_. A . MexicoB . South AfricaC . United KingdomD . Indonesia(3)The underlined word throw in the last paragraph means _ A . organizeB . sendC . askD . move18. (8分) Sometimes people come into your life and you know at once that they were sure to be there. They serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson or help find out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be: your classmate, neighbor, teacher, long-lost friend or even a real stranger. But you know that every moment they will affect your life in some serious ways.Sometimes things happen to you. At the time they may seem terrible, painful (痛苦的) and unfair. But later you realize that without getting over those difficulties you would have never realized your further ability and strength. Everything happens for a reason and nothing happens by chance or with good or bad luck.The people you meet affect your life, and the successes and failure (失败) you experience, create who you are. Even the bad experiences can be learned from. In fact, they are probably the most poignant and important ones.Enjoy every day even every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can, for you may never be able to experience it again. Talk to people you have never talked to before, and really listen. You should set your sights high, hold your head up, tell yourself you are a great one and believe in yourself.You can make your life anything you wish. Create your own life and then go out and live it.(1)The people we meet.A . all know where to find usB . serve us on no purposeC . wont become our neighborD . will change us in some way(2)From the passage, we know that bad things can make us.A . terribly meet bad luckB . realize our further abilityC . find no serious successD . possibly enjoy every moment(3)The underlined word poignant in the passage means .A . 平淡的B . 明显的C . 深刻的D . 艰苦的(4)The writers suggestion is that we should .A . try not to talk to strange peopleB . learn as much as we can each dayC . avoid failure in our lifeD . not believe in others but ourselves19. (8分)“Well, were in our new house. Lets get a new pet to get along with it,” Mrs. Brown said to her husband.” That sounds like a pretty good idea,” he answered. “Do you want to see the ads in the newspaper?” “No. Lets go to the animal shelter. Many pets there need homes. Since tomorrow is Saturday, we can both go,” she said.The next morning the Browns met Mr Snow at the animal shelter. “We want to be sure that the pets here go to good homes,” Mr Snow said, “So I need to ask you some questions.”After they talked for a while, the Browns decided to get a small dog. It wouldnt need a big house or a big yard. A small dog would bark(吠)and warn them if someone tried to break into their house. After Mr Snow gave the Browns a book on pet care, they chose one and wanted to take her home right away. But the animal doctor hadnt checked her yet. So Mr Snow told them to return on Sunday.On Sunday afternoon the Browns went to the animal shelter. The animal doctor said, “Shadow has had all of her shots(预防针). She will be healthy.” The browns thanked the doctor and took Shadow home.(1)From the reading we learn that _.A . the Browns have never had a pet before.B . the Browns knew about Shadow from the newspaper.C . Shadow is a small and healthy dog.D . Mr Brown didnt quite agree with his wife.(2)The underlined word shelter in the reading means _.A . a place to sell small dogsB . a place to keep homeless animalsC . a place to study animalsD . a place to sell books on pet care(3)Mr Snow asked the Browns some questions to _.A . see if they had moved to a new houseB . find out how rich the Browns wereC . know where theyd keep their new petD . make sure theyd take care of pets(4)The Browns thinks that a small dog _.A . doesnt need any room to keepB . can help them watch their houseC . eats less food than a bigger oneD . usually has a beautiful name(5)Its clear that _.A . Shadow will not be easy to get illB . the Browns were not good with ShadowC . Mr Snow didnt check Shadow at allD . Shadow likes barking a lot20. (8分)阅读理解 Why salmon will newer get lostWhen youre packing for an adventure, whats the most important thing youll need? If you dont want to get lost, you need a map. Or better yet, a GPS. What about other animals? How do they know where theyre going?While humans depend on technology to travel, some animals have something far more advanced. Researchers, mainly from Oregon State University, US, found that Chinook salmon have a built in GPS of the Earths magnetic field(磁场). This means as soon as they are born they are able to direct themselves in the ocean. It acts like a big map inside their brain.Scientists placed some baby salmon into a big swimming pool. To simulate the Earths magnetic field, they put magnetic coils(线圈) all around the pool. Then, by changing the direction of the coils, the salmon began to change their own direction. They started to face in the direction of their ocean feeding area. This is a safe place in the ocean where salmon can find food to eat. When the scientists changed the coils to the opposite side, the salmon also turned in the opposite direction. Just by using their built-in GPS, the salmon were able to figure out the direction of their feeding area.How did Chinook salmon get their built in GPS? The scientists believe that their navigation(导航) skills came through evolution(进化). The fish that were able to reach the feeding area lived longer. Then they could pass on their navigation skills to their babies. So if youre ever lost and in need of some help, maybe you should ask a salmon to point you in the right direction!