八年级上学期Units 7-10教材梳理B卷 .doc

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八年级上学期Units 710教材梳理B卷 一、 熟悉课文重点词汇和短语。 (共10题;共35分)1. (1分)She is not the true_/au n(r)/ of this house. 2. (1分)We are_(lki)to talk to the actor 3. (1分)Its too late. Anna is _(害怕) to go out at night. 4. (1分)Yesterday when Mary was watching TV, the telephone r_. 5. (1分)Look. Hes my father and shes my mother. They are my p_. 6. (10分)根据句意和提示写出单词。(10分)(1)L_! This is my new(新的) jacket.(2)Two and three is f_.(3)This is my new friend. H_name is Gina.(4)That is my English teacher(老师). H_name is Linda Brown.(5)My name is Jim Green. Green is my f_name.(6)Call Mike a_010-1199.(7)- How do you s_your name?- T-O-M, Tom.(8)My pencil _(卷笔刀)is red. My brothers is blue.(9)- Where are the books?- I dont k_.(10)- C_you take the book to my sister?- Yes, I can.7. (1分)He walked round the_(拐角)into the next street. 8. (13分)根据汉语意思完成句子, 每空一词。(1)我确信你给他们的这些钱将会被很好地使用。Im sure that the money you gave them will be _ _ _ _.(2)墙上的油画被人放倒了。The painting on the wall is _ _ _.(3)把好的食物扔掉是一种浪费。It is a waste to _ _ good food.(4)我明天把这张CD还给你。I will _ _ the CD to you tomorrow.(5)他们去年组建了这支乐队。They _ _ the band last year.9. (5分)那个著名的男演员将在电视剧中扮演一个猎人的主角。 10. (1分)将不会有更多的淡水。_二、 语法练习。 (共9题;共100分)11. (50分)阅读下面的短文,将划线部分的句子译成汉语或英语。My name is Bob. I live in Toronto, Canada.I want a pen pal in China.I think China is a very interesting country. Im 14 years old and my birthday is in November. 我会说英语. I also know a little French. I have a brother. Paul, and a sister. Sarah. They have pen pals in the United Kingdom and Australia.I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports. 我最喜欢的科目是体育.Its fun. But I dont like math. Its too difficult!(1)I want a pen pal in China.(2)I want a pen pal in China.(3)I think China is a very interesting country.(4)I think China is a very interesting country.(5)我会说英语.(6)我会说英语.(7)I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports.(8)I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports.(9)我最喜欢的科目是体育.(10)我最喜欢的科目是体育.12. (3分)这些球是什么颜色的? _these balls?13. (12分)根据所给汉语提示完成句子。(1) 你愿意和我一起唱一首英文歌吗? 对不起,我不会。 _ you like _ _ an English song with me? Sorry, I cant.(2)请叫西蒙给玛丽亚买些蛋糕。好的。 Please _ Simon _ _ some cakes for Maria. OK.(3)去放风筝怎么样?我很愿意去,但是很抱歉我没有时间。 _ _ flying a kite with me? Id like to, but Im sorry I have no time.(4)你明天有空吗?有空。什么事? _ you _ tomorrow? Yes. Whats up?(5)我能和凯特通电话吗?对不起,她现在不在。 May I _ _ Kate? Sorry. She isnt in now.14. (3分)瞧!她正向一位警察寻求帮助。Look! She is _ a policeman _ _.15. (5分)这一课程是为满足孩子们的需要而设计的。 16. (1分)Yellow is _(智慧的颜色). 17. (2分)栽树时,我们首先要挖一个坑。 We should_first when planting a tree.18. (14分)完成句子这些词都很重要,请把它们记下来。These words are all very important. _ _ _, please.如果我有钱,我至少要环游世界一次。If I had money, I would _ _ _ around the world for at least one time.要求当地政府为学校提供好校车。The local government is asked to _ schools _ good buses.没人想买这些过时的大衣,甚至白送也不要。No one wants to buy these outdated coats. You cant even _ _ _.只要坚持,梦想终会实现。If you _ _ _ your dreams, theyll come true one day.19. (10分)英汉互译在将来_打网球_做运动_过时的_弹吉他_fall in love with_wake up_come true_call sb. up_as much as possible_三、 单项选择。 (共20题;共40分)20. (2分) Its said that_ earthquake hit Japan the other day _ bad news! Lets give a helping hand for the people thereA . an, HowB . a; How aC . the; What aD . an; What21. (2分)Can you help me _my English? A . withB . ofC . learningD . about22. (2分)Can you imagine what life will be like in _ time?A . 50 yearsB . 50 yearsC . 50-yearsD . 