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初中学业第一次质量检测英语试题(I)卷一、 单项选择。从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出能填入空白 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Pauls uncle is the man taught us Chinese last year.A . whereB . whichC . who2. (2分)Where your ruler? A . amB . isC . areD . do3. (2分)Its. I think its very easy.A . difficult somethingB . something difficultC . anything difficultD . nothing difficult4. (2分)Whats the matter?Something is wrong with my _. I cant see clearly.A . noseB . earsC . eyesD . teeth5. (2分)My uncle got married _ 2010 and he has had a happy family _ 2010. A . in; inB . since; sinceC . in; sinceD . since; in6. (2分)How is this kind of mooncake?It tastes _ and sells _.A . good, goodB . well, wellC . good, well7. (2分) Oh, Mrs. King, your dress looks nice. Is it new? No, I _it since two years ago.A . hadB . boughtC . have hadD . have bought8. (2分)Mr. Wang used to _ dinner in the restaurant, but now he is used to_ every meal with his family at home. A . have; eatB . have; eatingC . having; eatD . having; eating9. (2分) Could we see each other at 9 oclock tomorrow morning? Sorry, lets make it _ time.A . otherB . anotherC . othersD . the other10. (2分)He is happy that he _in a tall apartment next year. A . liveB . livesC . will liveD . will living11. (2分)You may lead the horse to the river, but you _ make it drink.A . couldntB . cantC . mustntD . neednt12. (2分)Mr. Wu, this is your bag. Thanks.A . Here you are.B . Are you sure?C . Lets go.D . Are you OK?13. (2分) Do you like summer or fall? _A . Yes, I do.B . Its hard to say.C . I like it a little.D . No, I dont.14. (2分) Hello, may I speak to Mr. Black, please? _A . Im Mr. Black. Who are you?B . Can I take a message for you?C . Hold and Ill put you through.D . Sorry, Im afraid you have to.15. (2分)I got an A in my math test. _A . Long time no see.B . It doesnt matter.C . Thank you.D . You did a good job.二、 形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)My aunt bought me a bicycle on my ninth birthday. She told me to learn to ride by 1. But I really didnt know 2to ride a bike. What should I do? First, I watched the other people ride. Then I pushed out the bicycle from my house. I was 3 Id fall down and hurt my knees. But I knew I had to get on it sooner or later. So I4 to get on just like what the other people did. But I fell off twenty 5 later. Just at that time, my aunt came out from the 6. She told me to practice again and again. So I got on the bike a second time, and fell off a 7 time. But I never gave up. I practiced a third time, a fourth time . I could be on it 8 every time I tried again then before, 5 minutes, ten minutes, half an hour until I could.Like anything in life that you want to learn how to do or to be good at, you have to practice to 9 it happen. Diligent practice is the key to success10 you really want to learn to do a thing. More practice helps you to improve on the skills that you learn and ingrains (使根深蒂固)them in you until you can do it. (1)A . herself B . yourself C . myself D . himself (2)A . how B . what C . where D . when (3)A . happy B . surprised C . interested D . afraid (4)A . had B . tried C . like D . hate (5)A . seconds B . minutes C . hours D . days (6)A . school B . house C . farm D . village (7)A . fifth B . fourth C . third D . second (8)A . shorter B . longer C . safer D . dangerous (9)A . practice B . enjoy C . make D . set (10)A . if B . when C . until D . after 三、 补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)17. (5分)B)从方框中的七个选项中选出五个合适的句子补全对话。A. He was from Italy. B. He was so great!C. When was he born? D. How do you like him?E. Was he a painter? F. Da Vinci drew it.G. Anything else?Arthur: Have you heard of the famous painting Mona Lisa?Tony: Of course. _Arthur: Where was he from?Tony: _Arthur: _Tony: He was born in 1452.Arthur: _Tony: He was not only a painter, but also a musician and scientist.Arthur: _Tony: I think so!四、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共30分)18. (8分) Ellen Parker was worried about her health. She could not walk very quickly and it was difficult for her to climb stars. She was soon out of breath (气喘吁吁).“I suppose I had better go to the doctor,” she thought.She went to the doctor and told him her problem.“Im not surprised at all,” he said. “Its obvious what your problem is.”He looked her over then gave her some advice.“If you dont do what I say, Mrs. Parker, he said, you will have a heart attack. It could kill you.”Ellen Parker was very worried as she left the doctors. She knew that she had to take his advice but it would not be easy and it would take time.The next day she went shopping. The first shop she went into was a butchers shop (肉铺).“Id like ten pounds of steak (牛排), please,” she said.“Certainly, madam,” the butcher replied and went into the cold room and found a large piece of steak. He brought the huge piece of meat back into the shop and put it on the scale (天平).“Thats just under ten pounds,he said.