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牛津版(深圳广州)2019-2020学年初中英语八年级下学期期末模拟复习卷五(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共16分)1. (1分)He is all in after running. A . very excitedB . very tiredC . very cheerful2. (1分)That little boy dropped from the tall building. Oh, Im sorry to hear that.A . fell downB . pushedC . disappeared3. (2分)We _ pay to get into the concert, because its free. A . mustntB . cantC . dont need toD . might not4. (1分)I was given the task of cleaning the room. A . workB . noteC . decision5. (1分) Will Jack and Mike go to the library together? No, Jack will go to see a film with Tim.A . by himselfB . with no oneC . with each other6. (1分)Look! He is dancing at the moment. A . in the presentB . in the pastC . for some time7. (1分) Is she a lot like you? Some people say we look like each other. Were both tall, and we have long curly hair.A . look alikeB . look forwardC . look after ourselves8. (1分)_ you do, slow down and take your time. A . WhateverB . HoweverC . WheneverD . Whether9. (1分)Scientists are racing time in order to find a cure for pig flu as soon as possible. A . along withB . againstC . aroundD . a head of10. (1分)The Smiths are _ a train trip every summer. A . atB . inC . onD . for11. (1分)It was to learn the Wolong Panda Reserve. A . interesting; aboutB . interesting; forC . interested; aboutD . interested; for12. (1分) Mum, can I do _ much work in _ a short time? Dear, I think you can.A . so; soB . such; soC . so; such13. (1分)Excuse me. Could you tell me _ get to the nearest post office? Sorry, I am new here.A . how can IB . how I couldC . how toD . what I can14. (1分)We have _ a lot of endangered animals, because of the _ of their living areas. A . lose; lossB . lost; loseC . lost; lossD . lose; lost15. (1分)Jane is very busy these days, for she has a lot of problems to . A . deal withB . keep up withC . agree with二、 完形填空 (共1题;共20分)16. (20分)完形填空 Animals are our friends. There are many zoos in the 1Its good to 2animals in zoos. Zoos have many advantages, I think.Firstly, zoos are places for people to see 3kinds of animals. Without zoos, most people would4see a real bear or tiger.5, zoos can take good care of animals. Zoos give 6to animals and. clean them on time every day. In the wild, it is not always easy for an animal to find food. So sometimes it goes 7. But animals in zoos never go hungry.Thirdly, people protect the animals in zoos and offer them safe places to live 8Animals are living in zoos safely and happily. In the wild, some kinds of animals are 9and endangered. But zoos give these animals a chance to live. Without zoos, there would be 10kinds of animals in the world. People should do more things to protect animals.(1)A . world B . city C . town (2)A . keep B . take C . make (3)A . big B . small C . different (4)A . always B . never C . sometimes (5)A . Finally B . Usually C . Secondly (6)A . food B . water C . fruit (7)A . hungry B . tired C . thirsty (8)A . on B . in C . at (9)A . helped B . changed C . killed (10)A . less B . fewer C . more 三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共40分)17. (8分)阅读短文.根据短文内容回答问题。 Charity Cause in UKIf you watch British television on March 15. you might be surprised to see celebrities(名人) wearing funny red noses and joking around But dont worry. Theyre not mad. Its all part of a money raising event called Red Nose Day. Founded in 1985 by two British actors, the aim of the event is to raise money to help poor people in the UK and Africa. Celebrities support the event by making appearances on special TV shows. For example. UK Prime Minister David Cameron once appeared in a music video by One Direction, which the band produced for the event.British dont just raise money for charitable(慈善的)causes on one day year, but they do it all year round. One way of doing is by shopping in charity shops. These small shops sell clothes, books and household goods just like any other shop except that its all secondhand.There are nearly 10,000 charity shops in the UK. Their business model is simple anybody who has things they dont want any more can give them to a charity shop. Where they are checked, cleaned and priced. The money that is made by selling them is used for a charitable cause.The idea of buying used clothes may sound unpleasant, but for shoppers who have less spending money, it has been a welcome choice. Now, shopping at charity shops is also becoming popular with young people looking for another kind of fashion. You can find very beautiful and special clothes for a very cheap price. I dont mind wearing the clothes that other people may have worn them, I simply wash them before I wear them, said Anne Marie, a 19-year-old from UK.So next time you see a charity shop. Why not go inside? Who knows, you might find a lovely dress for just a few pounds. Even better, you can enjoy wearing it, it means that your money helped a good cause.(1)When is Red Nose Day? (2)What is the aim of the event? (3)Do British raise money for charitable causes on one day a year? (4)What do charity shops in the UK sell? (5)Why ax charity shops becoming popular among young people? 18. (8分)根据短文内容, 选择正确答案。DDoing homework not only can help children master the knowledge they have learned, but also can train their abilities of finishing the work alone, planning the time and doing the duties. But some children dont like to complete the work. Why?Some children feel it is very difficult to do their homework, because they cant understand their teacher clearly, and cannot follow their teachers teaching process (过程). Maybe there is something wrong with their intelligence.But some childrens intelligence is normal. They are even cleverer, but they dont listen to the teacher carefully. It is hard for them to sit well and pay attention to anything.Some children love their teacher and then like the subject. Their interest depends on the teacher who teaches them. So every teacher should make children love you and the subject you teach. So they can do their homework happily.(1)Doing homework can help children _.A . master the knowledgeB . train their abilitiesC . 1earn new lessonsD . Both A and B(2)Some children find the homework difficult. Which reason is NOT right?A . They cant understand their teacher clearly.B . They cannot follow their teachers teaching process.C . The intelligence of all the students isnt normal.D . They dont listen to the teacher carefully.