鲁教版(浙江)备战2020年初中英语中考复习专项训练:完形填空(二) 说明类(I)卷.doc

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鲁教版(浙江)备战2020年初中英语中考复习专项训练:完形填空(二) 说明类(I)卷.doc_第1页
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鲁教版(浙江)备战2020年初中英语中考复习专项训练:完形填空(二) 说明类(I)卷.doc_第3页
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鲁教版(浙江)备战2020年初中英语中考复习专项训练:完形填空(二) 说明类(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 完形填空 (共10题;共115分)1. (15分)Stress is the feeling you get when youre really worried about something. This is the kind of worry that troubles you for hours, or 1days. It makes you feel blue, scared or angry. You may find it 2to eat and sleep, or you might eat and sleep much more than usual.Too much stress is bad for you. Stressing out can lead to serious 3like heart illnesses. But a moderate (适度的) amount of stress keeps your body and 4alert (警觉的) and can make your performance better, like when you are doing a presentation to your class or 5to the finishing line.But, if you are seriously stressed out, look at these quick and easy ways to 6. Firstly, you can go for a run, play tennis or ride your bike for a while 7exercise produces more beta-endorphin(B-内腓) that controls stress. Secondly, having a good 8is very important. You should try to get at least eight hours of sleep every night. Thirdly, eating a healthy, balanced diet that 9all the food groups will help. Also, you can talk to the people you trust . Keeping your feelings inside may make the situation10 while talking to a person you trust may make you feel better. They may be able to give you advice and help you solve your problem.(1)A . still B . also C . even D . only (2)A . easy B . hard C . possible D . comfortable (3)A . worries B . sadness C . problems D . questions (4)A . personality B . strength C . talent D . mind (5)A . running B . leading C . replying D . turning (6)A . relax B . operate C . complain D . explore (7)A . although B . unless C . if D . because (8)A . walk B . rest C . time D . sense (9)A . includes B . creates C . develops D . produces (10)A . better B . worse C . angrier D . safer 2. (15分)完形填空 Each one of us shares this planet with about seven billion others. And we all need1. People and products need to move from city to city and country to country. However, we all know2most cars, motorcycles, boats and planes cause air pollution. They are also noisy. This is a serious problem in many cities.3inventors are coming up with creative ideas to try to reduce the air pollution and noise.In many cities around the world, motorcycles are very4. Now Vietnam has around 33 million motorcycles and China has almost 120 million, Motorcycles are a faster and cheaper way to get around a city than5. Yet air pollution is a growing problem. In large cities, people complain it is difficult to breathe. To solve these problems, a US company designed an environmentally friendly motorcycle. It uses electricity as fuel (燃料). As a result, there is6pollution. Its also quiet and fast. This makes it a good choice for getting around a city.The Italian city of Venice is a city with only a few roads. There are no cars in the city centre.7cars, water taxis and buses carry people along the citys canals. However, they cause pollution,8to the water. English engineers Dick and Jem designed a solar powered(太阳能的) water taxi. The water taxi can run for a day after being charged.Planes also cause air and noise pollution. Designing an environmentally-friendly airplane is a real9. Some airplane companies have10to solve the problems. Swiss engineers have gone one step further. They developed a solar airplane. This plane holds the world record for the longest solar powered flight1, 541 kilometres from Arizona to Texas in America.(1)A . air B . food C . transportation D . communication (2)A . how B . why C . when D . that (3)A . Since B . So C . Because D . Although (4)A . popular B . valuable C . dangerous D . safe (5)A . bikes B . subways C . buses D . cars (6)A . much B . some C . no D . more (7)A . Instead of B . Thanks to C . Because of D . As for (8)A . probably B . only C . especially D . hardly (9)A . question B . job C . decision D . challenge (10)A . disagreed B . refused C . started D . remembered 3. (15分)完型填空 Life in the year 3044 is very different1life in the 21st century. We still do many of the things you did, but we do them 2. For example, we now have e-friends to help us and keep us company. An e-friend is a machine that looks just3a human being. It can walk and talk and can do almost4we human beings do. My e-friend is a lot like me and we have5fun together. She helps me 6my homework and we often go swimming. She is programmed to take care of me if anything7, so I always feel safe when we are together. She can also send me messages, just like old-fashioned e-mail, and I can download information from her memory. Its great8an e-friend. I am never lonely and I always have someone to talk9.I would like to tell you more about life in the year 3044, but I have to send my e-friend to clean up my room. Maybe10I will be able to travel back in time and visit you.(1)A . of B . from C . in D . with (2)A . different B . difference C . differently D . differences (3)A . like B . for C . at D . up (4)A . something B . anything C . nothing D . everything (5)A . many B . a number of C . a lot of D . the number of (6)A . with B . at C . on D . doing (7)A . will happen B . happens C . happened D . is going to happen (8)A . have B . having C . to have D . has (9)A . to B . about C . with D . Both A and C (10)A . one day B . in one day C . after one day D . with one day 4. (10分)完形填空 Have you ever watched the dragon dance? How much do you know about the dragon dance? Today we will say something about it.Dragon are a (n) 1of China and the dragon dance is a form of traditional dance in Chinese culture. In the dance, a team of people 2the dragon and perform wonderful dances. 