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北师大版2020届九年级下学期英语第一次适应性训练考试试卷C卷一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)He isnt as as youWhat do you reckon? A . cleverB . clevererC . more cleverD . less clever2. (2分)She is Grace Green. Her name is Grace. A . oneB . twoC . firstD . last3. (2分)My mother doesnt allow me _outside too late on school nights. A . to stayB . stayC . staying4. (2分)Alan _ 199 yuan for the dictionary yesterday.A . spentB . tookC . paidD . cost5. (2分)Mr Wang usually work at 8:00 am on weekdays A . thinks ofB . gets toC . agrees withD . looks after6. (2分)I have two_.A . keiesB . keyC . keysD . keyes7. (2分)Mrs. Smith often goes to visit those AIDS patients in hospitals to cheer up. A . herB . themC . himD . they8. (2分)She _of medium build and she has beautiful _hair.A . is; long blackB . has; black longC . is; black longD . has; long black9. (2分)Tom accepted his mothers advice and would study in the US next year. Wow. Thats a good choice.A . shookB . tookC . reminded10. (2分)Can I_ some school things_you?Sorry, I have none(一个都没有). But I think Judy can_you some.A . borrow, from; borrowB . borrow, from; lendC . lend, from; borrowD . lend, to; lend二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)11. (15分)根据短文内容,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。It was two days before Christmas, when my ten-year-old Almie Rose told her father and me that she wanted a new bike. Her bike was too 1 , and it needed repairing as well.As Christmas 2, her dream for a bike seemed to disappear, we thought, for she didnt say it again. We were busy 3some beautiful story books, a doll house, a holiday dress and toys. Then to our surprise, on December 24, she said she really wanted a bike more than 4 .Now we didnt know 5to do. It was just too late. We were busy with Christmas dinner and packing 6presents, parents presents, a brothers present and friendspresents till midnight. So there was 7time to take to buy the right hike for our little girl. Thinking we were parents who would make their child unhappy, we felt sorry and 8.Suddenly my husband had an idea. What about making a little bike with clay (mi) and writing a note that she could trade in (交换) the model bike for a real one? So he spent the next five hours carefully 9with clay to make a small bike.10Christmas morning, we were so excited for Almie Rose to open the little box with the beautiful red and white clay bike and the note. She opened and read the 11loudly. She looked at me and said, So, does this mean I can trade in this bike for a real 12 ? Smiling, I said, Yes! Almie Rose had tears in her eyes when she replied, I would 13trade in this beautiful bike 14Daddy made me. I 15keep it than get a real bike. This is the best Christmas present I have ever got in my life!(1)A . new B . old C . beautiful D . modern (2)A . came nearer B . was over C . went by D . passed (3)A . buy B . bought C . to buy D . buying (4)A . something else B . anything else C . else something D . else anything (5)A . what B . how C . why D . where (6)A . childrenB . childrens C . boy D . girls (7)A . enough B . no C . much D . still a little (8)A . happy B . excited C . sad D . angry (9)A . works B . worked C . working D . to work (10)A . In B . On C . At D . For (11)A . book B . story C . note D . newspaper (12)A . oneB . ones C . some D . any (13)A . usually B . certainly C . never D . of course (14)A . whoB . those C . what D . that (15)A . am going to B . am going to C . had betterv D . would rather 三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共40分)12. (10分)阅读理解 I arrived in the UK last weekend to learn English. So far I have already made a few friends and had some traditional English food there. But after having three days of hamburgers, sandwiches and potatoes, I thought none could be more delicious than Chinese food , especially my favoritehuo guo. You cant imagine how excited I was when I got to know that there was going to be a free meal of hotpot to welcome the new students. On the way to the canteen, I seemed to smell huo guo in the air.To my surprise, when I went into the room I didnt see any of huo guo. Where was it? With many questions in my mind, I sat down to have the free meal. After talking with an English girl, I got to know that Chinese huo guo is completely different from hotpot. Chinese huo guo is written in two wordshot pot, and hotpot, one word, is a traditional English dish.Hotpot is made from mutton and onion. On the top are pieces of potatoes. People put it in the oven all day in a heavy pot on a low heat. It takes very little effort to prepare. You can often see it at parties in the UK because its easy to prepare for a large number of people and is not expensive.Hotpot doesnt taste bad. However, I still miss huo guohot pot, two words!