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沪教版2020届九年级上学期英语开学考试试卷(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)This photo makes me think of trip to the Great Wall last year.Yeah, we had a great time there.A . aB . anC . theD . /2. (2分)The king ordered his men to bring all the gold here.A . pickedB . toldC . carried3. (2分)This problem seems difficult to solve. A . looks atB . feelsC . appears4. (2分)My brother to the library twice last month A . goesB . wentC . will goD . has gone5. (2分)When did you home yesterday?A . reach toB . getC . arrive atD . arrive in6. (2分)Im very _ with what _ at the meeting. A . pleased; he saidB . pleased; will he sayC . Pleasant; he will sayD . pleasant; he spoke7. (2分)The shop from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., but it at 3 p.m. on Sundays. A . is open; openB . open; opensC . is open; opensD . is opened; open8. (2分)I entered the house _ he could find the key to it.A . beforeB . afterC . whenD . until9. (2分)When winter comes, days get _. A . long and longB . longer and longerC . shorter and shorterD . short and short10. (2分)Look at the picture. The top five TV plays in it. A . listB . are listedC . will listD . will be listed11. (2分) Why didnt you go to the party last night? Because I _.A . wasnt invitedB . didnt invitedC . havent invitedD . dont invited12. (2分)Doing eye exercises _ one of the useful ways to protect our eyes. A . isB . areC . wereD . be13. (2分)The girl is poor she cant buy a piece of bread. A . so; thatB . not; untilC . not; butD . so; but14. (2分)Susan, which watch shall we choose for our father, the blue one or the black one?I think both of them are OK. You A . studyB . decideC . waitD . try15. (2分) does it take to get to school?Twenty minutes.A . HowB . How farC . How longD . How many16. (2分)She _ clean the classroom today. A . isnt have toB . dont have toC . doesnt have toD . have to17. (2分)Could you please tell me _?A . what you were doing at this time yesterdayB . why are you often late for classC . when is the art festival in our schoolD . how is the weather in Beijing today18. (2分)Guan Dong saved an old lady out of the Yangtze River. great courage he showed!A . What aB . WhatC . How aD . How19. (2分)We when the terrorists killed the people in Kunming on the night of March 1, 2014.A . were watching TVB . are watching TVC . watched TVD . watch TV20. (2分)This kind of iPad _ in our computer shop. It _ very well.A . is sold; sellsB . sells; is soldC . sells; sellsD . is sold; is sold二、 完型填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。Have you ever been to America? I was only an 11-year-old girl when my parents 1me that we would soon move to America. We were on the bus then. I cried. I remember that I could not bear the thought of never 2the radio programme for school children again which I listened to every morning.In fact, I think I cried very little when I was saying 3to my friends and relatives. When we were leaving, I even felt a little 4because I thought about all the places I was going to seethe strange and magical places I had known only from books and pictures.The first four years in America taught me the 5of optimism (乐观), but the idea did not come to me at once. For the first two years in New York I was really lost. I had to study in three schools and spent most of my time learning the English language. I hardly had any time for 6. Sometimes I did not quite know what l was or what I should be. My mother 7and things became even harder for me. It took me some time to get used to staying with my stepfather (继父). I was often 8, and saw no end to the hard times. I had to do many things for the family since I knew English better than everyone else at home.9, things got better and better later and almost all common troubles 10at last. From those experiences I have learnt one important rule: Something good is certain to happen in the end when you do not give up, and just wait a little.