3the lion dance, this traditional dance has spread all over China and to the whole world.Traditionally, dragons are made of wood, bamboo and a special kind of cloth. So they are always quite4However, in modern times, dragons are much lighter5they are made of much lighter materials. A dragon can be of different lengths. It can be from 25 to 35 metres long for quite large parades because people 6that the longer the dragon is, the more luck it will bring. A small group cannot control a very long dragon because it7great strength and special skills.The dragon dance itself 8during the Han Dynasty and it was started by the Chinese who had great respect for the dragon. The dragon dance was already a popular event by the Song Dynasty. At that time, people could 9see it during important festivals. In the Qing Dynasty, the Dragon Dance Team of Fuzhou was invited to give a 10in Beijing. And the emperor spoke highly of it!(1)A . symbol B . animal C . character D . example (2)A . touch B . train C . carry D . produce (3)A . To B . Like C . For D . With (4)A . short B . small C . heavy D . old (5)A . so B . because C . but D . although (6)A . believe B . joke C . disagree D . promise (7)A . returns B . gives C . gets D . needs (8)A . began B . changed C . lasted D . left (9)A . still B . just C . hardly D . often (10)A . speech B . show C . concert D . report 5. (10分)完形填空Workers arent allowed to go into a big underground computer center until they step up to a machine that takes a quick picture of the tiny blood vessels (血管) inside their eyes.If the machine cant 1the picture with images in its computer, the worker is stopped by security guards (保安员).Each person has his own way of blood vessels in his or her2.And unlike a key, the way cant be3.Old-fashioned keys and locks may soon be things of the past.High-tech security devices (安全装置) are being fixed at military (军事的) bases, computer centers and banks.Companies that 4the machines say theyll someday be used in peoples homes and cars.Already, a Japanese company has fixed ways that recognize (识别) peoples fingerprints in 360 new homes.The machines open the doors only for the 5of the houses.The new security ways are selling well because thieves and robbers are getting better at breaking into buildings and computers that are 6by keys and locks.Since nobody can steal or copy a fingerprint, or ones eyes, the new machines are 7.Other new machines recognize ones voice.Two American companies use 8machines to keep an eye on their computers.Inexpensive voice-recognition machines may someday take the place of locks on cars.The doors would open only for the owners.The machines would 9the owners as little as $270.Although the up-to-date machines are amazing, scientists must still solve a serious problem.How will a boy borrow his dads car without borrowing his dads 10?(1)A . match B . fit C . compare D . share (2)A . face B . eyes C . voice D . fingerprints (3)A . borrowed B . missed C . stolen D . bought (4)A . make B . buy C . have D . copy (5)A . makers B . buyers C . sellers D . owners (6)A . connected B . collected C . prevented D . protected (7)A . safe B . unusual C . helpful D . useful (8)A . fingerprints B . voice-recognition C . locks D . eye-recognition (9)A . pay B . spend C . take D . cost (10)A . face B . voice C . fingers D . photo 6. (10分)完形填空 How do teenagers get along with their parents? We had a1with students from different schools several days ago. Quite a few of them said they loved their parents very much, but they didnt think they got on well2their parents. Some people may think only school children do not agree with their parents, 3, it is not true. Communication is a problem for parents and children of all ages. If its4for you to communicate with your parents, dont worry about it. Here is some5for you to build a bridge between you and your parents. Stop arguing with your parentsTry not to6with your parents. Arguing is not love. Dont talk to your parents when you are7. Your parents probably wont think about your ideas if you are shouting at them. And you cant express(表达)yourself8if you are angry. Take some time to find out9you are unhappy. Then10what you want to say. If you dont think you can speak to your parents at the moment, try it later. Learn from your parentsYour parents are much older than you are, so they have more11doing things. Its helpful to listen to their suggestions. Try to understand your parentsYour parents are people who love you best. Sometimes they stop you doing what you love to do, thats not because they dont love you. 12, thats because they love you so much and they care about you a lot. II you understand this, it will be13for you to feel their love. A good relationship(关系)with your parents can make you a happy person. It also14a happy family. Go for it! Its never too early for15to have it. (1)A . drink B . talk C . game D . meal (2)A . in B . with C . for D . at (3)A . because B . so C . however D . although (4)A . simple B . interesting C . exciting D . difficult (5)A . advice B . paper C . water D . money (6)A . argue B . play C . talk D . stay (7)A . happy B . mad C . busy D . free (8)A . good B . nice C . well D . fine (9)A . what B . which C . where D . why (10)A . hear about B . take away C . end up D . think about (11)A . freedom B . experience C . money D . food (12)A . Except B . Besides C . Instead D . Even (13)A . stronger B . friendlier