(3)Whats the meaning of the underlined word “intelligence”?A . Homework.B . The quality of being clever.C . Health.D . Learning method.(4)What is the best title of the passage?A . Some Children dont Like Their TeacherB . Childrens Homework Is Very DifficultC . Why dont Some Children Like to Do Homework?D . Why cant Some Children Study the Subjects Well?19. (8分)根据材料内容选择最佳答案Dear Adam,Im on vacation in Central America and having a great time. Im in Guatemala. Its a small country but there is so much to see and do! There are volcanoes (火山), mountains, rainforests, beaches and Mayan temples (玛雅寺庙) in the country.The Mayan people have a long and interesting history. They built many temples. Last Friday I visited a Mayan temple at a place called Tikal. The temple has a history of about 1,300 years. It is a wonderful place to visit.I am staying at Lake Atitlan now. Some people say it is the most beautiful lake in the world. It is a very big lake and there are mountains and volcanoes around it. You can walk around the lake and even climb to the top of a volcano.The volcanoes at Lake Atitlan are not active volcanoes (活火山), but tomorrow I am going to see an active volcano called Pacaya. Active volcanoes can be dangerous because they still erupt (爆发) sometimes. I want to climb Pacaya. It erupted in 2010. I hope it wont erupt when I m there!Ill send (发送,) you another e-mail soon.All the best,Kate(1)Last Friday Kate went to a A . lakeB . beachC . templeD . mountain(2)What can we know about Lake Atitlan? A . Tikal is its another name.B . It is very big and beautiful.C . There are many old temples near it.D . It is one of the largest lakes in the world.(3)What does Kate want to do tomorrow? A . To walk around a volcano.B . To climb an active volcano.C . To see an active volcano erupt.D . To learn more about volcanoes.(4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the material? A . Pacaya will never erupt.B . Adam is on vacation now.C . Kate will go to a big rainforest.D . Therere Mayan temples in Guatemala.(5)What does this material mainly talk about? A . Some old temples.B . Kates vacation plan.C . Some active volcanoes.D . Kates wonderful vacation.20. (8分)阅读理解 It is important for us to look after the Earth well. The Earth gives us a lot of things. We also give the Earth a lot, but some of the things are not good. In nature, when something dies, other animals and plants get food from it. Every animal or plant provides food for other animals or plants. However, animals cant get food from many of the things that wegive the Earth. Animals and plants cant cat metal, plastic or glass. These things will stay in the ground for many, many, many years. Some rubbish is very dangerous for plants and animals. In some places, many animals live together. One animal makes food for many other animals. If we throw rubbish and chemicals into the water, the plankton(浮游生物)can die. If there isnt any plankton, many animals have nothing to eat. So what can we do? Dont leave any rubbish in the countryside! Dont make so much rubbish. (1)What do we give the Earth? A . Rubbish.B . The plankton.C . Animals and plants.D . Food.(2)When something dies in nature, . A . it will pollute water and grassB . plastic and wood become foodC . other animals and plants get foodD . metal and glass stay in the ground(3)What do the underlined words These things refer to? A . Animals.B . Plants.C . Animals and plants.D . Metal, plastic and glass.(4)Which of the following is TRUE? A . There is less and less food on the Earth.B . Many animals need plankton for food.C . We give the Earth only good things.D . Animals and plants can eat rubbish.(5)What is the main idea of the passage? A . The Earth gives us a lot of things.B . Some rubbish stays in the ground for many years.C . Some rubbish is dangerous.D . It is important for us to look after the Earth well.21. (8分)阅读理解 Sending packets, shopping for everyday goods and even building a house, these are new skills that new robots show at the World Robot Exhibition.RoBohoN Scientists are recommending the latest talking robots. They can be highly intelligent in their responses. RoBohoN, just 10cm tall, makes a lively description of the Great Wall and the PalaceMuseum. It can speak Chinese, English or any other language you like.Human Support This robot stands at 1m tall and looks like a container with arms. It provides much support to different places and keeps in touch with the outside world through the internet.HRP-5P As world cities continue developing, there are building sites everywhere, but there arent enough people to build them. HRP-5P looks like a strong builder. It stands at 1.8m tall andCarriRo CarriRo, in the shape of a toy bus, has friendly eyes on its front. It works as a postman and sends packages by rolling around the streets. It has a GPS to travel. The person who receives the package is sent a code to the smart phone to open the CarriRo and get the package.(1)How tall is the RoBohoN? A . 0.1 meterB . 1 meterC . 1.8 meterD . 101 meters(2)Which Robot is the best helper to the old peoples homes? A . RoBohoNB . Human Support RobotC . HRP-5PD . CarriRo(3)How does the owner of the package open the CarriRo? A . by working as a postmanB . by rolling around the streetC . by following the GPSD . by using the code(4)In which part of a newspaper can we find this passage? A . cultureB . sportsC . scienceD . people四、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)22. (10分)Here_(be)some interesting stories about English letters. 五、 书面表达 (共1题;共15分)23. (15分)根据提示,完成一篇不少于100词的英语短文。文中已给出内容不计入总词数,所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。 现在,戴眼镜的学生越来越多;为此,国家把每年6月6日定为爱眼日。请你结合自己的体会,就如何爱护眼睛,给校报英语栏目写一篇短文。内容包括:1)吃有益于眼睛的食物,如:胡萝卜、鸡蛋等;2)多做眼保健操,长时间用眼后可看看远方。3)养成良好的用眼习惯,如:不躺着玩手机或看书等。. 开头已给出,不计入总词数。Nowadays, more and more students are getting near-sighted, so National Eye Care Day is set on June 6 every year.第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共16分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共20分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共40分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、四、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)22-1、五、 书面表达 (共1题;共15分)23-1、

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