(1)A . advised B . promised C . told (2)A . talking B . watching C . hearing (3)A . sorry B . goodbye C . hello (4)A . excited B . disappointed C . upset (5)A . success B . habit C . importance (6)A . work B . fun C . study (7)A . remarried B . failed C . hurt (8)A . pleased B . sad C . angry (9)A . Especially B . Suddenly C . Luckily (10)A . went away B . went up C . went along 三、 阅读单选 (共5题;共31分)22. (10分)阅读理解Expert(专家) say that students usually need eight to ten hours sleep at night, but most Chinese students do not get enough sleep. Some Chinese parents are usually glad to see their children studying late. They will think their children work very hard, but not all parents are happy about this. Once a mother told us that every morning her 10-year-old boy put up one finger (手指)with his eyes still closed, begging(请求) for one more minute to sleep. Like thousands of students “ early birds” in China, he has to get up before six every morning.A report shows that without a good nights sleep, students seem to be weaker (虚弱)than they should be. Many students have fallen asleep during class at one time or another. Too much homework is not the only reason why students stay up late. Some watch TV or play the computer games late into the night.Experts have ever said that the students should keep good study habits. So some clever students never study late, they are able to work well in class.(1)The 10-year-old boy begged for more minute to sleep because_ A . he didnt have enough sleepB . it wasnt time for him to get upC . he didnt want to go to schoolD . he wanted his mother to wake him up(2)In this passage we know if students dont get enough sleep, they may_ A . become too weak to sleepB . not work well in classC . go to bed earlyD . be weak in English(3)In this passage “early birds” means “persons who _” A . get up earlyB . get up lateC . sleep lessD . dont want to sleep(4)“Stay up late” here means “_” A . study lateB . watch TV lateC . not go to bed until lateD . stay outside(5)According to the passage, which of the following is right?_ A . If you want to study better, you must work hard at night.B . Sleeping less means working hard.C . Some clever students are able to work well in class because they have good study habits.D . Students dont have enough sleep because they have lots of homework to do.23. (8分)根据短文理解,选择正确答案。Amy was looking for a gift for her little daughter. Suddenly she stopped before a store of dolls.“Girls like dolls,” she thought as she was walking into it. Looking around, she saw a grandma doll - one with gray hair and a pair of glasses. In her mind appeared Joyce, her mother.When Amy was a little girl, she got her first doll from Joyce for her birthday. Then the second, the third.A doll a year from Joyce never arrived late. “Why always a doll?” This question had been in Amys mind until one day her father gave the answer, Little Joyce dreamed to have a doll. Her parents promised one for her fifth birthday. Sadly, they both died in a traffic accident before it arrived. The never-received gift was the most precious in her eyes. Her mothers story being recalled(回忆) , Amy got an idea.It was Joyces 60th birthday. A package was delivered(递送) to her, with a card that read:Dear Joyce,I forget to send you the package(包裹) that you should have received on May 20, 1956, your fifth birthday. The gift inside has aged, but I felt that you might still wish to have it.Angel of JoyJoyce opened the package and saw a lovely grandma doll. She held the doll that she had waited for so many years, with tears running down her face. The doll, given by “Angel of Joy”, made her the happiest “child” in the world.(1)We can tell from the story that Joyce is _A . Amys daughterB . Amys motherC . the grandma dollD . Angel of Joy(2)Why did Joyce often buy a doll for her as a birthday present every year?A . Because Amy liked dolls.B . Because Amys mother Joyce liked dolls.C . Because the dolls made Joyce think of the never-received gift given by her parents.D . Because Joyces parents liked dolls.(3)The underlined word “precious” probably means _.A . expensiveB . beautifulC . usefulD . valuable(4)How do you understand the last sentence “The doll, given by Angel of Joy ”, made her the happiest “child” in the world?A . Amys doll gift made Joyce feel so happy that she smiled like a childB . Though Joyce was old, she still wished to have a doll that is often liked by a childC . Joyce seemed to realize the dream in her childhood-receiving her parents gift.D . Joyce thought the doll was only suitable for children.24. (0分)(2015广西百色)The big red American car was much too wide for an English country road. When Jack saw it running towards him, he stopped his own car at the side of the road to make room for it to pass. The American car went slowly past, so close that he could see the drivers face clearly.