C . easier D . harder (14)A . takes B . makes C . buys D . gets (15)A . him B . her C . you D . them 7. (10分)完形填空 Getting kids to love sports is good for them. Children need at least one1of physical(身体的) activity every day, and maybe doing sports 2a good way to get this.3some kids hardly ever do sports. They think they are 4, so they dont need to exercise,5can you let your kid love sports?Here are a few ways which can 6you.Show your kid as 7sports as you can. If he or she doesnt 8much interest in baseball, soccer or basketball, try 9, skating or running. He or she may 10his or her favorite one.Watch all kinds of sports. Sometimes letting your kid 11sports on TV can be a good way. Kids may like some sports 12they see how people do them. But dont push(逼迫) your kid to be on a team if he or she 13wants.Read books and magazines about 14with your kid. Buy such books and magazines 15your kid and read every story to him or her.(1)A . minute B . hour C . day D . week (2)A . were B . was C . are D . is (3)A . Or B . So C . But D . And (4)A . healthy B . busy C . lazy D . smart (5)A . How B . Why C . When D . Where (6)A . see B . agree C . help D . hear (7)A . few B . many C . little D . much (8)A . make I B . try C . show D . decide (9)A . reading B . drawing C . writing D . swimming (10)A . find B . need C . want D . ask (11)A . show B . look C . watch D . play (12)A . if B . before C . although D . because (13)A . always B . often C . almost D . never (14)A . teams B . sports C . programs D . games (15)A . to B . of C . for D . on 8. (10分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。I put my sunglasses on and took a deep breath. We began to walk down the street on her first day of school with her hand held tightly in mine. I knew she would be crying in a few minutes, because she always did that when she was1 about a new environment.On the way to school, I told her repeatedly how2 her new school life would be and expected she would feel3 . But when she saw the massive group of students everywhere, her face at once fell and the tears (眼泪) came into her eyes. You can do this, sweetie. Everyone has a place in line; lets go to find yours.We lined up to enter the school. Just as she was about to hold on to my leg, her friend from preschool stood next to her. Suddenly, she became4 and reached out for her friends hand. And as the teacher began to5 them all into the school, she wasnt crying, but smiling.Honestly, I was6 to say goodbye when I saw those little feet walk into that big building. I hid the tears behind my sunglasses and waved my hand as she walked inside.All day I7 what she was doing. As I waited to pick her up, I felt like a child standing in line to8 Santa. She came out with her hand waving and her arms outstretched (伸展). I didnt cry again, Mommy, she said,9 hugging (拥抱) me and showing me her backpack full of goodies.During two hours of listening to the details of her day, we laughed and talked about all the10she had. And just like her, I didnt cry again either, I knew my daughter has grown up.(1)A . crazy B . careful C . curious D . nervous (2)A . amazing B . comfortable C . valuable D . important (3)A . safe B . relaxed C . lucky D . proud (4)A . confident B . silent C . active D . serious (5)A . walk B . send C . drive D . push (6)A . brave B . unwilling C . happy D . natural (7)A . followed B . asked C . watched D . wondered (8)A . calm B . feel C . meet D . thank (9)A . shyly B . excitedly C . politely D . suddenly (10)A . experiences B . classes C . students D . teachers 9. (10分)完形填空 In the years, I will be 24 years old. Our city will be a1living place then. There will be many tall buildings and trees. Many people will visit our2. Almost every family will have one or two solar(太阳能的)cars. People will3their cars to work every day. The libraries will have more computers, and people can 4books on them. The restaurants will have robot waiters to bring you 5. Schools will have more teachers from England to6you English. With the7of new transportation(交通方式), travel will be fast. You can only need two8to get to Africa! Machines and robots will do heavy and difficult jobs9we will have more time. What do you think? Do you think this idea about life10will come true?(1)A . sad B . good C . little D . dark (2)A . class B . school C . city D . church (3)A . drive B . push C . sell D . wave (4)A . lose B . pay C . read D . carry (5)A . ship B . wallet C . work D . food (6)A . teach B . touch C . make D . believe (7)A . stop B . help C . price D . jam (8)A . years B . months C . weeks D . hours (9)A . because B . or C . so D . but (10)A . in the past B . in the future C . this year D . around the world 10. (10分)完形填空。It is Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Green are at home 1their two children.2is their son, Jim. 3is their daughter, Kate. They 4have classes today. They are 5chess in their room. They are 6happy. Mr. Green is 7a book in the living room. 8is Mrs. Green? 9is in the kitchen(厨房).She is cooking(烹调) lunch 10the family.What a happy family!(1)A . about B . in C . with D . at (2)A . He B . Jim C . This D . One (3)A . Other B . Another C . The other D . All the other (4)A . not B . mustnt C . cant D . dont (5)A . making B . playing C . playing with D . play (6)A . much B . very much C . very D . too (7)A . looking B . seeing C . watching D . reading (8)A . Where B . Why C . When D . Who (9)A . He B . She C . Her D . Hers (10)A . at B . on C . for D . with 第 24 页 共 24 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共10题;共115分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、

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