仁爱科普版七年级下Unit 7 The BirthdayTopic 3 Everyone had a good time.同步练习B卷.doc

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仁爱科普版七年级下Unit 7 The BirthdayTopic 3 Everyone had a good time.同步练习B卷.doc_第1页
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仁爱科普版七年级下Unit 7 The BirthdayTopic 3 Everyone had a good time.同步练习B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)- Why are you walking to school, Miss Lin?- Because my car broke down on the way.A . stopped to workB . didnt workC . slowed downD . wanted to run slowly2. (2分)You havent been to Hong Kong Disneyland, have you?_. But this summer I plan to go to Shanghai Disneyland with my parents.A . Yes, I didB . No, I didntC . Yes, I haveD . No, I havent3. (2分)Kobe Bryant is a basketball hero. He is admired _ millions of people _ not only his achievements but also his spirit.A . for; byB . by; forC . by; asD . as; for4. (2分)He can do what he can_ the children in his neighborhood.A . helpB . to helpC . helps5. (2分)When we went into the park, we saw someone _ Chinese Kungfu. A . playsB . playedC . to playD . playing6. (2分)Shall we go to the amusement park right away or next weekend? _Any time will do.A . Excuse me.B . Have a good time .C . Im afraid I cantD . Its up to you .7. (2分)What color are they? _ .A . Its a redB . Its redC . It redD . They are red8. (2分) Wish you good luck in this English exam. _.A . Thank youB . Thats OKC . Youre welcome9. (2分)Can he play chess?. He is good at it.A . SureB . No, he cantC . I dont think soD . Thats all right10. (2分)They _school at 7: 00 yesterday evening. A . leaveB . leftC . arriveD . arrived二、 情景交际。 (共1题;共5分)11. (5分)从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。A: Hello!B: Hello! This is Sam._A: Hi, Sam. This is Jane._B: Tomorrow is Sunday. Would you like to go to the zoo to see animal shows with me?A:_Id love to.B: OK._Please be here on time (按时).A: Sure. May I ask my friend Jenny to go with us?B: That would be fine._A: OK. Ill call her. Bye!A. Whats up?B. Thats a good idea!C. Please tell Jenny about it.D. May I speak to Jane?E. Lets meet at my home at 8:00.三、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)12. (15分)根据短文理解,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。Alison cornered me in the kitchen. “Daddy, I really want a rat.”Again?” I saw the ugly grey things with round eyes and long tails in my mind. She wanted one of those in our1?“No, Daddy, a pet rat kept at home.This topic was around in our family for about one year. This time, Alison told2 seriously how she would take care of the rat herself, how she would learn to be3 by doing so. I wanted to say “no” as usual, 4 it was not the right response for this situation. I suggested that Alison should5me that she would be responsible by researching some basic questions we had about 6 : How much do they cost? What care do they need?I thought the answers she found7 change her mind. Alison searched for information and made many notes. She learned8the best cage for rats is and what types of food they can (and cant) eat. She learned that two rats are9than one they like staying together.Alison proved herself with her efforts, so I10 finally. If she continued to do so, caring for the rats and preparing food for them, she would learn the responsibility we always wanted her to have. We11several pet stores, asking for baby rats. One store told us it just received some that would be ready on sale in a week. Alison was so12 her dream would come true soon.On Sunday afternoon, I drove Alison there. I must say,13 seeing the rats, I found they were much cuter. Alison14 picked out two little ones with her soft little hands. She cradled the cage with them, 15. We went back to our car, and huge smile was still on her face.“I cant believe I have them after a year of begging!“It wasnt your begging,” I told her. “You showed me you were responsible so I wanted to reward that.”(1)A . house B . store C . school D . kitchen (2)A . me B . us C . her D . them (3)A . traditional B . responsible C . humorous D . successful (4)A . if B . so C . and D . but (5)A . ask B . tell C . show D . surprise (6)A . care B . food C . rats D . money (7)A . must B . need C . might D . should (8)A . how B . what C . when D . where (9)A . more B . cuter C . better D . quieter (10)A . agreed B . forgot C . escaped D . apologized (11)A . called up B . talked about C . heard from D . looked after (12)A . angry B . excited C . worried D . nervous (13)A . after B . since C . before D . without (14)A . hardly B . quickly C . proudly D . carefully (15)A . eating B . dreaming C . singing D . shouting 四、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共43分)13. (12分)阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。When was the last time you saw three men running down a forest trail(小径)in the rain wearing flip-flops(拖鞋)?Thats what my friend Brandon, Josh and I were doing last autumn. We were looking for a waterfall(瀑布).We didnt have much time to get to the waterfall and back, so we were running. We were wearing flip-flops to prevent our shoes getting dirty.It was raining, but lightly. It kept us cool as we climbed over giant stones and through a shallow(浅的)stream. We followed red arrows(箭头)and crossed that stream several times, walking on toward the promised waterfall. Time was not on our side, however, and we were forced to turn around. As we started back, we looked at the shallow stream we had just crossed. Where did this rushing river come from? That was when we realized a flash flood was around!In the few minutes the water rose at a fast speed. Now there were no big stones to be seen-only what looked like lumps(隆起)covered with rushing water. We had no choice but to move our way back carefully in the rushing water -in flip-flops. We had crossed the stream not once or twice, but six times in search of a waterfall that we never even reached!With most of the crossings, we needed each others help if we didnt want to be washed away by water. Wet all over, we felt relaxed after we made the last crossing.My dad always told me to keep off a river when travelling in the rain. Josh said as we hurried back down the path.Why didnt you tell us that earlier? I laughed.Would it have made a difference? came the reply.He had a point.