“That big enough, Mrs. Parker said.The butcher worked out the price.“At $4.99 a pound that will be $49.50, please. Would you like me to cut it up into smaller pieces for you?”“Oh, I dont want to buy the meat,Mrs. Parker said.“If you dont want to buy it, the butcher replied angrily, why did you ask me to get it for you?”“My doctor told me that I am over-weight and I have to lose ten pounds. I wanted to see what ten pounds of meat looked like.”(1)Why did Ellen Parker visit the doctor?A . She had had a heart attack.B . She had a problem with her health.C . She was unhappy about her weight.D . She could not sleep well.(2)What did the doctor advise her to do?A . To lose weight.B . To eat more meatC . To come and see him again.D . To look after her heart.(3)Why did Ellen Parker ask for ten pounds of steak?A . She wanted to buy some for dinner.B . She wanted to lose weight.C . Her doctor had told her to eat steak.D . She wanted to see what ten pounds of meat looked like.(4)What was Ellen Parkers real problem?A . She ate too much steak.B . She weighed too much.C . The doctor did not know.D . She could not walk very quickly.19. (10分)阅读理解 It was really a big day for Mrs. Smith. Her husband,an ordinary office worker gave her ten pounds for her birthday-ten pretty pound notes. She could at last buy the beautiful thing she had always wanted. So the day after her birthday Mrs. Smith went shopping. She got on a bus and sat down next to an old lady. After a while she noticed that the old ladys bag was open. Inside it,she found a wad of pound notes like the one her husband had given her the day before. She quickly looked into her own bagthe notes were gone. Mrs. Smith was sure that the old lady sitting next to her must have stolen them. She thought she would not have to call the police as she didnt like getting people into trouble. So she decided to take back the money from the ladys bag and say nothing about it. She looked around the bus to make sure nobody was watching, then she carefully put her hand into the old ladys handbag, took out the notes and put them into the bag of her own.When she returned home that evening,she showed her husband the beautiful hat she had bought. “How did you pay for it?” he asked in surprise. “With the money you gave me for my birthday,of course. “Oh, whats that then?” he asked,as he pointed to a wad of pound notes on the table.(1)When did Mrs. Smith go shopping? A . After she bought the hat.B . Before her birthday.C . The day after her birthday.D . During her birthday.(2)On the bus Mrs. Smith found_. A . she had left her money homeB . the old lady stealing her moneyC . her money missingD . the old lady wearing a beautiful hat(3)How did she get the money from the old lady? A . She asked the police for help.B . She made the old lady give back the money.C . She got it out of her pocket.D . She took it in a secret way.(4)How did her husband feel when she showed him the hat she had bought? A . He felt surprised.B . He felt happy.C . He felt unpleasant.D . He liked the hat very much.(5)In the end Mrs. Smith found she had_. A . been lucky enough that dayB . greatly improve herself in somethingC . lost her moneyD . made a serious mistake20. (8分)阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Are you looking for the perfect pet? Have you ever seen a bearded dragon (鬃狮蜥)?Bearded dragons live mostly in Australia and they enjoy hot, dry weather. Bearded dragons are very popular pets because they are friendly and easy to train. They are also easy to care for. They need strong sunlight and warm temperatures. They prefer the temperature to be between 800 and 900 during the day, and then around 700 during the night. This not only keeps the animal happy, but it is also necessary for good digestion (消化).Bearded dragons can grow up to 24 inches and will generally live to an age of about 8 years. They are not very fast runners and they can only run up to 9 miles an hour. They are omnivorous, eating both insects and plants. Bearded dragons come in many different sizes and colours. There are 8 different kinds of bearded dragons.Bearded dragons communicate with each other in many different ways. Head bobbing (摆动) and arm waving are the most common means of communication.If you are interested in buying a bearded dragon, visit our website. Or send us an email, and we will send you a catalog (商品目录) about bearded dragons. You will love having a bearded dragon as your pet!(1)Bearded dragons are popular pets partly because they _. A . dont cost muchB . are easy to trainC . are fast runnersD . dont need much space(2)The best word for is_. A . growthB . methodC . warmthD . choice(3)What does the underlined word omnivorous in Paragraph 3 mean in Chinese? A . 胆小的B . 群居的C . 杂食的D . 凶猛的(4)Sally is interested in how bearded dragons talk to each other. She can find the answer in _. A . Paragraph 1B . Paragraph 2C . Paragraph 3D . Paragraph 421. (4分)(2017宜宾)阅读下面短文,把A、B、C、D四个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整、正确。