(1)The writer felt excited when she thought she would_. A . try traditional English foodB . learn English in the UKC . have her favorite huo guoD . meet some new friends(2)The underline word canteen means _ in Chinese. A . 宿舍B . 餐厅C . 实验室D . 体育馆(3)Why is hotpot often prepared for parties? A . Because its easy to prepare.B . Because its very popular.C . Because its quite expensive.D . Because its good for health.(4)After the free meal, the writer learnt that _. A . “hotpot” wasnt hot potB . hotpot took little time to cookC . hotpot wasnt traditional in the UKD . the girl knew little about hotpot(5)What is the writers favorite food? A . SandwichesB . MuttonC . HotpotD . Hot pot13. (10分) You may know the song Happy Birthday very well. But do you know who wrote this song and for whom it was written? Let me tell you a story. About one hundred years ago, there was a girl called Kate in the USA. She loved children very much and wrote many songs for children. One of them was the song Good Morning To You. The song was very popular at that time among children, but not all grown-ups ( 成年人 ) knew it.The girl was very poor. Once her friends invited her to a little childs birthday party. She felt happy butsad because she had no money to buy a present for him. Finally she decided to sing the song Happy Birthday. in the melody (曲调) of Good Morning to You for the little boy. When her friends heard the song at the party, they were very happy. How wonderfully she is singing!We have not heard this song before. Its a special present, said someone. And they learned to sing it together.Later, the song became very popular throughout the world. People like it because its simple and friendly.判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的填“T”,不相符的填“F”。(1)Happy Birthday is a old song. Nobody knows who wrote the song Happy Birthday.(2)The song Happy Birthday is a song from America.(3)The melody of Happy Birthday comes from the melody of Good Morning to You.(4)The girl first sang the song for a little child as a birthday present.(5)The girl knew the song would be popular before she came to the party.14. (10分)阅读理解NameAgeLooksClothesFavorite FoodDu Li13black haira small nosebig eyesa pink dresswhite shoesfishSandy12a round facebig eyesa small moutha red skirta green shirthamburgersDavid13brown haira big nosebig eyesa white T-shirtblue pantschicken根据短文内容,判断正误。(1)Du Li, Sandy and David are all thirteen years old. (2)Du Li, Sandy and David all have big eyes. (3)Du Li has black hair and she is in a red skirt. (4)Sandy is in a green shirt and she likes fish very much. (5)David has a big nose and chicken is his favorite food. 15. (5分)阅读表达。阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容回答问题。Mr. King was the owner of a large company. One day, he went into his office early in the morning to get ready to go to the airport and left for another city.He was leaving his office when Bill, a night watchman, came in. Bill just came off work(下班). After saying Good morning to Mr. King, Bill told the owner about his bad dream. Last night he dreamed Mr. Kings plane crashed after it took off. Mr. King was surprised to hear this. He decided to go by train.Bills dream came true. That morning the plane really crashed just after it took off. Later Mr. King returned to his office and heard the accident. To express (表达) his thanks, Mr. King gave Bill $5,000. He also gave Bill a letter. Mr. King told Bill that a man like him should be sent away. Bill was surprised and asked, Why? Mr. King said, Go home and read the letter, and you will know why.Bill went home and opened the letter in a hurry. After he read it, he became sad. In the letter there was only one sentence A night watchman cant sleep on his duty(值班), but you did.(Answer the following questions with no more than 6 words.)(1)Who was Mr. King?_(2)What did Bill do?_(3)How did Mr. King feel after he heard Bills dream?_(4)When did the plane crash that morning?_(5)Why did Mr. King send Bill away?_16. (5分)信息归纳,,请仔细阅读短文,然后按信息卡的要求填入相关信息I had a good time on my vacation. I spent my vacation trekking(徒步旅行)in Nepal, a small country in the Himalaya Mountains of Asia.On the trekking vacation, I walked for a long time through the mountains. There are very few roads in Nepal, so trekking is the best way to travel. It will be better if you have a guide. The guides know the best paths to take and they can also help trekkers with their bags. Sometimes our guide cooked food for us. Every day, we trekked for about four hours in the morning, and two hours in the afternoon. We slept in the large tents. It was very interesting. I didnt want to go home in the end.Information CardWhich country did the writer go to?_Why is trekking the best way in travel in Nepal?_Who helped trekkers with their bags?_How many hours did they trek every day?_How was the vacation?