外研(新标准)版初中英语七年级下册Module 1 Unit 2 Are they yours_ 同步练习C卷.doc

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外研(新标准)版初中英语七年级下册Module 1 Unit 2 Are they yours? 同步练习C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 根据提示完成句子 (共5题;共12分)1. (2分)将下列句子中的汉语译成英语,注意用词的正确形式。Never _ ( 放弃 ) learning English. Its much too useful.I dont want to go to Hawaii because its too_(游客很多的)I_(想出) a good idea.There are _(至少) eight hundred students on the playground.They stayed at home _(而不是)going to the park.2. (2分)根据语境及所给图片提示,写出所缺单词。(1)Now Sally and her friends are on the . (2)What are those, Jack?Theyre_(3)I think all the boys like to_a horse(马) (4)I only see a(n)_in Picture Four 3. (3分)完成句子你在忙什么?嘘!我在看弟弟的日记!What are you _ _?Shh! Im reading my brothers diary!马志正在到处寻找他的宠物狗。Ma Zhi is _ _ his pet dog everywhere.如果你想读小说,就看看这几本书吧。If you want to read novels, _ _ _ _ these books. 回家的路上我遇见了一个老朋友。On _ _ _ home, I met an old friend. 爸爸正在写关于日本经济的文章。Dad is _ articles _ the economy of Japan.4. (3分)A) 翻译语篇 阅读短文,将文中划线的部分译成汉语或英语。Yesterday afternoon Mark called me. He said on the phone, “Jane will have a birthday party tonight. _她想邀请你参加她的生日聚会。” So I went to a shop to buy some flowers as a present. We had the party in a KTV._I was happy to have a chance to play in a KTV, because I had never been there before. Mark organized the party. When we got there, the party began. First we gave our presents and best wishes to her. And then we sang songs. _Jane sang best and she sang more popular songs than other girls, An hour later, Marcia advised(建议) us to dance to rock music. We all agreed to dance. We didnt like rock music._So we danced to popular music for an hour. _当我们感到累的时候就停下来休息. We told jokes and ate fruit happily. We didnt leave until eleven. We really had fun last right.5. (2分)Whether you like Indian food, Western food or Japanese food, youll find it all in Singapore! 不管你喜欢印度食品,西方食品还是日本食品,你都会在新加坡找到。 点拨:_ 表示不管还是,用来连接并列选择部分。如:她不知道他是否睡着了。 _二、 单选题 (共5题;共10分)6. (2分) Why didnt you my help just now?一 I could do it all by myself.A . accept, SoB . accept; BecauseC . receive; BecauseD . receive; So7. (2分)_ people visited Hongyadong, Chongqing on May Day this year. A . ThousandB . ThousandsC . Thousand ofD . Thousands of8. (2分)So far, the record Liu Xiang holds has not been broken in Asia. Not everyone can be the Asian flying man. He is my hero.A . worksB . keepsC . suffers9. (2分)What are you doing?It is raining. I am _ my umbrella.A . looking afterB . looking atC . looking forD . looking up10. (2分)Is David _ classmate or _?He is my classmate.A . our; theirB . his; themC . her; theyD . your; theirs三、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)11. (5分)In 1956, Qian Xuesen _(set up/ took up) the first research institute of rockets and missiles. 四、 阅读理解 (共1题;共10分)12. (10分)阅读理解FoundA set of keys. There is a toy bear on it, too. If you lose it, call me at 880-1167313. Im from No. 2 Middle School.Jack LostAn old bike. Its black with a plastic(塑料的)basket. Its seat is yellow. If you find it, please return it to me. I live in the fifth floor in Building 2.Miller LostYesterday, I lost a novel written by Mo Yan. Its name is Frog. Im eager(渴望的)to find it. If you find it somewhere, can you return it to me? Im from Class 6, Grade 7.Louis(1)If you lose a set of keys, you can call_.A . JackB . MillerC . LouisD . Mo Yan(2)Miller lost a(n)_.A . set of keysB . novelC . old bikeD . basket(3)Louis is from_.A . No. 2 Middle SchoolB . the fifth floorC . Building 2D . Class 6, Grade 7(4)Frog is _.A . a kind of bikeB . a kind of keyC . a kind of basketD . a novel(5)Which one is TRUE?A . Jack lost a set of keys.B . Miller found a novel.C . There is a toy pig on that set of keys.D . Mo Yan is a writer(作家).五、 书面表达 (共1题;共10分)13. (10分)Mr. Hot店内的商品季节性降价出售,请你根据下面商品的颜色及价格,帮Mr. Hot写一张海报。ClothesColorPriceT-shirtsAll colors$16SocksBlue, green and red$3SweatersWhite and green$30ShortsBlue and black$12第 6 页 共 6 页参考答案一、 根据提示完成句子 (共5题;共12分)1-1、2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、 单选题 (共5题;共10分)6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、三、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)11-1、四、 阅读理解 (共1题;共10分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、五、 书面表达 (共1题;共10分)13-1、

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