人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期英语第一次月考试卷(II )卷.doc

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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期英语第一次月考试卷(II )卷一、 单项选择。请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)(2015梅州)World Reading Day is _ April 23. Its _special day that was founded in 1995 by the UN.A . on; a B . In; a C . on; an D . in; /2. (2分)They want to play a trick on her.A . prizeB . jokeC . price3. (2分)Do you often get online? Yes, I _ lots of time on it. Its a good way to kill time.A . costB . spendC . takeD . use4. (2分) Tom, look at those two girls!Oh, they look_ because they are twin sisters.A . differentB . specialC . similar5. (2分)She still failed in the exam, she tried her best.A . thoughB . becauseC . ifD . or6. (2分)I dont know if he_ to my party, but Ill ask him about it when he _ to school soon. A . comes; will comeB . will come; will comeC . comes; comesD . will come; comes7. (2分) Do you often go swimming in summer?No, _.Swimming is a good kind of sports, but I cant swim. A . sometimesB . oftenC . alwaysD . never8. (2分)None of my friends _at 10, so I realized it was a trick and felt really embarrassed.A . showed upB . ended upC . ate upD . looked up9. (2分)What do you think of your boss? He always work hard and he is _ late for work. A . usuallyB . oftenC . hardly everD . many times10. (2分)_ you find _ways to work out this problem, Jim?Yes, I _.A . Could; another; couldB . Can; another; canC . Could; other; canD . Can; other; could二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)11. (15分)阅读下面短文,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。I have five children, so our house is always noisy. 1, I love gardening and my garden helps me relax.For a long time, I 2the garden of peace and quiet. When the children followed me into the garden, I would expect 3to be out of sight. And I would hand out tasks.Here: you 4the onions, you dig the holes, and Soon they would be 5or their arms would be sore, and they would leave me to myself.But during a recent spring, 6I was working in the garden, my 13-year-old son, Josiah noticed me. He 7a tool and began helping. Working as a team, we finished the job in no time at all. I 8Josiah, realizing that Id enjoyed working with him.The same thing happened-one or two of the 9would appear and join in the gardening from time to time. Each time, I would feel 10that the work was lighter because of their help.One day, when I was picking the peas(豌豆) and having a taste 11, Abby saw me and ran over. I put several peas into her mouth. She just loved how 12they were.Mama, I want the others to try them too.Suddenly, I realized I had been wrong for long, Id tried to keep the 13of gardening to myself, and here was a child who couldnt wait to 14with others, Sure, honey, lets pick some. Well make a wonderful supper.Now I enjoy all of the gardens beauties with the children. We bring the 15back home, preparing and cooking the produce together, because we know that everything is better when shared.(1)A . Finally B . Quickly C . luckily D . Immediately (2)A . painted B . guarded C . refused D . described (3)A . it B . him C . her D . them (4)A . water B . eat C . sell D . cook (5)A . hot B . shy C . sorry D . nervous (6)A . so B . if C . while D . unless (7)A . waited for B . picked up C . pointed at D . looked after (8)A . hated B . forgot C . saved D . thanked (9)A . friends B . children C . visitors D . neighbors (10)A . bored B . silly C . afraid D . surprised (11)A . alone B . sadly C . together D . instead (12)A . safe B . tasty C . famous D . expensive (13)A . tradition B . standard C . happiness D . background (14)A . live B . agree C . work D . share (15)A . meat B . bread C . fruits D . drinks 三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共38分)12. (10分)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。Hello, everyone(每个人)! My name is Bob. I live in Toronto, Canada. Its a very beautiful city. My parents are from France. They speak French. And I can speak English and French.I am 13 years old and my birthday is in November. Im a middle school student. There are thirteen girls and fifteen boys in my class. They are from five countries. They all come to learn English. There are eight Chinese students in my class and six of them are my good friends. I like China very much because it is a great country. I want to learn Chinese. And I want to go to China.(1)Where is Bob from?A . France.B . Canada.C . China.(2)How many students are there in Bobs class?A . Thirteen.B . Fifteen.C . Twenty-eight.(3)What does Bob want to do?A . He wants to go to China.B . He wants to learn English.C . He wants to go to France.(4)What languages can Bob speak?A . English and Chinese.B . English and French.C . Chinese and English.(5)How many Chinese friends does Bob have?A . Five.B . Six.C . Eight.13. (8分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Tu Youyou, aged 85, is a medical scientist at the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine. she has just become the first Chinese woman to win a Nobel prize, for helping discover artemisinin, a new kind of medicine known as Qing-hao-su in Chinese in 1971 and dihydroartemisinin, used also to treat malaria(疟疾).The discovery of “Qing-hao-su” and its use in treating malaria are regarded as the most important breakthrough(突破) in tropical medicine in the 20th century. It is also a major health improvement for people in developing tropical countries in south Asia, Africa, and South America.This is the first time her work has been widely recognized in China, and it also marks the first time China has won a Nobel prize in the sciences.The last time a Chinese national won a Nobel Prize was in 2012, when Mo Yan got the literature award.Tu also received several medical awards in the past including the 2011 Lasker Award in Clinical Medicine for the same achievements.Tu was the first native Chinese who was educated and works in China to win the Lasker award, too.(1)Tu Youyou was born in _.A . 1920B . 1930C . 1940D . 1950(2)Tus discovery is mainly used in _A . Africa, Asia or South AmericaB . Africa, South Europe or South AmericaC . Africa, South Asia or South AmericaD . Africa, South Europe or America(3)_ Chinese national won the Noble Prize in the sciences.A . OneB . TwoC . ThreeD . Four(4)Tu won another medical award called Lasker Award in_.A . 1971B . 2011C . 2012D . 