九年级上学期英语期中考试试卷(不含听力音频)A卷 .doc

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九年级上学期英语期中考试试卷(不含听力音频)A卷 一、 听下面五段对话,每段对话后有1个小题,请从题中所给的A、B、 (共5题;共5分)1. (1分)What does the womans brother like? A . Going shopping.B . Playing sports.C . Taking photos.2. (1分)听对话,选出正确的一项。 A . Every week.B . Once a month.C . Twice a month.3. (1分)How long has the man worked there? A . About five years.B . Since the market opened.C . Since he came here.4. (1分)Why doesnt the mans father like the city? A . He likes to live alone.B . He likes the country life.C . He hates the noise.5. (1分)Where is the department store? A . On the left.B . On Center Street.C . Between the bank and the post office.二、 听下面两段较长对话,每段对话后有2至3个小题,请从题中所给的 (共2题;共5分)6. (2分)听下面一段对话,回答问题。 (1)Whats the machine used for? A . Cutting apples.B . Holding food.C . Cutting vegetables.(2)How long has the woman had the machine? A . For two weeks.B . For two days.C . For twenty days.7. (3分)听材料,回答小题。 (1)What happened to Bob? A . He failed a test.B . He lost a book.C . He didnt finish his homework.(2)Where will they meet after school? A . In the classroom.B . In the library.C . In the dining hall.三、 听下面一段独白,独白后有5个小题,请从题中所给的A、B、C三 (共1题;共10分)8. (10分)听材料,选择最佳答案 (1)Whats Jacks telephone number? A . 367 297.B . 673 479.C . 673 297.(2)Where is Jack from? A . America.B . England.C . France.(3)Jacks father is A . a-hotel managerB . a maths teacherC . an English teacher(4)How old is Betty? A . 10 years old.B . 11 years old.C . 12 years old.(5)Jack and Jim are A . classmatesB . brothersC . cousins四、 完形填空(本题有15小题;每小题1分,共15分) (共1题;共15分)9. (15分)阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 When I was in the third grade, I was picked to be the princess( 公主) in the school play. For weeks my mother helped me practice. I did very well at home, but once on stage(舞台) ,every word1from my head. One day, my teacher told me she had written a narrators(叙述者) part for the play , and asked me to change 2I didnt tell my mother what had happened that day, 3she sensed my unhappiness and asked if I wanted to take a walk in the yard.It was a lovely spring day. We could see golden dandelions (蒲公英) everywhere. Im going to 4all these wild plants, my mother said. From now on, well have only roses in this garden.But I like dandelions, I said. All flowers are 5even dandelions !My mother looked at me 6. Yes. Every flower gives pleasure in its own way, doesnt it? she asked thoughtfully. I nodded. And that is true of people, too, she added. Not everyone can be a princess, but there is no 7in that. When I realised that she had guessed my pain, I started to cry and told her what had happened.She listened and smiled. But you will be a beautiful narrator, she said, reminding (使想起) me of how much I 8to read stories aloud to her.Over the next few weeks, 9her encouragement, I learned to take pride in the role. The big day finally came and I felt very 10. A few minutes before the play, my teacher gave me a dandelion and said, Your mother asked me to give this to you. Looking at it and thinking of our talk in the yard ,I didnt fear anymore.(1)A . produced B . recalled C . disappeared D . continued (2)A . roles B . schools C . clothes D . seats (3)A . unless B . since C . so D . but (4)A . put up B . dig up C . fix up D . make up (5)A . wild B . beautiful C . usual D . endangered (6)A . seriously B . sadly C . strangely D . coldly (7)A . fun B . choice C . truth D . shame (8)A . cared B . forgot C . loved D . regretted (9)A . for B . with C . on D . under (10)A . excited B . relaxed C . angry D . nervous 五、 阅读理解(本题有13小题;每小题2分,共26分) (共4题;共26分)10. (6分)阅读下列图表,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子。 Changsha South Hong Kong West Kowloon G6113 07:38 10:36Business Class: 15 pieces First Class: available Second Class: available G79 15:41 18:58Business Class: no ticket First Class: 10 pieces Second Class: available G99 18:59 22:29Business Class: no ticket First Class: 8 pieces Second Class: availableTicket Price: (Business:¥1640 First: ¥848 Second: ¥529)Full price(150cm)Half price(120cm150cm )Free(120)(1)How long does it take from Changsha to Hong Kong by high-speed train? A . About seven hours.B . About three hours.C . About six hours.(2)If you want to have lunch in Hong Kong, which one should you choose to take? A . G6113.B . G99.C . G79.(3)Mr. And Mrs. Liu plan to take their son(1.0 m tall) and daughter(1.45m tall) to Hong Kong in first class, how much should they pay? A . 2544 yuan.B . 1696 yuan.C . 