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人教版2020年英语中考模拟试题(四)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 完形填空 (共2题;共20分)1. (10分)完型填空Two brothers worked together on a farm. One was married and had a large1 . The other had no wife yet. Although they lived in different houses, they shared everything they got from their farm.One day, the single brother said to himself, “Its not2that we share all the rice. Im 3 and I need less than my brother. ”So, every night he took a bag of rice from his store-room and 4 across the field 5their houses, putting it into his brothers store-room.At the same time, the married brother thought, “Its not fair to share all the rice. Im married and I have my wife and children to6me when I am 7 . However, my brother has no one to take care of his 8. ” So, each night he also took a bag of rice and put it into his brothers store-room.Several months passed by. They found9strange that their rice never became less. Then, one dark night the two brothers ran into each other. Slowly they began to understand what was happening. Their bags fell onto the ground and tears 10their eyes at once.(1)A . group B . family C . class D . team (2)A . right B . popular C . interesting D . wrong (3)A . poor B . happy C . alone D . rich (4)A . jumped B . played C . went D . rode (5)A . from B . through C . off D . between (6)A . look after B . look for C . look out D . look at (7)A . worried B . old C . healthy D . dead (8)A . hope B . children C . farm D . future (9)A . them B . this C . it D . that (10)A . appeared B . filled C . dropped D . rose 2. (10分)完形填空Where is the university(大学)?This is a question that many visitors to Cambridge(剑桥)ask. But no one can give them a1answer, for there is no wall to be found 2the university. The university is the city. You can find classroom buildings,3museums and offices of the university all over the city. And most of its members are the students and4of the thirty-one colleges (学院).Cambridge was already a 5town long before the first students and teachers arrived 800 years ago. It grew up by the river Granta, and the river was once6the Cam. A7was built over the river as early as 875. So the town got its name Cambridge.In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries more and more land was used for college buildings. The town grew much8in the nineteenth century after the opening of the railway in 1845. Cambridge became a9in 1951 and now it has a population of over 100, 000. Many young students in other countries 10to study at Cambridge. Thousands of people from all over the world come to visit the university town. It has become a famous place all around the world. (1)A . true B . clear C . right D . real (2)A . around B . in C . near D . by (3)A . cinemas B . parks C . zoos D . libraries (4)A . parents B . farmers C . workers D . teachers (5)A . interesting B . usual C . developing D . common (6)A . said B . called C . spoken D . talked (7)A . bridge B . building C . station D . house (8)A . smaller B . slower C . faster D . cleaner (9)A . city B . college C . university D . country (10)A . stop B . hate C . hope D . need 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共32分)3. (10分)阅读理解New York is one of the last large American cities to have some of its policemen on horseback. The New York police have 170 horses working in certain parts of the city. The horses are expensive to feed, but it is even more expensive to look after them. Because the horses must walk on the streets, they need special horseshoes. In fact, they need more than 8,000 of them each year. Every police horse in New York gets new shoes every month. Keeping these shoes in good repair is the job of six blacksmiths. There are only about thirty-five of these blacksmiths in the whole United States.The cost of shoeing a horse is between twenty dollars and thirty-five dollars, and it takes a good blacksmith two or three hours to do the job.A blacksmiths job is not an easy one. He must be able to shape a shoe from a piece of metal and then fit it to the horses foot. The blacksmith must bend over all the time when he is fitting the shoe and must hold the weight of the horses leg while he works. Clearly, a blacksmith must be very strong. But even more important, he must be able to deal with horses-for before the blacksmith can begin his work, he has to get the horse to lift its leg.One of the blacksmiths in New York is James Corbin. He came to the country from Ireland in 1948. He not only makes horseshoes for the police but also works for a group of horse owners near the city. Corbin became interested in blacksmithing because his father did it, and, as he puts it, “Its a good way to make a living.”(1)According to the passage, how many blacksmiths are there in the United States? A . 35B . 8,000C . 170D . 25(2)In the reading passage “to shape a shoe” is to_. A . fit it on the horses footB . use a shoe as a shapeC . make the form of a horseshoe from a piece of metalD . draw a picture of the shoe(3)James Corbin became a blacksmith because he_. A . was good at making horseshoes B . was needed by the policemen and horse ownersC . was interested in blacksmithing because his father did it beforeD . had to make a living(4)Which of the following is true? A . Every police horse in New York gets new shoes every month.B . New York is the only city in America to have policemen on horseback.C . A blacksmith must be very strong because he the horse is very heavy. D . Policemen on horseback are less expensive than those in cars.