_四、 用单词的正确形式完成短文 (共1题;共10分)17. (10分)way , everything, eat , listen, much, do , try, more , fruit , knowledge, always , readFood is very important. Everyone needs to_ well if he or she wants to have a strong body(身体). Our brains (大脑) also need a kind of food. This kind of food is _. We begin to get knowledge (知识) When we are very young. Small children are interested in everything around them. They learn _ while (当) they are watching and _. When they are getting older, they begin to _ storybooks, anything they like. When they find something new, they like to ask questions and _ to find out the answer.What is the best _ to get knowledge? If we _ by ourselves, well get the most knowledge. If were _ getting answers from others and do not ask why, we will never learn well. When we study in a right way, we will learn _ and understand (理解) better.五、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共33分)18. (8分)根据材料内容完成下列任务。One day, a mother crocodile (鳄鱼) and a baby crocodile swam slowly in a riven Suddenly, the mother crocodile saw a monkey, Oh, a monkey! How nice if I have it for dinner!My son, can you go and get the monkey for me? I want to eat his heart, the mother crocodile said.All right, the baby crocodile answered.The baby crocodile swam near the river bank (河岸). He shouted at the monkey, Hey, monkey! Would you like some bananas? There are many banana trees over there on the other bank of the river.I like them very much. But I cant swim. How can I get there? the monkey asked.Oh, I can take you there, the baby crocodile said.Really? Thank you very much! the monkey jumped onto the baby crocodiles back. In the middle of the river, the baby crocodile went into the water. When he came up again, the monkey was wet all over. Dont do that again, or you 11 kill me! the monkey shouted.I know, but I must do that! My mother wants to eat your heart.My heart? Why didnt you tell me earlier7 I left it in a tree. We should go back for it! So they went back.As soon as they got to the bank, the monkey picked up a big stone (石头) and climbed up onto the street quickly. He shouted at the baby crocodile, Dont you want my heart? Well, catch! The monkey threw(扔) the big stone at the crocodile.(1)判断正误:The baby crocodile wanted to eat the monkeys heart. (2)判断正误:The monkey wanted to go to the other bank of the river to eat bananas.(3)简要回答下列问题:Why did the baby crocodile and the monkey go back when they reached the middle of the river?_(4)简要回答下列问题:Did the baby crocodile get what he wanted at last?_(5)From the passage, we can know that the monkey was A . popularB . friendlyC . smartD . helpful19. (25分)阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。What is “Walk to School”?Now we are working on a program of Walk to School. We would like as many parents and children as possible to take part, even if in a small way. Children who walk to and from school along with their parents can learn essential (基本的) road safety and life skills.You can take part byWalking to and from school with your child every day.Walking for one or two days during the week.Encouraging others to walk, if you already do.Walking is great!Walking is great exercise! A walk is good for your body and can keep you fit.You wont have to waste time looking for a parking site .Its free. Youll save money by not using the car.Its pollution free.Its a good chance to talk to your children and to meet other parents, too.Enjoying walking to school!Here are some suggestions to help you and your child enjoy walking to school.Plan a safe route together.Teach children what a kerb (马路牙子) is and what it means.Encourage your child to help you choose the safest places to cross the road.Look at and discuss the things you see on your wayespecially road signs and what they mean.Walk to school! Thousands of parents and children already take part, could you?Please go to www.walktoschool.org.uk for more information.(1)What is the name of the program that we are working on? (2)What can children learn by walking to and from school? (3)How many suggestions are mentioned to enjoy walking to school? (4)Where can you get more information about “Walk to School”? (5)What do you think of walking to school? 六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)20. (5分)假设你是Liu Ming, 下表是你校下午开设的兴趣课程及活动, “”代表你所选择的课程。请根据下表向你的外国笔友Janet介绍你选择的课程并简述理由, 字数在80词左右。ScheduleTimeMondayWednesdayFriday14:3015:10math in lifescience labChinese historyEnglish Corner15:2016:00OscarMoviesFree Readingsports clubChinese poemsDear Janet,How is everything going? I cant wait to tell you that we have a lot of interest courses this term.Look forward to your reply!第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共40分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、16-1、四、 用单词的正确形式完成短文 (共1题;共10分)17-1、五、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共33分)18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)20-1、


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