2120 yuan.11. (6分)阅读理解 At my primary school, I was one of the smartest kids there. I never studied, but always got perfect scores. I thought I was born clever. At least I believed so. I was also a prodigy in music according to myself. I could sing better than almost everyone else in my school. I was pretty sure that once I got to the sixth grade, everyone would be surprised by me.But actually, they werent.When I arrived at my new class, I couldnt wait to show everyone what I could do. However, there was always someone else who could do better than me. My grades began to suffer. More talented(有天资的)girls often sang solos(独唱). I believed I wasnt smart. I believed I wasnt talented. I believed I was a failure.Over the next two years, I had to work very hard. Every prize for the best singer was given to me for hard work and effort. Grades were still very poor but they improved little by little. I worked really hard. However, I was never the best at everything.I havent realized until recently that I really dont have to be the best at everything. I was too hard on myself. In fact, when I did badly in a test, my classmates never laughed at me.No one is perfect. There will probably always be someone better than me at something. Anyway, there are about seven billion people in this world. I will never be the No.1 at everything, and thats really okay.(1)What does the underlined part a prodigy probably mean in English? A . A smart kid.B . A crazy fan.C . A common child.D . A lazy girl.(2)When the writer was at the new class, _. A . she lost her interest in musicB . she had difficulty in learningC . she surprised everyone in the classD . she got separated from her friends(3)What has the writer realized recently? A . There is no success without effort.B . Being talented is the key to success.C . Dont expect too much of yourself.D . Its not necessary to care about the result.(4)Which would be the best title for this passage? A . When I wasnt perfectB . My past life as a young girlC . Hard work doesnt workD . What to do when youre not perfect12. (6分)阅读理解 No one knows when the first kite was made. The first record of a kite was more than 2,000 years ago in China. Han Xin, the leader of an army, wanted to bring down a king. He decided to dig a tunnel(隧道) into the kings palace. He flew a kite over the wall of the palace to make sure the length(长度) of its string(线). In this way, he could determine how long the tunnel should be. His men in the tunnel took the kite string with them. When they reached the end of the string, they started to dig up.Kites have been flown in Japan for hundreds of years. In the 1700s, kites were flown in autumn to give thanks for a good harvest. They were also flown to send good wishes to couples who had their first son. Today in Japan, kites are often flown as part of a celebration, such as the beginning of a new year. And kite festivals are held each year in many parts of the country.Kites have been used for scientific purposes in the Western world. In 1752, Benjamin Franklin tied a key to a kite and flew it in a storm to find out that lightening was a form of electricity. In the 1890s, Lawrence Hargrave invented box kites to test ideas about flight. From 1898 until 1933, the United States Weather Bureau (气象局) used box kites to collect weather data. The Wright brothers also experimented (试验) with kites. What they learnt helped them make the first airplane flight in 1903.(1)Why did Han Xin want to dig a tunnel? A . To pull down the palace.B . To fight against the king.C . To search for the kings treasure.D . To find out the length of the kite string.(2)What does the underlined word determine in Paragraph 1 probably mean in Chinese? A . 测定B . 选择C . 了解D . 考察(3)One of the purposes of flying kites in Japan is .A . to give thanks for a good harvest in summerB . to express good wishes to the first-born daughterC . to celebrate the beginning of a new yearD . to hold kite festivals all over the country(4)When did the United States Weather Bureau begin to use box kites? A . In 1752.B . In 1898.C . In 1903.D . In 1933.(5)What would be the best title for the text? A . The history of kitesB . The experiments of kitesC . The invention of a kiteD . The first record of a kite13. (8分)阅读理解 In the United States, when one becomes rich, he wants people to know it. And even if he does not become very rich, he wants people to think that he is. That is what keeping up with the Joneses is about, It is the story of someone who tried to look as rich as his neighbours.The expression was first used in 1913 by a young American called Arthur Momand. He told this story about himself. He began earning $ 125 a week at the age of 23. That was a lot of money in those days. He got married and moved with his wife to a very wealthy neighbourhood outside New York City. When he saw that rich people rode horses, Momand went horseback riding every day. When he saw that rich people had servants. Momand and his wife also hired a servant and gave big parties for their new neighbours.It was like a race, but one could never finish this race because one was always trying to keep up. The race ended for Momand and his wife when they could no longer pay for their new way of life. They moved back to an apartment in New York City.Momand looked around him and noticed that many people do things just to keep up with rich life-style of their neighbours. He saw the funny side of it and started to write a series (系列) of short stories, He called it Keeping up with the Joneses because Jones is a very common name in the United States. Keeping up with the Joneses came to mean keeping up with rich lifestyle of the people around you. Momands series appeared in different newspapers across the country for over 28 years.People never seem to get tired of keeping up with the Joneses. And there are Jonses in every city of the world. But one must get tired of trying to keep up with the Joneses because no matter what one does, Mr. Jones always seems to be ahead.