牛津深圳版七上英语Module 3 Travels unit6 travelling around Asia单元测试B卷.doc

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牛津深圳版七上英语Module 3 Travels unit6 travelling around Asia单元测试B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 词汇测试。选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 (共8题;共16分)1. (2分)In China, people believe the dragon is the _ of good luck and success. A . pictureB . symbolC . hopeD . wish2. (2分)If you are _, you feel calm, comfortable, and not worried or annoyed. A . relaxedB . excitedC . busy3. (2分)I think that you need to eat sweets and more fruit.A . fewB . fewerC . littleD . less4. (2分)Ive finished my homework _. A . yetB . alreadyC . everD . never5. (2分)Some people waste too much water. They dont believe that it can _ some day. A . keep outB . run outC . be run outD . hand out6. (2分)Hi, Bob! I cant find my story book. Have you seen it?Sorry, I havent. Why not ask Jim? Perhaps hes seen it _.A . anywhereB . everywhereC . nowhereD . somewhere7. (2分)Lisa wants to _ us her new pictures.A . showB . teachC . draw8. (2分)You look nice _ the pink dress. A . wearB . put onC . inD . on二、 选出恰当的词语完成句子。 (共7题;共14分)9. (2分)一 Did you pass the test?一 Yes, Im very for your adviceA . thankfulB . carefulC . usefulD . helpful10. (2分)I always play basketball after school. I think its very _. A . interestingB . boringC . difficultD . right11. (2分)When did your brother _ the army?A . join B . join in C . take part in12. (2分)I like teachers who are amusing and can laugh with their students.A . funnyB . seriousC . strict13. (2分)Lao She is the_of Tea House(茶馆).A . doctorB . actorC . scientistD . writer14. (2分)How soon will he come back?_.A . After three daysB . In a week C . On FridayD . Next month15. (2分)Lets have oranges. _.A . Thats sound goodB . That sound goodC . That sounds good三、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分)阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 Resi and I walked to school together every morning. We linked up with some of the other village children. It was 1945 in Germany, and this was a1thing because of the war.Sometimes Resi and I took a shortcut, a little path 2a meadow(草地). One day, we saw a young stranger, chopping wood in the side yard of a house. We walked away quickly, 3who he was.The next morning, there he was. He didnt seem to notice us,4we were only a few feet away. Again we stared, then ran away.Resi said that he was one of a small group of Americans being captured(俘虏) by the German army .We werent afraid, just5. He looked nice.One morning some days later, the American 6from his woodpile. He smiled and said, Hi.We didnt know any English. So, as usual, we ran away.From then on, 7we passed by, we would find the American working in the yard, almost as if he was 8us. Every day, he waved and repeated his Hi. We waved back and said Hi 9.After another week, another 10English word Bye-bye. We laughed and parroted it back: Bye-bye.Later, the man came closer to the fence, and said, Frankie.Resi and I became quite 11with our Hi, Frankie; byebye, Frankie morning routine.Sometimes he would be singing. You are my sunshine . he sang over and over,12, until we could sing the whole song.One morning, Resi and I arrived, but there was no Frankie. We looked 13. No Frankie. We never saw him again.Years later, at a picnic with our American relatives, 14started singing, You are my sunshine Of course I remembered the words, and I 15joined in. I told them about Frankie. And to this day, whenever I hear the song, I remember Frankie and the wonderful legacy he left us: our first English lesson and many happy memories.(1)A . pleasure B . peace C . safety D . secret (2)A . along B . among C . across D . around (3)A . wondering B . telling C . knowing D . noticing (4)A . but B . though C . if D . unless (5)A . pleased B . curious C . creative D . imaginative (6)A . looked at B . looked around C . looked into D . looked up (7)A . however B . wherever C . whoever D . whenever (8)A . looking for B . talking to C . waiting for D . listening to (9)A . in return B . in turns C . in short D . in fact (10)A . familiar B . mysterious C . boring D . pleasant (11)A . nervous B . comfortable C . curious D . afraid (12)A . slowly B . quietly C . gently D . quickly (13)A . somewhere B . everywhere C . nowhere D . anywhere (14)A . no one B . anyone C . everyone D . someone (15)A . unwillingly B . happily C . sadly D . carefully 四、 阅读理解。 (共5题;共44分)17. (10分) Jack drives a school busHis bus is different from other school buses because it doesnt carry childrenJacks bus takes dogs to school in the morning and brings them home at nightJack takes the dogs to “The Dog School”.There four men teach the dogs to obey(服从)and protect(保护)their ownersAll kinds of dogs go to the schoollarge dogs,small dogs,young dogs and old dogs Jack says that young dogs are the easiest to teach,but the old ones can learn,tooDo you have a dog? Maybe it would like to go to “The Dog School”(1)Jack _A . is a bus driverB . has a school for dogsC . keeps a dog in his houseD . teaches children at school(2)Which kind of dogs are easy to teach? _A . Old dogsB . Young dogsC . Large dogs.D . Hot dogs(3)Jack teaches the dogs to_A . run awayB . go to bedC . eat foodD . protect their owners(4)At night the dogs sleep _A . on a busB . at a hospitalC . at the schoolD . in their own home(5)The best title of the passage is_A . A School for DogsB . Taking Children to SchoolC . How to Find DogsD . How to Drive a Bus18. (10分)阅读理解Lost: My watch.Its red.My name is Tony.Please call: 568-60347Lost: My baseball.My name is Jack.Please call: 528-77923Found: Backpack.Is this your backpack?Please call Jane.Phone 396-12653Found: Notebook.Is this your notebook?Please call Sonia.Phone 828-66789(1)Who(谁)lost a watch? A . SoniaB . JackC . JaneD . Tony(2)Is the baseball Jacks(杰克的)? A . Yes, it isB . No, it isntC . No, its JanesD . We dont know(不知道).