Dear Xiao Fang,How time flies! It is two years since you moved to America for your study. _How happy we are! During your staying in America, little companions(小伙伴们 ) kept complaining,There is no one to play with. Huang Lei talked about the little woods where weoften played together. _Each time I saw your empty house next door, I held back tears. How much I have missed the days when we played in the woods behind our houses, where we dug up some worms, chasing the birds. I still remember we slipped down along the stream, feeling the spray(浪花) on our faces.After reading your letter, Huang Lei and I came up with an idea. How about our families spending a weeks vacation together this summer? _ It is located between the downtown of Chunxi and Wulin Town where we used to have fun. July will be the best month for us, so we must enjoy freedom and joy for a long time. _I cant wait to look forward to the time when we meet againYoursXiao MeiA. What about the Spring Lake?B. Talk with Huang Lei about it as soon as possible.C. These days, we have known that you will come back.D. As for me, it was honor to have such a close friend like you.五、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共5分)22. (5分)(A)信息归纳:阅读下面的短文,根据短文的内容完成信息卡。Starting high school can be difficult.Everyone is nervous and nobody knows where to go for classes.Thinking about making new friends might make you feel nervous, too. But dont worry, because you are not alone. You are going to school with a group of students of your age, and we have several tips(贴士) for you to follow.Forget your fear and just talk to someone.It is easier said than done. But try to take a deep breath and find your voice. Dont be afraid to approach(接近) people. First, you should introduce yourself before starting a conversation about something you have in common. Then, sit in the middle of the classroom with as many new friends around you as possible.Join clubs.Clubs are good places to make friends. Try to make friends in the club that interest you.If you dont join anything, you will be just going to class and then going home.Being in a club makes you more social.Stay clean.No one likes a bad smell that could knock someone over.Shower every day, brush your teeth and wash your hair. You are supposed to make yourself look clean and tidy, whatever you wear.Be respectful(尊重的) of peoples differences.Everyone has his or her own opinion of the world.And everyone believes in different things.Its a good thing to have different friends with different opinions because you can each share your own.Information CardThe number of tips that the writer gives_.The thing that might make you feel nervous._.The first thing you should do before starting a conversation about something you have in common._.The good places to make friends_.The reason why its a good thing to have different friends with different opinions_.六、 词汇运用。选择括号内恰当的单词填入空白处,使句子完整、正确。 (共4题;共4分)23. (1分)You got 47 points on the written exam and 18 points on the oral,making a_ (总数)points of 65 24. (1分)Nowadays, many countries are looking for _ (renewable/renew) energy to protect the environment.25. (1分)Would you mind _(close) the window, please? Its so cold.26. (1分)Swimming is good _(at, for) our health.七、 根据音标或汉语提示,写出单词或词组的适当形式,使句意完整、正 (共1题;共5分)27. (5分)单词拼写。请背诵词汇表, 并默写单词。名 词:c_勇敢;勇气g_(非正式)家伙;(pl.)伙计们r_轻松;解脱a_(意见或看法)一致;同意f_过失;缺点八、 遣词造句。 (共1题;共25分)28. (25分)根据提供的图画和提示词,写一个符合图意的完整、正确的句子。(1) forget, return(2) famous, novel(3) enjoy, now(4) useful, learn(5) as long as, free九、 综合填空。 (共1题;共5分)29. (5分)用方框内所给词的适当形式填空。be , key , that , she , at(1)Please call Mr. Smith _ 873526. (2)Its not my schoolbag. Its _. (3)I found a set of _ on my way to school. (4)_ girls are my sisters. (5)Where _ my father and my mother? 十、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)30. (5分) 假设在最近的英语课上,大家对“Should children do volunteer work?”进行了讨论。有些人赞成,有些人反对。请根据以下表格写一份调查报告,并在最后陈述自己的观点并简单阐述理由。ideasagreementdisagreementyour ideareasons1). 能帮助自己以后获得理想的工作。2). 在做自己喜欢的事情的同时也可以帮助他人。1). 孩子们还太小无法照顾别人。2). 学业压力已经够大无时间去做志愿者。注意:1). 短文词数70个左右,不包括开头部分。2). 以下短语可供参考 get future dream job; at the same time; too much pressure; too young to look after othersShould children do volunteer work?Recently, students in our class had a discussion about whether children should do volunteer work.第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单项选择。从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出能填入空白 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)17-1、四、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共30分)18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、21-1、五、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共5分)22-1、六、 词汇运用。选择括号内恰当的单词填入空白处,使句子完整、正确。 (共4题;共4分)23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、七、 根据音标或汉语提示,写出单词或词组的适当形式,使句意完整、正 (共1题;共5分)27-1、八、 遣词造句。 (共1题;共25分)28-1、28-2、28-3、28-4、28-5、九、 综合填空。 (共1题;共5分)29-1、29-2、29-3、29-4、29-5、十、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)30-1、

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