50-years23. (2分)What are you going to do tomorrow?Well, it the weatherA . thinks ofB . agrees withC . listens toD . depends on24. (2分)After the education reform(改革) in Jiangsu Province, the pupils have_ time to relax and _ homework to do.A . less; moreB . much; manyC . fewer; moreD . more; less25. (2分)The kind of fruit smells and sells . A . good; goodB . good; wellC . well; goodD . well; well26. (2分) _ do you surf the Internet? Once a week.A . HowB . How oldC . How oftenD . How many times27. (2分)Is this iPad yours?YesMy parents bought _ for my language learningA . oneB . itC . otherD . another28. (2分)Smoking is bad for your health.Youre right.I decide to_A . take it downB . find it outC . turn it offD . give it up29. (2分)He is a man. A . short-neckB . short-neckedC . short neckD . short necked30. (2分)The boy is young carry the bag of rice A . so,thatB . such,thatC . too,toD . enough,to31. (2分)_ the age of 15, Li Xundi became famous _ playing the piano.A . On; onB . For; atC . At; toD . At; for32. (2分)Next Monday, Mr Green _ us a speech on how to help reduce greenhouse effect. A . givesB . giveC . will giveD . has given33. (2分)I like this piece of music because I can sing_it. A . along andB . along withC . withD . along34. (2分)I intend a plane to GuangzhouA . takeB . to takeC . tookD . takes35. (2分)Do you know that China is one of _ countries in the world? Yes, I do. Its much _ than the US.A . oldest; olderB . the oldest; olderC . oldest; elderD . the older; elder36. (2分)A noise was coming from _, and after a while a man in black came downstairs and went away in the street.A . the bedroom overB . the bedroom belowC . the bedroom upD . the bedroom above37. (2分)What do you think of soap operas? _ But my mother likes them.A . I cant stand them.B . I dont mind them.C . I love them.D . I think so.38. (2分)There is still a long way the animals in danger. A . go to protectingB . to go to protectC . going to protectD . go to protect39. (2分)Li Yifeng is _of the three famous stars, and hes _than the other two. A . tall; oldestB . taller; olderC . tallest; youngerD . the tallest; younger四、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)40. (10分)完形填空 My name is Alice. I 1a student. I get up(起床) at 6:00 in the 2. I meet Cindy at school. 3are you? she asks. I say, Im 4, thank you. At 8:30, I am in my class. Miss Li asks, What is that in English? I say, It is 5cup. Then she asks, Can you 6it? C-U-P, I say. Bob is 7friend. He likes listening to music(听音乐). He has a new 8and he listens to 9a lot. He can sing many songs 10English and Miss Li asks him to sing one for us. (1)A . is B . are C . am D . be (2)A . morning B . afternoon C . evening D . night (3)A . What B . Who C . How D . When (4)A . Alice B . fine C . red D . well (5)A . an B . a/an C . the D . a (6)A . spell B . say C . see D . speak (7)A . his B . its C . her D . my (8)A . CD B . NBA C . BBC D . WTO (9)A . that B . this C . it D . them (10)A . on B . for C . at D . in 第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 熟悉课文重点词汇和短语。 (共10题;共35分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、6-5、6-6、6-7、6-8、6-9、6-10、7-1、8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、8-5、9-1、10-1、二、 语法练习。 (共9题;共100分)11-1、答案:略11-2、答案:略11-3、答案:略11-4、答案:略11-5、答案:略11-6、答案:略11-7、答案:略11-8、答案:略11-9、答案:略11-10、答案:略12-1、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、三、 单项选择。 (共20题;共40分)20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、四、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)40-1、

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