201514. (10分) If the eyes are the windows of the soul, then the body is the mirror of our feelings. If we are feeling great, we may give our body signals(信号). If we look at someone elses body, we can often tell how they are feeling by their body signals. So reading body language signals is a great tool in daily communication.In case(假使) you dont think that learning how to read and use body language is important, here are some numbers for you. 7% of the information we receive is from what people actually say, and 38% of the information we receive is from the tone(语气) and the speed of their voice; while 55% of the information we receive is from their body language.These non-verbal(非口头的) signals will help you a lot, but you still need to focus on what people are saying. If you focus too much on their body language signals, you and the person may feel uncomfortable. It is useful to be able to read peoples body language, but it is useful to learn how to send the right signals and avoid the wrong signals too. Body language may be given several interpretations. Many signals have different meanings, depending on the person and the situation. Be sure of it when you are trying to read a body language signal.(1)The numbers mentioned in the second paragraph are to _.A . explain what body language isB . show the importance of body languageC . tell us body language is less used than verbal languageD . tell us body language is the only tool in communication(2)What is the meaning of the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?A . Body language is widely used all over the worldB . Body language can be explained in different ways.C . Its too hard to understand the meanings of body languageD . People have already looked through many books on body language.(3)According to the writer, body language is very _.A . simple to learnB . negative to be usedC . hard to understandD . helpful in communication(4)According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?A . Body language is uncomfortableB . What people are saying is not importantC . Body language can show your emotion.D . To send wrong signals is not body language(5)We can infer(推断) that the writer will most probably talk about _ next.A . what the wrong body language signals areB . examples of how to understand body language correctlyC . numbers about how many people wrongly use body languageD . an analysis (分析) of why people wrongly understand body language15. (10分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。BWhen summer is coming, you can often hear the news about the enterovirus(肠道病毒). It may not be a big deal to adults, but it has killed a lot of children.Children under 10 years old are easily infected but adults can also catch an enterovirus. If you feel sleepy, uneasy, tired and dont want to eat, you may have an enterovirus. In fact, it seems that you have caught a cold first. Its even hard for doctors to tell. But if you have blisters(水泡) in your mouth, doctors can almost be sure of it. The enterovirus is especially dangerous to children. If a child seems to have one, he or she should see a doctor right away.If you want to keep healthy and be away from the virus, here are some rules you should follow: Wash your hands often, and keep your house clean. Try not to go to the public places, like crowded night markets or hospitals. Of course, if your friends get an enterovirus, try not to contact(联系) them before they get well. If you do all these things, you will have little chance of getting it.(1)If a person gets an enterovirus, he wont feel . A . sleepyB . thirstyC . uneasyD . tired(2)Why is it hard for doctors to tell that somebody has an enterovirus? A . Because it seems that somebody has a cold first.B . Because doctors are not professional.C . Because somebody is a child.D . Because somebody doesnt have blisters in his hand.(3)How can we protect ourselves from getting the enterovirus? A . We should wash our hands often.B . We should try not to go to public places.C . We should keep our house clean.D . All of the above.(4)What does the underlined word infected mean in Chinese? A . 传播B . 感染C . 受伤D . 疼痛(5)Which of the following is Not true? A . Children under 10 years old get an enterovirus easily.B . The enterovirus is more dangerous to children than to adults.C . If you get an enterovirus once, you wont get it again.D . A child should see a doctor right away if he seems to have an enterovirus.四、 词汇运用。 (共2题;共15分)16. (5分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使对话通顺、正确。每词仅用一次(每空一词)。well, something, clear, with, tellJulie: Did you like the singing competition yesterday, Anna?Anna: Oh, it was fantastic! Nelly sang so well!Julie: Well, I think Lisa sang _ than Nelly.Anna: Which one was Lisa?Julie: The one _ shorter hair. I think she sang more _ than Nelly.Anna: Yes, but Nelly danced better than Lisa.Julie: You can _ that Lisa really wanted to win, though.Anna: Well, everyone wants to win. But the most important thing is to learn _ new and have fun.17. (10分)根据短文内容和所给的中文提示,在空白处填入单词的正确形式。每空一词。Lionel Andres Messi is one of the _(伟大的) football stars in the world. Messi was _(出生) in Rosario Argentina on June 24,1987. His father was a worker and mother was a part-time cleaner. He has two brothers and a sister. At the age of five, Messi started _(踢) football for a club. He _(训练) seven hours or more each day. He was full of energy and ran fast. He soon _(展现)his talent in playing football.Messi never gives up even if he meets difficulties. In 2006, he_(受伤) his foot badly, but he came back three months _(以后) and scored three goals in a match against Real Madrid. His fans all stood up and cheered for _(他). When asked the secret of his success,Messi said, “I am always _(工作)hard to be my best, for my team, for my fans and to try and _(赢). Playing football is part of my life.五、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)(2015黑龙江龙东)话题作文:近来网络上流行一句话:“世界上最远的距离是我在你对面,你却在看手机。”这句话真实反映了当前的社会现象,“手机控“,低头族”越来越多且呈年轻化趋势。请你以“My opinion on using the mobile phone为题针对这一现象发表个人观点,并提出改进建议。提示词:a mobile phone freak 手机控第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单项选择。请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)11-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共38分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、12-5、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、四、 词汇运用。 (共2题;共15分)16-1、17-1、五、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)18-1、

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