“Where have I seen that face before?” he though. “Wait a minute! I remember now. It was in the newspaper!” He took all the newspapers from his bag and turned quickly to the middle page. There was a picture of the face in it. Yes, it had a large mouth and small eyes, and his eyes were behind dark glasses.“Wanted by the police,” read by Jack. “The city Bank will give a lot of money to anyone who helps the police to catch this man.”“Call the police at once,” he said to himself. But a few minutes later, he was sad. “This man was caught this morning,” answered the police.25. (8分) We are learning English, but how can we learn English well? A student can know a lot about English, but maybe (可能)he can not speak English.If you want to know how to swim, you must get into the river. And if you want to be a football player, you must play football.So, you see, you can learn English only by using it. You listen to your teacher in class. You must read your lessons every day. You must speak English to your classmates and you must write in English, too. Then one day, you may find your English very good.(1)You know a lot about English but maybe you _.A . cant speak itB . can write itC . cant study itD . can use it(2)You must get into the river _.A . to learn how to swimB . to play with waterC . to go boatingD . to catch a fish(3)Do you want to be a football player? Please _.A . put your football awayB . buy a good footballC . play footballD . watch others play football(4)How can we learn English well?A . We must have a good English book.B . We must have a good English teacher.C . We must see more English films.D . We must use it often.26. (5分)配对阅读: 左栏是五个人物的简介,右栏是七个新款科技产品广告。请将这五个人与他们感兴趣的产品配对。_George is a boss. He often flies to different cities for business. He always asks others, “Where is the nearest post office?” “Wheres the nearest hotel?” etc._Terry is a bank clerk. He is single and quite lazy. He doesnt like washing clothes at all, and he hate ironing._Dale is a middle school student. He likes listening to music. He dreams to have a pen which can play music while doing homework._Alice is a housewife who has two children. She likes to take photos of something her kids are doing, whenever she wants to._Kate is a university student. She loves all kinds of toys, especially robots. She hopes to have a robot which can do something for her.A. Le PenLe Pen, with a music player planted inside, plays music while you write on paper and stop when you stop writing.B. Android WearGoogle is developing a smart watch called Android Wear. The watch uses a touch screen and a voice control. Simply say “OK, Google” to ask whatever you want to know.C. One WheelIn the near future you may find a new way to escape traffic: a self-balancing skateboard called One Wheel. It can go as fast as 19 km an hour.D. MipMip is a playful robot. It stands 19cm tall. You can control it simply with your gesture(手势) or a smart phone. Mip can run, balance and dance on two wheels. It can also bring you a bottle of water.E. Google GlassGoogle Glass is a pair of glasses with a battery(电池) inside with a camera and screen. You can take hands-free photos or videos of anything people are doing.F. A New Kind of ShirtHate washing? Youre going to love this kind of shirt made by an American clothing company. This shirt can be worn for 100 straight days without washing. It never needs ironing(烫衣).G. A Tablet Computer(平板电脑)A tablet computer is a complete mobile computer, larger than a mobile phone. It has a flat touch screen and you can operate it by touching the screen.四、 句型转换 (共5题;共17分)27. (2分)Thats my brother. (改为一般疑问句) _ that _ brother? 28. (2分)Wait a minute! Im not quite ready(改为同义句);_a minute!1m not quite ready29. (10分)按要求完成下面各句,每空一词(含缩写)。 (1)They flew up into the sky 2 years ago. (改为一般疑问句)_ they _ up into the sky 2 years ago?