(3)What color is Tonys watch? A . Black.B . Green.C . Red.D . Yellow.(4)You can call _ for backpack. A . TonyB . JackC . SoniaD . Jane(5)Whats Sonias phone number? A . 396-12653B . 528-77923C . 568-60347D . 828-6678919. (10分)阅读理解My name is Liu Ying . Im a Chinese girl. I study in Yuhua Middle School. Every morning I get up at 6:00. I have breakfast at 6:30. I go to school at 7:30 a.m. Classes begin at 8:00 a.m. We have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. I have lunch in the school canteen(餐厅) at 11:50 a.m. Afternoon classes start at 12:30 and end at 2:30 p.m. After school we often play games. I get home at about 4:00 p.m. I have dinner at 5:30 p.m. In the evening I do my homework. Sometimes I watch TV. I go to bed at about 10:00 p.m. (1)How old is Liu Ying? A . 13B . 14C . 12D . We dont know.(2)Liu Ying has lunch _. A . at homeB . at 12:30C . at schoolD . at home at 11:50 a.m.(3)How many classes do they have every day? A . 4B . 5C . 7D . 6(4)After school they often _. A . go home directly (直接地)B . do their homeworkC . play gamesD . watch TV(5)In the evening she _. A . do houseworkB . do her homeworkC . watch TVD . B and C20. (8分)根据短文内容选择正确答案。BShu Pulong has helped at least 1000 people bitten by snakes. “It was seeing people with snake bites that led me to this career,” he said.In 1963, after his army service, Shu entered a medical school and later became a doctor of Chinese medicine. As part of his studies he had to work in the mountains. There he often heard of people who had their arms and legs cut off after a snake bite in order to save their lives.“I was greatly upset when they told me the story of an old farmer I met. It was a very hot afternoon. The old man was pulling grass in his fields when he felt a pain in his left hand. He at once realized he had been bitten by a poisonous snake. In no time he wrapped(缠绕)a cloth tightly around his arm to stop the poison(毒)getting to his heart. Running home he shouted, Bring me the knife Minutes later the man lost his arm forever.”“The heartbroken story touched me so much that I decided to devote myself to helping people bitten by snakes.” Shu added, “I worked very hard and tried my best to make a good snake doctor.” And at last he made it.(1)The best headline(标题)for this newspaper article is .A . Amazing MedicineB . Farmer Loses ArmC . Dangerous BitesD . Snake Doctor(2)Shu decided to devote himself to snake medicine because .A . he wanted to save peoples arms and legsB . he had studied it at a medical schoolC . he had seen snakes biting people D . his army service had finished(3)Why did Shu go into the mountains?A . He wanted to study snake bites.B . He wanted to help the farmers.C . He was being trained to be a doctor. D . He was expected to serve in the army.(4)Which of the following can explain the word upset in the third paragraph?A . sadB . surprisedC . interestedD . frightened21. (6分)根据短文理解,选择正确答案。Many people go to school for an education. They learn languages, history, geography, physics, chemistry and mathematics. Others go to school to learn a skill so that they can make a living. School education is very important and useful. Yet no one can learn everything from school; no matter how much the teacher knows, he cannot teach his students everything they want to know. The teachers job is to show his students how to learn. He teaches them how to read and how to think. So much more is to be learned outside school by the students themselves.It is always more important to study by oneself than to memorize some facts or a formula(公式).It is actually quite easy to learn a certain fact in history or a formula in mathematics. But it is very difficult to use a formula in working out a maths problem. Great scientists, such as Einstein, Newton and Galileo didnt get everything from school. But they were all so successful. They invented so many things for mankind. The reason for their success is that they knew how to study. They read books that were not taught at school. They worked hard all their lives, wasting not a single moment. They would ask many questions at what they read and they did thousands of experiments.(1)What do many people go to school for?A . Teaching.B . Books.C . Learning languages.D . An education(2)The teachers job is to teach _.A . everything the students want to knowB . students everything he knowsC . students some facts or formulasD . students the methods of learning(3)Einstein, Newton and Galileo did so many things for mankind because _.A . they learned a lot at schoolB . they learned everything inside and outside schoolC . they were so usefulD . they went to college and learned from professors五、 语法填空。 (共1题;共10分)22. (10分)填写单词,补全短文。Look at Li Ming. He is_Guangzhou. He is thirteen years_ . Now he is in Guangzhou Yuying Junior High School. He is in Class Six,_Seven. His phone_is (020)3868-9608.Li Ming and Sally are good friends. They are in the same class,_not the same age. She is twelve. Shes from Canada. Li Ming _got a basketball. Sally often_with him. Now Sally and her mother are in the same school._mother is _English teacher. The students likes her lesson. Li Ming and Sally are good_.六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)不同的人喜欢和不喜欢不同的颜色,运动和食物。请介绍一下你和你朋友的喜好。不少于60词。 第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 词汇测试。选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 (共8题;共16分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、二、 选出恰当的词语完成句子。 (共7题;共14分)9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、三、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)16-1、四、 阅读理解。 (共5题;共44分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、21-1、21-2、21-3、五、 语法填空。 (共1题;共10分)22-1、六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)23-1、

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