(1)From this passage, we know that Chinook salmon .A . have their own magnetic fieldB . learn direction from their motherC . can find directions in the oceanD . have the same navigation skills as humans(2)What does the underlined word It in paragraph 2 refer to? A . A big map.B . The ocean.C . The Earths magnetic field.D . A built in GPS.(3)What does the underlined word simulate in paragraph 3 probably mean? A . 模拟B . 学习C . 利用D . 改变(4)The passage mainly talks about .A . the wide use of the GPSB . the evolution of the Chinook salmonC . the research of ocean lifeD . Chinook salmon and their built in GPS(5)The passage is probably from . A . a novelB . a science reportC . an advertisementD . a guide book21. (8分)阅读理解 Every year on April 22, People all over the world celebrate Earth Day. It is a time to work to keep our earth clean. People plan projects to clean up the land, air and water.U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson first thought of the idea for Earth Day in 1962 when he saw polluted rivers and cities with smoke. He needed to get support from Americans to clean up the earth. Finally, on April 22, 1970, 20 million Americans celebrated the first Earth Day! Now many countries around the world celebrate it, and you can, too.How can you celebrate Earth Day? Here are a few ideas:Join a clean-up project-Clean up your street or a favorite beach.Save energy-Turn off the lights when you leave a room, and use public transportation.Use less water.Reduce(减少)/ Reuse/ Recycle Practice the three Rs: First, reduce how much you use. Then reuse or recycle what you can.You can make a difference on Earth Day and every day!(1)People celebrate World Earth Day every year to _. A . have great funB . keep our earth cleanC . get to know each otherD . get support(2)How do people around the world celebrate Earth Day? A . By using more cars.B . By helping clean up the land, air and water.C . By polluting rivers and cities.D . By taking fewer buses.(3)Which of the following sentences is NOT true? A . Americans celebrated the first Earth Day.B . Three Rs mean reduce, reuse and recycle.C . Now about 20 million people celebrate the Earth Day.D . People celebrate Earth Day by helping to do some public cleaning.(4)The best title of this passage is _. A . Three RsB . A Clean-up ProjectC . World Earth DayD . Save Energy四、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)22. (10分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 A man named Hu Liang became the first Chinese to open a restaurant in Rovaniemi, Finland. Hu Liang, from Chinas Hubei province, _(move) to Finland after graduation at the age of 21. Since then, he has seen more and more Chinese tourists visiting the country to enjoy the winter holiday. Chinese people are becoming _(rich) and more international. But what has not changed is their stomachs. So I decided _(open) the restaurant, Hu says. Hus restaurant serves reganmian, a _(tradition) Wuhan noodle dish, as well as Chinese hotpot. He orders food materials from China and offers e-payment popular among Chinese people such as Alipay. At the price of 15 euro, _ bowl of reganmian is not only great comfort for Chinese travelers _ have traveled from thousands of miles away, but also an attraction to the locals.In Rovaniemi, _ a population of around 60,000, Hu receives more than 300 _(guest) a day and provides them with hot, delicious food in the cold, snowy country. Hu has married a Finnish woman and they have one child now. He has been used to the Nordic lifestyle with _(ski) and ice fishing trips. He says he will bring his child to Wuhan, and try to go back to China at least _(two) a year.五、 书面表达 (共1题;共15分)23. (15分)香港是一个国际化大都市。请你根据下面的提示,写一篇关于去香港旅游的短文。60词左右。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 提示:香港是一个购物的好去处;香港海洋公园里有很多动物,还可以看到海豚表演;在市中心,你可以品尝世界各地的美食。参考词汇:海豚表演 dolphin show; 海洋公园 Ocean Park; 法国食物French food; 日本食物 Japanese food; 意大利食物 Italian food。Hong Kong is a wonderful place to visit.Im sure you will have a wonderful time there.第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共16分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共20分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共40分)17-1、17-2、17-3、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、四、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)22-1、五、 书面表达 (共1题;共15分)23-1、

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