(1)Why were there no big stones to be seen in the stream when they came back? A . The big stones were moved away by someone else.B . They were running too fast to notice the big stones.C . The big stones were covered with rushing water.D . The big stones were washed away by rushing water.(2)Why didnt they find the waterfall in the end? A . Because they were short of time.B . Because they were wearing flip-flops.C . Because Josh kept warning them not to go any further.D . Because the flood prevented them from going forward.(3)Why were there no big stones to be seen in the stream when they came back? A . The big stones were moved away by someone else.B . They were running too fast to notice the big stones.C . The big stones were covered with rushing water.D . The big stones were washed away by rushing water.(4)We can infer(推断)from the passage that the writer and his friends_. A . were crazy about outdoor activitiesB . made full preparations before the tripC . crossed rushing water easily in the endD . had much experience in travelling in the rain(5)Why didnt they find the waterfall in the end? A . Because they were short of time.B . Because they were wearing flip-flops.C . Because Josh kept warning them not to go any further.D . Because the flood prevented them from going forward.(6)We can infer(推断)from the passage that the writer and his friends_. A . were crazy about outdoor activitiesB . made full preparations before the tripC . crossed rushing water easily in the endD . had much experience in travelling in the rain14. (6分) There is a little story about an insurance(保险) salesman in Tokyo. Even though this man tried very hard to promote the insurance, nobody bought it. One day, he came to a small temple and began to brag about his insurance. After listening to his introduction, the monk said: “Your recommendation of insurance cant arouse any of my interests! When you are communicating with others, you must have the charm to attract others, or you will be unpromising in the future. Young man, try to change yourself!”The salesman thought deeply about each word. From then on, he invited all his friends to point out his weakness and kept on improving himself bit by bit for all his life. Thirty years later, he became a millionaire. And this man is the famous Yuan Yi Ping. His experience reflects one attitude: sometimes, we should change ourselves instead of changing the world.(1)The salesman _.A . is very lazy.B . is not friendly to the people .C . want to find another job.D . became a famous salesperson in the world.(2)The word “millionaire ” in the second passage means _.A . a man who has much money.B . a man who is good at attracting others .C . a boss in a big company.D . a famous person in the world.(3)The right title for this passage can be “ _”.A . A story about a salesmanB . Communicate more with othersC . Attract othersD . Change yourself15. (25分)根据短文内容回答问题How to become a radio DJDo you have a great voice? Have you ever thought l about becoming a radio DJ? Working as a DJ can be exciting but it also needs experienceIf you want to be a DJ,the following are usual ways to start .1. Intern(实习)Its a dirty jobUnluckily,most radio station workers start as an internThis means working long hours without payIt will help you do better at the radio station2. EventsBecause you cant get a DJ job with no experience,you might want to work as a DJ for events. Weddings,parties and special situations all need DJs to provide the music and some laughsThis is a great way to learn to work with people and play music3.Fill in(替补)If you work at a radio station,you can ask to be put on the fill in ” list for DJsSo if the main DJ gets sick,you can fill in for him or her to get some experience4.Late,late nightUsually the first job for a DJ is the late shift(晚班)In other words you may be on air not only from l amto 5 am,but you will get more experience(1)What job do the most radio station workers start as? (2)Can we get a DJ job without any experience according to the passage? (3)Whats the great way to learn to work with people and play music? (4)When can you fill in for the main DJ to get some experience? (5)Usually the first job for a DJ is the early shift,isnt it? 五、 词汇部分。 (共1题;共1分)16. (1分)More and more people like to use WeChat Payment or Alipay i_ of cash when shopping. 六、 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共5分)17. (1分)I _(hurt) myself playing soccer yesterday.18. (1分)Drunken drivers are sent to prison even without _ (cause) accidents.19. (1分)Tom spent as little time as he could _ (play) computer games.20. (1分)China _ (success) in sending Shen Zhou-10 into space on July 11th, 2013.21. (1分) Its a _ (sun) day today. Lets go for a picnic. Good idea!七、 句型转换。(每空一词) (共1题;共2分)22. (2分)Jacks father bought a new television set yesterday. (改为一般疑问句) _ Jacks father _ a new television set yesterday?八、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)假设某中学生英文杂志正在举办主题为“Weather”的征文活动。请你根据下面的提示内容写一篇80词左右的英语短文,参加这次活动。提示内容:1天气对我们的影响;2你喜欢的天气类型及原因。第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 情景交际。 (共1题;共5分)11-1、三、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)12-1、四、 阅读理解。 (共3题;共43分)13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、13-6、14-1、14-2、14-3、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、五、 词汇部分。 (共1题;共1分)16-1、六、 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共5分)17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、七、 句型转换。(每空一词) (共1题;共2分)22-1、八、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)23-1、

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