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上海版中考英语专题复习词义辨析(真题)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共50题;共100分)1. (2分) Is his little brother young? Yes, but he can do a lot of things by himself.A . aloneB . with others helpC . in his way2. (2分)Raise your spirits! There is so much trouble in front of us, but we cant give up. You are right. We will succeed one day.A . Think about yourselfB . Depend on yourselfC . Make yourself have courage3. (2分)Jessie, why did you give up studying French? Because I found it really difficult. A . startB . keepC . stop4. (2分)Sometimes we saw stars brightly the sky A . shoot;throughB . shot;acrossC . shooting;across5. (2分)My grandma is ill, and I have to stay at home and look after her. Im sorry to hear that. I hope she can get better soon.A . look atB . look forC . care for6. (2分)This book includes six units. A . hasB . inventsC . paints7. (2分)We got the first place in the game by 5 to 3 in the end. A . won the gameB . watched the gameC . lost the game8. (2分)My parents love me so much. They help me do almost everything. But you should not depend on them all the time.A . talk toB . live withC . rely on9. (2分)Parents are always worried _ their children even though they are old enough. A . aboutB . forC . toD . with10. (2分)The thought of going to America for a holiday makes me excited. We will have a meeting to talk about it this afternoon.A . jokeB . ideaC . report11. (2分)The stove is burning. A . on fireB . in dangerC . very strong12. (2分)My parents bought me too many toys. There is no room for them. A . not enoughB . just rightC . more than enough13. (2分)The teacher was very angry because the boy made _ mistakes in his homework. A . oneB . fifthC . five14. (2分)A good British breakfast always includes sausage and sandwiches. A . hasB . producesC . makes15. (2分)Lucy isnt old enough to carry the box. A . is so young that she canB . isnt young enough toC . is too young to16. (2分)His clothes look clean though they are old. A . althoughB . andC . or17. (2分)Will you buy the house?No. Its expensive. I cant afford it.A . not heavyB . not oldC . not cheap18. (2分)Dad, may I go to my friends party tonight? You shouldnt ask me. You need to get your mothers agreement.A . competitionB . permissionC . choice19. (2分) Why do more and more old people live on their own? Because their children are so busy with the work that they cant spend much time with them.A . quietlyB . aloneC . happily20. (2分)The water in the river is very dirty and it kills lots of fish in it. A . makes cleanB . makes healthyC . makes die21. (2分)Its difficult to fix my mind on what Im reading while somebody is catting in the room. A . hold onB . pass onC . focus on22. (2分)Some of the scientists are from Russia, and the rest are from America. A . the othersB . anotherC . each other23. (2分)They seem unhappy. Whats up? Their parents dont allow them to play with their friends today.A . feelB . appearC . make24. (2分)Im thinking about helping the child with his homework. A . thinking ofB . trying toC . deciding to25. (2分)Where did you first learn about this program? My teacher told me about it.A . know aboutB . talk aboutC . think about26. (2分) Is Mrs Green already 60 years old? Yes, but she remains young and beautiful.A . is sometimesB . is neverC . is still27. (2分)They are even good friends when they strongly disagree. A . have the same ideaB . have different opinionsC . help each other28. (2分)You should pay attention to the small problem, or it may a big one. OK, I will solve first.A . cause; itB . offer; itC . cause; one29. (2分)All I want is to have some peace with my grandchildren. A . quietB . energyC . noise30. (2分)He is all in after running. A . very excitedB . very tiredC . very cheerful31. (2分)Do you know who _ the tomb of Qin Shi Huang and who _ the mobile phone?No, but we may ask our teacher.A . discovered; inventedB . was discovered; was inventedC . invented; discoveredD . was invented; was discovered32. (2分) How many computers are there in your school? The number of the computers is close to 10,000.A . mostB . nearlyC . over33. (2分)Its surprising that they still use the traditional way to make wine. A . customB . methodC . toolD . medicine34. (2分)I Pandas need to eat a lot to stay healthy. A . hasB . getC . keep35. (2分)There are many tiny ants in the forest. A . very heavyB . very smallC . very rainy36. (2分)Who got first place in the English Speaking Competition this year?Luo Xianyue. He is very confident. He has a gift for public speaking.A . won the gold medalB . joined in the first groupC . achieved a seat37. (2分)He wants to travel around the world by air. A . lookB . pushC . tour38. (2分)Mary likes going sightseeing in her free time. A . readingB . travellingC . sleeping39. (2分)Be quick ! Yes. But I suppose we will be late unless we take a taxi.A . even ifB . if . notC . what if40. (2分)Whats your feeling after visiting the village? The poor kids there are dying to get knowledge. And I want to do something to help them.A . have a chance toB . really want toC . have nothing to do but41. (2分) Please be careful with the car in front of you. It may hit you. Thank you! I am leaving at once.A . watchB . catchC . mind42. (2分)Can I borrow your dictionary?Sure. But you must return it to me tomorrow.A . givebackB . takeawayC . leavebehind43. (2分)Can I visit you tomorrow? Sure. You can come at any time.A . anywayB . anywhereC . anytime44. (2分)You should cheer up and not let your parents down. A . make your parents disappointedB . make your parents excitedC . make your parents angry45. (2分) Do you have a break after the meeting? Yes. It lasts about 20 minutes.A . talkB . restC . look46. (2分)Why is that? I dont know. Id invited everybody. However, only two people came.A . AndB . ButC . So47. (2分)I suppose you are right. Youd better put it in a more polite way. A . doubtB . agreeC . think48. (2分)Why do you like animals so much? _theyre our friends.A . AndB . SoC . BecauseD . But49. (2分)Her attitude towards this matter is not clear. A . inB . toC . from50. (2分)Where was the new library built?It was built in the centre of the campus.A . backB . middleC . front第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共50题;共100分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、41-1、42-1、43-1、44-1、45-1、46-1、47-1、48-1、49-1、50-1、

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