(5)The best title for the passage is “_”. A . Policemen on HorsebackB . Blacksmiths and HorseshoeingC . James Corbin, a BlacksmithD . Horseshoeing,a Good Way to Make a Living4. (10分) In America, just as in Europe, men usually open doors for women, and women always walk ahead of men into a room or a restaurant, unless the men have to be ahead of the ladies to choose the table, to open the door of a car or do some other things like the above. On the street, men almost always walk or cross the street on the closer side of the ladies to the traffic. But if a man walks with two ladies, he should walk between them. Then if the host or hostess or both of them come in a car to get their guest for dinner, the guest should sit at the front seat and leave the back seat though therere no people sitting on it.(1)In America, men usually_.A . walk ahead of womenB . eat in a restaurantC . walk behind womenD . drive a car to work(2)In the street, men _.A . cross the streetB . walk on the right side of the ladiesC . walk near the ladiesD . walk on the closer side of the ladies to the traffic(3)If a man walks with two ladies, he should _.A . walk between themB . run before themC . follow themD . go away(4)If a man asks you to speak at a meeting, first you should say,_.A . How are you?B . Is everyone here?C . Ladies and gentlemenD . How do you do?(5)If Mrs. Green invites you to her house in a car, you should_.A . jump into the carB . sit at the front seatC . sit at the back seatD . drive the car5. (8分)Yao Ming was born in China in 1980. Now the big name from China is playing for the Houston Rockets in the NBA. He is the son of two basketball players and he learned how to play basketball when he was young. Now, as one of the stars in the NBA, he is working hard to show the world that Chinese basketball players can do well in this game, too!Pele was a famous football player. He was born in Brazil in 1940. He started playing for Santos when he was only 16 and he didnt retire(退役) until 1977. He played for Brazil 111 times and he scored 97 international goals. Pele came from a poor family. He started playing football in the streets. He played for Santos and quickly became an international star.Steffi Graf was born in Germany in 1969. She won the tennis semi-final(半决赛) at Wimbledon in 1985 when she was only 16, but she lost the final to another great tennis player, Martina Navratilova. People were surprised at the strength and power of her game. She soon became a famous tennis player and won most of the main matches.(1)Who is the youngest player in the passage?A . Pele.B . Yao Ming.C . Steffi Graft.D . No one.(2)_ comes from South America.A . PeleB . Yao MingC . Steffi GraftD . No one(3)Yao Ming began to learn to play basketball _.A . when he was 15B . when he was youngC . when he was tall enoughD . when he was strong enough(4)From the passage, we learn _.A . Steffi Graf was born in 1985 in WimbledonB . Martina Navratilova was also a tennis playerC . Steffi Graf won few of the main matchesD . Steffi Graf won the tennis final when she was 166. (4分)阅读短文,完成下列问题Im Tina. Its ten oclock in the morning. My family are all at homeMy mothersurfing the Internet(上网)My fatherwatching a talk show on TVMy brotherdoing his homeworkMy grandpawatering the flowersMy sistertalking on the phone(1)How many people does Tina live with? A . Five.B . Six.C . Seven.(2)What is Tinas brother doing? A . He is watching TV.B . He is doing his homework.C . He is watering the flowers.三、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)7. (5分)阅读以下短文,完成文后表格,每空不超过两词。Americans love to drive on their holidays. Usually, the family gets into a car or recreational vehicle(RV,旅行房车) and drives for a summertime trip across the country.RVs are like our houses. There are kitchens, bathrooms and bedrooms in RVs. They are big, but can be very small when you share a bed with your little brother or try to play a game.But RV travel is a great time with the family. You can see the country in your own home. You can spend every night in a different place. And, you dont have to pay for hotels or restaurants, only gas(汽油). Best of all, you are free to go everywhere you want at any time.Something about an RVFull name_PartsThere are kitchens , bathrooms and _in RVs.AdvantagesYou can enjoy the beautiful view in your RV.You can _every night in a different place.You dont have to pay for hotels or restaurants. You only need topay for_You are _to go anywhere anytime.四、 根据首字母、中文提示填空 (共6题;共6分)8. (1分)Its very _(重要的) to eat a lot of vegetables and fruit for us. 9. (1分)Dont be _(迟到) next time, Jim.OK, Miss Gao.10. (1分)Advertising is part of our d_ life. 11. (1分)I found a computer game in the school_(图书馆). 12. (1分)After I _(进入) the zoo, I found many lovely animals. 13. (1分)_(没有一人) of them likes the bad weather. 五、 完成句子 (共7题;共18分)14. (5分)昨天是星期几?15. (3分)吸烟有害健康。Smoking _ _ _ our health.16. (1分)你的祖父母在第一张照片里吗?(grandparents,first)_17. (2分)他的名字叫杰克。His _ _ is Jack.18. (2分)buy sb. sth.buy sth. for sb.给某人买某物 I buy my mother a sweater._我给我妈妈买了件毛衣。sth若是代词,只能用buy sth for sb. 如:_把它买给他。19. (3分)我想提醒你演唱会八点钟开始。 Id like to _ _ _ the concert will begin at eight oclock.20. (2分)老师解释得很清楚,因此我们都听懂了。 The teacher explained very clearly _we all understood.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)假如你是李华,你的美国朋友Kate给你发微信邀请你本周某天放学后和她一起去商店买衣服。请你根据下面表格中的内容提示写一篇英语短文,告诉她你本周放学后的安排并和她商定见面时间。WhenWhat to doMondayhave a music lessonTuesdayplay table tennisWednesdayThursdaygo to Lindas birthday partyFriday要求:1)短文须包括表格中所有提示内容,也可适当发挥,以使行文连贯;2)词数60左右。第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共2题;共20分)1-1、2-1、二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共32分)3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、6-1、6-2、三、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)7-1、四、 根据首字母、中文提示填空 (共6题;共6分)8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、五、 完成句子 (共7题;共18分)14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)21-1、

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