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上海版中考英语专题复习词义辨析(真题)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共50题;共100分)1. (2分)We have no more food. A . run out ofB . eatC . giveD . run out2. (2分)The activity took place at midnight. A . heldB . lostC . happened3. (2分) Why are trees useful to us? Because trees can produce lots of useful things for us.A . makeB . findC . buy4. (2分)The boy is old enough to search for the information alone. A . look forB . look afterC . look out5. (2分)How does Helen exercise every morning? She runs every morning to keep fit.A . keep healthyB . keep warmC . keep fast6. (2分)Chinese martial arts novelist Jin Yong died at 94. He was a celebrated writer, wasnt he? Yes, he was. His novels are popular all over the world.A . well-knownB . hard-workingC . well-rounded7. (2分)We cant see the Moon or the stars in the daytime. A . at nightB . day and nightC . during the day8. (2分)How do cars pollute the air? The cars give out lots of bad gases.A . make dirtyB . make freshC . makenew9. (2分) Would you mind me how to remember English words? Of course not.A . tellB . to tellC . telling10. (2分)What should you do when you are in a forest in winter? We sometimes burn wood to get energy in winter.A . make strongB . set on fireC . cut into pieces11. (2分)The train will _ soon. A . arriveB . get toC . reachD . arrive in12. (2分)Mark Twain is a celebrated writer in the history. Yes, his works are very popular all over the world.A . famousB . hard-workingC . friendly13. (2分)I want to view the movie because Tim told me it is interesting. A . visitB . lookC . watch14. (2分)Dont you know that the meeting was canceled as a result of the terrible weather? No, I dont Nobody told me about it.A . except forB . in addition toC . because of15. (2分) Will you take part in the sports meeting tomorrow? Im afraid not. I am not good at sports.A . put onB . join inC . help with16. (2分)I want to wash my clothes. But I dont know how to operate the washing machine. Its easy. Put dirty clothes into it and then press the power button.A . makeworkB . keeptidyC . turnoff17. (2分)Why do you like animals so much? _theyre our friends.A . AndB . SoC . BecauseD . But18. (2分)Where do you think tigers live? It is better for tigers to live in the wild.A . a safe placeB . a natural environmentC . a wide field19. (2分)He stayed at home but he was not . A . alone, aloneB . alone, lonelyC . lonely, lonelyD . lonely, alone20. (2分)I have never seen such a stupid boy! A . foolishB . cleverC . wise21. (2分)Everyone wants to get high scores in the quiz. Yes, I want to get high scores too.A . questionB . classroomC . test22. (2分)Which country do you like best? I like Egypt. Its an ancient country with great people and colorful culture.A . a beautifulB . a modernC . an old23. (2分)I wasnt able to finish my homework because I was ill. A . cantB . couldntC . shouldnt24. (2分)I am sure we can get to the hotel before night falls. I think so.A . imagineB . believeC . mention25. (2分)She refused my invitation politely. A . said NoB . turned downC . agreed with26. (2分)How come you are wearing them in the daytime. A . at nightB . at weekendsC . during the day27. (2分)Whats the price of this computer? A . How many isB . How do you likeC . How much is28. (2分)I believe you will _ in getting to a good university if you keep working hard. A . developB . succeedC . realizeD . allow29. (2分)I felt terrible after hearing the bad news. A . happyB . excitedC . frightened30. (2分)It is cruel of people to kill those wild animals. A . foolishB . unkindC . wrong31. (2分) Why not read the book on the grass, Steven? Reading books in the Sun is harmful to my eyes.A . is helpfulB . is good forC . is bad for32. (2分)With so many people around, it wasnt convenient to have a long talk with him. Yes, thats true.A . friendB . luckyC . easy33. (2分)_ is important. We should stay _. A . Healthy; healthyB . Healthy; healthC . Health; healthyD . Health; health34. (2分) Why did Jane look so upset yesterday, Betty? Because she failed the English exam again, and she didnt know what to do.A . didnt takeB . didnt likeC . didnt pass35. (2分)To keep our traditional skills alive is not easy. You are right. Learning the skills requires a lot of patience.A . matchesB . causesC . needs36. (2分)We need to drive carefully so that we can avoid accidents. For example, we should stop when there are people at the zebra crossing,A . keep away fromB . give a help toC . build up37. (2分) Lets discuss the problem after school. OKA . talk toB . talk aboutC . know about38. (2分)We plan to go to Fenghuang Mountain on Sunday, Jenny, would you like to go with us ? Sounds great! But I have to finish my English report first so that I will be free then.A . not usualB . not busyC . not happy39. (2分)Tim fell off the bike and hurt his legs. A . injuredB . madeC . expressed40. (2分)The cars give out lots of bad gases (气体) and they pollute the air. A . make. cleanB . make. freshC . make. dirty41. (2分)The land is dry. It is not good to grow plants here.Well, lets find another one.A . not largeB . not wetC . not clean42. (2分)The meeting hall is so large!Yes. It can hold two thousand people.A . bigB . heavyC . empty43. (2分)My home is close to my school, so I can go to school on foot every day. A . nearB . outsideC . behind44. (2分)Before an exam, it is important to stay relaxed and calm. A . not excitedB . not worriedC . not surprised45. (2分)He doesnt spend much time on his homework. A . use; forB . take; toC . cost; for46. (2分)Mr. Black will leave Shenzhen at 10 p. m. A . come fromB . walk toC . go away from47. (2分)Our village is holding a meeting to raise money for building the new hall. A . createB . hideC . collect48. (2分)Whats your way to keep fit?I do exercise regularly.A . busyB . healthyC . alive49. (2分)Dont do experiments on the rabbits. It is cruel to use living animals to do experiments.A . seriousB . friendlyC . unkind50. (2分)Jack hasnt showed up yet. Will he come?Dont worry. Im certain that hell come.A . sureB . gladC . afraid第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共50题;共100分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、41-1、42-1、43-1、44-1、45-1、46-1、47-1、48-1、49-1、50-1、

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