(2)Tara doesnt go swimming because it is raining heavily. (改为同义句)Tara doesnt go swimming _ _ the heavy rain.(3)In Joes class, he jumps higher than any other student. (改为同义句)In Joes class, he _ _.(4)Mr. Black stays up late twice a week. (对划线部分提问)_ _ does Mr. Black stay up late?(5)Jim is twelve years old. Tim is twelve years old, too. (合并为简单句)Jim is _ old _ Tim.30. (2分)Diana is from France.(对划线部分提问) _ is Diana _?31. (1分)Its time to begin our class now.(同义句转换) Its time_now.五、 单词拼写 (共7题;共15分)32. (5分)A)根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词. (1)Sorry,I cant follow youCould yon say it a_? (2)Its very cold in Harbin in w_(3)Mary likes to drink apple j_best. (4)He wants to v_his grandparents this weekend.(5)My sister studies h_,so she is good at all the subjects. 33. (1分)MrsBlack_(留着长长的直发)34. (1分)Both of his sisters are piano _(大师). 35. (1分)一Kate had a t_all day一Oh? Why didnt she see a dentist?36. (5分)A)根据括号中所给的汉语写出单词,使句子意思完整正确。(1)“Excuse me, can I take this seat?” he said to the young woman_(礼貌的).(2)There are a lot of_(老鼠) in the old house.(3)_(安全) comes first.(4)There is a sweater _(悬挂) on the clothes line.(5)The radio says some wild wolves have to _ (袭击) villagers because of the loss of living areas.37. (1分)Mum, why did you_(相混合)sugar and salt?38. (1分)Shall we go to the _ (a place for people to watch plays and shows) to see the opera. 六、 用单词的正确形式完成句子 (共2题;共15分)39. (10分)根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的词语填空,有的需要变换形式probably, be, foreign, possible, look for, doctor, physical, hobby, able, grow upI knew a girl called Alice one year ago. Shes a(n) _girl When she was small, she wasnt in good _condition (状况). She had a strange disease (怪病). Her parents took her to many hospitals. The _didnt know what happened to her.Now Alice _Shes fifteen years old She isnt _to see or hear clearly. But she is a happy girl. She says to herself, In the future, I will _see or hear nothing, but I will enjoy my life. With her parents help, she took up many _one of them is traveling. Alice likes traveling and she always shares the interesting things she sees along the way with her friends.Alice is a lucky girl she got money from a foundation (基金会) fighting the disease. Also, her doctors are still _a cure (疗法) for her disease. I hope one day she will _healthy like other healthy children. I believe everything is _.40. (5分)用方框内所给单词的正确形式填空。color where that computer thanks(1) _ is Jims sister? She is in her school.(2) What are _ in English? They are books.(3) What _ is your bag? Its red.(4)_ for your tape.(5)My _ game is in the bookcase.七、 根据首字母提示补全短文 (共1题;共10分)41. (10分)根据短文内容及所给首字母提示填空,使短文完整、通顺。Susan was a woman who hated animals very muchShe never w_to keep any pets at homeTo her,all pets were very dirty and boringSusan could never understand w_people would like to have pets in the house“It is so stupid!”she always saidLast month Susans daughter Penny, came home from school w_a mouse in a boxSusan was very angry. But Penny said that it was her h_Her teacher asked each student to take care of an animal and l_to get along with itSusan had to say v_It was fun for Penny at the very beginning,but then she got quite lazy and f_. to do her homework It became Susans homework She g_it food and water every day and found that the mouse was in fact not dirtyShe e_talked to it! It was not boring or stupid! Now Susan is having a good time with “her” mouseShe named it NiniAnd she is going to buy a_one to make a pair八、 材料作文 (共1题;共5分)42. (5分)憨态可掬的大熊猫是中国的国宝。人们都喜欢它。请根据下面的提示写一篇短文介绍你心目中的熊猫。要求:不少于50词。提示:black and white,China,bamboo leaves(竹叶),gentle(温和的)and cute, climb(爬) the trees,swim第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共20题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、二、 完型填空 (共1题;共10分)21-1、三、 阅读单选 (共5题;共31分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、23-1、23-2、23-3、23-4、24、答案:略25-1、25-2、25-3、25-4、26-1、四、 句型转换 (共5题;共17分)27-1、28-1、29-1、29-2、29-3、29-4、29-5、30-1、31-1、五、 单词拼写 (共7题;共15分)32-1、32-2、32-3、32-4、32-5、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、36-2、36-3、36-4、36-5、37-1、38-1、六、 用单词的正确形式完成句子 (共2题;共15分)39-1、40-1、40-2、40-3、40-4、40-5、七、 根据首字母提示补全短文 (共1题;共10分)41-1、八、 材料作文 (共1题;共5分)42-1、

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