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人教版2020年中考英语专题复习动词时态(真题)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共60题;共120分)1. (2分)I will do some cleaning as soon as I _my homework A . finishB . will finishC . has finished2. (2分)The Red Cross_ medical team to the village immediately after the earth-quake. A . prepareB . sentC . organizeD . let3. (2分)While we were enjoying the tasty food, our mother in the kitchen.A . cleanedB . cleansC . was cleaningD . clean4. (2分)I am not sure if Jane _ to my birthday party next week. She will if she _ her homework.A . comes, finishesB . is coming, finishesC . will come, finishD . will come, will finish5. (2分)We for Tom at ten last Sunday. He often keeps us . A . were waiting; waitingB . were waiting; waitC . waited; waitingD . waited; wait6. (2分)Look! The police _ the food onto the bank of the river.A . am carryingB . is carryingC . are carryingD . are carried7. (2分)She _ a dictionary to our classroom, but I did.A . didnt takeB . doesnt takeC . will takeD . is taking8. (2分) Be quiet please! Have you seen the sign No Talking? Sorry, I _ itA . didnt noticeB . havent noticedC . wont noticeD . dont notice9. (2分)Did you _ Gary _ in his bedroom when you walked past last night?A . heard; singingB . heard; sangC . hear; singingD . hear; to sing10. (2分) Hello! Could I speak to Mr. King, please? Sorry, hes _ the supermarket.A . been atB . been inC . been onD . gone to11. (2分)I called you at 8 yesterday morning. But no one answered.Oh, I _ the flowers in my garden.A . am wateringB . wateredC . is going to waterD . was watering12. (2分)I _ the bus at the stop when it began to rain hard. A . was waiting forB . was waitingC . waited forD . Waited13. (2分)There _ forty students in my class. A . areB . beC . is14. (2分)I saw him in the library yesterday. He _ a book at that moment.A . readsB . is readingC . was readingD . will read15. (2分)This museum _ here for over 80 years. It _ one of the oldest buildings in this city.A . is; wasB . had been; isC . was; has beenD . has been; is16. (2分)What about watching the movie Big Fish tomorrow?Oh, I it alreadyA . watchB . have watchedC . will watchD . am watching17. (2分)一I saw Peter in the park at five this afternoon一ImpossibleHe the lights with me at the Guangzhou International Light Festival(广州国际灯光节)。A . watchedB . watchesC . is watchingD . was watching18. (2分)What do you think of WeChat?Talking on WeChat .peoples way of communicating in the recent few years.A . influencesB . influencedC . is influencingD . has influenced19. (2分)I wonder if the 2016 Olympics _in Brazil.A . will holdB . holdC . will be heldD . Held20. (2分) Excuse me, could please tell me ?Sorry, I am new here.A . where the bookstore wasB . how can I go to the bookstoreC . how to get to the bookstoreD . how far is the bookstore21. (2分)If it _ tomorrow, we _ not go to park for a picnic. A . rained; willB . rains; willC . is going to rain; doD . rains; do22. (2分)Premier Zhou Enlai for many years, he still lives in the hearts of Chinese people.A . diedB . was diedC . has been diedD . has been dead23. (2分)Im busy now. I _ to you after school this afternoon. A . talkB . have talkedC . will talk24. (2分)As soon as the mail _ , please tell my parents to get it. A . will arriveB . arrivesC . is arriving25. (2分)The wonderful life in high school you look forward to _. A . comingB . is comingC . cameD . was coming26. (2分)When they in the computer room yesterday? A . wasB . wereC . isD . are27. (2分) Sorry, Im late. Has the meeting begun? It doesnt matter. The meeting for several minutes.A . has just begunB . has just been onC . has just been overD . has just ended28. (2分)Tom _ .you as soon as he _ home. A . calls, arrivesB . will call, arrivesC . arrives, will arrive29. (2分)I saw some boy students basketball when I passed the playground.A . playedB . playsC . playingD . to play30. (2分) Kitty, will you go to see Spider-man 3 with us this evening? Sorry. I _ the film already.A . have seenB . sawC . am seeingD . will see31. (2分)Jackson school two years ago and he for two years.A . leaves; has goneB . left; has been awayC . leaves; has been awayD . left; has gone32. (2分)一 Have you read anything on Chinese medicine(中药)so far?