(1)Some people want to keep up with the Joneses because they _. A . want to be as rich as their neighboursB . want others to know or to think that they are richC . dont want others to know they are richD . want to be happy(2)It can be inferred from the story that rich people like to _. A . live outside New York CityB . live in New York CityC . live in apartmentsD . have many neighbours(3)The underlined word neighbourhood in the second paragraph means _. A . a person who lives near anotherB . people living in an areaC . an area near the place referred toD . an area in another town or city(4)Arthur Momand used the name Jones in his series of short stories because Jones is _. A . an important nameB . a popular name in the United StatesC . his neighbours nameD . not a good name(5)According to the writer, it is _ to keep up with the Joneses. A . correctB . interestingC . impossibleD . good六、 任务型阅读(本题有4小题;每小题1分,共4分) (共1题;共4分)14. (4分)阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容,从短文后方框内的选项中选出能填入文中空白处的最佳选项。(提示:每个选项只用一次,选项中有一项为多余选项) Now students English handwriting(书写)gets worse and worse. That makes their teachers feel worried. Is your English handwriting beautiful?_Use paper with linesWhen you write English words or sentences, you can use paper with lines. That will make your handwriting straight._Be sure to fill the lined space completely. And make sure these capital letters (大写字母) are written properly.Slow downIf your writing is hard to read, just slow down a little._If you write too quickly, its hard for you to stop where you should, and you may make more mistakes easily._When you hold your pencil in the correct way, writing is much better. Some kids press down really hard when they write. That makes the handwriling bad. Try to be relaxed and dont hold the pencil so hard. Let your writing appear nice and clean. If you do so, people will guess you are a student with a good habit.Draw more pictures_While you are drawing pictures, you need to use the skills to cuntrol (控制) your pencil better. Even though you have no chance to draw at school, you can practice by drawing at home.Handwriting is very important. Imagine you are a famous movie star or a well-known sports player, whad do you do when your fans run up to you? Givethem your autographs (亲笔签名) , of course! A. If not, here are four steps that really work!B. Hold your pencil rightC. Drawing can improve your handwriting.D. We will try to learn English well.E. Going slower makes your handwriting clearer.F. Those lines on the paper can help you to write words in the right size.七、 单词拼写(本题有10小题;每小题1分,共10分) (共1题;共10分)15. (10分)Do you like her? Yes, we a_ like her. 八、 语法填空(本题有10小题;每小题1分,共10分) (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)根据上下文意思用所给单词的适当形式填空或者填入所缺单词。 Great inventions change the world. They help people live _better life. The wheel is perhaps the _(great) invention in history. After its invention, travelling became faster and _(comfortable). Without the wheel, we would not have carriages, trains and _(car). In 1867, the telephone, one of the most _(practice) inventions, was invented. Alexander Graham Bell was its _(invent). Since then, people _(be) able to speak to each other over long distances. Mobile phones allow people to keep in touch _each other anytime, anywhere. Thomas Edison _(develop) the practical light bulb in 1879. With light bulbs, people can do as many things in the evenings _they can in the daytime.九、 书面表达(本题15分) (共1题;共15分)17. (15分)假如你叫李明,下面是你校将举行英语晚会的海报。请你根据海报内容写一封邀请信, 邀请你的外国朋友Frank与你一起参加这场晚会。英语晚会时间:2016年7月5日晚,7点30分地点:英语俱乐部活动内容:用英语聊天、观看学生表演、互换小礼物、交朋友提供:水果和饮料.提示:也可自带食物写作要求: 80词以上(信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数); 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书面整洁。Dear Frank,How is everything?第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 听下面五段对话,每段对话后有1个小题,请从题中所给的A、B、 (共5题;共5分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、 听下面两段较长对话,每段对话后有2至3个小题,请从题中所给的 (共2题;共5分)6-1、6-2、7-1、7-2、三、 听下面一段独白,独白后有5个小题,请从题中所给的A、B、C三 (共1题;共10分)8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、8-5、四、 完形填空(本题有15小题;每小题1分,共15分) (共1题;共15分)9-1、五、 阅读理解(本题有13小题;每小题2分,共26分) (共4题;共26分)10-1、10-2、10-3、11-1、11-2、11-3、11-4、12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、六、 任务型阅读(本题有4小题;每小题1分,共4分) (共1题;共4分)14-1、七、 单词拼写(本题有10小题;每小题1分,共10分) (共1题;共10分)15-1、八、 语法填空(本题有10小题;每小题1分,共10分) (共1题;共10分)16-1、九、 书面表达(本题15分) (共1题;共15分)17-1、

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