一 _. But I will read it soon.A . Later onB . Not yetC . Ever sinceD . Already have33. (2分)If a bear is _, it _ people.A . in danger; attackB . dangerous; attacksC . in danger; will attackD . dangerous; will attack34. (2分)I _ go to bed_ my mother came back home.A . wont, untilB . didnt, untilC . will, untilD . wont,when35. (2分)What you in the past two hours, my baby?A . will; doB . have; doneC . are; doingD . would; do36. (2分)We _ Miss Han _ our English party if she is free.A . invited; to comeB . will invite; to come toC . invite; coming37. (2分)I _ to music when my father came in. A . listenB . will listenC . am listeningD . was listening38. (2分)He the book to the library if he it tomorrow. A . returns,finishes readingB . will return,will finish to readC . will return,finishes to readD . will return,finishes reading39. (2分)The writer _his new book in the hall of our university at the moment. A . introducesB . is introducingC . introducedD . would introduce40. (2分)Henry will give us a report as soon as he . A . arrivedB . is arrivingC . will arriveD . arrives41. (2分)The man _ Shanghai an hour ago, so he_ for an hour. A . was away for; has leftB . left; has leftC . has left for; has been awayD . left for; has been away42. (2分)When the boy heard the words, his face _ red. A . gotB . turnedC . changed43. (2分)Have you seen the movie?Yes, I _ it last weekend with my cousin. Its excellent.A . sawB . seeC . will seeD . have seen44. (2分) How long have you _ your hometown? I left my hometown three years ago. I _ Zhenjiang since then.A . left; been toB . been away from; gone toC . been away from; been inD . left; arrived in45. (2分)Two days enough for me to finish the project. I need a third day. A . isntB . isC . arentD . are46. (2分)People often things on taxis when they go out. A . leaveB . leavesC . forgetD . Forgets47. (2分)Over fifty countries the AIIB(亚投行) so far. A . joinedB . was joiningC . had joinedD . have joined48. (2分)Have you bought the best-sell book in the store near our school?Yes, I _ it three days ago,but I hear that they _A . have bought, sell outB . bought, have been sold outC . bought, have sold outD . have had, have been sold out49. (2分)Will you watch the program Running Man in Zhejiang Star-TV tonight? Yes, of course. It one of the most popular shows since last October.A . wasB . becameC . has beenD . has became50. (2分)Zhang Lan likes English, but she _ maths.A . isnt likeB . doest likeC . arent likeD . dont like51. (2分)What was your brother doing when you entered his room?He _ to the radio.A . listensB . will listenC . listenedD . was listening52. (2分)Mr. Green, a famous writer, _ our school last month.A . visitedB . visitsC . is visitingD . will visit53. (2分)While she _ TV, she _ a sound outside the room. A . was watching; was hearingB . watched; was hearingC . was watching; heardD . watched; heard54. (2分)I a list last night.We can take it to the shopping centre now. A . makeB . madeC . to makeD . making55. (2分) How soon _ your father _ back? In about two weeks.A . did; comeB . is; comeC . will; comeD . are; coming56. (2分)-How long have you _ here?-For two days. I _ here the day before yesterday.A . been; cameB . come, cameC . came; cameD . come, was57. (2分)- Look! Somebody_ the sofa.-Well, it wasnt me. I didnt do it.A . is cleaningB . was cleaningC . has cleanedD . cleans58. (2分)Li Hong has _ the army for 2 years. A . joinedB . joined toC . been inD . joined in59. (2分)Mike, dont be afraid to make mistakes, _ youll never make progress. A . soB . orC . andD . but60. (2分)How time flies! Three years _since I _ you last time.A . have passed; metB . has passed; metC . passed; have met 第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共60题;共120分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、答案:略6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、答案:略41-1、42-1、43-1、44-1、45-1、46-1、47-1、48-1、49-1、50-1、51-1、52-1、53-1、54-1、55-1、56-1、57-1、58-1、59-1、60-1、

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